Thursday, October 4, 2012

"ALWAYS ON MY MIND" elvis presley

I know many do not want me to talk about national politics here on the blog. but I will tell you a Painesville story about the "47%" that I will share with you.

Born and raised in  Painesville my earliest memories were about my childhood friend Johnny we grew up next door to each other and Johnny was around two years older than me we spent many a day disassembling wagons ,building forts, playing cowboy and bad guy . One day in our play Johnny hung me on the pear tree in the back yard needless to saw this was more than frowned at by both our mothers. Johnnys mother was also my Godmother.
Johnny was the first to introduce me to a love affair with cars, from a 49 Mercury to a 55 Pontiac, to one of the sweetest 65 Mustang  I can remember.

Johnny got his draft notice and after basic training was off to Vietnam where he was shot in the back and crippled from the waste down for the rest of his life.. Did Johnny ever consider himself a victim? I don't believe he ever mentioned that fact at least not to me. Johnny's main pain seemed to be that the soldier that saved his life was killed in the process.

See so since 1968 Johnny was one of those "47% " that Mitt Romney claims he can't control the way they go though life life and is in his opinion a "taker" not a "maker".  Johnny never married, had children or had the joys in life many of us take for granted. Johnny was hardly a taker he gave all to this country and when the pain became unbearable after 42 years Johnny took his own life.

I wonder if certain people can relate to his life? He was the first person I thought of when I heard Romneys speech. Today Romney is in Virginia  With the supporter  for  the "Wounded Warrior Project" Trace Adkins . I hope someone will relate a story like this to Governor Romney so he might understand what a everyday American life can be like. Also explain that American  Hero's are not victims. Sometimes it's just the cards life dealt to you. I believe in the "Wounded Warrior Project" yet at the same time this country should honor those Hero's and they should not be dependent on a $19.00 a month gift from the American people.

The only thing worse for a person running for office than people not liking you, is the fact becomes apparent that people believe you don't like them.


At October 4, 2012 at 9:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to change the subject. I just drove by the Steele Mansion and it looks great! love all the blow up Pumpkins. I was wondering if they were ahead of schedule? looks like the only thing left is some grass seed and Windows. I cant wait to take a peak in the windows at there next special event. I bet the interior is looking awesome.
Cant wait to book an over nighter there!

At October 4, 2012 at 10:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know darn well that Johnny is not the kind of person that Romney was referring to in his statistics. You know full well who he referred to. Romney is very supportive of our military and yes, the Wounded Warrior Project. You just had to try to vilify Romney because he totally showed up your guy last night.

At October 4, 2012 at 12:08 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:40 No, I don't know Johnny wasn't the kind of person that Romney was talking about? First off who was he talking about and how did he reach the 47% number? Seems the guy on stage last night wasn't the person I have heard speaking for the last year. Talk about 90 minutes of etch-a-sketch? Again his math skills are very poor. and the election will be the final decider.

At October 4, 2012 at 12:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Romney should fire his accountant I guess. The IRS gives you tax credits for moving your company overseas? I should know I worked for one that did.

At October 4, 2012 at 1:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And how did your guy sound last night? Embarassing, wasn't he. Romney last night said that we need to help those that cannot help themselves, the disabled, etc. He also said he will support the military and strengthen our military.

At October 4, 2012 at 2:06 PM , Anonymous ? said...

Yes you do know. You say you don't want to talk national politics but you always have a remark to say every time you talk. Painesville will always vote Democrat as long as we are a city full of rentals and section 8 housing. You can't deny that. Yes, your guy got beat badly. Admit it. Time will tell an November 6th will come soon. Remember, Painesville will not decide this election. Same thing goes for your opinion.

Lake County will go for Romney and so will the election. Like it or not, you heard it here from me.

At October 4, 2012 at 2:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very sorry to hear about your friend, Johnny. To think he did all that, and went through all that, and gave all that for me and my family, and we didn't even know it, or get a chance to thank him. Thanks for remembering him here today. I'll send up a thanks to him as soon as I get done posting this; I'm sure he'll hear it.

At October 4, 2012 at 2:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

4 more years with Oboma is better that 4hours with Romey, Iam middle class but loosing ground fast because of the previous 8 years of GOP. Will be a long time before voting for gop

At October 4, 2012 at 8:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Three years and 45 weeks plus an extra 5 minutes of time in first debate to win the independents over and he still couldn't make his point. Let's face it, even almost the entire left was embarrassed.

