Tuesday, October 27, 2015

1-2-3 len barry

It's elementary!

Recently a Akron radio station mentioned a list by RoadSnack of the 10 dumbest cities in Ohio.

What they used to come up with this number were some simple facts. The high school graduation rate of the entire population, the number of libraries to drinking opportunities, and the sterotype of the number of men. 

Now no mention was made of us being a college town, or having a hospital... scratch that last one. But we do have three gun stores in a town of 20,000. Yet not one real grocery store. The reason I mentioned the grocery store was that on the way home the other day I was asked to pick up a jar of Kraft Miracle Whip. Now I can purchase a jar at Marc's any day of the week for $3.99. Now in this Painesville establishment they wanted $7.49? I thought who would be dumb enough to purchase this jar?
The site did use our downtown streetscape? Maybe they know something? I don't put much into this survey actually nothing. I just thought you might like to know. What other's think of us.

1.   Marion
2.   Lima
3.   Painesville
4.   Youngstown
5.   Niles
6.   Mansfield
7.   Sandusky
8.   Middletown
9.   Norwood
10. East Cleveland    Really now I know this is bogus list!

In other News

It was reported in Sunday's Plain Dealer that Shelby, Ohio was selling it's Municipal Electric Power Plant. Wonder if they haven't heard of the millions of dollars in Peak Shaving's can bring into the city coffers? Is this our future?
Wonder who buys 100 year-old power plants? AMP-OHIO? Na Shelby is already an AMP partner who will be exclusively at their mercy. I guess the plant is being sold in equipment pieces?
Wonder if this was AMP-OHIO's plan all along?

Now another AMP partner, I Like that word partner you pay all the money and take all the risks yet you got a partner?

Oberlin, Ohio is converting their power plant over to gas. This will help the city at peak usage times. Painesville will never do this because well it makes to much sense. Speaking of Oberlin remember when some of their councilmen came to a Painesville council meeting to try to explain to our council what a bad deal these AMP-OHIO deals were? Well Joe gave them there three minutes and a nasty phone call from the administration the next day to please keep your people out of Painesville. Just think how much money we would have today if Joe and Rita would have given them the courtesy to speak?

Andy Flock's Town Hall Meeting this Thursday at Elm St. School will have a guest. Sandy Buchanan of IEEFA to explain these Prairie State costs. Everyone is invited. Maybe some city officials could come and even learn a thing or two?  I wonder if this is Andy's last Town Hall?

I quote;  " I'm not into this' if this, if that' type of scenarios. If worms had machine guns, then birds wouldn't be scared of them."

Jim Harbaugh Michigan Head Football Coach.... I think that blocked punt is still troubling him.


At October 27, 2015 at 12:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You left out some important information about the dumbest city survey. How did roadsnacks.net come up with this list?This is how...here is a small portion of the article 'So, how do you decide which city in Ohio is the dumbest? By measuring the high school graduation rate of the entire population, and looking at the number of educational vs drinking opportunities in these places, that’s how. Plus, we thought why not add in a stereotype? Cause, you know, women are always saying that they are smarter than men. That might not actually be a stereotype though. According to ABC News, women just passed men on IQ tests.'
I do believe the operator of this blog is? a MALE? And, when we ran the data, it was true. The top two cities at the top of the dumb list were very much male dominated.'
Thanks for dragging the survey results down Mr. Term and Mr. Carson!

At October 27, 2015 at 6:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

While the method for coming up with Ohio's dumbest cities is flawed, the list's compilers weren't totally off-base; I've been to Lima and Niles several times, and they're definitely prime candidates for any list of Ohio's dumbest, no matter the criteria. As for Painesville, I don't think it's Top 10-worthy, but there are enough dummies around town to make it at least an honorable mention. Unfortunately for us, a few of them either run for, or are elected to, Council seats. On the other hand, at least our dummies can say that they're being fairly represented in local government.

At October 28, 2015 at 11:07 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

12:26 You know I thought we had learned something? I always felt my generation was the first to recognize the total value of women. I shuttered every time I heard an arrogant chauvinistic male talk about the value of a woman. It Now seems that some women haven't learned anything about judging people in the last 50 years? So I guess now I will have to listen to some arrogant female nasty b*t*h explain the value of men?
You know in the animal kingdom Lions in a pride the males do very little except continue the prides linage. The females bear and teach the cubs along with keeping them safe. find and kill the food for the males. Now tell me who's the smart one?

6:12 Goes back to you get what you deserve right?

