Monday, March 14, 2016


And give  iem a double 'elping of
rules and regulation

Another visitor at last Monday's council meeting was well we will just call him D.W.

As he came forward to the podium he smiled and stated he knew some at the front table.
He questioned the Painesville utilities especially the electric department. Now as I listened D.W. had done his homework. He first was under the impression that the utilities were under PUCO regulation, but he had learned before hand that Painesville being a Municipal utility had no oversight.

D.W. was under the impression that power could not be cut between November to April if you filed the correct paperwork?

Well D.W. electric power was cut off. Problem was his son who was sick needed electric power. Due to a medical device.

The question We all should  be asking council is what exactly is the procedure for shut-offs? Do they somewhat mirror PUCO regulations? Do they give a 24/48 hour notice? Can the person shutting off power accept a payment? Or is all rules at the wishes of the city manager and or finance director? Is there even written rules?
D.W. claimed he didn't understand the "power factor?" well D.W. join 19,000 other people and I for one have had it explained at least four times? Before you call me stupid, explain it in a thousand words or less what it is as well as it's purpose?

D.W.  also questioned why his grandmothers water bills have doubled?

Is there a time or dollar amount for a shutoff? Now I have heard rumor's that there are some in the city with utility bills in excess of $25,000 (remember CORE?) also another good reason for Ohio Checkbook.
I guess we should ask?

D.W. said he wanted to have good relationship with the council as well as the administration? I explained you get two try's to address problems in the city. The third time is strike three your done!

On another note as I sat at the Housing Task Force Meeting I listened to former City Engineer Gary Paine explain the sidewalk issue. What I learned was in not the so distant past a civil servant cared more about the resident's than an administration directive. No matter which way the conversation headed he always seemed to focus on what was best for residents. How refreshing.

Tomorrow's results?

Drumpf takes both Ohio and Florida and clear sailing to the convention. Kasich just makes to much sense for Republican's this year. They don't want a President, they want a big mouth  Teamster Business Agent. Please prove me wrong!

Just Dave will represent  the 14th again. Those Lynch ads were funny!

I see Kim being the Republican standard bearer  for commissioner with little or no help from the Lake County Republican Party.

John Murphy in a landslide!

March Madness!  Let me know your final FOUR
Kansas, Oklahoma, Xavier and Michigan State are mine


At March 14, 2016 at 3:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Much about the utilities. Does anyone know anything about the convenience store robbery on Chestnut a few days ago? Also heard of some random drive bys on Liberty and by Evergreen. But sleep well, Mr Powalie has assured us its better here. The only worries you all seem to have are well in the past.

At March 15, 2016 at 10:22 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:58 I guess I have to ask what makes you believe I know about these things? You send me information anonymously .
I checked out your story on the armed robbery at the store on Chestnut St. and yes it happened. Why no mention in the paper?
Others are aware there must have been a drive by shooting on Liberty I checked with different people.

Passing information like this on to blog. is the reason for it. But remember I need to verify what you send me.

I guess we don't know as much as many of us believe?

At March 15, 2016 at 1:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did person say 'what do you know?' No they asked if anyone heard about this. Yes it is your blog, you've made that clear in the past. But you know as well as we all do, Painesville folks visit here for information. You sound a little annoyed you didn't hear it first. I guess if we keep drinking from the KoolAid fountain and we could end up making front page news too.

At March 15, 2016 at 6:13 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:09 I guess I didn't think this through? First I believed that the comment was meant I didn't want to post those items here? Second I need not be the first to know in any situation. And it's everyone's blog. I let everyone here comment until they get abusive.
This is not some kind of a control issue for me. I hear, I verify and I post.
I don't understand your KoolAid reference?
In the future I will try to explain more clearly my thoughts.

At March 16, 2016 at 12:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

by a LANDSLIDE - Malecek, handily defeated challenger John Murphy 11,788 to 5,680. (not even close). Maybe Next Time. And there's always another run for city council in a couple years too.

At March 16, 2016 at 12:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your Spidey sense failed you this time. Yes, Just Dave will represent the 14th again. Kim is NOT the Republican standard bearer for commissioner. No landslide for John Murphy. More of an avalanche.

At March 16, 2016 at 4:44 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

12:25/12:57 Bad day all around for the Lake County Liberty Coalition. Not much but a lump of coal. Joyce, Kim let me tell you a story, soon.
It was a landslide and Murphy was involved. As near as I can figure John spent $.02 per vote? Wondered what Malechek spent? The happiest person in Lake County today Judy Moran.

At March 17, 2016 at 3:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you clarify something stated please? The paragraph of former City Engineer Gary Paine. Is Mr Paine on some sort of committee as he explained the sidewalk issue. Best of my knowledge, he does not reside in Painesville. What is meant that recently a civil servant cared about the residents than an administrative directive? WHo are you talking of? What directive are you implying wasn't followed? And what became of this person that did not follow what administration told him to do?

At March 18, 2016 at 8:44 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:27 Mr. Paine was invited as a visitor to explain how sidewalk issues were done in the past. Painesville has not had a sidewalk replacement plan since 2009.
Who am I talking about? Well people employed by the city in different capacity's that when at a picnic or out in the public talk ill of Painesville. It's a job!Not to all far from it, some still care. Mr. Paine seemed to realize his career, job had a responsibility to the resident's he worked for. That's all.

At March 18, 2016 at 5:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr Paine was called as was Agent Orange by many residents at many times for the flooding in the Cedarbrook area. Streets, yards, basements and no help. Your answer does not make sense or answer the question. Some employee defied something administration told them to do? What were they told to do? Who was the boss giving the directive? Who was the employee that defied the directive? What discipline was given?

At March 19, 2016 at 8:14 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:20 We were discussing sidewalks. He mentioned that the city setup a fund for people who couldn't pay the cost of new sidewalks and offered them interest free loans paid over a year. See that happening today? Seems to be a lot of movement with directors and department heads? Read the blog. and listen to some very unhappy campers.


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