TWILIGHT ZONE" golden earring
Felt I was in the Twilight Zone for the last few days, Watching video from Ferguson, Missouri I first thought I was watching a scene from Bagdad. Now I'm not going to way in on who did what and who didn't do what. I wasn't there. The fact remains an unarmed young man is dead, and I don't know if he reach into the car or not. My only thought are was the police response justified in the case of the demonstrations?
The reason I ask I have noticed local police agencies becoming almost para-military units. Look it starts innocently enough by calling people civilians and escalates into what we watched in Missouri.
Now let's understand police work ain't easy and is quite stressful when spit second decisions are made that can turn out to be right or wrong. It's also dangerous work.
After watching the news on Wednesday my thoughts were are the police trying to be peacemakers or inciting the crowd?
On another note rioting had started, and I don't understand why the death of anyone means it's a free for all to loot businesses. Although people arrested that night were all outsiders and not from Ferguson.
Now in defense of the police with recent rulings and spearheaded thinking by the NRA "civilians" can be better armed than a police officer just by purchases made at a gun show. Do you remember the sniper position held by a "citizen" at federal agents during the Bundy standoff? Where were the MRAP's at that scene? But do we really need MRAP, Humvees, camouflage? How do you use it in a city setting against American citizens? Does it work or is it to intimidate. Also a Veteran Marine from the Iraq War mentioned to a reporter when there were demonstration in Iraq troops were not to point their weapons at people. Don't point it unless you mean to use it. Message never reached Missouri, I guess. Think about it if someone points a gun at you doesn't it piss you off even more.
Now a note to parents of any race. Teach your children if an officer stops them, you be respectful and answer his question, DO NOT resist arrest! This is the advice my father gave me as an adolescent, I asked why and his answer was simple "He's the one with the gun". I see far to many parents explaining the police are your enemy. There not, they are there to serve and protect. In some cases they do try to provoke. ( I've seen it) Teach them their rights and how to compose themselves.
Does this happen when a young white person is shot? I don't recall this. Seems to be a license for looting and rioting?
Same happened in New Orleans, remember the hurricane. This type of thing gives everyone a licence to act that way? They ruined that city and why? Because they could. Who resorts to this behavior? Looting, rioting, setting things on fire. Not very well trained people.
5:54/12:40 You honor no loss of life by looting, rioting.
I could go on and on but as with most situations like this people have already made up their minds.
The whole point that I was trying to make is quite simple are policemen protectors or soldiers?
The equipment used, I'm glad it's there if there was a terrorist attack but to use it against American's demonstrating their first amendment right?
Al Sharpton says America is on trial. I disagree. I say the black race is on trial, and they just failed again. There is nothing to even say that this is a racial issue yet, but because it was a white killing a black, and not a black killing a white, they are rioting. Sickening. And the white people need to get their tails out from between their legs. Use tanks? They should be using anything they have. You have a riot, and there is no way to predict what will happen during a riot. So because of the backlash, they end up standing down while businesses are getting looted and ruined. Stupid. And once again, Obama inflames the blacks prejudice against whites. He and black Congressman John Lewis apparently think that if they call a black riot a peaceful protest that Americans won't notice that it's a full-out riot. During one of their last riots, the blacks pulled that poor white trucker out of his truck and almost killed him. I wonder if that guy wishes there had been tanks, etc., there. And now someone has shot and seriously wounded someone in the crowd. Innocent people and businesses must be protected in any way possible, and nobody should be making excuses for that. Give me a break. Unless there is evidence that cannot be denied, I believe the cop, and I'll tell you one of the reasons why. I cannot believe that there was a white cop in that neighborhood that did not have every black person's camera on them, and yet not one video of the shooting has emerged. That kid just got done thieving and abusing a shop owner; that's the kind of person he was, and that's the kind of mood he was in. I hope to God that that white cop gets a fair shake in this country with all these prejudiced blacks.
Yes, the equipment used should have been used in this situation. This is not "Americans demonstrating their first amendment rights." This is a riot, and it needs to be dealt with as a riot, and riots have no predictable path. As an American, I think their behavior is shameful, and it brings shame on our entire nation. We don't even know what actually happened yet. Disgusting.
Hardly a riot. Think Harlem, Watts, Detroit Hough.
What no one has mentioned that this didn't happen in a major city but in the suburb. Soldiers are trained to kill. So now are the police?
