Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"LAND OF HOPE AND DREAMS" bruce springsteen

Went to Tuesday's Tea Party Event. Heard a lot of hope and a lot of  dreams, but very few facts.

First off it was a larger than normal crowd but still made up of mostly Senior Citizens who are receiving Social Security and Medicare. Is it that they believe Obamacare will short change them?
Joyce would repeal Obamacare, and Blanchard would keep it.

A lady did ask about abortion and Mr. Joyce answer he makes exceptions to rape, and incest. What about the life of the woman? Mr. Blanchard went into a long spiel and ended it by saying he supports Rowe Vs. Wade decision

Mr. Blanchard as well as Mr. Joyce don't presently see the fact of climate change?
Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere. Many climate experts and scientists believe the maximum level of CO2 gases 350ppm. This measurement has been at 275 until man began burning fossil fuels to produce energy. It has gradually increased since then but more so in modern times. The most recent measurements 392ppm. and is rising by 2ppm per year. Is this what is leading to drought and increasing sea levels? Or is all this fiction because the coal and oil industries say it is?

Taxes both seem to have plans to lower them? Mr. Blancard want to lower them 5% on people making less than $150,000 and couples making less than $300,000. Mr Joyce seems to have bought into the Romney plan which also cuts taxes . Maybe neither realizes we're going broke?

Everyone talked about regulations yet no one pointed out a regulation they would eliminate?

Look everyone loves tax cuts everyone want's someone else to pay more. We are going to have to tighten our belts on many programs and if we are  honest with ourselves the government should just let the Bush tax cuts expire for EVERYONE. Shared sacrifice people.

David Joyce seems like a good person as well as Dale Blanchard.

Mr. Joyce made a remark about retiring Congressman Steve LaTourette  and this crowd didn't seem to pleased with him over his comment of being along time friend of Steve.

Had to ask Mr. Joyce after the debate. I identified myself as a Democrat if the would follow Congressman LaTourette's lead in not signing  Grover Norquist pledge. He told me he has spoken to Mr. Norquist and presently hasn't decided if he would or would not.

The Tea Party should be congratulated for putting on this event. Lake County Republican front man should be commended for his work in control room.

On a finally note . Do people think I don't notice when you cover your mouths and point at me as if I was Judas? Your way to obvious.


At September 12, 2012 at 3:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet there wetting there pants down at GOP Headquater today. Thw Mittman is coming!

At September 12, 2012 at 5:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joyce will sign it after he gets elected not before.

At September 12, 2012 at 5:38 PM , Anonymous Can't Wait said...

hope to see yall at the Romney camp at Lake Erie College on Friday.

At September 12, 2012 at 5:44 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Understand V.D. is presently mobilizing here troops.
Good Luck!

At September 12, 2012 at 8:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is VD mobilizing for?

At September 13, 2012 at 6:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing LEC and Mr. Victor will throw her a large bone to keep her people hidden.
Let's remember she's only looking for 15 minutes of fame.

At September 13, 2012 at 6:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonder if students will lose grade points if they don't attend the rally. Remember coal miner's were forced to attend theirs.

At September 13, 2012 at 6:48 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:07 Heard the same thing NOTHING is to disrupt this. Maybe she gets a seat on the dais?

At September 13, 2012 at 11:17 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Found this quote from House Speaker John Boehner made in August of this year and may explain the lack of warmth for retired Congressman Steve LaTourette?

"I mean that Paul Ryan is a practical conservative. He's got a very conservative voting record, but he's not a Knuckle-Dragger, all right?
He understood that TARP, while none of us wanted to do it if were going to save our economy, save the world economy it had to be done."
Wonder who John believes are the Knuckle-Draggers? The people opposed to TARP? Tea Party Conservatives? Maybe you can ask and maybe he can tell you without crying?
You don't even realize your being used, what a shame.

At September 13, 2012 at 12:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Republican America, you can't vote if you don't drive!

At September 13, 2012 at 4:48 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Isn't that in the Constitution?

