Andy Flocks Town Hall Meeting is a little different this evening at 7:00 pm at Elm Street Elementary School (the new Huntington).
Along with residents being able to voice concerns of the city. Andy has a guest speaker Ynonne Oliver Northeast Ohio Advocacy Coordinator for United Health Care Action Network.(UHCAN)
this lady's positron is to help people confused about the up coming Obamacare sign up stating in October.
This isn't a discussion on the merits of Obamacare it is an opportunity for residents to find out if they are eligible and what and who is covered. Do you have a pre-existing condition? Are you presently enrolled in a COBRA program, what will be the choices you will be able to find in the network?
I know there are many for as well as opposed to Obamacare this is just an opportunity to ask questions on the program.
I attended the vigil at Veterans Park last evening. Look I know something has to be done about the immigration problem in this country but riding the coat tails of a civil rights historical event to me doesn't serve their purpose.
Speakers claim the cause of Hispanic rights are the same as the rights Dr. Martin Luther King struggled with during his lifetime.
In my whole life I have never seen signs proclaiming Whites only No Hispanics , I have never heard of an Hispanic child segregated when it came to an education.
Please what the African-Americans went though to get equal rights in this country the Hispanics aren't even close.
Dutch slave ships traveled to Africa where African tribes captured Africans in tribal wars and sold them to the Dutch traders. They were herded on ships stripped of everything. Language, culture, religion, yes even their families. They became no more than someones property. They were slaves period. There is no bigger blemish on American History than the existence of slavery. We fought a civil war over this,and after that war we had the Jim Crow era. Illegal immigrant? No one can be considered more than African-Americans they truly were brought here ILLEGALLY!
My father once mentioned a troop train during WWII where German POW were given better seats than Black American soldiers?
No this struggle has lasted hundreds of years and in no way compares to the plight of the undocumented workers presently here in the United States.
As I left last night's gathering I approached the only African- American woman I saw at the event, I wasn't the only one misinformed about the vigil she had brought her two you children to relive a "Dream" but as well as I was mistaken about the event.. Now she held no ill-will towards the Hispanics but claimed the date was not about them. I agreed.
Thanks Ang, you wrote the story the News-Herald should have wrote.
Painesville city council President attempts to influence the Galion city vote.
Hada makes the claim that cities that ask for the attorney general to investigate the AMP contracts will be harmed .. LOL .. AMP going to burn communities down ?
Equal Rights or Special treatment??
I support the first but oppose the second strongly.
To earn Equal Rights one must assume the responsibilities and respect the laws of our nation.
MLK did so peacefully and legally. The ILLEGAL immigrant breaks the law being here and then demands society support them. This whole event was put on to receive sympathy and thus more charity from our government. I've know many immigrants from other countries over the years and not one of them demanded what this new group wants.
We are the Land of the Free not a country where everything is free. Want to come here then follow the laws and enter legally the same as everyone else from a different country has to. Nothing makes you more special than anyone else.
I agreed when I saw the front page of the paper. The Mexicans in this town have it so good especially with the education process. Everyone should remember how the poor black children had it so bad in the past compared to the specialized education and thousands of taxpayer dollars spent on these kids who don't want to learn. Keep in mind, this should be a legal issue-the African Americans are citizens but most of the Mexicans are not and do not want to be.
10:59 I have read the story and my only reaction was WOW! There will be a post on this subject Friday.
Do it right.....1:24
Don't let facts cloud a good argument...most of the Hispanic students in PCLS ( I teach there ) are legal. We are on the second generation of Hispanics in the city...most Hispanic also place a higher emphasis on education than other minorities in my opinion.....
Just read the Galion story....... I'd say it's time to hold Joe Hada accountable! Wow! Is he on the take with AMP or what? Why would he "stick his neck" on the line to make such a statement?
Unbelievable! And Omnipotent!
Electrified to read the blog on Friday!
Forget the fire levy. After January 1 due to Obamacare all insurance and everyone will have to have, must include the transportation to a medical facility. Painesville already is reaping big bucks in that nobodys talking about.
Doesn't matter if you are a minority or not. IMO it is the parental involvement that matters most. The values they teach their children. 50% is not an A. Stop rewarding just good enough. Look at the Painesville Cities school grade. Teach the kids there aren't consequences for their actions and this is what you get.
Just what happened since the 60's - 70's that made Painesville City schools get so bad? Are we to blame city leaders, low income housing, immigration or society. Funny Riverside HS has maintained a good school record. Why not Painesville City? All new schools haven't helped.
I believe it has a lot to do with values that should be taught at home. Maybe we should look at the difference in the parents from back then to the present.
Okay, Term and others. Can you explain the difference in parents from then to now?
you're right about how blacks suffered discrimination unlike any other group, and are still in the process of trying to achieve full parity as citizens (not quite there yet); but why shouldn't Hispanics jump on the civil rights bandwagon? In the years following Martin Luther King, how many narrow special interest groups have invoked King in to beat the drum of their own agenda? Feminists, gays, etc. Latinos are just the latest. I guess they've become more "Americanized" than we've given them credit!
Huh? 7:18, how so? Right now majority of ambulance calls to the hospital are just a ride. Got a hangnail? Upset tummy at 2am? Headache at 4am? Dont wait to call your doctor when they open...take the fast & free transport to TriPointe. Oh, I forgot, those dont have a doctor or insurance which is why they call. THAT'S why the surrounding cities are on standby and come when our own town can't support the number of calls that come in. Reaping in the bucks, better check your facts and figures on that one buddy.
5:28 Interesting you bring this up? I believe there is a solution coming in my next post. While your at it why don't you tell one of Painesvilles biggest secrets how much the city charges for EMS runs and how much they have collected over the past five years?
Won't talk about that anymore than we will talk about city employee's co-pays Uh?
4;15..it's the teacher here again....you really can't believe that new schools were going to help, were you? I totally agree with you, parental involvement is the key. You really can't compare us with Riverside, who have totally different students and parental expectations. Also, the 50% is not in place in all schools and definitely not agreed upon by the staff...I wish the ADM would stand up to the parents who need it. Here is hoping the new crowd does....
Yep, have insurance and it pays and that increases rates.
No insurance and get the free ride often with a Lake Tran voucher for a ride home too and everyones rates really go up.
OOPS, sorry that is all free government money. Doesn't cost anyone using it a dime, just us that pay taxes in insurance.
Why would I tell a secret I don't even know about? I have no clue what the city charges or makes per call but I bet you do. Do tell us. Then let us know if it makes a drop in the bucket as far as covering expenses also?
You're nuts if you think the city is getting rich off of the EMS calls that get billed to insurance. You should check your facts before you made that statement. Remember as said before... this is the county seat. Many poor, indigent and illegals who can't or won't pay their fair share and Mr. Middle Class pays for everyone.
Maybe not rich, but how many millions has the city collected since the start of this charging insurance companies this fee less than ten years ago
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