At October 28, 2015 at 11:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If truth be known women have nothing to complain about when it comes to men. Women bore and raised them the way they are. If you have a problem with a man go take it up with his mother.

At October 28, 2015 at 11:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To answer you question. Who would be dumb enough to buy this jar? Well the simple answer was YOU!. Through the federal government food stamp EBT card that is used in Painesville anyone who pays taxes paid for that $7.49 jar of miracle whip. Do you think the card user cares that the price is outrageous? No you made a decision not to purchase the item but what if you had a card given to you that made the jar cost you nothing? No Term you and I purchased that jar.

At October 28, 2015 at 1:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next time trip on over to the Dollar store. The one on Richmond has quite a variety of mayonnaise and salad dressing there. Store brand, off brand and name brand. No need to spend a fortune or travel out of the city limits to Marcs. Maybe you like spending your dough on fuel?

At October 28, 2015 at 3:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A favor if you please, I tried to bring up a sample ballot on the Lake County website, no luck, who is running for council? Are they opposed by anyone? Or just the 'same' again.

With the million dollar judgment against the city for excessive force by the police dept., seems everyone is pretty quiet about that. You can bet that insurance premium just went ballistic, sorry, bad joke.

At October 28, 2015 at 6:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That 7.49 jar of product is probably the result of the store taking full advantage of a poor person who cannot get transportation to buy groceries cheaper outside of Painesville, or someone who runs out and doesn't have their own car to go get it elsewhere cheaper, etc. People who are on food stamps, who really need them, are gravely hurt by such pricing, as are the people who are working to pay for the food stamps. I'd like to know what ##$#$%$ shop is making such a sick profit off the backs of Americans. This is one reason why people have tried to get a decent grocery in Painesville. For example, if you are a single mother with young children and no car, and need to do a weeks worth of groceries, it's a pretty darn daunting task, if not impossible to do that by bus, especially because the bus does not pick you up outside the door of the store, nor drop you off in front of your house. I think the issue here is the shop owner who is gouging their customers, whomever they are. Care to share who that is? Maybe we should go check the rest of their pricing also.

At October 28, 2015 at 6:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:12 here,

You're 100% right; we get what we deserve. That said, I live in Ward II, so come Tuesday night, I may have to figure out what we did to "deserve" Hal Werner as our new Council representative.

At October 29, 2015 at 10:31 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Ward I
Christine Shoop
Renee Aston

Ward II
Katie Jenkins *
Hal Werner

Ward III
Michael Deleone *
Rev. Gerald Mirbel

Ward IV
Paul Hach*

* incumbent

Three seats open on Painesville BOE three people running.
Just me but it's interesting a person can be three times over the legal limit and not be held somewhat responsible?

6:12/6:03 I guess the same way we can understand Donald Trump position in the polls? I believe more people are opposed to illegal aliens then we might believe. The murder, shooting might have made people more aware, a tipping point? That said Mr. Werner is hardly a shoe in.

6:02 Went back to the store today took a picture of the shelf marker, I was wrong it's $7.99! Some of the prices at the Redi-Go on Richmond are out of this world. Forget cereal or spam too.
Now I took 1:15 advise and went to the Dollar Store, $3.50 same jar even cheaper than Marc's.
Now a store owner will tell you he can't buy in the volume of Marc's or the Dollar Store. Also that store suffers from a high amount of "shrinkage". That said $7.99 for a 30 oz. jar is crazy.
The store's Deli and meat prices are in line or lower?

At October 29, 2015 at 12:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you are on to something and that's why we have so many convenience and drug stores and no grocery store. Do you suppose someone besides the trash and tow company get kickbacks? It is really inexcusable there is no grocery store in the county seat. All the promised land off Heisley Road? Lots of space and nothing wants to build here?

At October 29, 2015 at 5:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Recipe for mayonnaise........makes 5 minutes!

2 large egg yolks from your backyard legal chickens.....
1 teaspoon Mustard
4 teaspoons Vinegar or lemon juice
1 cup olive oil or vegetable oil
salt and pepper to taste

Put the 1st four ingredients in your blender and press the button. While the blender is running slowly add the oil. Done!
Costs less and you don't need your fossil fuel powered car either.......

