Friday, May 23, 2014

"ALONE AGAIN (NATURALLY) gilbert o'sullivan

As most of you know I have spent a good part of my life in good old Painesville. Ward I as well as Ward III. Due to many reasons I have spent a good part of the last five years in Ward III. What a disappointment this has been. First the councilman for the ward was only a rubber stamp for the then administration and now run by a political opportunist.

I though at the time anybody would be an improvement.

Now it seems we have a councilman who's main concern is God's 40 acres known as Liberty Greens. and the rest of Ward III be damned! Has he noticed the high grass, abandoned homes, lots keep unkempt? First mowing May 22 next? July 2? The speeding vehicles at all hours on Cedarbrook. The city could finance the road levy with proper police presence. Has he checked on the flooding conditions without a resident trying to reach him?
Please don't tell me about noise decibels, more important tell me about a business that is a nuisance to local property owners. July is approaching. First don't tell me about your second amendment rights, you have them it's just not a neighborhoods responsibility to listen to them.

When this man ran for office one of his selling points was that the was an assistant county prosecutor. Tell us how that has benefited us?  As far as I can tell we are the only Ward in the city with gaming machines in local businesses. Let's not even mention the high stakes poker games also in the Ward.

As I mentioned before this councilman watched with my neighbor and myself an alleged drug deal last summer. Stop by I show you where the drug house is.

I guess what I'm most upset about is the number of people who bought into his law and order assistant prosecutor false promise.

Look I know your a very intelligent person and I have watched you at council meeting with your legal expertise please tell me how this all benefits your constituents?

Question is can you be re-elect  just by Liberty Green voters?

You also can send a rebuttal that I will print if you so chose.


At May 23, 2014 at 12:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can hear the bang bangs from my house too. Big deal. I'll take that any day over a NASCAR buff or Harley buff tuning his engine till well after dark.

You forgot to mention the new head shop selling the bongs and water pipes and the synthetic this and synthetic that. That’s a great draw for the neighborhood.

At May 23, 2014 at 4:48 PM , Anonymous Take Your Own Advice said...

Just where are these gaming machines? Are they legal? If not then they should be banned and proper persons arrested. If not, why make a fuss of it then? Report it to the authorities and then follow through instead of reporting it on your own blog, that's what you tell your readers when they bring up something to you isn't it? Take your own advice. Is there a law against poker games? Guess they'll have to arrest my grandparents, parents and me because during family game nights we play that sometimes.

At May 23, 2014 at 9:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I appreciate your throwing down the gauntlet. Changes must be made, or no one interested in quality of life will ever want to live on Cedarbrook Drive! The constant gunshots twelve hours a day, every day are grinding my nerves raw! Speeders? Ha! Many of us speed, but two to three times over the limit? A tragedy will occur! The offenders obviously feel they have immunity! Flooding is a constant threat for most residents. I`m glad to see council beginning to do something, but their reaction is so slow! Abandoned, neglected homes, are indeed a problem. One thing you didn`t mention, is the weekly occurrence of near riotous behavior of Heritage Middle school kids coming down the road! This could be a great community, but I`m concerned about the near future, and buyers remorse is beginning to fester. I will give it a couple more years, and if things don`t change, we will take our loss, and move somewhere a lot more civilized! At this point, I would take idling trains, and mooning conductors anytime over the insanity here. Yet they seem to have the attention of their elected official. We do not.

At May 24, 2014 at 9:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You said he met with you. Why would he do that when you write like this about him! I wouldn't but he did. Shows character. He also seems to be the only one trying to move the storm water plan forward and have 5 million dollars of projects done in our ward. For the first time in years I have hope that my flood issues are being addressed! He met with me too. Neither one of us are in his development. Seems like he is doing a lot to help and he actually cares! I'll take him over anyone that's on there or ran to be on there any day. Deleone gets things done!!

At May 24, 2014 at 5:30 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

12:57 Thanks for the reminder.
9:31 Heisley Park resident send emails to council members and go to council meetings. Maybe that's for the added attention?
9:15 I have had the conversations
I guess my question is what 5 million dollar project? Caring and doing to different things.5 million???

4:48 ask him about the gaming machines. Maybe his answer will make sense to you then it did to me.

At May 24, 2014 at 6:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you go to the storm water meetings? I did. Deleone did. That company recommended 5 million dollars in projects. Deleone seems to be the only one with any sense to move it forward. Had to pull teeth just to get the first step moving. Watching those 6 other people say no when Deleone wanted it to go to agenda was infuriating! Why wait! He saw that and fought for us. Look at the papers they gave out at the meeting! 5 million dollars of projects to help us. And Deleone is moving it forward. He's earned my vote and I hope he stays another term!!!!! Jeeze term, give the kid a break and some credit.

At May 25, 2014 at 5:04 AM , Anonymous DUH said...

I am not asking for his answer, again you put this stuff out to imply things yet won't answer to your readers when they ask of you. I asked you, since you reported it -where are these alleged machines. Poker parties? Did you ever take a concealed carry class at Atwells? That will explain the large amount of cars without shooting noise. DUH

At May 27, 2014 at 5:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poker games aren't illegal if the house isn't taking a cut.

At May 28, 2014 at 11:15 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

First 5:04 I'm told it's a concealed carry class at 12 midnight.Now nothing illegal if the house ain't taking a cut? What is it. To be truthful I could care,it's quiet !
4:40 I agree.
6:32 Yes I did. Now show me the money.

At May 28, 2014 at 1:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

By his own words, the Council job is just a stepping stone to get to the Municipal Court judgeship.
He wants Mike Cicconetti's job.
Anything that can be said, or done, to reach that goal is what he will do.


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