Of course Term couldn't see it. He is just like all the negative ads we are seeing on TV every 2 minutes. Sooner or later, most people just tune them out.

I was undecided before, but no more. I'm voting for the one who looked like a leader and more Presidential.

At October 5, 2012 at 5:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

He said that there are 47% of Americans that don't pay taxes, so his tax policies and cuts mean nothing too them. You can't cut back on zero!

At October 5, 2012 at 7:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great story Termite, Were did you get it from the DNC? Or maybe Chicago.

At October 5, 2012 at 8:28 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:35 True story, No talking points.

At October 5, 2012 at 9:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:14 If Romney said what you claim, please explain why he apoligized for the remark last night?
As a vet I see Romney not caring about the military. His father, he nor his five sons ever gave any thought to putting on the uniform. Romney men don't fight wars they just profit from them. Get prepared for the next one Mitt will soon prove me right.

At October 5, 2012 at 4:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mitt Romney got up there on that stage and lied through his teeth about his policies and goals. He just denied everything he said he was going to do for all these months-- denied it all-- even though that is what he still intends to do. He apparantly did it so that those issues could not be debated. Obama said once during the debate that he didn't know what to say because Romney was changing and denying all his policies. Obama also said afterwards that nobody had seen a presidential candidate lie like that at a debate (although I remember G.W. Bush quite well). I think Obama will be more prepared next time for the liar, and he will hopefully figure out how to debate someone that dishonest. For the American people to say they will vote for Romney based on one debate is insane. I agree he looked good up there, and even I, who am well-versed on all the subjects/policies, thought the lies were so smooth, that it was hard to tell that he was lying. Someone not so well-versed wouldn't have understood what they had just seen. Romney's policies--the ones he actually explains, instead of saying he'll talk about it later--and when he is telling the truth about them, are the same policies that got us into this mess in the first place. They are the same policies that take this country DOWN every time a Republican gets into office. People need to pay more attention, although it is admittedly hard when someone is lying. G.W. Bush lied and lied to get into office,and we see where that got us--our entire country almost collapsed. I believe Obama's saving of our country and bringing us back from the brink of total disaster will go down as one of the greatest--or maybe the greatest--saves of a nation in history. So, yes, even Democrats could see that Obama did not do very well in this debate, but I believe it was because Romney did what Bush did. Just lie as fast as you can, and the other guy is caught off guard, because the other guy was assuming they would be debating the truth. The policies are still the policies. Anyone who would deny what Obama has done for this country, and how the Republicans almost lost us our country based on one debate...I don't know...I would say please review the policies and the results, and go to Obama's website and get more facts. It will be hard to get the facts from the Republicans, as it always is, but just listen to Obama. He got us this far, and if the Republicans hadn't blocked most of what he wanted to do, we would be a lot farther ahead than we are now. Another big mistake that Democrats make, is that don't point out that we got most of the bail-out money back WITH INTEREST. We made a lot of money on many of those deals, and will continue to make more on the rest of the deals. I don't know why they don't talk about that more. And the fact that Obama is trying to help the green energy industry in our country is two-fold and very important. First, our economy needs it, and we need the jobs. Second, if he doesn't see these industries flourish in our own country, they will be flourishing in another country, and all the new energy stuff we have here will say "made in China" (or elsewhere). It is a nobel and important place to put our money. Hopefully he will do better on the next debate, but if not, a debate does not alter policies. I would urge everyone to look at recent history and the polices, then go vote Democrat so he can finish saving our country.

At October 7, 2012 at 7:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has this Obama administration policy affected Johnny? Does he care about our troops since he took office?

At October 8, 2012 at 9:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:07pm, you want to talk about lies? Then look at everything that has come out of your leaders mouth the last 3 1/2 years. Even prior. What I don't understand is how you just don't see it, or just don't care. As long as a D is in, that is all that's important. Screw the country. When you finally realize your mistake it just might be too late.

At October 8, 2012 at 10:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terminator.... you get a free cellphone?

