Friday, June 27, 2014


Well it's getting to be that time again. Fairport Mardi-Gras time. This year we have an added attraction. The bridge going into Fairport Harbor is down to one lane. Presently traffic lights at either end of the bridge signal if you can go south or northbound. This will tie up traffic. Now I have been told UNOFFICALLY that parade night the bridge will be southbound only.

 Meaning the only way into Fairport will be St. Clair St., State St., Skinner Ave. and Rt. 535 (Fairport-Nursery Rd.).

What kind of traffic patterns will this detour make? Will we have traffic backed-up on the Painesville streets mentioned? Will Rt. 2 be backed up to the point that traffic will come to a stop? Causing a dangerous situation?

Will Painesville Police need to direct traffic in the city? At our expense?

Why can't Richmond St. be northbound only in the two or three hour's before the parade? As well as St. Clair? Leaving Fairport Nursery Rd. the only way out of Fairport.

Once the parade has started reverse Richmond St. to southbound traffic only. So people can leave?

This may seem like a small matter to some of you but can we avoid a mess on parade and fireworks night.


At June 27, 2014 at 2:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the News Herald:

In preparation for village’s annual Mardi Gras scheduled for July 2-6, the police department issued its traffic control plans two weeks ago.
The plans include restricting the Route 535 bridge to southbound traffic only between 7:30 p.m. and 11 p.m., for the parade July 2, and between 10 p.m. and midnight July 6, after the scheduled fireworks. During both times and dates, southbound traffic on East Street will be detoured to High Street via New Street.

Full article

At June 28, 2014 at 9:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, the notification that went out, nothing secret, is the bridge will be both ways until 7:30pm and then from 7:30 until 11pm the bridge will be southbound only. Also during that time there will be no southbound traffic on East street. Will need to exit Fairport nursery road, or southbound over the under construction bridge.

At June 28, 2014 at 9:02 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:38 Wonder if Fairport gave any thought on how this would affect Painesville traffic?
Welcome to the job Chief Powalle! First order of business is to arrest the teller at Dollar Bank with the camera in the bathroom.

At June 28, 2014 at 9:13 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:00 If its two way traffic it will come down to a dozen cars heading into Fairport, what every five minutes?
I don't believe this will work.
(might work for Fairport but will cause backups in Painesville.

At June 28, 2014 at 9:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened at Dollar Bank.

At June 28, 2014 at 5:50 PM , Anonymous End of Story said...

2:38 Wonder if Fairport gave any thought on how this would affect Painesville traffic? Why? Should they? They have held the parade many years now, it's their town, their parade and the bridge is not. Not their problem. End of story.

At June 29, 2014 at 8:32 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:50 great attitude !!
Then again if Painesville doesn't co-operate they could make a real mess when people leave the "Money Grab" That's not our problem.

At June 30, 2014 at 7:41 AM , Anonymous Some People said...

Not really our problem, see the Mardi Gras was there first. Before the bridge construction. Someone shoulda thought of that BEFORE now. Also remember Atwells was there years before other homes yet so many complaints about that too. Some people are never happy.

At June 30, 2014 at 8:31 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:41 Not mine either will skip the parade, how many times must you view fire trucks and tow trucks? My concern is only for the Painesville resident's living on those streets mentioned. The homes on Cedarbrook were built during WWII 1942-1944 Most of the other during or before that time. So check your Painesville history facts there was NO gun range. There was a chicken farm though.

Don't concern yourself with the gun range it seems council is unconcerned have one heard from one member.

At July 1, 2014 at 8:04 AM , Anonymous Some People said...

Yes, I know there were houses before Atwells, duh. When one buys a home one should do their homework first. Same for those at Heisley Park. Sometimes I think it is a bigger deal to you than the actual people living in the area. Don't understand why Heisley Park is your concern. And there are closer homes to Atwells than your parents.

At July 1, 2014 at 11:33 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:04 My point was that the homes in question were there before the gun range duh.
Heisley Park I can't figure the complaint out. the railroad the siding as well as the signal have been there for over 50 years?
I guess my concern is property value as well as how well the administraion does it's job. When the administration was shown the plat near the railroad did anyone raise a concern about the siding or the signal then, and why not? Or was the idea just stuff as many homes in there as we can.
The question I ask you is it reasonably to ask if the neighborhood around Atwell's be subjected to that noise daily? A fix would be to soundproof the building.
Someone better start making Painesville their concern and soon!

At July 2, 2014 at 5:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You really have a lot of concerns that should be of no concern to you at all. In fact they really aren't a concern but you like to over inflate problems that aren't really a problem. How long has Atwell's had the shooting range? Yet it has just now been a concern to you? Why? I thought you reside on the North end? You remind me of those that went to Chipolte with assault weapons to make a point, then looked what happened. It backfired on them and it may on you one day.

At July 2, 2014 at 5:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and who will pay for this sound proofing? Maybe if you get that petition going to see just who is really bothered in your neighborhood by the noise. Then also ask in the petition if residents would be willing to chip in to pay for it too? Again, you seem to be the only one making a fuss over this because I don't recall a crowded council meeting with an angry mob making the same point as you. Any business has every right to exist and they are not breaking any laws so you should lay off.

At July 2, 2014 at 5:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to inform you but the homes nearest to Chestnut are the only homes built after ww2. The remainder where built durning the late 50 and sixties. Attwells was already there and it had a range in a building where the convenient store is located. The range has sound proofing but EPA rules they must have ventilation. To keep the air smoke free, and the noise you get is through that vent system. Get mad at the EPA.