Krimenettlies get a grip....... 😄

At October 29, 2015 at 9:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's be honest: if Hal Werner wins this coming Tuesday, the murder, and the community reaction afterward, will be a contributing factor. Hal will have also taken advantage of what could be a growing resentment of Latinos in Painesville, if the comments I've heard around town for the past few years are any indication. He'll win, though, despite not being able to do anything about the immigration problem, as it's a federal government issue, but rhetoric that plays on people's fears and prejudices usually trumps facts and reality. Curiously, in reading Hal's campaign literature, he makes no mention of doing something about businesses who hire undocumented workers. I would think that if Hal truly thought illegal immigration was a major problem, he'd want to tackle all aspects of it; after all, why are undocumented workers coming here in the first place? It's certainly not for the weather or culture. They know that there are jobs to be had, whether in nurseries, the construction trades, restaurants, etc. Should Hal win on Tuesday, if he ever decides to speak out against businesses who hire undocumented workers, then I'll start to believe that he is actually committed to seriously fighting the problem of illegal immigration. Until then, I'll continue to see his actions as that of someone who uses the dislike of "illegal immigrants" as a disguise to hide his dislike of all Latinos, even the ones who were born here.

At October 30, 2015 at 7:11 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:40 I guess I have to ask what contributes to this growing resentment? Yes the incident this past summer might have opened some eyes. I think Hal might be the only person on council that will question some employment practice's
in Painesville. A good example why in the past have there been signs in Spanish directing workers to some construction sites?. I guess you cant fathom the idea he's only against illegal aliens, have you discussed this with him?
12:00 The demographics don't work for a major grocery store to locate in Painesville proper, how does a store near Heisley Rd. help a person that can't get out to Giant Eagle?
5:15 Learn something everyday... We gota talk!

At October 30, 2015 at 5:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I simply said there is plenty of property in Painesville to put a grocery chain store. Yes, I'm sorry people have to walk to a store for food, there is Laketran. How does one on the North end walk to Giant Eagle---transportation is not my problem. Getting a reasonable grocery store, keeping the senior center, a nice chain restaurant like Cracker Barrel and a Costco would be nice too.

At October 30, 2015 at 5:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Part 2 You think there is a growing resentment? where have you been. I remember a raid in the Ville and Father hiding the illegals in the church basement - in the name of faith. Would a murderer or bank robber have had the same privilege? There has been a strong resentment here and all over the country. Stores have bilingual signs. Most products in stores are bilingual. Our jobs right here in this town are going to only those who are bilingual. How much more should we take. I can only hope Trump makes it and does what he promised. People who break our laws and thumb their nose at the Americans who built this country need to be returned to their country of origin.

At October 30, 2015 at 5:58 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:46 Property isn't the problem. You suggested property off Heisley Rd. My point was how will these people get there if they can't get to Giant Eagle? Yes the things you mentioned would all be a plus to Painesville. Is it not happening due to Community Development not selling Painesville? OR is it that the city's demographics don't work? Best guess the demo's. Remember you have a college town without even a first-class coffee shop or even a Starbuck's. The reason can't be they don't want to make money.

Then again why would you spend $7.99 for a 30oz. jar of Miracle Whip if less then 100 feet you can purchase the same for $3.50? Yes I checked Family Dollar accepts EBT.

At October 30, 2015 at 6:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Giant Eagle prices are practically just as bad.

At October 30, 2015 at 9:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not that I can't fathom Hal being only opposed to illegal immigrants, but I know people just like him; they are obsessed with the immigration issue, and the underlying reason is because they don't like Latinos. None of them admitted it initially, but given enough time for them to get worked up while discussing the subject, each of them eventually revealed the truth.

The passion that Hal and others of his ilk have for this issue seems peculiar, given that many of the jobs illegal immigrants are taking don't pay all that well, or are lousy ones that Americans have consistently turned down, such as nursery work or crop harvesting. Why do they care so much about this when so many of the jobs they say are being "stolen" by the undocumented, Americans don't want? As I argued in my previous post, why aren't they going after the issue that drives this: businesses who recruit and employ the undocumented in order to have lower labor costs? Many of those here illegally would go home if the jobs weren't given to them, but we know that's not going to happen, not when business owners give money to politicians and ask them to go no further than give lip service to the immigration problem, or when Americans continue to demand the cheapest price for their produce or home construction. If this is about crimes that illegal immigrants commit, including murder, why aren't they speaking out against crime in general? Is it worse when an undocumented Mexican commits murder than when an American does it? Why so much outrage over one crime and not the other? Some may say that if the government had done something by deporting the Mexican, the murder wouldn't have taken place. Yes, but the murder committed by the American may have been stopped had the government done something, such as increase funding for mental health services, child/adult services, more police, and so on. There's got to be balance and consistency, otherwise the argument appears to be biased. I think the reason for such bias is that there's something else driving their passion, something they may be hesitant to admit in public, but a politician running for office definitely doesn't want to admit publicly.

