Monday, December 14, 2015


So many people have come and gone

Last Thursday night the Painesville Planning Commission approved the subletting  one of the old Coe Manufacturing company buildings to be a recycling center. Now this came with thirteen stipulations that when I get them I will print here on the blog. Since I did not attend this meeting I must rely on what people told me.  Now I am positive the city administration wanted this to pass as it brings a business, jobs and income tax into Painesville at a former industrial site. We all grew-up with Coe and most of us knew someone employed there. We must be vigilant of the new tenants if only because of the condition of their present site. Wonder how many planning members drove by their present site? Concerned residents remarks should not have received answers from the planning board like  " Do you mean will they plant geranium's?" I guess if you don't live by there is little concern of what local neighbors might face? This is known as the Painesville Process. Good luck to the new business and please remember your neighbors.

The Tattoo Parlor was tabled due to a technicality of not sending out proper notification?
I guess the owner of the business wasn't to happy about that fact?

First off So many people have come and gone. The Homewood, Cumming area of Painesville is one of the last of the great Painesville neighborhoods. People who live there for the most part take great pride in their properties and are proud of them. My father once told me that was his favorite neighborhood in town, I agree. Now at what could be called five-points back in the day where all these streets intersect there first was a Fleet-Wing gasoline station that became a SOHIO station. Last it was home to Woods Heating and Cooling. Now it is thought to be a good idea to put at tattoo parlor in that spot. You wonder why so many have come and gone? (In Painesville) Now is a Tattoo parlor and 'Adult" business? Is that site zoned for that type of an establishment what about parking concerns are the gas tanks still in the ground? If they are why? Seems it's a business can you imagine would want to locate Downtown? Wonder if they wanted to locate on Main St? It's a business no we don't want it here downtown, let's stick in Painesville's nicest neighborhoods, what could it hurt property values? There are certain thing that just don't belong where people want them. You can be pro tattoo or anti tattoo but no one can come up for a good reason to allow this at this location.

We have a Welcome to Painesville sign near that location, first thought what impression does that shop give Painesville? We will hear it's not worth the fight. Well I guess I have to ask what and when will it be worth the fight?

On another note not one council person showed up for this meeting? Again if it's not in my sight of view WGAS! Painesville Process.

" It will be great TV tomorrow when Trump and Cruz tangle." Trump called Cruz a "maniac" Trump calling someone a maniac? Hope he brings all his Muslim friends that love him to the debate. One question if you are in the Armed Forces and are an American Muslim serviceman serving the United States in another land,  can you come home? I asked because of Nidal Hasan, was an Army major and  the Fort Hood killer? There are no absolutes people.


At December 14, 2015 at 11:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

While business in Painesville might be nice, this business is going to employee all of 6 people.
Is it worth selling your soul for 6 jobs?

As I stated before, heavy industry will NEVER be returning to NE Ohio. What is there now would never have been permitted when COE was starting up. Zoning came along in about 1926 and the space was grandfathered.

Dividing the property and renting or selling it out is not a good use of the space. The Port Authority (and where is this port located?) should not be involved in real estate projects within the City. The Port Authority is nothing more than a quasi-governmental agency meant to dodge various road blocks that the City would have plus it keeps people like the former CM busy and involved. Does anyone really think she is doing what is best for the City? How have her projects gone so far?

IMO, the land should be rezoned as R1 (like all the land around it) and homes should be built. As a City, we would receive a much greater return than we will ever get from a dump/recycling center.

At December 14, 2015 at 12:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're worried about a tattoo shop near a "Welcome to Painesville" sign? What about Richmond Street, which is in horrible condition, was considered the "gateway to the city" by the past administration, and also near a "Welcome to Painesville" sign. Which sends the worst message?

At December 14, 2015 at 5:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, Maybe you can edit your "One question if you are in the armed forces" comment. Are you wondering if you are serving over seas while Muslim, can you come home?

At December 14, 2015 at 7:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My guess is that location is zoned commercial, since there have been commercial businesses in there for years. Shouldn't a tattoo place be allowed to go in their? What am I missing here?

At December 15, 2015 at 10:55 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:30 the two large buildings north of the railroad tracks presently have businesses in them. If you tear down the rest of the complex could you sell residential property so close to those two newer buildings?
12:03 Is zoned for that type of business? In a month we will find out. I guess if the administration and members of the community the owners of that property will realize also it isn't a very good fit? I believe if we get another "OH, well" All those homes in that area will all lose at least $5,000 in value. Something's just might be worth putting up a fight for?
As far as another gateway to the city I believe you are referring to Richmond St.? Well what do you expect when every spare dime is poured into those two blocks downtown? Look as I drove under the underpass heading south I noticed the Light plant with all of it's Christmas decorations. Then I looked up at the streetlight south of the underpass that light has been out for a month. People it's all about the frosting and not the cake. Has been for thirty years and probably won't change for a while. Sunday around 7:30 residents on a beautiful Sunday morning the power went off? I'm not buying the explanation of it being unplugged? At least we are not presently blaming some poor unfortunate member of the Sciuridae family?
5:50 How would you rewrite it? I'll be happy to change it?

