Thursday, October 30, 2014


Ebola, Ebola seems everyone's an expert on Ebola. President Obama is putting the American people at risk. The doctor's are not telling the truth. But some goofy congressman in Texas  know all the facts.

Lets go back 30 years remember SARS (severe acute resperatory syndrome)  SARS where was President Reagan on this? Where was the SARS Czar? Where were the travel restrictions?  He never brought the subject up. Just maybe the President listened to the medical experts? Well what exacly has changed in the last thirty years? Well CNN was in it's infancy and there was no MSNBC along with FOXNEWS.  Three stations that must fill 24 hours of programing with not just news but commentary, along with a healthy dose of fear.

Fear sells it's the new yellow journalism. we know longer get tornado warnings or severe snow storms now even locally we get killer tornados heading YOUR way. Deadly winter storms a Noreaster coming to YOUR area? What we have is talking heads doing there best to file 24 hours everyday with God knows what.

Some like FOXNEWS and MSNBC along with CNN finally catching on and figuring out that comentary is not news it's opinion.

Recently watching FOXNEWS my Mom loves it. She should the average viewers age is 68 years old and O'Rilley's audience is 72 years old. Well Meygn Kelly reported a story one night that in Colorado the Democratic governor will let you print up a ballot on your computer and after you fill it a"collector" will pick it up. What the Meercat in me looked up. There is absolutely no truth to this. Does anyone check anything out over there?
Another FOX conentatory Kimberly Guilforyle  suggested that single women should not sit on juries or even be allowed to vote. They don't know whats going on? Me I just watch the 5 only to see Kimberly's and Andrea's legs in heels. Wonder why Dana Perino never sits up front? She probably knows what's going on.
The other day that show "Outnumbered" had KISS legend Gene Simmons on and Andrea questioned him about Ebola like if anyone knew it would be Gene . He had that WTF are you asking me look on his face.

An interesting question FOXNEWS should ask their favorite Senators where is the President's Surgeon General. Would it be asking to much to confirm one? Or again NO.

Recently three female talking heads on FOXNEWS debated if uneducated voters should be forced to take citizenship test? Good idea along with an intelligence test to be given to watch FOXNEWS.  Odd how these uneducated voters are to dumb to vote but know how to scam the voter rolls?

Yes MSNBC uses some of the same stik, but FOXNEWS has learned how to sell it the best.

American home of the free and the brave...unless  you were where last week? Go live in that tent over there.


At October 30, 2014 at 11:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to be a CNN junkie at the beginning of the gulf war. Then I saw they hired Peter Arnett, hero of Hamburger Hill skewed journalism.

Fox news got me and I never looked back. It’s about time there was a news outlet that covered the right, fairly.

At October 30, 2014 at 1:57 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:30 Good for you. Just don't try to tell me it's Fair & Balanced
12:20 For what pointing out the obvious?

At October 30, 2014 at 2:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, its more fair and balanced than ABC/CBS/NBC. I remember when Tom Field came on, with the local news, at 11pm and they were done at 11:20. Now its a big business. Yes, it is good for me, thanks.

At October 30, 2014 at 4:43 PM , Anonymous JBD said...

The idea that Fox news is more fair and balanced than ABC/CBS/NBC is not supported by any honest observer. Seems the reason why it is liked is due to the fact that those who have a tendency to trend on the conservative side like to hear reinforcement to their own worldview. Here is a good link explaining how Americans consume media and why. Good to pay attention to the link in the article which shows that those who watch primarily Fox news are less informed than those that watch no news at all. Candy is dandy, but a balance diet it does not make.

At October 30, 2014 at 8:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM 1:57, for spouting the lies you want everyone to believe. I won't drink your kool aid. I have a brain and think for myself and I can see through the crap that spews from your liberal stations and regurgitate through your mouth.

At October 31, 2014 at 8:29 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:00 Seems like although your not drinking my Kool-Aid it appears you could be drinking someone else's? Good luck and think for yourself.

At October 31, 2014 at 9:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:29, I always have and always will!

At October 31, 2014 at 6:37 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they're been fooled" Mark Twain

At November 1, 2014 at 9:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

and TERM, you have been easy to fool.

At November 1, 2014 at 12:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like. The news on 1208 cable America One. They report news not what the think it means. The local news has too much opion. I like to form my own thoughts .

At November 2, 2014 at 8:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fox news reported two years ago that high gasoline prices were killing the Obama economy? Last week they reported lower and falling gasoline prices will kill the economy? What exactly are these people trying to sell?


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