"JUST DROPPED IN (TO SEE WHAT CONDITION MY CONDITION WAS IN) kenny rodgers & the first edition
I pushed my soul into a deep dark hole.....
First I believe I'm NOT smarter than you? Even mentioned Farther instead of Further in that post.
Now I'm not Tolerant enough?
As I composed this I learned one Tea Party candidate Rand Paul seems to be acting as the adult at the 5 year Tea Party Convention. It's nice to see one grown-up in the room. Again you can disagree but the manner in which you do it is troubling.
So I will ask a question that encompasses both let's call this the "JAILBAIT' question?
Jail Bait
Well I don't care if your just 13
You look to good to be true
I just know your probably clean
Jail bait you look fine, fine, fine
It's quite alright I asked your Ma Ma
Wait a minute officer
Don't put those handcuffs on me
Put them on her and I'll share her with you
This plus two years earlier He requested Legal Guardianship of a 17 year old girl so as her parents would have no parental recourse against him.
These the ramblings of a young rocker in his late teens or early twenties?
No Ted Nugent was 32 years old when he wrote Jailbait and 30 when attempting to gain custody of the 17 year old..
Look as mentioned on another post first Ted had a student deferment and later classified 4-F
now if he had say flat feet he would have been classified 1-Y which means could serve if needed.
In his own words he was to busy rockin' with his guitar to play soldier.
This man is asked to campaign events by Republican Texas gubernatorial Gregg Abbott as well as other prominent Republicans .
Sarah Palin claimed if he's good enough for Ted he's good enough for me? (Abbott)
Let me ask this do you believe Ronald Reagan would have been caught dead at the same event as Ted Nugent?
Let's also add calling the POTUS a sub-human mongrel? Who else called people that?
I guess I'm asking how I as well as many other's could follow your lead with the honor bestowed on some of these speakers for your party.
Look I'm tolerant but really?
I know we have some real losers on our side but nothing like some of yours.
The party of family values? Senator David Vitter will make a run at Louisiana Governor? Look in the D.C. Madam book he was listed as seeking infantile sex. lets hope he played the infant.
Please explain how all this works with your logic? Maybe I can understand YOUR tolerance?
As a person who believed in many of the tea party ideas. After watching a tea party primary debate when Ron Paul was asked about the uninsured and the audience cheered at the thought that a comatose uninsured American should be left to die. Due to the lack of insurance. That ended that romance with the funny hat people. Shame on them.
If I remember correctly they booed a gay soldier also.
My opinion of Republicans is that they're just not that smart. For years I've watched in wonder as they continue to act like idiots, and they don't seem to comprehend problems in their entirety. They latch on to one thing, or one aspect, and not only do not seem to see the whole picture, but keep throwing tantrums where no adult should even be upset, in my opinion. During the beginning of the health care debate, for example, I watched as Republicans sat in a room and pouted and one of them said that sick people - if you get cancer, or something, he said - should just go to their neighbors for help like they used to. All the other Republicans wholeheartedly agreed! Now, I'm in my 60's, and I also remember my grandparents and all their friends, and my great-grandparents also. I don't remember, however, anyone going to their neighbors for health care or to attempt to get cured from cancer. They might have gotten a pot of soup or a dessert, but not even a shot of penicillin, folks, so what in the hell was that. But I watched as all the Republicans took up that battle cry.
Then about a year ago, or so, I saw where they did scientific studies on the brains of Democrats vs. Republicans, and that explained it. The Republican brains, they found, were very one dimensional, and would focus on one small aspect of an idea/problem, while the Democrats were grasping entire concepts with all the dimensions included. For me, it just proved what I have known for decades now, and it answered the baffling observation of what I had, and have, been seeing and hearing.
I've seen the Democrats do and say some stupid things, too, but not very often, and I very seldom see them act like babies, as opposed to the Republicans, who mostly act like they need diapers and a pacifier.
I find the Republicans frightening, and our latest examples of George W. Bush, Sarah Palin, etc. proves it pretty well.
The only thing I have thought the Republicans might be good for is to get the illegals out, since the Democrats are so hell-bent on giving them our country, but now they're going along for the ride on that, so...
I think we clearly need two parties, and yes, the Democrats need to be held in line by the Republicans sometimes, especially on this illegal aliens problem, but as I said, I find the Republicans childish and scary.