At October 8, 2012 at 2:31 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:03 No free phone, sorry.
4:07 You know there is a part of me that sadistically wishes, that Romney and the Senate are won by the GOP so people like yourself might finally understand what this bunch is really up to. You must have short memory. Trickle down Reagans policy? When he became President the nation debt was less than 1 trillion, when he left it was 4 trillion, tied with the promise of rising ships for all, is a bunch of bull.
I just never believed that the American people would suck up to kiss the butts of the Romneys and Trumps in this country.
Jack Welch former CEO of GE did more to dismantle the United States industrial base than anyone. Another hero to suck up to.
Hey, with a little luck by our enemies maybe Romney will ignore intelligence that an attack on our soil was iminent? Then falsely attack a country killing many
Americans that must have believed the lies of WMD's. You know I'm glad I'm 62 maybe with a little luck I won't have to watch how this ends up destroying America.
America "WAKE THE F@#K UP!"

At October 8, 2012 at 3:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, did you mean to say 9:22?

To 9:22, point out one lie and back it up. And while you are at it, quit listening to the GOP radio people and their lies. What do you do, sit in front of your radio or TV, and say "tell me my opinion, tell me my opinion?" If people vote the Republicans back in, then all I can say is that the intelligence level in this country is frightening.

At October 8, 2012 at 4:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, 9:22! The Republicans crashed our entire country and economy, and brought The United States of America to her knees. DID YOU MISS THAT, OR WHAT?

At October 9, 2012 at 11:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are going to crash it again. I can't understand why so many people vote against their own best interests?
It must be fear or the wealthy or just worship of people with money?
I hope they don't get in power to destroy what's left of America.
four people killed in an attack and every Republican from the senate to dog catcher wants an investigation. Where was the investigation of Bush after 9/11 he had the same if not more information

At October 9, 2012 at 3:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

One good thing that is happening is that the news media are finally stepping up and calling out the Republicans on their lies. It's about time. I've seen it on Channel 5 news concerning the jobs report; I've seen it on the internet showing a news report by the Associated Press explaining how if you have a pre-existing condition under Romney's health plan, you had just better keep your current plan, or else, etc., etc. As I said, it's about time. The Republicans would not have been able to get away with so many horrible lies for the last 14 years if the news media had been doing their jobs properly. Finally now they are exposing lies. Thank goodness.

At October 9, 2012 at 10:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whats really killing me is that the Republicans sent half the jobs oversees. Then they lost the rest of the jobs when they nearly collapsed our entire country -- and now people are saying that THEY are the ones they trust with the economy?! I mean, are you kidding me? I heard a woman and man saying that in the grocery store line the other day, and it took everything I had to stop myself from turning around and pointing out that they MUST be joking, right?! I mean, they seemed like they could read, and everything. I don't get it. I would just say if you don't really know the issues, the details and the history, then please don't vote. I just wanted to ask them who was in power when our country collapsed down around our ears (along with our banking system). I wanted to ask them if they had any idea how lucky we were that a man named Barack Obama came along and saved us, and did they not notice how well we were doing in three short years considering what the Republicans had done to our country...etc.! Instead, I walked out of the store very afraid for America. I watched in horror as people voted in G.W.Bush based on his lies, and then I watched in horror as it turned out worse than even I thought it would. I was sure people would see through him and vote for the Democrats, but they didn't, and now I see the same potential for a train wreck happening again. I have to say that I am actually afraid for America right now, and I hope enough newspapers and ads, etc., point out Romney's lies, so people do not fall for it again. People don't even need to listen to what the candidates are saying if they don't get it all...they just need to look at the fact that the Republicans almost completely ruined America, and the Democrats once again are bringing it back, inspite of all the opposition from the Republicans, who don't care how America or Americans are doing, as long as they stop everything Obama tries to do to make him look bad, so they can win elections. Very scary.

At October 10, 2012 at 2:11 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:06 You really have to wonder who exactly is drinking what? First tax cuts for everyone 20% cuts than but rich won't pay less?
Next pre-existing conditions are in my health plan?
Then There is nothing in my agenda to change abortion rights?
Finally If elected I will not stop President Obama's DREAM Act provision?
This is a businessman trying to close a deal or isn't this someone who will tell everybody anything for a vote? He's your boy please explain?
Who really are the Fools?

Who's drinking what?