One note of agreement Rev. Al Sharpton has to decide is he a newsmaker or a news reporter? Shame on MSNBC.
The question not asked? Many asked did the policeman know about the robbery? Maybe the question that we will never know the answer to did Michael Brown think he did.
A young blackman was shot and killed in Painesville on the fourth of July. Where was the black outrage then?
The police themselves, let alone businesses and innocent people need to be protected first and foremost, not the out-of-control rioters. If you have the heavy equipment, why in the world would you not use it? Because the blacks are screaming racism, so therefore you put police lives in jeopardy? Ask the families of the police what they want, as their family members are putting their lives on the line to bring these shameless, self-righteous people under control.
So am I to assume that at any demonstration a MRAP or police dressed and equipped like soldiers will show up? Maybe a demonstration at an abortion clinic, or a pro/anti immigration demonstration does it incite the crowd?
Let's face it the Ferguson Police Department handled this situation poorly from the beginning. After the Governor named the State Trooper captain in charge. the Ferguson police released the video at the convenience store without his knowledge? Then the Governor calls in the National Guard without informing the same captain. Who by now has an impossible job.
6 bullet wounds? letting the body lay in the street for hours? These people screwed the football from the very beginning.
I thought what happened in Cleveland last year was even worse, 40+ police cars chasing one car and then pumping 132 rounds into the same car, some are out of control and it just throws gas on the fire.
I agree about Rev. Sharpton decide if your a news maker or a reporter.
I also questioned, we will never know if Michael Brown thought the officer knew about what had transpired at the convenience store?
In my thinking the shameless, self-righteous people were the fools in charge.
I just wish the black community was as outraged by the number of young black men murdered by other black men.
Let's see, what would make the police think that a predominantly black city filled with citizens screaming racism and murder by a white would turn into a riot? How many black riots over how many decades are people going to put up with? And then they send in a black cop to baby-talk to the blacks and say he is oh so sorry...for what? I can pretty much guarantee the blacks are lying about what happened, and I hope to God it is proven.
I was a young kid growing up in the suburbs of Detroit during the Detroit riots. I watched as the blacks turned Detroit into a ghetto and blamed it on the whites. I watched as we could no longer, as a bunch of kids, jump on a bus and head downtown to shop and eat fries at the lunch counters. I moved away when I got married, and came back several years later. Couldn't wait to go downtown to get about a hundred Lafayette's (sp?) coney dogs. None of our friends would go with us, and when we were about to go ourselves, about twenty of our friends came to do an intervention, and actually did not allow us to go. They said it was no longer safe for white people there and that it was turning into a war zone.
So, gee, I wonder what makes a responsible police department think that that may turn into a riot, and that innocent people and businesses needed to be protected? Then they stood down, due to pressure, and more businesses were looted and more people were shot by civilians. Yes, I think we should baby-talk them some more and make more excuses for them. They should be grateful that any cop, white, black or otherwise, will work in their cities at all.
Again, just how many riots over how many decades can black people blame on white people before they actually take responsibility for themselves? Answer: Probably five more decades from now, it will still be happening. You can't have black people teaching and spouting such racism and teaching their children generations after generations to be so prejudiced against the whites and expect any other outcome. The big excuse I hear on the TV and everywhere else is they have no hope. Well, go to school, get a job, and help yourself. That's what the white people do. No businesses or jobs in your neighborhoods? Well, I think this young thug just showed you why.
How many people have been shot now in those crowds by non-police? Four? Five? And people want to argue that there is too much police action there?
So wrong term your blind
9:37/9:23 Maybe I am, but I'm glad we are having this dialogue. What is the answer a police state?
I guess my complaint is this whole situation didn't seem to be handled correctly. And some of you believe this would be the outcome no matter how it was handled?
Remember now it's moved to the suburbs.
And now the blacks have completely burned down one business, and started a fire in an unoccupied house. I have no idea how the house is doing, but I assume not well. I don't even think that insurance pays for damages under these circumstances, so good luck to these poor business owners, and to the owner of that house. And now they are apparently starting a grand jury hearing tomorrow? Since when! They cannot possibly have gathered all the evidence yet. Once they do, there would probably have been no need to even think of a grand jury. I will never vote for a black again, either, for any office. When I voted for Obama the first time, I thought he was prejudiced against whites (yes, I know he is part white). When I voted for him the second time, I was already shocked at how prejudiced he was, but I voted for him anyway, because I thought he was the best person for the job. Big mistake. He has only added fuel to the blacks "poor us" fire, and the effects of that should last them another 100 self-righteous "look what the white people are doing NOW" years. And so far, I don't see this cop getting any due process. I think he'll be damn lucky if he is not railroaded for saving his own life that day. Nobody should be coddling these people. They need whatever defense weapons they have, and these people need to be threatened now. If a police state is what they need, then a police state is what should be happening.