I'm cynical, but something tells me that if there were millions of undocumented Canadians in the U.S., Hal wouldn't be putting up "Secure the Border" signs or making illegal immigration the centerpiece of his campaign. It's easier to win votes by playing to fears and prejudices when the target has darker skin, a different culture, and speaks a foreign language.

At October 31, 2015 at 6:24 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:21 But Giant Eagle has that $.10 a gallon gas hook.

9:14 Look I just can't agree that people who are opposed to illegal immigration are racists against Latino's or that people wanting them to become citizens of our country are sellouts. First there is the simple rule of law and to many that has nothing to do with anything but following the rule of the law. If you think the law is broke? Elect people to fix it presently nothing is going to change. Your correct about Americans all wanting the most at the least cost. But that saying their only doing jobs Americans don't want is a crock. They are doing entry level factory jobs, construction, roofing, framing, dry walling all jobs people want. Every wonder why wages are stale. There is a large number of illegals willing to take jobs. A lot of these people against these aliens have seen them move into their neighborhood maybe three families in a single home. No driver licenses no insurance. no regard for their neighbors, urinating along the house it goes on and on. Many children running unattended.
Now for Mr. Razo did the Hispanic community realize they had a ticking bomb living amongst us? I find it hard to believe that summer morning was the first time he went to the dark side. They had an obligation to protect no only themselves but the whole community. We have enough bad guys without importing more.

Canadians? Hey Best guess if the same thing was going on from our cousins from the north Hal would be asking for the same laws to be enforced.
There is a lot of fear.

At November 1, 2015 at 5:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real truth as to why US citizens don't work these jobs is quite simple.
Would any of you work for 8 or 10 or 12 hours in the field (or wherever) for the same money you will get for sitting on your fat butt and collecting from all of our social programs?
If you are honest, the answer is no.

I realize that some people need help.
However we are now to the point where this is a way of life for 3rd and 4th generations.
Getting food from numerous food banks, getting food stamps in any form, maybe getting unemployment, getting your utility bills covered, and so on.
Why would you give these things up and actually have to "work"?
Work involves being at the job on time, every day, and doing what the job involves.
The lack of a work ethic in this country is simply appalling.

BTW, how do people in the situations I have described manage to have smart phones, big TV's, and computers?
Data plans are not free but I suppose that if you are not paying for your food or insurance, it gets easier.

I don't agree with all that 9:14 writes but he/she makes a LOT of points that I do agree with.

At November 1, 2015 at 6:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We can't do anything because the government tied law enforcement hands. I believe Obama decided the illegals couldn't be deported unless a crime was committed. NOW I have to ask - where does coming into this country illegally NOT fit into breaking the law? That alone in itself is committing a crime therefore we have to wait until someone is arrested for murder before they are caught, tried and deported? And I'm sure there have been plenty of illegals in this town that have been arrested for drinking, traffic violations, etc. that should have been returned but Painesville continues to look the other way. I wonder if I run a red light in front of a cop, should I get a ticket?

At November 1, 2015 at 6:42 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:13 Who's responsibility would this be?
I do wonder about a sheriff department that finds a man without ID coming off of private property and lying to you who he is telling you he's an illegal then you turn around and blame a federal agency for letting him go? I just wonder if finding out for yourself would be good enough reason to hold him to see if he might be someone else?
Think under the same circumstances they would release you?
Maybe someone was worried who would pay for his incarceration?

At November 1, 2015 at 3:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know exactly what you mean by whose responsibility would WHAT be? Raiding, deporting? Driving the bus to the border?
I do know after reading the articles when Razo committed his crime, between the sheriff and border patrol, they both screwed up. They both passed the buck and blamed each other and thanks to them a someone was wounded and another killed. Yet I bet both employees of those law agencies involved are still employed and received no discipline. Correct?

At November 3, 2015 at 4:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG Get-Go at Giant Eagle had ramen. One package for 89 cents! You can get an entire case of it at SuperWalmart for almost the same price. The Big Bird is too rich for my blood. We need a Meijers. Oops, no, Painesville lost that one to Mentor.

At November 3, 2015 at 4:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we take away the welfare, the free food, free health care, free clothes, cell phones from these people wanting nothing but handouts from the working middle class. Maybe they would pack up and return to their beloved Mexico. Continue reversing this to the able bodied people on welfare also. These people think they are 'entitled' to what they want without working for anything. If we stop enabling these people they will have to get off the couch, out of their rent free housing and start making a living. Stop the enabling for those thinking they are entitled.


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