Friday, August 30, 2013

"TAXMAN" beatles

Well soon we we will be getting a 'gift' from our Republican legislators as well as our  governor John Kasich.
Beginning on September 1,2013 our state sales tax will go up from 5.50% to 5.75% not much it will probably add around $32.00 more to purchase the same thing in the next year over last year. The sales tax in Lake County will rise to 7% come Sunday. Strange legislation from the party of "No new taxes"? It seems there as bad as those rascally Democrats".

I bring this up due to the fact at the same time this state government is cutting funding to our fair city at the same time raising sales tax? Lets not forget the levies will cost move due to the state revoking the 12% rollback. Why isn't the city educating you about that 'FACT'?

So the people we elect solution to the problem is to ask you to chip in little more. $32.00 here, $92.00 there and $76.00 everywhere.

After sitting on something for 32 years you would think a person would have formed some friendships in Columbus and at least went down there to go on record to oppose these cuts to Painesville? Or maybe asking them to free up $26million to $32million so as to use some of that money to make up the difference?

I happen to know his friendship with the head of the Lake County Republican party helped him defeat John Murphy run for council. The fellow even told John that.

So let me understand this the State of Ohio cut's Painesville's funding by over $750,000 a year, changes the way levies cost a community, and raises your sales tax? Where is all this money going?

Maybe our solution is to just say "NO"?

THIS  I FOUND VERY INTERESTING...., a story from Galion Live.This was from Galion council's Tuesday meeting on the proposed letter Galion want's to send to the Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine.

Galion Councilwoman Shirley Clark led off the discussion on the measure, telling her fellow council members that she had been contacted by the Council-President of Painesville, who said while one member of their city council wished to pursue a similar type of contact, that the rest of  their Council did not, fearing that it would cost the City. In fact, Clark said, no other community had expressed a willingness to do what Galion was considering.
Councilman Daniels asked Clark how the request would cost Painesville, and Clark indicated that the Painesville contact did not share that information. Daniels said at this point that he had read the material shared by AMP, Ohio Citizen Action, and others, and that he "didn't understand the harm" in sending the letter to the Attorney General. "I don't care if AMP doesn't like this," he continued, shared details of the representation of projected costs in 2013 versus the actual current amount billed.

Anyone else starting to get a strong toxic smell about with these AMP-OHIO deals?
Well is there any of you on council or residents that still believe Mr. Hada is looking out for you or AMP-OHIO?

Look it's bad enough that our council-president runs herd over our council now he's contacting a city council on the other side of the state? What is the purpose here?
Please anyone on council will some one explain what FEAR he is talking about? I know I will be asking what he's talking about with that comment. What AMP-OHIO will throw us out of these financially bad deals? What possibly is there anything to fear.
Who is this Galion Mayor O'Leary? Council President Don Faulds shared that 27 Galion residents had written on a website critical of the contracts,and suggesting that Clark had been one of them . Clark responded that she only asked for information. Well Shirley I know how hard that seems to be to get. Wonder if Joe sent her any?

Then again what is/was the connection between Painesville and Galion is there relationships we are unaware of? Could there even be a family relationship involved?
Odd how on a visit to Galion I was asked by a resident if I knew our city manager? Seems she was his cousin, what position if any does he currently have in Galion?

You can bet Becks, Murphy, as well as Aston are looking into council's failure to look into this.

Galion voted to send the letter 4-2.


At August 30, 2013 at 7:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the city should do to balance its budget.
1) No more longevity seniority pay.
2)Make ALL city employees pay 25% of their health care premiums
3)Post all city employee's salarys on a city website.
4) No more cashing in when you retire on sick days.
5) Keep al vehicles until they reach 100,000 miles.
6) Outsource as many city services as you can. If city employees can't copeteto bad.
7) Give councilman Hada a one way ticket to any destination of his choice.

