Friday, December 4, 2015

" I SAY A LITTLE PRAYER FOR YOU " dionne warwick

Together, together that's how it must be

No with it seeming to be another mass killing happening in less and less time. I for one am tired of hearing "Our thoughts and prayers are with you"." Sorry it ain't cutting it anymore.  Less thoughts and prayers and more actions.

First off we all at one time or another offer our thoughts and prayers, but do we do anything to change it from happening again? If a person you cared for dies of cancer do you may a donation to the cancer society? Do you help a grieving family?

It seems politician's say the words but just view it as just another day in America?

The Daily News ran a front page story "God Isn't Fixing This"  and the Conservatives went nuts! I guess my point is God only helps those that help themselves, or He/She has another purpose in their journey.

It reminds me of a story I once heard about a flood victim. As the water rose a fireman came to take him out of his house. He refused, claiming " My life is in God's Hands" The water rose to where the National Guard came to save him in a boat. Same reply "My life is in Gods Hands." Finally he was standing on the roof of his house and a Helicopter came to save him. Same answer. "My life is in God's Hands." Shortly later he drowned. As he met God he questioned him, "Oh, Lord why did you forsake me?" Forsake you God answered? Didn't I send you a Fireman, a boat and finally a helicopter what are you talking about.

We as people of this country must face facts, these massacres don't happen anywhere else in the civilized world. Not at the rate and reason as in America.

How can intelligent people we send to Washington cannot relate that if your on a No Fly List you still are able to buy an AR-15? What the constitution gives you the Second Amendment but nothing about a no fly list? Thank God that wasn't a guaranteed right in 1776.

No one wants to take anyone's  gun but some constraints must be put on who can acquire or possess a lethal weapon.  Better background checks, close the gun show loophole and stricter mail order purchases.

FOXNEWS loves to express the power of Prayer. I will remind them that the Jihadist's before an attack "a Kafir" They all pray? "death of a martyr."

We had better fix this together and soon. Maybe bring back "Knights Templar's"

"I don't have a drinking problem, the Browns only have a problem with my drinking!"  Johnny Manzel


At December 4, 2015 at 12:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny You and some people on this blog wont eat and now boycott a downtown restaurant because a person eating there was carrying a gun? Yet you feel something has to be done? You claim massacres don't happen anywhere else in the civilized world. Not at the rate and reason as in America. And "We" must face the facts? I think the open and concealed carry people already have faced your facts. Too bad yall were such chickens at that restaurant.

At December 4, 2015 at 2:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an aside, if I may...I would like the thank the City of Painesville for again having too few days in my last city (water/sewer) bill, and 35 days in this billing cycle. This, of course, pushed my normal water usage of a "4" to a "5", so I have just been cheated again by the city. Thank you so very much, and Merry Christmas to you, too.

At December 4, 2015 at 5:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flying on an airplane is not a constitutional right. Owning a gun is. Just because someone is arbitrarily put on a government list, doesn't mean your constitutional rights are suspended. Should you also lose your right to free speech? Your right to a jury trial? Your right to assemble? I'm all for keeping the guns out of criminal hands, but this guy wasn't a criminal until he fired at someone.

At December 5, 2015 at 11:40 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:14 But I guess killing Americans with a gun is OK?

2:28 I guess they believe you shouldn't notice those things?

12:03 I just think about it as acting responsible. I have no idea if that person has had a background check? I don't know if that person is driven by ego, or maybe someone has threatened him and I might end up in the crossfire? Maybe he bought the gun at a gun show and has no knowledge on the proper use of a gun?
Look yes we all have rights but with those rights come responsibility . I wonder if the framers of our Constitution would have worried if the town idiot had a gun? Would they have agreed he has a right, or would they have taken that gun away from him before he hurt's someone or himself?

If you are against better background checks, closing the gun show loophole or the purchases over the internet then I believe you are as big of a problem as any of these killers? Remember Responsibility! Now to your chicken comment, Your to chicken to sign your name. I wonder why? Could it be you yourself don't believe your own ramblings?

At December 5, 2015 at 2:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me start by saying that I am not pro gun or anti gun. I am anti killing of people.

Actually owning a "gun" is not found in the Constitution. Having the right to keep and bear arms is.
The question might be, what does that mean?
Obviously you believe it means guns.
Others might have a different view OR they might feel that things have changed enough that this is not what the framers of the Constitution meant.
Who is right?
Maybe all or maybe none of us.
Just a difference in view point.

How you wrote something that is a little hard to understand.

"I'm all for keeping the guns out of criminal hands, but this guy wasn't a criminal until he fired at someone".

How do you propose keeping guns out of criminal hands by waiting until someone is shot at or killed?

I suppose a comparison might be, when does someone robbing a bank with a gun become a criminal?
Is is when he threatens the teller, when he is handed the money, when he leaves the bank, or when he fires at someone?

