A lot of comments on the present state of our schools as well as the administration. Everything from landscaping to people expressing an employee not being qualified, then someone suggesting other's to mine their own business. Do we need an SRO officer at the middle school? Do we need a sterner hand in the office there? People feeling upset with thoughts that parent's and student's are asking for a handout. Heck I even asked why a Ticonderoga pencil?
People asking us to support a levy not even asked for yet. How much and for what?
Well the school board as well as the administration might have provided us with an answer. Now before you dismiss this as another "you want us to interview the candidates for superintendent fiasco" Where the people gave their time and opinion only to find out the first choice of that BOE was Dr. Moore ( boy could that have ended ugly) Let's see if anybody has learned anything? Transparency?
Community Invited to "Raider Roundtable" Series
In May the Board of Education held the first in a series of meetings intended to provide opportunities for open discussions about our schools and the education process. The public engagement 8initiative on ongoing community meetings is known as the "Raider Roundtable".
The purpose of these meetings includes:
* Creating an atmosphere of openness and dialog with the community.
* Seeking opportunities for residents to play a role in the education of our students.
* Developing ways to collaborate on complex challenges facing our schools.
* Providing the community with a view into the School Board decision making process.
The forum is open and informal and is scheduled bi-monthly on the 4th Thursday of the month at 7 PM- located in alternating school library/media center. The "Raider Roundtable" will be held on the following dates and locations.
August 28 at Elm Street Elementary School
October 23 at Heritage Middle School
January 22 at Harvey High School
March 26 at Maple Elementary School
May 28 at Chestnut Elementary School
On behalf of the entire Board of Education, thank you in advance for your willingness to participate and for your support of students in the Painesville City Schools. We value your perspective and look forward to having productive, informed conversations as we work to improve our district.
Taken from August 2014 Perspectives
Now if you don't feel to comfortable sitting at a BOE meeting and waiting to make a statement in front of the Board and camera's, here's your opportunity in an informal setting.
Second if you claim the district has the poorest grade in the county here's your opportunity to do something about it. Lowest test scores? Also probably lowest community involvement .
Find out what affects our educational system. An example at the recent "Meet the Candidate Forum" candidates were asked their position on 'Common Core" one mentioned not being in favor of it. I didn't even know what 'Common Core' consisted of.
Now I see little opportunity of success if the same four or five people show up, but remember just showing up means you have a concern for the direction our schools are headed in.
Do we really feel these round tables are relevant. I for one don't. Educators and community members expressed their support for McWreath as superintendent, but we're rebuffed and as you stated, Dr. Moore was the primary choice. Lol! I really wanted to believe that the board represented the interest of the schools and the people when making decisions. It seems more like a group of individuals who are there for the status of the position. They are not aware of the state of our schools because the only interaction they have is during sporting events or graduation. I would challenge them to talk to the students some time and see where they stand in their own education. They are the consumers of whatever the board produces. Or do we still think they are not competent to know what would benefit them. I do know that Donley spends considerable time in the schools. Maybe get her opinion or input as to where we are weak. She is also a retired educator. That should count for something. It is time for them to step up and make some relevant changes that benefit us. We are tired of waiting!
11:14 Rome wasn't built in a day.
Ms. Donley is a good start in the right direction, I agree, she probably will be at the roundtable.
Would you please repost your Destiny Rules from Sunday, July1, 2012? I feel with all the complaints regarding Painesville, the freebies (not really free, someone had to pay for them. Much like grants, we know where the money comes from). Maybe it will remind others that read your blog -things have not changed at all and they are getting worse.
4:31 Anyone interested can click on July 2012 and read it.
Here is a poem that describes about 90% of Painesville
The Nothing People
They do not lie;
they just neglect to tell the truth.
They do not take;
they simply cannot bring themselves to give.
They do not steal;
they scavenge.
They will not rock the boat;
but did you ever see them pull an oar!
They will not pull you down;
they'll simply let you pull them up and let that pull you down.
They do not hurt you;
they merely will not help you.
They do not hate you;
they merely cannot love you.
They do not burn you;
They just fiddle while you burn.
They are the nothing people:
the sins-of-omission people
the neither-good-nor-bad
Because the good, at least keep busy trying
and the bad try just as hard.
Both have that character
that comes from caring, action and conviction.
So give me every time
an honest sinner, or even a saint.
But, God and Satan, get together
and protect me from the nothing people.
I am NOT a nothing person.
That's a high percentage. How did you arrive at that figure? I don't agree so I won't be part of that number.
God bless you 5:24
Term will have something about you!
you hit the nail on the head!
Term is the king nothing person!
Sorry I disagree. Term never wanted to be king only to inform and I consider him a 10% person.
Round tables won't be of help unless the parents with the problem children attend also. Been to many where it's the same folks, hashing the same things. They need all parent involvement not just the parents who care with children that get good grades. How can they make that happen?
4:32 The schools have also offered a Parent Summit Wednesday October 15 October ELD Parent Summit Thursday October 16
The purpose of the Painesville Parent Summit is to find ways to maximize parent engagement in the education of our kids, and to identify what our schools can do to communicate effectively with families.
We cannot improve our community and schools without a trusting and productive relationship between our schools and families. Please do whatever it takes to be able to participate in this important conversation about how we can build this relationship. This is an important step in our journey to revitalize our community and our schools!
Taken from August school newsletter.
Look it seems the BOE as well as the administration and staff wants to improve involvement. That said you can lead a horse to water but...
you can't make em drink. Same people will attend these as do their kids conference. Again, the ones who really don't NEED to be there as opposed to the kids with poor grades and their parents who DON'T attend. It's a cycle and lets hope some day it will change, but all I can see is it getting worse.
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