At October 10, 2012 at 6:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:06: One thing I would really like Republicans like you to explain is what the Republicans did for our health care system while they were in office. Their fix for stopping the runaway premiums was to start HMO's and PPO's. Bush kept standing up there and talking about gatekeepers as his big plan. He never said that somebody else--the insurance companies--were going to decide what health care you received. I kept thinking that HOLY CRAP- he's talking about the insurance company making decisions on who you can see and what health care you can get, but he was very careful not to say that. As it turns out, his plan was just that. People started suffering and dying because they were denied the health care they needed, and many still are. Obama is trying to fix that. Bush's plan did not stop the horrendous rise in premiums, and it did not get more people covered. It just hurt Americans, and made the insurance companies an ungodly amount of money. Add to that the fact that they collapsed our country and our businesses, where many people were getting their health care coverage, and now we have many millions of Americans with no insurance coverage, and many of the ones who have it are at the mercy of their insurance companies. I have a friend who now has to change doctors again because his doctor is not in his plan. Bet Mitt Romney doesn't have to change doctors or go without a treatment that he and his doctor think he needs.

And you are calling Democrats fools? I find your statements and your lack of acknowledgement about what has and is happening shocking, and I find people like you frightening. Got yourself worked into another tizzy, have you? At this point I find Republicans like you laughable, but the problem is that it will not be funny if Republicans gain conrol again. It will be disastrous, and this time we will not have a country that is stable enough yet from their last debacles to withstand it.

At October 11, 2012 at 3:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is a fine example of a Republican lie as he misleads the American people. Romney wants to end legal abortions, and he also wants to stop aid to Planned Parenthood. But he is now denying that. When pressed, he says that there is no bill and nothing in the works right now to end legal abortions, so he denies wanting to end legal abortions. Now, what the TRUTH is is that there is no CURRENT bill before congress to end legal abortions, but he wants to end legal abortions. That means that if he is elected, there will BE a bill before congress, and they will try to end legal abortion. Nice, slimy play on words and double-talking. This is how the Republicans get into office. Lies and misleading the American people. It's really very shameful.

At October 11, 2012 at 12:05 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

You know a proven way to end most cases of abortion? Free contrceptives. If you don't get pregant you won't have a reason for an abortion. That theory although true will care no weight with the Moral right.
6:44 You seem like someone that has been around awhile. Democrats are stupid and the only reason they are is they don't agree with Republicans. You never win.
3:23 When it comes to Romney I have no clue where he stands on anything. He has proven that over and over again to chang in the middle of a stream. The single goal is to get rid of President Obama not to make the country any better for the rest of us.
I geuss the best answer I have heard about him is that " The truth is God does care much about money. Just Look at the people who have the largest percentages of it." But then they built it, all of it just ask them.

At October 12, 2012 at 10:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

abstinence? Ever hear of it?

At October 12, 2012 at 2:31 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:12 Yes I heard of it. My goal is to have the fewest amount of abortions. You on the other hand seem to be with people not having sex?
Yes we can do this your way but by doing it your way we have more abortions attached to it what's your goal?
Legislate morals? Good luck with that one.

At October 12, 2012 at 9:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

For everyone who says just teach and preach abstinence, I would like to ask them how well did it work for THEM when they were that age? I don't think teens should be having sex, and I think anyone having sex should be having responsible sex, but in reality... most people--even us old folk--have to admit that abstinence only goes so far, and then you need plan #2, which is birth control; and plan #2 had better be in close proximity and accessibility when, and if, it is needed. I heard a young girl saying tonighty that she just told her grandmother that she was pregnant. The girl looked all of 15 to me. I wished her luck as I was leaving, but whatever she decides, she has a rough road to go. I don't know if the contraception failed, or if there was none to begin with, but clearly giving her contraception would have been better for her than just a lecture about abstinence. Adults have to use their heads, too, when it comes to sex and kids. You can hold your moral code, along with your nose, up in the air all you want, but that's not going to help girls like the cute, and probably scared, little girl I saw tonight, or the boys they are having sex with, or the children they will have. I preached abstinence to my children, but I also spoke about birth control. I think doing less than that would have been shirking my responsibility as their parent. There is a thing called reality that must be taken into consideration, too.

At October 13, 2012 at 7:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can you bad mouth morals?

At October 13, 2012 at 9:23 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:16 I am not bad mouthing morals, I just want to cut down on the number of unwanted abortions. Read 9:34 comment and tell me if this pregnatcy could have been avoided by a pill instead of it possibly ending in an abortion I have to question your moral compass?
Bringing new life into this world should not be viewed as a trip to the tables at Vegas?
Of course you have always made the right decisions in your life. [God knows I haven't]
SOOO.... He/She without sin shall cast the first stone, right?

