Sunday, May 15, 2016


We're leaving together
But still it's farewell
And maybe we'll come back
Who can tell?

Seems everyone wants to be Anonymous?

Painesville refuse Bag User's were met yesterday with a mailed envelope with no return address and the content's also didn't mention who sent it?  It's not that hard to figure out only the city and Waste Management  has those names.

The content;

City of Painesville Residents
Bag prices are going up to $21.25 with Republic Services July 1,2016


Going down to $11.25 with Waste Management

Roll of 5 will go up in cost t0 $21.25       WM roll will go down to $11.25
   (Picture Republic Bag)                                 (Picture WM Bag)

Call your City Council rep or Attend the Council meeting  MONDAY MAY 16th 7:30 and  let your voice be heard that you cannot afford a roll of bags at $21.25

Yeah like $18.75 was such a great deal? How will this company explain these lower costs? We can't screw you any longer?

Just a thought, but should the city subsidize elderly bag users? Painesville government is getting all their refuse picked up for free?  Even the THREE businesses operated by Painesville. Come on kick in, you do to just about everyone else!


When the bid wording was written-up by the city for those who wanted to bid and placed on this site, there was a section regarding recycling that stated a personal option to everyone  in the city to decide a Yes to being a part of the program or a No to not participate in this program.

As Republic Services is now (July 1) going to be our carrier, I want to know the status of the Yes & No as stated above. There are many that do not want to recycle and feel that they should not be paying for the recycle tote service  when we do not provide any recycling waste(s). Recycling and yard waste should be treated as "ala carte" on the quarterly invoice for those who choose to participate. The unlimited category should contain a section that pertains to furniture, bedding, appliances, large yard tools, and many other items that are not normal weekly trash. There should be an "ala carte" pricing for this pick-up and only when this service is set-up by a call (in advance) to Republic Services.
Long-time Painesville resident

Now I realize Painesville has an ordinance that all resident's must participate in the city's refuse collecting contract. I guess my question is where in that ordinance does it state resident's must recycle and the cost passed on to them?

This is John Miller I have replaced John Baron as TERM'S>> spokesperson!
Rest assured that as his spokesperson I have inside knowledge of all his thoughts and services he provides to all you readers here on the blog.!  Please any questions about TERM>> please email me for a concise answer for all of your concerns. TERM>> is a great guy and is a HUGE success!


At May 15, 2016 at 5:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

so does painesville have another kickback er franchise fee written into the new contract?

At May 15, 2016 at 6:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I received the anonymous letter on Saturday, and it made me wonder if this was a tactic someone from Waste Management came up with to encourage those of us who use the bag service to pressure our council reps. Perhaps mysterious letters are a legacy tactic, albeit a more peaceful one, from the bygone days when those who "controlled" trash-pickup companies used "interesting" tactics when it came to contracts for their services (for a reminder, watch certain episodes of "The Sopranos").

At May 15, 2016 at 7:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been told that if you do not live in Painesville, but buy your lottery ticket in Painesville, you have to pay a 2% tax on any winnings. Is this true?

At May 16, 2016 at 5:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello John Miller.
I guess you will have to spell it out for me.
What does "Spokesperson for TERM" mean?
Are you taking over web duties. Is TERM ill?
Please explain what all that means.
Thank you.

At May 16, 2016 at 7:31 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:36 If and when I see the contract I will let you know. Presently that might be a thing of the past.
6:22 The question to ask is what have you been doing to us in the past?
7:17 I believe lottery winning are considered income. Now to avoid this buy your ticket's in the township and live in the township. Myself If I win big myself, share the good fortune.

At May 16, 2016 at 7:35 AM , Anonymous JOHN MILLER said...

John Miller here! 5:46 No way could I ever take over the blog and fulfill his expertise. TERM does an excellent job. I want to keep him is the limelight and make sure he isn't misunderstood. I have been in the same position by my former employer Donald Trump and well you can't argue with success can you?

At May 16, 2016 at 8:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the request for proposals for the upcoming rubbish contract bids that was posted on the city's website showed a specification for weekly yard waste service. All the current news indicates bi-weekly service for yard waste. The RFP is no longer on the city website. Do you or anybody you know have a copy of the RFP that was recently posted on the website? If so, could you verify that the RFP calls for bi-weekly yard waste service?

At May 16, 2016 at 8:25 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Will try to find it but Bi-weekly yard waste was what I believe the city proposed? asking the question what kind of price increase would you be willing to pay for weekly?

At May 16, 2016 at 8:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Miller do you have any knowledge if Term will ask Painesville female residents to wear a Bikini so as he can make lewd remarks to them? Did you advise Trump to do this?

At May 16, 2016 at 9:32 AM , Anonymous JOHN MILLER said...

Mr. Miller here on the contrary, the only thing lewd TERM>> is interested in is getting a hold of some of that $100 million dollars Sheldon Adelson is poised to give Donald Trump for nothing just a gift, TERM wants a piece of the action if there are no strings attached same as Trump! So much for self-funding? What was his remark about that subject?

At May 16, 2016 at 1:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Miller? Not very original. A cross of John Murphy and your friend on Miller Court EH?

At May 17, 2016 at 8:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, I'm confused. Has the contract been awarded yet? Are we moving to Republic as of July 1st, or are we still in negotiation?

At May 17, 2016 at 9:18 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:36 No longer confused. As of July 1, 2016 Republic will be your waste hauler along with a 23% saving over our current price.
I also thought council had to vote on this issue? But in the end unlike salt purchases, police vehicles, trucks when council voted for the administration to go out for bids it gave them the right to complete the contract.

At May 18, 2016 at 12:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A council vote is required to spend City money. The CM negotiated a contract that requires us to spend our money to pay not only for our trash pick up but we also get to pay the Utilities trash bill. God Bless America.

At May 19, 2016 at 11:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So will WM be picking up their containers?

At May 19, 2016 at 5:11 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:03 I expect we will getting notification? It will come after the last day of pick-up on their daily service in June maybe they will dump and pick-up at the same time?. Republic will have to drop off before July 1, 2016. containers. Republic's contract goes in effect July, 1 2016
I understand there are some upset people at WM?


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