At August 30, 2013 at 7:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

714 the pay in any form is part of the contracts with the city employees, they have to give that up. They already drive most city vehicles to over 100,000 miles.the salarys are in the city ordnance book , the sick days are also part of the contract. Mr.Hada is leaving at the end of the year. The city already outsources some city services like the cleaning of cit hall police station. The only thing you already don't have is the health insurance and I do know those cost go up ever year,for the employees. You should be very happy the city has already taken care of most thing you Wayne

At August 30, 2013 at 8:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

With all due respect, are you out of your mind?
With the exception of #5 and #7, none of your ideas have any real merit. The everyday City employees are not the reason for the mess we are in, it is the leadership (or lack of).
For example, is YOUR salary listed on a web site that we can see? As long as the amounts paid to employees are within the realm of reality, that is simple a cost of running a City.
Don't allow people to cash in sick days? Sounds good on the surface BUT it just means they will use the sick days they are entitled to whether they are sick or not. The cost did not go away, you just moved it.
Outsource the City jobs? How are you saving there? The jobs (for the most part) still have to be performed but now you have people who have no vested interest in making the City better, it is just a job to them. BTW, the cost does not go away.
I would agree that things need to be done but you need to look at the long term picture. It isn't as easy as you seem to think.

At August 30, 2013 at 9:31 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:50 7:14 might not be the only one you believe is out of their mind?
I have a list of all city employees and their wages, it public knowledge. You know why you don't have mine? Your not paying me.
Sick days are sick days not save them up days so I can retire 6months early,sorry.
I wish I was only paying 25% for my health care what makes you believe you are an entitiled class?
Worked over 40 years never had a job that included longevity/seniority? Again that's not a real world policy.
The city would have to prove that it would be cheaper to let city employees do a job than outsourcing it. The city has proven with the Waste Managment contract that they can't compete. Believe me Waste Management is vested in keeping that contract.
What are we going to turn into Detroit because we feel employees are special? You have a contract,when it runs out its all back to zero. Someone mentioned starving the beast to regain control of spending, it might have to happen if more money drys up.
You have a pretty good deal here, chances are you will lose it if reality doesn't set in.
It amazes me how no one wants to mention what they pay for health care? Maybe next contract the city will do what businesses all over the country are doing letting them join Obamacare?

At August 30, 2013 at 9:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A smell to these AMP deals ?

I think a pattern of bribery has been established through scholarship for city officials kids ... wonder when the Columbus Dispatch will drop that bombshell.

At August 30, 2013 at 10:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, I'm confused. Are you saying that Kasich's friendship with the head of the Republican party led to Murphy's losing the election? Why would Kasich get involved? Or did you mean DeLeone? It would be interesting to know.

At August 30, 2013 at 11:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting you would claim that the head of the Lake County GOP would help a Democrat get elected. Next you will be saying you got Lori elected.


At August 30, 2013 at 11:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least Arlene didn't screw up her petitions this time. Wonder who she will blame if she loses?

At August 30, 2013 at 8:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

one thing you forgot to add to your one-sided facts is that the state income tax rate has been reduced by 8.5%. of course that doesn't apply if you don't work and collect government assistance.

At August 31, 2013 at 6:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

All public employees salaries are public record and can be found at

At August 31, 2013 at 6:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops...I meant

At August 31, 2013 at 7:08 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:05 Read the post again, that's nowhere near close.
8:20 No I was waiting for you. Now that I have your attention the biggest chunk of that tax Bill. Let's owners of small businesses in the state to deduct 50% net income up to $250,000. Now that's a tax cuts, how does that help retiree's, people on disabilities, as well as Veterans on Pensions? Conveniently you never mentioned that.
It appears anyone on Social Security, or a Military pension gets lumped in with who?

At August 31, 2013 at 7:28 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Found this is the Columbus Dispatch;
AMP-OHIO urged Galion not to ask for an investigation, saying there was no evidence of wrong doing and that an investigation would bring "bad publicity."

Their worried about bad publicity? Why aren't they worried about power from that plant costing communities almost three times what was promised?
The only 'skin' AMP-OHIO has in this game is their reputation and presently that ain't worth much.
If there was no evidence of wrong doing they should welcome an investigation, after all it is their reputation?

At August 31, 2013 at 8:45 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I see the discripition of what a "Family" consists of is on second reading this Tuesday. Maybe we can all cut to the chase and ask Julia & Ron McGruder what they belive a family consists of? There vthe reason the question is being asked in the first place? Seems they have afew residences in Painesville that have families in them?