At December 15, 2015 at 11:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first thing you are missing is that you used the incorrect "there".

Second, and more importantly, take a look at the zoning map for the City.

As you can see, the area in question is zoned B2 while all of the land around it is zoned R1 or R2. The only exception is the property where Coe used to be which is M1 or M2.
Chances are great that this property was in place before zoning was established but that does not mean that it should stay that way. The City is here to represent the citizens and if the majority of those citizens want to have changes made, the City administration should do exactly that. Just because there has been a business there does not mean that it is the best use of the property. BTW, I am assuming that if a tattoo place was moving in next to you, you would of course be good with it?

Looking at the map, it makes me wonder why (and how) the land directly opposite this property (where the apartments are) is zoned B2 as well. There has NEVER been a commercial establishment on that land during my life.

I also wonder how there is a very small piece of property on the east side of the five point intersection that is not in the City?? Everything around it is within the City limits so how did this get missed?

I don't think it is really a question of "worst message" but why not work to improve things? Why allow a business that the majority of people do not want.
"Because it has always been that way" is a lousy way to try to make things better.
Besides, the condition of roads in the City is a completely different issue.

At December 15, 2015 at 11:12 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:06QWhat part of all this makes you believe I am for this Tattoo parlor? I thought I was quite clear? You should attend a planning meeting as well as city council meeting and express yourself and bring some neighbors!
Sorry about the 'there'

At December 15, 2015 at 12:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

December 14, 2015 at 7:13 PM Anonymous said...
Shouldn't a tattoo place be allowed to go in their? What am I missing here?
TERM>> said...December 15, 2015 at 11:12 AM
Sorry about the 'there'
You answered your own blog mistake. Seems Term and Anonymous are one in the same!

At December 15, 2015 at 1:01 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

12:49 Sometimes I wish I was. I screwed up I thought it was about the post.
That 5 point zoning is an interesting story. It comes down to the Retreat Condos being is the city limits.
I do believe if enough people attend meetings and converse with council people the city will fight it. Also what's wrong with dragging it out? Seems like there was a big hurry to establish getting started?

At December 15, 2015 at 1:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:06 here and I know your view on the tattoo shop. You were quite clear.
I think you might have been directing that elsewhere because my comment was directed at 7:13, not you.

At December 15, 2015 at 2:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm aware that I used "their" incorrectly. I was exactly writing a thesis. I should have checked my grammar. I'm sorry about the grammar error. That must have been the first time ever someone made a mistake on here. Ha!

I would have no problem with a tattoo parlor next to me. I don't see what the big deal is. Are you going to say it attracts a bunch thugs and criminals? My only point was if it is zoned commercial, I would think this would be a permitted use. I don't see what the big difference is between that and a HVAC company, which has trucks and vans going in and out all day?

At December 16, 2015 at 11:57 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:27 I corrected it. Also Trump back tracked that statement saying American Muslims may reenter.

At December 17, 2015 at 5:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You asked what you were missing. Don't be offended when it is pointed out.

You really think anyone believes that you would be okay if such a business moved in next door? If so, do you want to buy some swamp land?

No one said anything about thugs or criminals. What I am saying is that the land ALL around this location is residential and, IMO, this land should be rezoned to match. There is no reason that it continues to be B2.

A big difference in the HVAC company and a tattoo establishment is that the HVAC company would generally be closed from 5 pm until the next morning. There would be no evening hours. The tattoo shop, by the nature of the business, would operate later at night.

At December 17, 2015 at 8:33 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:59 In the last couple of years the city did try to rezone that property to R1. The property opposed the change.

At December 17, 2015 at 9:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put yourself in the shoes of the land owner. They purchased a piece of commercial property with the zoning in place. By changing the zoning on that property to residential without the owners consent, you would make the property unusable to them thus requiring them to demolish the current buildings and build a residential property. That is as unAmnerican as you can get. I can understand all neighboring properties wishing the zoning was different but all those parties purchased their properties knowing that a commercial property was there. Also don't forget that there is an auto repair facility next door.

At December 17, 2015 at 9:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course the property owner would oppose a zoning change. Going from B2 to R1 would make it less "valuable" to them.
It is what leads us to the proposed tattoo shop going in.
I wasn't aware that the City gave two cents for property owners input regarding zoning. If they did then we would not have had issues like Condon Ct (off N State St) or Barnes Ave (off Chardon St).

At December 18, 2015 at 10:38 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:12/9:18 Put yourself in the shoes of all those residential property owners, a Tattoo Shop? What about their property values? Easy $3,000 or more off evaluation. I don't see how that business fits into that neighborhood? Now all said I believe this gutless council and administration will let this pass and help kill another neighborhood. They won't even put up a fight. Maybe they don't live there?
Believe me this would not work in Mentor Willoughby pretty much any place that cared about the residents. Painesville's probably looking at all the future vacant property fees and fines? Let's see how much fight is in the dog, from council?


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