Thursday, September 6, 2012

"MONEY FOR NOTHING" dire straits

Nowhere will so much be spent
To accomplish so little
For so few

I attended the city streetscape meeting Wednesday night at the Senior Center.

City Architecture was present along with someone from the Baker Group.

Now before I go any further I want to tell you that I have all the respect as well as to shop at as many merchant's in our downtown.  They are fighting an uphill battle.
Only after viewing the presentation this evening, I don't see how this face lift  will bring new businesses or even customers to the downtown area.

The project will start in May of 2013 and except for planting be completed by October 2013.
Then we will all be able to see what close to $900,000.00 buys you.
Close to $600,000 in grant money? Will we get grant money for State, St. Clair, Washington, and Richmond St's.Lets hope and pray.
I could go into details like red concrete crosswalk's, parallel parking and my favorite the " Mall bridge" coming out of the New Market Mall ,well that bridge improvements are not in the budget.
Expanding the sidewalks for all the pedestrian traffic. While we're at it when and who gave Your Vine or Mine permission to fence the sidewalk in front of their business? Can't wait for others to do the same. Wait I believe La Mexicana tried that a few years ago and the city limited the amount of exposure the business could be on the  city sidewalk. [I'm starting to understand the need for more sidewalk space, what's next pedicure's given out on the sidewalk in front of Belle Donna's] Did this request on Main St. go in front of the Zoning or Planning Commission? Did council review the request? Who gave the O.K.?
With these plans snow removal by the city may become a spectator sport.

Want to bring business back to our downtown? Have the property owners lower there rent. Have the city give businesses rebates on utility bills. Face lift? Paint the rear of your buildings what are some of you trying to copy a few tenement buildings on the Southside of Chicago?

One good thing did come out of all this. At Monday nights council meeting. Council agreed to invest again in the Downtown Painesville Organization.  $22,000 a year for five years? This at a time when every city department is asked to cut costs $110,000 will be missing from the general fund over the next five years. What's the upside? A certain Council President always makes the comment when someone want's something to be paid out of the General Fund. "Well you know if we do that we might have to layoff a policeman or firefighter". Well Joe after Monday nights meeting that dog doesn't hunt anymore does it?

It has always amazed me what our city leaders have spent on our four blocks of Heaven downtown over the past decades. If I owned a business outside these blocks I would be wondering what about the rest of us?

Some a going away present.


At September 6, 2012 at 8:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know the answer to this Term? Who gave the O.K. JaHada if your a buddy he'll make it happen. Look all you want it went in front of no one.

At September 6, 2012 at 9:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are we ever going to get a health care facility better than the 2 seat "Quick Care" office that I can't use. Presently I drive between 10 and 35 miles for health care. I see the Cleveland Clinic is going to build a facility in Mentor. Why not Painesville?
Do we have any developer for the old hospital property?

At September 7, 2012 at 5:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The City can't make the landlords lower their rent. Market forces change the rent. If there is no demand, rent will go down.

This isn't your idealized socialist world YET. The City can't just come in and tell them to lower their rent.

At September 7, 2012 at 5:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone have a clue at what's going on at Kensington Apt. this morning ? Hostage fugitive police from different communities involved.

At September 7, 2012 at 6:23 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:02 Please explain the purpose of the property owners having empty store fronts for years? Tax shelters? What's your timeline..
Socialist? Hey I'm not the guy useing $900,000 of Government dollars on two blocks in Painesville am I?
I never even mentioned the city making the property owners lowering their rent. Just a thought a 100% of nothing is still nothing.
9:00 This is another unkept promise promised by the Lake Health and our city manager. The hospital got what it wanted vacant property on Washington St. and the city manager will ride off into the sunset. Enjoy your trips.