At the Tea Party meeting most everyone believed there was voter fraud but no one could prove a case.

Surpress the vote! What a mantra.

At September 13, 2012 at 11:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Painesville, you drive if you don't have drivers license. Don't have to pay for medical care either like most people with a license. There are many forms of state IDs. Guess what, a passport is a photo ID. Not a valid form of ID to vote though. Why, doesn't prove you are a citizen. Ask the Democratic Congresswoman Wendy Rosen who voted in Maryland and Florida. I would classify that as voter Fraud.

Ask a store clerk if they sell beer or cigarettes without valid ID. Ask a border guard if they let anyone cross the border without ID. We just had the eleventh anniversary of 9/11. If you could ask those 3000 people or family members today, what do you think they would say obout proper ID.

With rights come responsibilities. Proper ID is one responsibility. Yes, a drivers license is the most common. You can also go to license bureau and get a state issued photo ID.

We live in a different world today. 9/11 changed that. Our election prosess today changed that. Identification theft changed that. What if someone could just go into your bank with your account number and was able to withdraw money without showing the teller a photo ID.

A DNA sample or an iris scan would be considered an invasion of privacy. So what's wrong with asking for a simple photo ID?


At September 14, 2012 at 5:58 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:22 We live in a different world today? How profound.
Right to bear arms include semi-automatic weapons with 100 round clips? I am sure our forefathers thought about that.
Where in the Constitution does it say you need a photo I.D. If they knew about semi- automatic weapons surely must have know about photography? In that case I guess in your world it changed?

Here's where the problem of these states changing voter requirements become a problem. Your 85 year old mother-in law who you know was born in Youngstown, Ohio goes to vote for the upteen time and is refused because she has no photo I.D.? The election is so close and you find out other people were refused the right to vote who you know are American citizens. Your candidate loses because of a court decision and what and who will take to the streets the next day? With me giving their blessing. Their voting rights were stolen from them because someone thinks there might be voter fraud. It will be viewed in the end as voter surpression. Please becareful of where your going with all this.
All this with Republican leaders going on T.V. and mentioning voting changes done. Assuring Romney can win the state now.
Then again if Romney has another week or two like the last two it might not even make a difference.

At September 14, 2012 at 10:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Republican believe there happens to be tons of voter fraud. Then again this is a party that speaks to empty chairs? They believe those folks in the empty chairs are voting.

At September 14, 2012 at 5:10 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

A Presidential Candidate comes to town. Mitt Romney came to Painesville today.
Was it because of the people, our local government, streetscape, a business?
Well in a way a business but a business with along history of educating students. Lake Erie College.
Don't kid yourselves without the college I don't believe he would have ever come here.
LEC is a gem to Painesville. Honestly at the present time it's about all we can be proud have here.
I can only hope the next City Manger countinues to build a great relationship with this institution.
The city and the college can create something special bringing opportunities for both.

At September 15, 2012 at 5:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ran across this comment about the Republican response to the killings in Libya:

"I am an independent.

"After the 9/11 attacks, America, both Democrats and Republicans and Independents united behind President
Bush in unity. Even though Democrats could have scored points by criticizing and blaming Bush for
ignoring the warning signs that an attack on the twin towers was eminent or for allowing the suicide
attackers to come to the US and study in flight training schools...

"Democrats gave Republican Bush their full support. During those difficult months the Republican's
President's approval ratings soared to 90%...proof that Democrats were not playing partisan politics when
America is attacked and were solidly behind President Bush..

"How different the Republican response to the unwarranted mob attacks on our embassy and the killing of our
American Ambassador and three others.

"I've been listening all day to Governor Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan criticize....not the attackers....but of
President Obama. And just finished listened to Mitt Romney's foreign policy adviser place blame for the
attack on President Obama. Romney and his spokesperson said little about the unjust attackers and seemed
save their venomous attacks for President Obama, who they accused of "sympathizing with the attackers."
That's pretty sickening.

"When America is under attack, you can count on Romney/Ryan to jettison patriotism and unity, to ignore the
enemy...and launch an all out war against..... the Democratic President of the United States.