At October 13, 2012 at 11:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abstinence worked very well for me until I was married. And abortion shouldn't be viewed as a trip to the tables either. My moral compass is fine. It is yours I question.

At October 13, 2012 at 11:38 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:26 I suspect abstinence is working quite well with the person your married to presently also.
Question all you want, I see you have no answer to the simple question I asked. Pill or abortion?

At October 13, 2012 at 1:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:38, that is quite a nasty statement/assumption you made to 11:26. I was following you until you hit low like that. There was no reason for you to turn that so personal.

At October 13, 2012 at 2:26 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:30 11:26 can question my moral compass and thinking and I should quietly listen? Sorry. I'm not the one with the accusations.
So many of these young people are playing Russian Roulette.
How can it be even thought of as personal, they remain Anonymous?

At October 13, 2012 at 3:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was a girl, we were all taught abstinence. Girls still got pregnant, although not at the level they are today. And when I was a girl, there was NO sex on TV, in songs, etc. Even married couples on TV had to sleep in separate beds. When my friend got pregnant in high school, it ended up to be because nobody had taught her a simple fact about having sex, which I won't get into here, but it was a lack of education on top of having sexual activity. And she was 17 or 18 at the time.

Today, kids are raised from the very beginning surrounded by sex and sexuality everywhere they look. On TV, in music, at the movies, on their computers, on the 5:00 news. And then we tell them to just say no. Well, it ain't working. Back in the day, the world was run by adults as if there were children in it. Today, adults have no regard for the fact that the world has children in it. Everything for adults--even adult conversations--used to be hidden from children, but that is long over.

Kids today are surrounded by sex, then we say don't do it. Yeah, sure. On top of all of this over-exposure to things they should not be seeing or hearing, we are not giving them the proper education about sex and sexual activity.

I wholeheartedly agree with Term that they need access to birth control. If they are going to do it, nobody has much of a chance to stop them. So let's try to make sure they are protected from STDs and unwanted pregnancies.

And by the way, 11:26 was the first one to make it personal and nasty, so I'm with Term on that one, too.

At October 13, 2012 at 5:35 PM , Anonymous No Problemo said...

Don't forget the even bigger problem...anchor babies. They are everywhere. The reason? If we have bambinos we shouldn't be deported, right? They can't be sent back to Mehico while the bambinos are here, alone. Noooo, if it't that big of a problem to you
A. Don't come here illegally and you won't have to be seperated.
B. Take the entire family back with you, no problemo.

At October 13, 2012 at 8:04 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Hey No Problemo... Maybe you should look into Congressman Ryan's Personhood Bill. Then explain how you legally could deport anyone.
Even woman that didn't even become with child in the U.S.A. That unborn child has constitutional rights. I don't think Paulie and his buds thought that far ahead.

At October 13, 2012 at 11:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:04 has a valid point about the illegals. We need to clear our country of all illegals, and cut out the crap. And why our leaders haven't put an end to the anchor baby nonsense is beyond comprehension. Another question to be asked is why aren't Americans out in the streets by the millions demanding it.

As far as anyone who would still be preaching only abstinence without the addition of complete birth control information with the explosion of teen pregnancies, I just have no understanding of such a stance, and I certainly have no respect for such a stance. It's just stupid. It never worked; it isn't working now, and there is no indication that it will ever work in the future. But let's just keep spouting THAT. Dumb.

And while we are at it, we not only need to talk to our kids about birth control, they need specifics, like exactly what kind of condom do you buy to prevent AIDS, what other methods do you need to prevent AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, exactly how do you USE a condom to try to make sure it works properly, etc., etc., etc. How can they know if we do not teach them? It is irresponsible to do anything less. The kids involved and the children they will have are at stake.

When I hear someone say abstinence only in the face of all the facts available to them, it just makes me think "dumb" and "dangerous."

At October 14, 2012 at 8:05 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:42 Abstinence only is a good idea, in todays world it just isn't very practical.
Even strong families such as Sara Palins can see what that theory can bring. I believe they taught their daughter morals i't just sometimes when hormones kick in there sometimes in no way to stop that train from leaving the station. As 3:04 mentioned watching Leave it to Beaver and now we are watching shows like Jersey Shore the culture has changed. Not saying for the better only it's changed.