At September 7, 2012 at 7:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those store front owners have not TRIED to fill their businesses. Copy Quest is collapsing on itself from disrepair, and the owner until recently was asking $500,000 for someone to buy it. Get the word out, he just lowered it to $118,000. That should finally sell. The ESCO building - that guy has been dragging his feet for 2 years now. Don't you think attempts have been made to assist him along? Seems to me he has no intentions of doing it anytime soon. Every business in painesville would be full if the City could dictate rent, selling price, etc.

As for the medical facility, don't be surprised if UH or the Clinic pop up in Painesville in the near future.

At September 7, 2012 at 10:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although I haven't lived in Painesville for ages I still follow what goes on there and wish to see it succeed. Wasn't there talk of an independent Starbucks-style coffee bar planning to open downtown a year or two ago? Whatever happened with that?

At September 7, 2012 at 10:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fence in front of Your Vine or Mine has no business being there. That area is used maybe 10 hours a week and that fence did not seem to be easily removed. No one on Main St. should be allowed to limit the sidewalk to less than three feet.
Just another taste of Painesville I guess?

At September 7, 2012 at 10:52 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:35 Wait until you hear the asking price for rent at that spot.
7:31 The Whole Chase Bank building drive up and parking resently sold for less than $375,000?

At September 7, 2012 at 11:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fences on Main St? Can live with them, but why does that one stick out the way it does?
Here I thought it was only there due to the fact of A taste of Painesville?
Reading what I have been reading that fence seems to be a small issue we are presently facing.
$900,000 dollars

At September 7, 2012 at 8:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In all the presentations regarding Main St. oddly no fences were shown.
It's not only who you are but who you know.

At September 16, 2012 at 3:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fence was put up because the city told them to fence it in, as they serve alcohol. As for the other empty buildings on Main St, they are destined to stay empty. Pauls Coffee Shop will never come to fruition. And his building is a fire hazard. I was talking w a tenant in the alley and he said 'one way in, one way out'. The renters can't get out the front of that building. Scarey. Main St can get a new look, but if those who own real estate on main st don't rent out the space, what good will it do?

At September 16, 2012 at 4:05 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:06 So we now approve of selling alcohol on Main St.[city property]

Also if a person is in a wheelchair it would be impossible to get past the fence.
Who gave the O.K. for this fence? You know it's going to be asked at the next council meeting.

Paul's Coffee Shop well atleast it had a name.

Someone should inform our Fire Chief. of this violation

At September 17, 2012 at 7:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I am surprised (I guess I should not be). All the posts here clamoring for "where are the the businesses downtown and why don't they come here?". Reading these posts about the fence on the sidewalk, is it any wonder prospective owners don't want to be here.
You have a nice couple that made an investment in a property on main street, trying to make a business. They try to do something to help their business with an outdoor area to accomodate a few additional people and allow their customers a place to smoke if they desire and people on this forum want immediately to crush them. They run a nice business and certainly an upgrade over most other establishments in this town. I woud agree the fence looks a little odd, but its their business and their investment. Alcohol on Main Street, are you kidding me at least they are doing it legally unlike the bums I see walking around downtown asking me for money. I guess I do not see the hoards of shoppers in downtown Painesville that others see so am not quite sure how that fence is blocking pedestrian traffic.

As far as the guy with the coffee shop, I have met few sucessful business owners that display the level of cockiness and arrogance as he has on the few occasions when I have crossed paths with him.

At September 17, 2012 at 9:39 AM , Anonymous TERM> said...

Wow, Have you ever heard of the ADA Americans with Disability Act. Check what it says about sidewalks.
I just want people to go though there without walking in the curb, and avoiding streetlights, potted plants. Good-Luck to the business but what's with a fence in use 9 hours aweek? Couldn't it be portable?

At September 17, 2012 at 9:40 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:08 I really just want to know who O.Ked this? It didn't go to planning,zoning, or council?
Do you have that answer?

At September 19, 2012 at 3:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wheelchaired through w no problems. Main Street is an eye sore. What a shame.


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