This is 3:39 with a P.S. to my post.
As I watched and listened to those Republicans saying that if people got sick, they just needed to go to their neighbors for help like they used to, I was acutely aware that as they all sat there pouting, they were also sitting there smugly covered with a very good health plan for themselves and their families -- that was (is) being paid for by the very Americans that they were fighting to deny health care coverage for.
They are so single-minded in their attempt to go against everything that the Democrats want to do, that they can't see past it. They don't care how many Americans die because of lack of health insurance and/or because necessary changes in health insurance needed to be made (like people with pre-existing conditions being able to get coverage at all, let alone affordable coverage), they just care about themselves and winning elections. I just don't see them caring about the population at all. And I see them hurting the American people over and over again just to try to gain points for their elections and to go against Democrats/Obama. I just really find them very frightening at this point.
As far as the health care law goes, they should have been trying to help the Democrats make it as good as possible, and weed out any mistakes, but instead, they are still trying to stop it. Although, I guess in the end, with the Republicans being who they are, it's probably a good thing that they did stay out of the writing and now the fixing of it.
I wonder if they go to their neighbors for help when they get sick or get diagnosed with cancer. Somehow I don't think so, and I think if someone mentioned to them that they should, they would be as outraged as the Americans who are paying for them to have such good insurance should be at their behavior.
You sound like you may lose!!!
I got high! I missed all that stuff. the chickens have come home to roast on the DEMS scary scary!
Another common mistake of the GOP speaking of chickens, don't count them before they hatch.
You mention 1870 Painesville NO electricity and no business open on Sunday. The good old days.
You know what, 6:17? You're just another screaming Republican. So Obama got high; you might as well get over it. If you don't, we could always talk about George W. Bush, and all his childhood/adolescent antics...and wasn't he a drunk? What all was he doing back then? I think there's some pretty good stories out there about all of that. AND, I remember watching him during a presidential debate while he was drunker than hell and/or higher than a kite. AND, it looked like he was being fed answers, so go smoke a joint and get over it already. I happen to think smoking pot is stupid, but maybe it would calm you down a little. And while you are at it, turn off your radio. Those guys are making a living by making people like you crazy.
Bush promised us lower premiums and help with health care by giving us managed care and PPO's. It didn't do a thing to help the American people. It was all for the insurance companies, who continued to raise premiums to a point that they priced many Americans right out, while being able to deny people the health care they needed and need. It was a scary scenario that he created for people. So if you think your guys can do a better job, it has been proven that they cannot, and now lately, will not.
Look I asked the reason why the love for Ted and this is the answers? Well if any Republicans read the blog. I can assure you there gone.
Term 9:34. Well what can ya say...sometimes the truth hurts.
As far as Ted Nugent goes, either he's the best they can get, or they're too dumb to actually know who he is. They probably just saw a rock star and thought they got lucky. Dum dum dum dum, DUMB.(Did you sing that last line? You need to sing that last line.)
Republican Lawrence Lockman of the Maine House of Representative claims "men should be able to rape women if abortion is legal".
He later apologized,
put your pot away he has been president for years!!!!!!!!!!
get over it!! he is yours!!!!! so smoke another it will be over soon
how long can you blame BUSH another BUSH IS COMING then you will forget about your boy OBAMA WHO stop living in the past!! he is yours all yours all yours!!!
BENGHAZI lets forget NO!!!
1.47 gallon of gas the day your guy took office just one thing many more HE IS THE PRES. NOW GET OVER IT ITS YOURS!!!
4:47 Interesting where do you rank George W.? Next Dem Clinton 2016?
4:31 You and Benghazi? Look up a little history. Beirut October 23, 1983. 241 dead American serviceman. Talk about a cut and run President? Your Hero Reagan. Where was that investigation?
Term you win you are so smart! I will vote lib all the way Reagan was no good I will rebuild the wall
the investigation was saved for Clinton's impeachment!!! was he impeached??????? Yes!! you should be proud you are responsible for a new saying how about a Lewinsky?
only you could compare military barracks in Beirut to 4 Americans begging for help from Hillary and she let them die!!
Benghazi is your down fall it will not go away sorry hillbilly 2016
Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi
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