Sunday, February 15, 2015


Yes Tuesday because of President Day.

Looking forward to the Electric Department Presentation.

Also curious about the one item on the legislative agenda.

Resolution Establishing a Painesville Job Creation Tax Credit (JCTC) as permitted in Section 716.15 of the Ohio Revised Code and Declaring and Emergency.

The City of Painesville's Economic Development Department has drafted a Job Creation Tax Credit Program (JTCT) based on the recommendation of the Economic Development Committee of Council. This resolution will allow the City to exercise its authority to form a Job Creation Tax Credit Program under section 718.15 of the Ohio Revised code. This is a new Incentive Program that can be added to the City's existing programs for business retention, expansion and attraction. The program would allow eligible companies  who are creating new jobs to receive a refundable tax credit up to a maximum of 50% of municipal income tax withheld for qualifying new jobs against their City of Painesville income tax with approval from City Council. At least 25 new, fulltime jobs must be created and maintained by the company (taxpayer) within three years of initial operations.
For the purpose of this program, "new jobs" do not include transfers from affiliated companies within the City of Painesville, nor for wage and salary increases from existing jobs. The  average hourly base wage rate (excluding benefits) of the new, full time, or full time equivalent jobs be at, or above 150% of the federal minimum wage (average income jobs),  If the average hourly rate wages rate (excluding benefits) of at least 10 new, full time equivalent jobs are at, or above 400% then the minimum number of new jobs to be created to qualify for this programs reduced to 10. The company must agree to maintain operations at the project site twice the term of the maximum number of years the tax credit is offered up to 20 years.

What brings this about on a chilly February night? This Bill has been law since 09/26/03 .

Is this the first step to new jobs in Painesville? We can all hope.


At February 15, 2015 at 12:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

New jobs? Where? No new business in the Ville to hire. Hire PC? Isn't there an overabundance of employees in the light plant pool? Not understanding this?

At February 16, 2015 at 5:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to talk about the water/sewer bills for a minute, if I can get a way with being a little off topic.

I wonder if everyone realizes how often they are overcharged for their bills. For example, this month's bill was 35 days, which pushes usage up on this particular bill. Due to this, I was charged a "6" this month. The problem is, however, that I do not use 6 units in a 30 or 31 day month. January was billed after only 27 days, and February after 35. This wouldn't matter if we didn't have a minimum charge every month of 4 units, but we do. By delaying the reading, I wonder how many entities end up being up a unit or two (or more)higher than they normally would be. I am told this was because of the snow, but this happens when there is no snow, also. They only have 5 meter readers they say, which could present a problem for them, too, they say, and I can understand that. But consider how much money you can be overcharged over the years that you live here. Also consider how much extra money they make by doing this, because they have 20,000 accounts.

They pointed out various things about the gas company for comparison, so when I got off of the phone, I started to think about the gas company. One thing that was pointed out to me is that the gas company only reads meters every two months. But the gas company doesn't have a minimum monthly charge, does it? So that is comparing apples to oranges. In that case, you only end up paying for what you actually use. Also, a few years back, I got tired of the gas company estimating my charges way too high on the months that they didn't read my meter. It all evens out every two months, but I got tired of them holding onto my money before it was time for them to have it. After all, if my money is going to be sitting in an account somewhere, it might as well be sitting in mine. I finally called them, and told them that if they continued to balloon the estimates on the months they didn't read the meter, then I was only going to pay my bill every other month when they actually did read the meter. They continued to balloon their estimates, and I started to pay my bill every other month. They informed me rather quickly that they were going to come out and put a new meter in that could be read from the street, and that it would be read monthly. They did, and I now pay my bill monthly, knowing that it is the correct amount.

I just wondered if anyone else noticed this. I'm told nothing can be done, and that this is the way it has always been done, but I just wondered if anyone else has any thoughts on this. I don't mind paying for what I use, but I'm pretty tired of being overcharged.

At February 16, 2015 at 7:37 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:23 No, your not the only one. Who to complain to? No PUCO no oversight. call your council person?
No you are 100% correct there is no minimum gas usage but if there are people out there that think these 27 day months and 35 day months are just an accident, Good-Luck. I would suggest you come to a council meeting and make your statement but I fear all you will get in return are blank stares. You also notice your water consummation reflects on your sewer bill. The days of Painesville utilities saving you money are over. Because of Professionals.
John Murphy has brought up our billing system and was politely told to sit down?