"These traitors are no better than those who tear down the walls of our embassy. They make me sick"

At September 15, 2012 at 11:58 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:25 It's called Desperation. What else have they got. Romney shoot first than aimed.
At yesterdays rally someone commented what a Patriot Romney was?
The Patriots are our servicemen and women who serve and also State Department Embassie workers those are the true patriots. Not some guy who hides his wealth believing you have no right to question him. This along with proposing new taxes on you without explaining what they are. The fairy dust plan for America.
This is what happens when you nominate the guy with the most money opposed to a candidate with the most ideas.

Yes the weather was poor but hardly a good turnout. Will a Republican explain why former Congressman LaTourette spoke but not there candidate?

At September 16, 2012 at 10:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, I wonder how many here posting are the true patriots you talk of. Did you or others here complaining serve in any of the embassies around the world? Serve in any branch of our armed services? I heard the first choice of Romney's event was our own town square. Wonder why that didn't happen? Since Painesville is mostly Democrats and this site is obviously Democratic, what more could one expect. Well come Nov. 6th, we will see. I expect a lot of complaining on this site. Looking forward to it.

At September 16, 2012 at 3:58 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:12 You heard wrong.

It just seems to me that Patroit Romney, should have first blamed the terrorist instead of the embassies, and the administration.
FOX NEWS almost seemed giddy to report the bad news?
As far as November you could be right. Romney could win even after he screwed-up, the un-screw-upable.
Mitt Romney served in France during the Vietnam War. And not for any branch of our armed services.

At September 16, 2012 at 7:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM 3:58pm in response to 10:12, no, 10:12 DID NOT hear wrong.

At September 17, 2012 at 6:04 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Prove it. Next you will tell me Mitt would have held that $50,000 a plate dinner at the Elk's Club
instead of at the Crawfords?

At September 17, 2012 at 6:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

News story reported by AP today;
"Romney Switches Strategy."
How is that news he does that every 24 hours?

At September 17, 2012 at 8:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, you are wrong. Ask Rita, the fire chief, the police chief or even those at Parks and Recreation. They were all approached. They were all standing in the square and some kept looking at our courthouse. I also saw some black suits which I believe were Secret Service.

I am kinda surprised no one got your permission though. Forget the Elks, why didn't you host the fundraiser at your house after the rally. Oh, I forgot, your name isn't Clooney or Sarah Jessica Parker. So tell me, when is Obama coming to your house and how much are you going to raise? You could have 50 cent corn dogs on a stick.

At September 18, 2012 at 6:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll ask no one. You see three people standing in the square? Looking at a County Court House. Then you witnessed some black suit who YOU believe were Secret Service? Maybe they were Men in Black looking for Aliens from another Galaxie?

Painesville safety forces proved security and traffic control for the Mittsters rally. [at no cost to his campaign] Overtime anyone?
Romney pretty much views residents of Painesville the 47% that he can't change there way of living . We are victims and takers period.
Wonder how many takers he was talking about that were classmates of mine that gave their lives in Vietnam? Seems we took it all from them?
I can't understand his thought process. What there are no working-class Republicans?

At September 18, 2012 at 5:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there any Conservative, Republican you could agree with?
You more than anyone seems to bethe one with the one track beliefs.

At September 19, 2012 at 6:22 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Yes! You might not believe this but I'm more conservative than you might believe. All I ask for is explain the facts. How, What and Why? Show me that's all.
I have alot of respect for many Republican leaders. My problem is with the Republicans that follow the teaching of Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck you just can't reason with them.
The only Consevative I seem to listen to is S.E.Cupp must be the glasses? What ever she says I seem to find myself nodding in agreement.

At September 19, 2012 at 9:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a registered Democrat, but I like Republican Steve LaTourett. I even voted for him. It's a shame he got mad at his own party and quit.

At September 20, 2012 at 3:24 PM , Anonymous Dem girl said...

President Obama's headquarters opens up at 216 Main St.


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