The solution to all this is simple. Tell CNN,FOX and MSNBC to go home.
Glad you brought up the Bundy analogy, wonder where the mrap and machine guns were? The white people had them, not the federal agents. The NRA warned us about the government heavy hand that was coming. To all black people the smartest thing you can do is buy a gun get a conceal and carry permit then they will leave you alone. Might be smarter to not conceal the gun.
11:59 how about providing jobs? Seems the 1% don't care where they make there money. Read where Walgreens made a one billion dollar mistake? Wonder if those bumpkins can even find Ireland?
Hopefully by now, white people are rightfully shocked, and know a lot more about the black community, and how they think about white people. Hopefully they can see now that half of the black race makes ghettos and war zones, because they are so prejudiced against whites, that they can't even function and succeed when they have had everything they need to function and succeed for decades now. Hopefully white people can now see that 99.9% of black people, no matter how accomplished they are and what they have been able to achieve in the United States of America, are still so prejudiced that they can't see straight.
The black people keep saying over and over that now America can see just how bad they have it, and why they need to loot and kill, and why their young people are so hopeless. Sorry, black folks, what I see is a race of people that teach prejudice against whites to their young in church, at home, and in the whole community. The adults and children are so poisoned, that half the race doesn't even know that Oz never did give nothin' to the Tin Man that he didn't already have.
This also has nothing to do with Trayvon Martin. I believe that poor kid was murdered in cold blood by a Hispanic (meaning NOT WHITE citizen), wanna-be-cop (meaning not a cop), who was so prejudiced against black people that he couldn't wait to kill one. But if they want to bring that child into the picture, then we have to bring in all the people that the black kids murder, including each other, and all the white people they kill. Maybe we could talk about the little baby they killed not too long ago in its stroller, because they were robbing the mother.
The black community is so prejudiced against whites that they incite their own children to be thugs and thieves and murderers, and incite them to hate cops and authority, because it's all "the man" to them.
Note to black people: We hire police to do a job that most people would never have the courage to do. We hire them to finish any investigation they start. We are supposed to listen to and respect the police, and make their job as easy as we possibly can.
I don't believe the black race will ever finish joining America, and I think they will always be a problem. I can't find one black person that thinks it's their own problem and not caused by white people, which means it will never stop, and now they have a license to be even more self-righteous in their prejudice.
Every time I think there is a little glimmer of hope, it is dashed as I realize even the black congress people, along with our Attorney General of the U.S., and the President of the U.S. are just as prejudiced as the blacks in the ghettos that THEY created.
There was a black sports player that said looting and burning of their city was stupid, so thinking that THERE, there is a reasonable person, I read the article. Buy he was just saying that it was stupid unless they went down six blocks and burned out the whiteys.
There's nothing white people can do to help the blacks. They have to help themselves. They don't see this, they won't see this, and now they have even a greater license to continue many more decades of their own prejudice that is wrecking our country.
Here's something many black people don't seem to understand. White people know that they at least need to finish high school. They know it's a good idea if you learn something while you are there. White people cannot make black people go to school and learn; you must do that for yourself. Then white people get a job, and spend the rest of their lives working their a$$es off. We don't wait for someone to come give us a free living, because we know that no one is coming, and we must take care of ourselves, and so must black people.
And if I hear one more black call whites "crackers" or "whiteys", I'm going to start using the "N" word. White people need to tell black people to shut-up already.
3:14 Interesting essay.
Now I know White people who are racists, but claim their not.
I know Black people who are racists, but claim there not.
I know White people who believe Black people are always wrong.
I know Black people that believe White people are always wrong.
99.9% interesting and if I look around I bet I can find a Black person with the same claim against White people.
My point of this the post was about para-military police action. I can find nowhere where anyone one believes Ferguson police didn't drop the ball, this was not handled correctly from the start.
I will not prejudge this until all the facts are know.
On another note my fellow Americans did anybody notice this ISIS group wants you dead? White, Black, Hispanic, You just all live on the wrong place. ...And are Americans
This was sent to me from my cousin.
