Monday, March 3, 2014


Interesting Sunday uh? well as they say s@#t  happens. I was surprise how quickly the Ohio Edison crews brought in by First Energy completed their job. I didn't even think 7:00 pm was a reasonable completion time, I was thinking Monday at 7:00 pm.

Kudos's to the city that used the fire station as a warming center and food for Painesville residents.

Also I have heard stories of neighborhoods reaching out to the elderly and welcoming them into their homes to sit with a neighbor who has some form of heat. This is what a community is. Not a graph on how many of these, or how much of that, they have even in a crisis they look out for each other.
I am happy to know some of you people. Me? I was asked Sunday morning to take a friend and find coffee. Simple right? No nothing in the city. headed west Mentor McDonalds drive thru lines were out on Mentor Ave. Dunkin'Donuts in front of Lowes closed, Spudnuts open but no coffee? Finally got a great cup of coffee at Sheetz's on Rt. 306 wasn't as easy as I thought. Don't forget to get one to go.
As someone mentioned on another post the Painesville of 1870 ain't coming back but then no electricity and nothing open in the city on Sunday came damn close.


Tonight  03/03/14 is March's first council meeting of the month.

Some Agenda items;

Vacant building fees, wonder if they could take the Dollar Bank building and show us how this works?

Resolution reinstating local government funds,.Now theres a letter that makes sense to send.

Resolution to waive water tap in fees at Project Hope.

Resolution to buy a new ambulance OR a new chassis for the one being replaced with 40,000 miles .
What is it one or the other.

Resolution to enter into an agreement with the COG for the purchase of a "Air Truck" wonder if anyone on council asks why Painesville's share is $60,000 ?

Resolution requesting Comprehensive Immigration Reform letter to federal and state officials.
Why we want to go down this road again is beyond me? First will every person in Painesville with a federal issue come to council and ask for a letter? Well  you sent one for them why not me? Will this letter even matter? Not at all or very little. This letter appears to have very little support of the Painesville community as a whole. Congress could careless if Painesville wants them to "poop or get off the pot." Their liable to poop on your head and then ask you to thank them for the hat. Again if you didn't vote to send the AMP-OHIO letter to the Ohio AG that affected 100% of all Painesville residents... Sending this one makes you a hypocrite, sorry.


At March 3, 2014 at 1:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like Lori DiNallo is the one that pooped on our heads! Thanks, Lori. You will be remembered for this! Just remember that. Forget your aspirations for higher offer. That dream pooped away with this blatant disregard of residents wishes over those of someone who doesn't even live in the city for people who are illegaly here.

At March 3, 2014 at 2:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe Councilwoman Dinallo has shown courage. We all complain about the Federal Governments lack of motivation. This letter simply reminds Congress this is their problem, fix it! I've read the letter several times. The context of the letter is, there are consquenses when the law is ignored. Please enforce the current law, fix the law, or write a new law. Do something. The status quo is not fair to the residents [legal or illegal] of Painesville.

At March 3, 2014 at 3:00 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:46 WE can agree on the courage part. But I don't quite agree with you on the way you read the statements in the letter.

At March 3, 2014 at 8:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since I`m a recent transplant to Painesville, I rarely comment. It will take a while to acclimate. That being said, I believe as well, that writing letters on federal issues should come well behind dealing with city resident`s most pressing concerns. This electricity business is what needs to be fully investigated.Our city leaders should`nt leave a rock unturned in finding ways to save us money, and secure a better future for residents. Council should also be writing letters to the statehouse imploring for the re-establishment of funding. Municipalities in Ohio are being devastated by the cuts the state has made, and from what I understand, our state has a surplus budget! One final thought: As a conservative person, I must say there are some people, that post outrageous comments about my brain, or motives, or character. Just a tad offensive! I hope for better civility from my neighbors. Although we may come to different conclusions and methods, I like to think we all really just want the best community we can have.

At March 4, 2014 at 5:06 AM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

Courage? This letter had no place on councils agenda. If each council member wants to send a letter independently, fine. Honestly it showed how easily Lori Dinallo can be swayed by another's opinion, and by Victoria Dahlberg who has a murky relationship with this city and not a resident. It's great to listen to another's opinion but to act is quite another. The letter crossed a line of what I felt council should be dealing with. I hope councilwoman Dinallo heard the message.

At March 4, 2014 at 11:35 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:14 Welcome to Painesville other wise known as the Kobayashi Maru of Northeastern Ohio.
Your right all citizens of Painesville would be better served if our council concerned itself with city business.
Outrageous comments sent by Anonymous people you seem to have the correct attitude.
and Sandy I guess the Utility Commission won't be in your future?

At March 4, 2014 at 12:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:46, I don't believe DiNallo showed courage. I think her real motive behind her alliance with VD will come to light. And it isn't a pretty light.

At March 4, 2014 at 5:03 PM , Anonymous My Name said...

Why did anonymous sign the comment-anonymous if they have a problem with it being done to them?


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