At July 2, 2014 at 9:11 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:37 How than are may gun ranges soundproof? The EPA is making noise at that site. Wonder if they would be interested?

At July 2, 2014 at 9:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:37 Many residents are upset. They fear repercussion from the city do to the close relationship betwwen the two.

At July 2, 2014 at 10:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:17 It's residents like yourself that have made Painesville such a crappy town. He has a right to show concern. My question is why aren't you. Your city is sinking and your upset with the person telling you the facts.
Wasteful spending bad deals and your upset with who? The one thing terms got going is thick skin and he doesn't take himself as seriously as many of you do. Your complaining to the wrond choir!

At July 2, 2014 at 10:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll help pay for the sound proofing when Atwell's starts sharing the profits. Are you really that dumb?

At July 2, 2014 at 5:35 PM , Anonymous Can't Hurt said...

I don't believe the city will retaliate against a resident for speaking their mind. I do believe Atwells is following the rules and laws so it's time to give this a rest or get out the petition and see just how many residents are upset.

At July 3, 2014 at 9:02 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:35 Haven't lived here long? That has been the administration's past practice. Whole neighborhoods have suffered for complaining.
If Atwell's is following all the rules and laws why stonewall me about the variance request? How hard could it be to send it to me?
5:37 The homes on Cedarbrook in the 500-700 addresses the deeds show they were most built in 1942-thru-44 No Atwell's then?
So the anyway things are accomplished in Painesville is an angry mob has to show up and jam a council meeting?

At July 3, 2014 at 1:05 PM , Anonymous Examples Please said...

Lived here long enough to know
1. Past practice? There is a new CM in town, stop going backward and move ahead.
2. Give me some examples of entire neighborhoods suffering for bringing attention to problems. I don't believe it.
3 If you want the variance request why don't you go up and get it instead of having it sent to you? You may get it quicker and then move on.
4. Maybe I missed something but nowhere on 5:37 post does it say for an angry mob to go to a council meeting. Said the EPA and then didn't say to get an angry mob to go there either.
You read what you want to.

At July 4, 2014 at 10:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term what varence are you looking for that noise ordnance was passed in 82. Attwells was already there they don't need a varence .. That would be like passing a law telling home owner they all have to have white fences in the front yard and expecting them to comply .. I do not believe a law can be passed and expect those in passed to comply... Now if you go to remodel your home you do have to bring it up to date . I can't remember the last time attwells a
Was remodled. Only changes were made was to comply with the EPA....

At July 4, 2014 at 6:52 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:46 What ordinances and variances were in place when the gun range was built? Did Atwell's ever inform the city what the building would be used for? I'll have man of these answers as well as more questions Saturday.

At July 8, 2014 at 11:20 AM , Anonymous STILL Waiting said...

2. Give me some examples of entire neighborhoods suffering for bringing attention to problems. I don't believe it.
Well, I'm waiting.

At July 8, 2014 at 3:33 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:20 Try Fobes St. a few years back. perfect example
My Neighbors on Owego St. When I complained every cracked sidewalk on our street had to be replaced 60 to 70 new sidewalks on that short street, both sides. I will put up our sidewalks up against any in the city! Now our street that's a different story.
Call Councilman Flock he's heard most of the horror stories.
I'd like to believe that time in Painesville is over. But memories die hard.

At July 9, 2014 at 4:23 AM , Anonymous UNSURE said...

If councilman Flock has heard it,he must be part of the problem if he isn't part of the solution. Correct? If he's heard the stories he should be making a stand to fix this problem. Not fixed here? Take it out of the city to the next step, a city cannot intimidate it's residents and continue on. There has to be more to the story or something else to do. Have no clue what happens on Fobes St. Sidewalks, I remember other streets where residents had to pay out of pocket to fix them too.

At July 9, 2014 at 10:42 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:23 Flock is only one of seven, it's a stacked deck. The former administration did intimidate many residents over the years.
Sidewalks? 7 homes on the street over 70 sidewalks and replaced I can take you all over town and show you worse sidewalks on streets. To go along with Mentors cheaper garbage pick-up Mentor replaces the bad sidewalks and not on the property owners dime. I know if Mentors so great move there? Well every time the city compares something they use Mentor maybe we should include everything?

At July 9, 2014 at 1:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you were someone who spoke out against the former administration, you are still abused by this city and by the new city manager also. Nothing has changed. It's no better than it ever was.

At July 9, 2014 at 5:13 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:12 I'm still getting abused? The city manager and I have a good relationship. Remember I'm a big P-I-T-A to them. But yes things have changed.
Back to Flock he never voted Yes to make the former city manager the manager. Second he publicly stated at a public council meeting he had lost confidence in her leadership.

At July 9, 2014 at 7:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term 5:13, this is 1:12. I was speaking in general terms, and also for me, and not for you. And if things have changed for you, you are the only one, as I don't know anyone else they have changed for.

And who are you defending Flock to? He didn't vote for her to be hired, so he refused to fill out her employment assessment for all the years she was here, meaning he never gave her a bad performance rating. And what - after 25 years of her being here, he finally said he had lost confidence in her? Yip, yip, yippy for him.

At July 10, 2014 at 8:31 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:33 She's gone and things in my eyes are better. I believe he never had confidence. 1 against 6.


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