Monday, August 11, 2014


Yes by the first of the year the GOP will run the House and the Senate. I have to wonder why.

First this is the party that had ALL the proof and sold the American people on WMD's in Iraq. Sorry  no WMD's, and in the process we lost over 3,000 American lives never mind the cost in treasure. We then turned that country into a constant war zone because of the people we thought were the best for them. Turned out not to be.

 At the start of the war we passed Bush tax cuts. We go to war and they believe cutting taxes will increase revenue. Sorry it didn't work. Start of American's biggest deficits.

They fought to keep the Bush tax cuts claiming it would stop economic growth in America. It didn't the American economy continues to grow.

They claimed the affordable care act would kill jobs. It hasn't, constant job growth since it passed. They previously said repeal and replace. Along with 8 million people having health insurance that wouldn't. Now the word replace is gone. No idea's ?

Raising minimum wages will destroy jobs? Why is that the states with higher then federal wage laws create more  jobs?  Republicans suggest raising the Earned Income Credit? What so Americans can subsidize Walmart and McDonald workers on our borrowed dime instead of employers.

Last month a bi-partisan committee made up of 12 Republicans and 9 Democrats came back unanimously  there was no 'cover up' with regards to Benghazi.  Congressional solution? Form another committee.

The only solution to our problems is to cut taxes on the top 1% and cut regulations. The top 1% will create jobs problem is not in this country. I question the reasoning it is far better for the American economy to sell one Mercedes SLR McLaren at $455,000 or 20 Chevrolet Malibu's at $20,000, which will have a bigger impact on our economy?  Less regulation?That how river's in West Virginia  and Lake Erie get poisoned. Never mind all the climate deniers in the party.

Immigration no real plan? secure the border but what about all these people already here? Self-Deport like that's going to happen?

Look you may say I'm harsh but please explain the plan? Just get rid of Democrats? Look no party or ideology has the only answers or has all the ideas in this country. What and where are yours.

 Then in the last 100 years please explain what the Republican party has done to improve the quality of YOUR life?

NO to everything is not a policy is it?


At August 11, 2014 at 11:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Democrats have a problem in that a large portion of their core constituency aren't motivated to vote in non-presidential election years, i.e., minorities and the young. For the same elections, Republicans are able to get out the vote, in part because they know how to throw red meat to their core (middle-age/old whites) that compels them to get to the polls. Exhibit A of this is what happened in the 2010 election, when Republicans took back the House and shrank their disadvantage in the Senate, thanks in large part to a very low turnout of voters who supported President Obama in 2008. Perhaps Democrats either need to start throwing their own red meat to their core in order to get them fired up, or else do a better job of convincing them why it's counterproductive to vote only once every four years.

At August 11, 2014 at 1:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate to break this to you but the party did not start the war, the President and his minions did.
There is a difference.


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