At August 31, 2013 at 10:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, You said you "Worked over 40 years never had a job that included longevity/seniority?"

What was the reason? No union or lack of education? And, just because you never enjoyed those benefits, why deny them for others?

At August 31, 2013 at 10:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

AMP does not want an investigation for fear they will be exposed as another ENRON fiasco.

Payoffs, bribes, collusion, conflict of interests why these execs at AMP, a non profit, pay themselves millions of dollars a year, driving BMW's, flying corporate jets and have lavish pension packages.

Only question Painesvile residents need to know, how much did AMP give HADA to be their local cheerleader ...

At August 31, 2013 at 2:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term I still don't get it. What did the head of the rep party do to defeat Murphy?

At August 31, 2013 at 10:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's more important, getting people jobs or adding to government assistance? Black unemployment is at it's highest, youth unemployment is higher, fast food workers want their wages doubled to $15 per hour. Disability rolls are at their highest. Companies are reducing hours to 30 or less to make affordable care affordable for them. Cheaper to pay penalty than the hospitalization rates. Who's cutting veterans and active military benefits. GI bill will soon be a distant memory. A administration that promised transparency is now the most private. White House visitors now are secret for 12 years.

As a Nobel Peace Prize winner, name one country that the US has better relations with now. Has America's perception increased or decrease world wide?

Do we have better or worse racial relations now?

I don't even want to mention the Middle East. Benghazi, Egypt, Yemen, Pakistan, Russia and now impending military strikes in Syria. We can't even get along with our allies.

Sorry, but time to stop blaming the other guy. Time to accept what happened on your watch.

At August 31, 2013 at 10:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, we all know who you like for council, and that you hate Hada and Lori.

So, name Arlene's great accomplishments on council other than not being a Republican that warrants your support. Pro Arlene and not anti Lori comments please.

At September 1, 2013 at 11:03 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:04 Most of my working life I was in the Teamsters Union Local #377. Never in that job or any was there any longevity /seniority clause. Check with most in the private sector. What you get a raise because you made it another year? So we have two guys cutting grass at the cemetery and one makes more than the other because he's been doing the job longer? Please everything you learned about grass cutting you learned in your first year. What you had better fear is those jobs being given to private contractors.
Somebody in the city have a Harvard Degree in grass cutting?
10:30 Are you admitting the other guy should be held somewhat responsible in the first place?
The silly way I viewed it was in 2008 we had one Hell of a mess. Hand it over to the new Black guy and do everything in your power from letting him be successful. %That's how I see it. Wonder why he was reelected most Americans saw it the same way.
10:51 Here we go with the hate B.S. again. Look as I look back I really can't find any successful legislation Ms. Becks had during her time on council. As a regular citizen she did manage some Charter Changes on her own. Mrs. DiNallo has served in her position pretty well, I only want to be reassured that she won't jump ship. Look if she had served one full term on council before deciding to run for another office I could understand that. But announcing a run for state representative before serving one
full year on council? Sorry that's lame. I felt the only run for council was she had experience in something. Other than that I like the fact that she's seems to be her own person.

At September 1, 2013 at 1:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Look as I look back I really can't find any successful legislation Ms. Becks had during her time on council. As a regular citizen she did manage some Charter Changes on her own."

Exactly. Charter change? Insurance incase SHE made a mistake on her petitions again. I'd rather have someone do something on council than just fill a chair. Agree or disagree with anyone is fine, but you can't expect much from only an occupied chair. Might as well save the city money and reduce council size.

At September 3, 2013 at 7:10 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:32 Along with that she changed the way we vote for council at large seats. No more top three vote getters now you run against people. The way it should have been in the first place.
If former races are an indication Ms. Becks always finnished behind Hada but ahead of anyone else. So I don't believed this just helped her. No more of select '3'and only voting for '1' now your three votes will count.
I can agree with you on council size. Presently they don't seem to want or do anythingthat will improve life in Painesville.
Look lets say you want to run for council and you believe Lori DiNallo is doing a good job, so you than can decide to vote for the open seat or against Mr. Fodor?


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