At February 16, 2015 at 9:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you look at your utility bills and for example you use 5 units of whatever water, sewer, electric, you can have many different months where it says you used 5 but for every bill is a different dollar amount, I inquired about this years ago and was given senseless gobbledygook about how they have to adjust(fudge) numbers but they claim it works out over a year (yeah right) I'd like it to be like our gas bills where the price per measurement is clearly shown on our bill and if they overestimate they (gas co) give us a credit, I know that as long as we aren't overseen by a governing agency, puco or whatever that'll never happen we will just continue to get bent over

At February 16, 2015 at 9:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

why is everything council does declared an emergency? can't they ever take time to analyze things

At February 16, 2015 at 12:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder about that very point at virtually every Council meeting I attend (and that is quite a few).

EVERYTHING is done on an emergency basis. I would have to think that most of the time it is because someone dropped the ball somewhere and has to make up for that mistake.

Every Council meeting I can recall attending had at least one "Move to suspend" followed by 7 "yes" votes. Then there is a "move to adopt" followed by 7 more yes votes.

Doesn't take much thinking does it?

At February 16, 2015 at 12:57 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:33 We have "Professionals"

9:34/12:44 I might be wrong but I believe it is a procedural process that if there is a quorum than items can be passed on first reading and not go through the three readings. If there is one no vote then it has to go for three readings. The emergency might also be because an answer from the city is needed before the full three meetings. I call it the 7 and 7 sometimes I wonder?
Sometime council people in the past had to have special meeting to pass things on time. Odd how some things are left to the last meeting with someone on the administration telling council we need to know by the end of the week? Then why wait until now?
Is this done so a council person can't question something or get input from residents?

At February 16, 2015 at 1:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, 12:44 here again.

I will acknowledge that there will some occasions where an "emergency" would make a compelling reason to move things along faster.

However, the majority seem to be because the Administration says we need to move on it NOW.
Is it legit?? Who knows as there is usually very little discussion.

IMHO, the rules call for 3 readings so that there can be input from anyone who has a desire to be heard.

If everything is done on an emergency basis, why have a rule requiring the 3 readings? Change the rule to reflect reality (what they are actually doing) or abide by the rules.

Either way is fine but don't continue with the present method. It is dishonest to the citizens.

At February 16, 2015 at 3:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No worries, it may always be an emergency and with a 90 second response time, all things can get done really fast.

At February 16, 2015 at 5:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a question about Waste Management's recycling totes, please. Mine, all of a sudden, is gone from the side of my house. While looking around trying to figure out where it went, I notice my neighbor doesn't have one either, apparently. Is Waste Management doing something I was not made aware of, or is someone stealing recycling totes in my neighborhood? Anyone else missing theirs? Anyone know what is going on?

At February 17, 2015 at 4:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also don't believe that the irregular reading of our water usage is innocent. They must have made enormous amounts of money over the years using this tactic - I can't even imagine how much. And now, even with McMahon and Hada gone, this city is still slimy and gives me "the creeps," as we used to say back in the day. I don't like the new city manager any better than I liked McMahon, and I don't trust most of the people who run this city one iota more than when she was here, especially the people in the water/electric department.

At February 17, 2015 at 9:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only in peeville can electric plant worker go out on disability from the plant and then drive a PCLS school bus!
were is your cell phone camera now TERM?

At February 17, 2015 at 11:09 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:54 ??? I have no clue.

4:35 Change is slow

9:42Have you made this known to the BOE?

At February 17, 2015 at 12:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 5:54. Thanks, but never mind about the totes. It was Waste Management that came and got it from the side of my house! They said when they made a new contract with the city, they failed to keep their records up, and now that they have done an audit, realized that we had not re-upped, or something. So instead of calling or writing me, and asking me if I wanted to continue to recycle in the middle of their mix up, they just came and got the tote. The way they run that company can be ridiculous. One of the last times they renewed the contract with the city, they all of a sudden quit picking up my trash. When I called the company, they said that since I was on bag service, I wasn't notified, and I had to call to continue service. So I found this out AFTER that quit picking up my garbage. Honestly. A ridiculous way of running a company. I actually should have guessed what happened this time, based on past experiences with them. So the case of the missing recycling tote solved. It really is an asinine way to run a company.

At February 17, 2015 at 12:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:42 has not but you have. Term.
You reported this a while ago after inviting people to sit and have some coffee. THIS is what was someone else said, what and why is everything your business and you are going to get someone fired by your inaccurate postings and discussions here. Red truck poster has valid concerns about what you say wrong here.

At February 17, 2015 at 1:37 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

12:54 No I haven't. I'll sit down and have coffee with anyone. If these things aren't my business who's business are they? Please explain inaccurate postings?

5:54 You got to be kidding me? Well what do you expect when a council seems to be to busy to look into a disposal contract and we know who made the deal.
They run their business in this way because the city contract let's them. What a way to run a railroad. Good Luck!

At February 18, 2015 at 3:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen, those were your own words "having coffee" for you to imply the person. Can't you remember what you say? Go back and look, it's there.

At February 18, 2015 at 4:28 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:15 So let's have a cup of coffee I'm buying when and where?


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