Just exactly how do we keep weapons out of the hands of people who want to do harm to you or me?

Again I want to stress that I am not anti gun but I think I am a realist.
Something needs to be done.
What it is, I am not sure but this can not continue.

At December 5, 2015 at 2:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the open carry is just wrong. How are we supposed to know who is going to start shooting and who is not? How did that not come up for a vote? I'm all for citizens having guns...if their background was checked, but the loopholes and the open-carry are silly and dangerous. You have to be able to look at the whole picture, and anyone saying that the government is trying to take away our weapons is just apparently zealots or too unreasonable and stupid to see the whole picture. And I think we need to stop the open-carry somehow.

At December 6, 2015 at 4:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll start my saying, I think open carry in public as was done in that restaurant was misguided at best and stupid at worst.

Also, TERM, you have said twice recently that no one wants to take our guns. You must know that is not really true. I believe I understand what you mean when you make the statement, but words mean things and we don’t always take the time on this blog to be sure our words are crafted to be perfectly clear. Just for the record, the list of those who want to take all guns from the public, and have said so publicly, is enormous.

When jihadists and mental misfits are under control, maybe this mass shooting stuff will subside. For now, it is great fodder for the anti-gun groups to push their agenda.

At December 6, 2015 at 8:22 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

There is little chance of your anti-gun zealots taking anyone's guns. It really would be impossible what are there 200 -300 million guns out there? Look if responsible gun owners who get behind better background checks, close gun show and internet loopholes I believe it would make us safer. Most gun owners have no problem with these changes. There is a bunch chanting fear mongers "they want to take our guns!" But really isn't it just your right to RESPONSIBLY bear arms, as it is for any American citizen that the government protect us from people who have no business having a firearm ? Now I hear Sandy Hook as well as San Bernardino were staged to take someone's guns away? Really you believe that? Even the killer's family attorney is promoting this idea. Look the guns used there were legally purchased but not by Malk, Farook. How did they acquire this arsenal? My fear is that we will soon have an incident so terrible maybe some of your gun rights will be in jeopardy. We aren't a dumb bunch of people that can't solve this.
There were people like yourself who had no knowledge of open carry, in Akron a guy just the other day was walking around with an assault weapon that police had to respond too, I believe this persons ego needed a boost but his actions tied up how many police officers for how long? Want more problems let this guy or the guy at FATS run around and it will affect us all. I have been told by a number of people FATS is off the menu.

At December 6, 2015 at 2:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guns, no guns, grew up with guns and have been around them most of my life. I was in FATS and took a picture. There are hunters who go to FATS for breakfast, they are never carrying firearms, they are there for the pancakes and coffee. Sit in a tree stand on a frosty morning in Dec. you'd want a stack of pancakes too. The guy with gun, was posturing enough with his sidearm that it didn't give anyone a feeling of security. When I sat on a plane cruising over the Atlantic Ocean from Brussels Belgium with an armed Belgium guard handcuffed to a crazy guy, I felt more secure.
On a more local level, I wish local businesses would just post a sign; firearms not permitted on the premises. I hate surprises before coffee!
We must love our guns here in Painesville because we have three gun shops. I also agree, open carry is not a very good response to terrorism.

Imagine moving here from out of town, going to breakfast and seeing the local nut packing a sidearm. Going home, checking your mail to find a bill for 10,000 from vacancies and utilities...... Yes we will be a ghost town sooner than many think.

At December 7, 2015 at 10:40 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:41 Maybe we're looking it it all wrong? "Shop Downtown Painesville!" Come a packin' every business welcome's you to a protectin' yourself night.

Maybe they could have special gifts? A silencer for Silent Night?

Fireworks as to confuse people?

Sexiest open carry.

Santa could give out authentic looking toy guns with easily removed orange tips! Maybe the downtown Painesville group should expand to include these people not welcome with their guns in outside businesses?

Nothing else is driving people to shop downtown.

At December 7, 2015 at 11:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sandy Hook, Aurora, and San Bernardo had one thing in common?
An AR-15 was used in all three.
The NRA may have finally met it's match. When some of their candidates start losing over foolish answers to gun violence. The only thing more important to a Politian then the 2nd amendment is his amendment to keep their rearend in their seat. Little by little more and more Americans are growing tired of these mass killing and the thoughts & prayers as a solution.

At December 7, 2015 at 1:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think the solution is to ban firearms in an establishment, but I think a "no open-carry" sign would be the way to go. If some nut wants to come shoot up the place, you can be sure they will enter with or without permission with a gun, and I will hope there IS a decent citizen there with a gun to save people, but the open-carry is scary and confusing, and I don't know how this got passed without a vote from the people, and without most people knowing. The people who are purposefully walking around with a visible gun to make a point are idiots, but if it's legal, in their minds, why not, I guess. But it's as misguided as Edward Snowden being a traitor to our country supposedly for the good of our country, because of the big, bad government. (I think he should be shot by firing squad, by the way.)I think this needs to come back for a vote, and to the people who have their guns displayed, this is not Texas; it scares people here. Keep it covered up, but bring it, and be well-practiced with it in case we need you. I feel very sorry for the restaurant that is apparently suffering through no fault of their own. When did this open-carry go through, and whose decision was it? It's just such a very bad idea. How in the world are the citizens and the police supposed to know which one is the threat?

