Saturday, April 13, 2013

"MY TOWN" msb

As most of you might know presently Painesville is having it's ten year Charter Review.

The Painesville Oversight Committee has sent in suggestions as well as others from private citizens. I have no idea if members read my suggestion or not ,or maybe not all of them?

I attended one meeting and was left wondering how many members were government employee's or even city employee's

My suggestion was that the city could not engage in a contract with anybody over 5 million dollars, *After thinking about it maybe 10 million should have been the figure I should have used?

Now when it came up our esteem former city manager thought it wasn't a good idea.
She claimed the administration brought the proposal to council with a recommendation and in the end it is neither the city or administration but council that should be held responsible.
That would be true but the administration only brought forward what they wanted. I remember a councilman asking "what it Meigs County isn't built?" Laughter from the representatives of AMP-OHIO ensued. Now was council told ALL the facts or just the ones the administration wanted brought to the table? Where was the honest discussion about the "take or pay" part of the contract?
To end Ms. McMahon claimed the residents could vote out a councilperson for bad decisions. Well what good is that if they signed a 50 year 50 million dollar contract that with or without that councilperson in office the obligation must be honored by the city?

Article VI Section 7

I believe after what we have witnessed in the last ten years with concerns to contracts with AMP-OHIO the city should not be able to get into a contract of over five million dollars without first the vote of the electorate.

We entered three contracts with AMP-OHIO

1. We recently sent AMP-OHIO 2.1 million dollars for our share of "stranded" costs to their Meigs County AMPGS plant due to a "take or pay contract" This would have been a fifty year project with a fifty million dollar price tag.

2. A Contract with AMP-OHIO with the Prairie State Energy Campus. Where presently we are purchasing the power we signed up for at double the current power prices on the market.

3. A contract with AMP-OHIO to purchase electric power at $62.00+ a MW this is a five year contract from 2015 thu 2020 current power is less than $38.00 on the open market this is a 15 million dollar contract.

It is obvious to everyone in Painesville that bad decisions were made by the administration and voted on by council. No one involved in the city had any knowledge of electric power prices and depended on a vendor to the city for answers. Although at the time all can say this was in the best interest of the people of Painesville. These projects all should have gone to a vote of the electorate.

The administration should have the same obligation to present this to the residents as they would say a road levy. It should have been mandatory to sell this to the public.

The people should have decided to enter in contracts of this nature.

Due to the fact they are stuck with the results.

Thank-you for your time Angelo Cimaglio

Jennifer please acknowledge receipt of this email.

I ask am I being unreasonable?


At April 13, 2013 at 1:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term do you have ant idea what it cost the city ever time we have an election. The cost is to high to droit every time we spend money. We voted on who would serve us at city hall, and that is what they do. If you think they are doing wrong then you have the right to petition them to do things different. I believe that process is much cheaper than having vote every month. Also those serving us now only three voted on amp two for one against. So that leaves four that had nothing to do with amp .. This is long gone and history. There are ongoing court battles to try to get this solved we need to wait for that to finish,and move one.

At April 13, 2013 at 1:23 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:08 Did you ever hear of history repeating itself? AMP-OHIO did it 3 times.
Look the city will get involved with very few contracts over 10 million dollars so it would happen all that often.
What good does it do to throw them out of office after the deed is done? The present council I believe will never follow lockstep with the city manager or council-president but what about in the future.
These were/are very expensive lessons for Painesville to learn. I don't want to see a repeat.
They didn't listen in the past and they probably won't listen in the future.
Two left on council. One Paul Hach apologized and was re-elected. Joe Hada was re-elected and will probably be again. What have we learned?
I lay this at his feet as well as Ms.McMahons, give them another award!

At April 13, 2013 at 1:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We also have another contract with AMP-OHIO, don't we? There's some sort of landfill deal we signed up for. Everyone just rubber stamped that, too, because McMahon said to.

On another note, what in the heck is McMahon still doing here and having any say on anything in this city.

I'd still like to know what was in it for her. When all the citizens were asking questions and asking questions and asking questions of her and Hada, and we were all saying no, no, no, they were so evasive, that you just KNEW they were lying and hiding things. And the things we KNEW about were bad enough. Now we know, no wonder they weren't telling the whole truth.

Again, what in the heck is SHE still doing WHERE and for WHAT in this city? She should have been run out of town on a rail.

We've heard from other cities saying that some of their council people were given favors, etc., for their yes votes. I'd like McMahon investigated to see if she got anything. I really would.

At April 15, 2013 at 10:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's called a power portfolio for a reason. What may seem high now will look pretty darn cheep in five years. Check out power prices in the summer and see if its such a bad deal then.

At April 16, 2013 at 3:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tiny Marceline, MO can not balance it's budget .. they are going to have to lay off every single village employee and it still will not be enough ...

At April 17, 2013 at 10:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are the potential changes to the charter? Are they made public? Where might I find them to see what may be changing?

At April 17, 2013 at 10:22 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I believe the committee is only about two-thirds of the way through the charter. When they are done I will post the changes.

At April 17, 2013 at 3:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is anybody looking to change the provision that former city manager McMahon had put in place that the council members could not talk to department heads without her being present?!

At April 18, 2013 at 10:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is anyone still looking into the Chestnut St. Laundromat incident in the 70's?

At April 19, 2013 at 7:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:43am, what are you talking about?

At April 19, 2013 at 11:32 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:43 Lets hear your facts? Is there an arrest record? Is there a court date?
10:43 I believe is talking about my father playing cards in the basement and the wife of one of the players called police to break it up.
Sorry The family got a big kick out of it and I was in my early 20's when I had to pick him up at the saftey center. I mentioned than to him "I think this is supposed to be the other way around".10:43 Do your best to try to disperse my fathers memory. Now next time have the balls to print your name and quit hiding behind anonymous.
Go back to the 50's and one time the police broke up three card games he was playing at in one night!

At April 20, 2013 at 12:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 3:24. That must have been one ticked-off wife!

Cute memories. Too bad they were brought up by a dirt-bag.

If that's all ya got 10:43, go slither back under your rock. Wouldn't want to be YOU, that's all I've got to say. And how long have you been waiting to bring THAT big piece of information forward, hahahahahahaha.

Now, getting back to my original question -- Term, do you know if they are looking to stop the provision that says council members can only talk to department heads (or however it is written) when the city manager is there?


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