Bill Cosby said...
They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English.
I can't even talk the way these people talk:
Why you ain't,
Where you is,
What he drive,
Where he stay,
Where he work,
Who you be...
And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk.
And then I heard the father talk.
Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth.
In fact you will never get any kind of job making a decent living.
People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an Education, and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around.
The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal.
These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids.
$500 sneakers for what?
And they won't spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics.
I am talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit.
Where were you when he was 2?
Where were you when he was 12?
Where were you when he was 18 and how come you didn't know that he had a pistol?
And where is the father? Or who is his father?
People putting their clothes on backward:
Isn't that a sign of something gone wrong?
People with their hats on backward, pants down around the crack, isn't that a sign of something?
Isn't it a sign of something when she has her dress all the way up and got all type of needles [piercing] going through her body?
What part of Africa did this come from??
We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; they don't know a thing about Africa .....
I say this all of the time. It would be like white people saying they are European-American. That is totally stupid.
I was born here, and so were my parents and grand parents and, very likely my great grandparents. I don't have any connection to Africa, no more than white Americans have to Germany , Scotland , England , Ireland , or the Netherlands . The same applies to 99 percent of all the black Americans as regards to Africa . So stop, already! ! !
With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap ......... And all of them are in jail.
Brown or black versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's problem.
We have got to take the neighborhood back.
People used to be ashamed. Today a woman has eight children with eight different 'husbands' -- or men or whatever you call them now.
We have millionaire football players who cannot read.
We have million-dollar basketball players who can't write two paragraphs. We, as black folks have to do a better job.
Someone working at Wal-Mart with seven kids, you are hurting us.
We have to start holding each other to a higher standard..
We cannot blame the white people any longer.'
~Dr.. William Henry 'Bill' Cosby, Jr., Ed..D.
Term, let's see, you think the cops handled the riot wrong. How many riots do you think they previously had to deal with? How much experience do you think they previously had? The only problem I saw is that they were letting the President of the United States and other black people dictate and call them prejudice, and tell them they were doing a bad job for the poor black people. Those people burned a business down to the ground. They set fire in a vacant house. They broke windows of, and robbed other businesses blind. I would like to know just how many people did those rioters shoot during those riots, and what are the conditions of those people. Are they dead? Are their lives just ruined forever? Did they make it to work the next day? Are their bills paid since that happened to them? Those idiots were bringing their young children to the riot, also, so the police had the responsibility of trying to protect those children. How many Molotov (sp?) cocktails were thrown at the police? How many bullets were shot at the police and around the area? How many containers filled with their URINE did they throw at police? I'm sure those police did not have a booklet spelling out the directions for possible riot in Ferguson, Missouri. I also think they know those people in that town pretty well, and how those people think and act; I think they knew right from the very beginning that they potentially had a very big problem on their hands. I think they did a good job. I think everyone should have shut up and let them do their jobs. I think the first priority should have been the protection of all the innocents there, including the business owners and the police, which is exactly what they were trying to do. I think it's a miracle and speaks to just what a great job (except for listening to their detractors) that that town did that not one of those rioters were shot and/or killed by the police. Thank God they even got the police to show up and put their lives on the line like that. Everyone should have kept their noses out of it, and let that town and state figure it out for themselves. So now people are blaming the riots on the response of the police during a riot? Let's put the blame where it belongs for once. If the police would have continued as they were and not listened to people calling them racists, there would have been a lot more control of the situation, and a lot less would have happened.
Let's just blame the rioting on the people who were doing the rioting. How about that? If the police showed up in my neighborhood in full force, I don't think I would start shooting people and throwing my pee at the cops. Knowing the past history of the blacks in America and their riots, the police were trying to prevent a riot, something that was not possible with that crowd.
Nice post 9:54. As I recall, the black community ostracized Cosby for this, as they do any other black who speaks out against their own race, and takes the blame off of the whites.
And speaking of being called a "cracker," (previous post) I've even heard Chris Rock say it during a comedy sketch, with white and black alike in the audience laughing. I say, get a grip white people; we're not doing them or us or our country any good by letting this prejudice by the blacks go unchecked. I didn't do anything to them, my father didn't do anything to them, my grandfather didn't do anything to them, and as far as I know, none of my other ancestors did.
And if they are so jealous of the few whites that have money (99% of which worked their butts off and earned it themselves), then they can get whatever education they think they need, and make their own fortune. Nobody is standing in their way but themselves.