At December 8, 2015 at 6:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:04am, we may be tired of the killing, but there is no way we will lose our 2nd amendment rights. That is a strong lobby and will prevail!

At December 9, 2015 at 5:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you reviewed the Constitution lately?
Realistically you have it backward. The Feds have made it a crime to carry a hidden weapon. I am not really sure how that was accomplished (before my time) but it was. You can legally open carry a weapon anywhere in this country, just prepare for a lot of stares and to be hassled by police.
This is not a situation that is up for a vote. Why would it be?
With your logic, the ONLY way to carry a weapon would be if a citizen has a concealed carry permit?

As a side story, last year I was in Montana. Since I was in Helena, their capital city, I went to the State capitol building. No metal detectors, no pat down, no anything. I was stunned. I was able to walk right into the Governor's office and the office of the Secretary of State, no problem. I was really surprised and mentioned it to a couple of people. They reminded me that they take their carrying of weapons very seriously and that people all around me likely were packing. I never thought of it but it wasn't an issue for me.

At December 9, 2015 at 10:18 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:03 Had nothing to do with it, makes no sense to me either? Must have had something to do with gangsters?

On another note the 3 stooges on Fox & Friends this morning suggested to children if your school comes under attack Run TOWARDS the person with the gun??? More great news from our friends at Fair & Stupid News.

At December 9, 2015 at 10:39 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I see the assault rifles were purchased legally by some idiot named Enrique Marquez. The reason Farook purchased them from him was so his name would not be on file? Gee I wonder why.

Now in my eyes Enrique is as guilty as the two terrorists. My logic comes from if you are driving the get-a-way car in a bank robbery your as guilty as the robbers and anyone hurt or killed in the robbery?
Just maybe these clowns that sell weapons to anyone would give a transaction like this a second thought. I ask we have enough gun laws? Which gun law covers this?

At December 9, 2015 at 8:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term 10:18 again your prejudicial ignorance shows.

At December 10, 2015 at 5:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, we have enough guns laws.
We don't enforce the ones we have, enough.
If you use a firearm in the commission of a robbery, the law says you get an automatic 7 years in Ohio. And it gets worse from there. Judges must hand down the sentence and there must be room in the prison to serve out that full 7 years.

Just because I'm curious,law enforcement people, answer this please. What kind of "mishandling of a firearm in a vehicle" gets you a warning vs. a court date?

At December 10, 2015 at 8:32 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:36 Maybe but when I see a host of a major broadcasting company tell children if a shooter attacks your school run towards him? That's just dangerous advice. I think that woman took more hits to her head than her husband has? Maybe that's a kind of prejudicial ignorance this country could use alittle more of?

At December 10, 2015 at 1:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A.L.I.C.E. Training. Its the newest and current FAD they are teaching for defense in schools. Geneva even painted rocks and gave one to every staff member to defend themselves. Hmmmm rock VS gun. DUH

At December 10, 2015 at 4:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does A.L.I.C.E. mean? I heard this training is being circulated at PCLS by means of a training video.

At December 10, 2015 at 6:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:03, this is 1:50. Thanks for the education; I had no idea. I guess I do have it backwards, but I still think that the open-carry makes it very confusing and scary. I did live in Texas a few decades ago, and in the country, where I lived, there were many guns, and it was just the way it was, and not like here, where it is scary to see a gun. I will say, however, that I don't actually remember that kind of carrying guns around in the city. Maybe I have forgotten, but there were still many, if not most, pickups with the guns hanging in the back window, so most people must have had them in their cars, too. I lived way out in the country when I arrived there, and the police came to my door one day to tell me about escaped convicts. They offered to take me to town to buy a gun when they realized that I did not already own one, much to their surprise, if not disbelief. I told them I could get it on my own, so they coached me on what type might suit me, and explained all the gun laws to me -- like if I kill them outside, drag them in before I call the police. I told them in the beginning that I had the Doberman for protection, and they scoffed, and said one bullet would take care of that problem for the escapees. So I have lived in a place with a lot of guns, but here is not there. Maybe that's what the world is coming to now, and maybe I'll just have to adjust. I just would feel much better if they were hidden, so when one was pulled out to do harm, God forbid, everyone would know we were in trouble. It just seems very backward to me. On the other hand, I doubt many people would open fire in Texas and not think they would have more holes than Swiss cheese in two seconds flat.


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