At October 14, 2012 at 8:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:42, why aren't Americans in the street demanding deportation of illegals? Ask term. Why isn't he? Why does he actually try to thwart deportation efforts? He has done everything he could top undermine efforts to bring the issue of illegal immigration to the forefront. What gives?

At October 14, 2012 at 11:22 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:43 Why isn't He? What do you want me to do go door to door and expel people. How have I thwarted any efforts?
Both political parties feel no reason, Romney now claims if elected he will honor Obama's DREAM act. as well as most American's. Plus the Chamber of Commerce, most corporations in this country like the status quo.
You give me way to much credit? undermine efforts.

At October 14, 2012 at 1:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to tell my kids every reason why they should not have sex or sexual activity until they were out of school, old enough emotionally, and old enough to make careful and proper decisions concerning every aspect of it. I told them often that if they created a life, then they had better be mature enough and financially prepared to raise that child themselves, since I was already raising the children that I had, and I had no intentions of raising theirs. My kids are in their 30's and 40's now, but I just recently heard them telling friends about that again and laughing--saying that that warning was enough to put enough fear in them to be responsible.

Having some of the detailed sex talks that need to take place with your kids is also uncomfortable for everyone involved, but you have to go the full run, especially when things like oral sex are even on the 5:00 news. I am a female, so it was a little easier with my daughter, but it was difficult with my son. He would just leave the room every time I started to talk. My solution to that was to have the talks when we were on the freeway driving. No way out. I clearly remember before one very detailed conversation that I was going to have with him, I told him that I was now going to talk to him about ______, and I needed him to look out his window and not look at me, and I was going to look straight ahead, but we WERE going to have the conversation. You have to do what it takes to protect your kids in every way you can. It doesn't guarantee that they won't create a life before the time is right for them to do so, but you have to give them all the facts they need to make every kind of decision that they will need to make in their lives, including the sexual ones. I felt I owed it to them.

At October 14, 2012 at 2:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is clear that both political parties are willing to give away our country for votes. What they don't realize is that we will actually lose our country to the Latinos. Soon they will have every office in the country, including the offices of the people who want to legalize them now, and then we will have open borders. They are already taking over many elected offices, and they keep careful track of how many Latinos occupy the elected offices in our country. They threaten the politicians with withholding their votes, and our politicians are so stupid, they are giving away our country for votes. What they need to be doing is for BOTH political parties to stand together to get all the illegals out, and to stop the anchor baby nonsense. Then nobody would lose votes, and we could save our country, but they are all too immature and stupid for that.

If we are going to save our country, it is clear that it has to come from the American people. Since the American people aren't doing it, then we really all need to learn to speak Spanish and to prepare for the inevitable. The Latinos are much smarter than us. I bet they can hardly believe that we are as stupid as this. But we are. If the American people got onto the streets and stayed there until all the illegals were out, we could do it. That is what it will take, however, and it isn't happening. So they'll just keep turning out those anchor babies with the blessing of their parents, who are doing it, too, and we'll keep paying for them until we can no longer handle the burder, then the whole country will look like--well, Mexico.

At October 15, 2012 at 5:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I once dated a girl who wanted to be a virgin when she married. Well, somehow that was her justifiacation for oral sex? Seems she had promised her father to be a virgin when she married. I do know that girlfried didn't have to get married. Now on abstinence I thought Terms comment was just humorous and not mean. We all must remember we all come from differnt opinions on this subject.

At October 15, 2012 at 9:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, TERM's comment relating to the person making the comment was about her married sex life. He fully meant it to be degrading. Of course, that type of comment is amusing to some folks. Him included.

At October 15, 2012 at 2:35 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:57 in reading the comment. I see no mention of this person being a her or female? What only women practice abstinence?
10/12/12 10:12
10/13/12 7:16
10/13/12 11:26
I believe this is the same person.
Yes, I will apologize for degraded an unknown anonymous person if that makes you feel better?
Could 9:57 be the above three?

At October 15, 2012 at 9:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right. I made an assumption that the person making the abstinence comments was a woman, but it could be a man. Not meaning to stereotype, but it more than likely was a woman, but not necessarily. And I would not have thought it so offensive if it was a man, if that makes any sense.


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