Sorry, In my eyes 'authorities' handled the situation incorrectly. If you believe they didn't fine. Police are police and Soldiers are soldiers.
How many riots do you believe the people of Ferguson have been involved with?
Some of the remarks some officers made on facebook and spoken during the demonstrations I guess are fine with you. Have you ever heard of inciting a riot?
Let's prevent a riot by causing one? We on both sides have a lot to learn me included.
6:40 So True. How many of us sat side by side white, black, Hispanic,Asian, etc. in school? We all sat in the same classroom, read the same books with the same teacher. So how is it whites are getting the blame now for others not succeeding in life. If you went to school you had the same education opportunities. Who failed and why?
FYI - I just watched a report on the equipment that the Ferguson police used. Not one piece of it was from the federal government. The only used equipment they have from the federal government is two very old helicopters. The only equipment that was used was their regular equipment, some of which is in their possession for hostage or any other bad situations. I guess rioters shooting at police might be a situation that they've added to their list now. But still Obama is doing a review to see about the used government equipment program. And I just listened to a Ferguson cop say that maybe they should paint their equipment a color other than green so it won't upset the people from now on if it has to be used. OMG.
11:21 Don't know where they got it but Ferguson PD had a MRAP as well as Lenco Bearcat at their disposal?
Please I understand the use of camouflage in the dessert, or jungle but why on an American street?
Now reports surface that Michael Brown laid slain in the street for 4 and a half hours? What if any was the point?
Just so some of you might figure out where I'm coming from. Read
Posse Commitatus Act of 1878
That is why the U.S. Military doesn't get involved in civil unrest. Now if you then arm the police like an army you defeat the reason of the act. Look it up.
If you give some people a hammer, soon everything looks like a nail.
9:37: No, I don't care about white people slurring blacks anymore. How many thousands of slurs were those black demonstrators hurling at the police and about the police and white people during these past two weeks. But you don't mention that; you only mention the few things we heard white people say. I am someone who spent all my life fighting for black rights until about ten years ago, when I looked around after being prejudiced against by a black person yet once again, and thought, okay, that's enough. As a child, I watched people fight for the civil rights of blacks, me included. The rights did nothing for half of the black population, and all blacks are still so prejudiced that it is sickening. I don't want to hear about the white people anymore. But if you want to talk about the slurs against the whites by the blacks, and the shots fired at the cops, etc., then I'll talk about that. Sorry, just don't want to hear it anymore. When I think of Martin Luther King Jr. losing his life for the right of black folk to join the white folk, and all the white people through all the years of slavery and up until present who have also fought for black rights (not to take away from the atrocities perpetrated against the blacks years ago), and I look around now and see how the blacks refuse to do that, there is nothing more I can or will try to do to help the situation. You seem like a nice person, but all you are seeing is the few things we heard white people say. And I no longer blame white people for fearing or being prejudiced against blacks. The reason they fear blacks is because so many blacks have to be feared. The reason so many more blacks are in the prisons is because they commit more crimes; it has nothing to do with white people. King (I have a couple of his quotes displayed in my house, and I did pay attention to everything he said) made a speech one day that the blacks had to do better. He said at that time in the Chicago area, I think it was, that blacks were 10% of the population, but committed 50% of the crimes. I also don't want to hear about the lack of education opportunities for blacks. I say stop vandalizing the schools and fighting in them, and sit down and learn. As far as inciting a riot, I have my finger pointed directly at Al Sharpton and the rest of the blacks, although a lot in the news media, whites included were, and are, padding their ratings by also screaming white prejudice. I'm not buying it. I'm sick of it. Blacks should have joined whites by now to such a point that we hardly notice anything about each other. Would we notice we are different races? Yes, but that should be about it. No white people can help the cause anymore, and I certainly won't be.
4:44 I guess you missed Dr. Martin Luther Kings message? He never asked anyone to join the white folks only that we all judge a person as an 'individual' That's what I guess you missed? Look the post was about police acting like a paramilitary force. Not who was right or wrong because I wasn't witness to what happened.
Sorry, Martin Luther King, Jr. wanted black people to be one and the same with whites. He wanted them to be able to intermingle, live side by side, and be equal with and together with the whites in America. I guess it was you who didn't listen to anything except one famous quote. Was he asking them to change the color of their skin? No. Was he asking them to be white? No, but he wanted blacks and whites to be together in America and equal. He wanted them to have the right to join white Americans and white America in every way, and he wanted them to do so. They got those hard-fought rights, but didn't do it. As far as police acting like they did, I have no problem with that; it was apparently needed and then some. I'll leave that for the police to figure out. The biggest thing that is happening here is that the blacks feel justified in what they did; they're blaming it on the whites, and giving themselves even more permission to be prejudiced against the whites and not change their own ways. Although it does look like maybe they are learning not to riot. At least that would be something, and then the question of how much force is needed during a full-out riot hopefully will become a mute point in America.
3:42 Sorry I'm late, spent time looking for Dr. Kings quotes to 'join the white folks?' Look you want to blame this on the Black people of Ferguson be my guest.
Riots? How old are you? Riots are what happened in Watts, Harlem, Hough. This turned into police actions that fired tear-gas on people who were standing in their own yards on property they owned.
I guess we will continue down this road for what another what 100 years. All to the glee of America's enemies. I'm wrong your right? will never solve this.
Old enough to have been a kid living in the suburbs of Detroit during the horrifying Detroit riots.
In Ferguson they burned a gas station down to the ground, the rioters shot several people in the crowd (still waiting for the news to mention that, or maybe Al Sharpton would like to discuss it), they ruined and looted several other businesses, set a house on fire, shot at police, yelled obscenities and threats at police, threw Molotov cocktails at police, and threw their urine at police.
Next time if people ask nice, maybe the police could just leave their pink-painted guns at the station, and hand out flowers and pot. The blacks will tell them that 100 years ago, or whatever, blacks were declared 3/4 of a man (like was mentioned at Michael Brown's funeral as a reason to still hate white people), and kill the cops. But not to worry, not a pink-painted tank in sight.
Guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this.
As far as what King wanted for the black people in America, you can quit looking for quotes, and instead read his speeches and look at his children and other family members. Needless to say, they all thought it was pretty important to get themselves educated and to join (white) America and Americans. I don't think you'd find any of them at a riot, and they do not blame white people for the black people not doing well in this day and age. I heard one of his family members (niece) say she has taught her children that they are not victims, and that their success or failure lies within themselves.
And if you want to use his quote that all should be judged on the content of their character, then I guess the Ferguson folks and the rest of the white-haters don't hold up too well under that. I'm just sayin'...
Again you have missed my point. Could this whole incident in Ferguson been avoided? I am not condoning the actions of anybody. Yes in many cases the residents did beyond doubt act irresponsibly. Could the police have handled this better? Not only on the day of the incident but better relationships within the community? This idea proposed that every officer wear a camera sounds like a solid idea that everyone should be able to embraces.
This is 5:44. I won't put any blame on the police in any way. I've seen enough in Ferguson of them taunting the police even during a non-riot situation, of the poor attitude of the citizens against the police and of the blacks deep resentment and prejudice against the whites. I have always taken personal responsibility and that is what I taught my children. I honestly don't know how anyone would even want to be a cop in a black neighborhood. They're lucky they get anyone to do the job at all. I put the blame firmly on the blacks continued, poisonous, prejudice against the whites, continually whipped up in the black communities, their churches, and the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, with all of their screaming about "look what the white people are doing NOW" crap. So we'll have to disagree on that one, but as far as the cameras are concerned, I think it's a wonderful idea. I heard one police person (not from Ferguson, and I don't remember his rank)say that there are some drawbacks to that, because police use their own judgment a lot, like when they let someone off, for example, and that may be compromised, because it's against the rules, but despite the few smaller drawbacks, that it would be a good idea for the protection of both the citizens and the police. And I wholeheartedly agree with the camera idea, although I think there is a lot of expense to purchase and run them, and that may be a determent for some departments. I think it should be a priority, though. I also think that the police may get help solving some crimes that way, as they may see some things reviewing the tapes that they missed. Kind of like taping a doctor's appointment, and then on review of the tape, you realize that you missed half of what the doctor said in the office, and it's a good thing you had the tape. So, yes, I think the tapes are a great and important idea, and that may be at least one good thing that comes out of this. And although I have not heard hardly one black person say they should not have rioted, or that they are humiliated in any way because of the riot, or that it was not justified, I think in the end that there will be enough embarrassment over it, finally, now that it is so far out into the open and being discussed (by the white people, especially), that maybe that will be the last riot in America. What idiots. And I still blame them for making me miss my coney dogs in Detroit.
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