Meet the new boss same as the old boss.
Not this time. It won't be done with phone calls made to council people out of town or even in town in the middle of the night. This time for the sake of Painesville it absolutely has to be done right.
Full transparency, full, disclosure, no more old boys club way of doing this. If your going to hire a city manager and also give them the job of safety director we should make sure that person is experienced in that field.
It will be interesting to view how this process will take place? Will it only include three council members? Will a citizen committee be formed? Monday night starts the process.
Council meets in Executive Session Monday at 7:30 pm to I believe what process will be used to find a new city manager.
As resident we should be keep informed on how this process will take place. I can only hope one person doesn't set up a committee of their choice to do that persons biding? If that's the case then just name someone and don't go through all these motions.
The new manager should also be made to go back to a line item budget. I don't care if council believes it would be to time consuming. I for one want to see it all. Presently this seems like a good time to do a forensic audit. Let's see where and what we have.
The new manager must be able to work in good faith with surrounding communities as well as county leaders.
Most importantly the new manager must share all communications and opportunities with council. Also no more half truths to be shared with residents. Where all grown-ups we can deal with the truth.
Now is the time for fresh ideas and a person that doesn't just answer to two other people.
How come Painesville citizens don't get to vote on their city manager but Ashtabula which also has a city manager form of government, votes on theirs?
What communities typicallly do is place a nationwide ad on this service to find the best ones available ...
If you click under the jobs section at the top, it gives you an idea.
In Galion, a lot of people demanded we get a chance to hear from the three finalist last time around .. city council in Galion ignored them, so Galion ended up with a city manager that is illegally in office. He will be the last one.
Back In Galion, those that want the status quo, have formed there own little squad .. GOOD LUCK
People at city hall tell me the current CM has lawyered-up? You know anything about this?
Also seems we can't view the last council meeting on TV whats the problem?
9:12 That's the way Ashtabula charter is set up.
Galion thanks for the heads up.
5:13 You may be just jumping to conclusions. First earlier this year the Human Resource Director retired. At that time the CM announced that she and the finance director would be handling his duties.
Now two city employees tell me a law firm is presently handling human resources?
Who approved this? Whos paying for this? How Was council,employees, residents informed of this?
Maybe this is what you see?
If McMahon IS lawyering up, it's probably to make sure she has some iron-clad exit papers that say she cannot be investigated and she cannot be help responsible for anything that happened, or that she did, while in office here.
The only reason for 5 days of not fixing the tape about the latest council meeting is that someone doesn't want you to see it.
Call Jennifer Belle at city hall.
Doesn't anyone think it odd that the city manager is resigning 5 days before the road levy? Along with isn't that around the time next years budget is in review by council? I think it a case of a rat leaving a sinking ship. Not January 1 but November 1.
Anyone know whats coming forward on November 2nd?
Since all of you here have access to a computer. The August 20,2012 council meeting can be viewed on that site.
It does seem odd that Painesville residents have been denied it on channel 12.
I can't wait to find out the real reason for her retirement? Also someone clue in Mr. DeLeone 1.9 mill as opposed to 2.7 mill doesn't justify what all those people voted for. He absolutely looks silly making his case.
How odd Flock got someone else to mention the money lost on that deal. It wasn't him this time.
McMahon is probably leaving now because her feet are getting hot. She is probably afraid that investigations are right around the corner, along with TV interviews, etc., about all the millions of dollars she lost the city THIS time.
Term, is there any news of, or is there any way, to get investigators in here to look at everything that has been done since McMahon arrived?
One thing you must remember is that she must have a majority of council to do anything?
Iam sure if there is anything not saying there is it will sooncome out.
As far as her feet getting hot over AMP-OHIO it hasn't caused a problem for anyone yet.
She has over 30 years in OPERS - can't she just retire? She's taken some big trips this year...which this blog has made a big deal about...maybe they opened her eyes to the life she's missing by working 20 hours a day?
It's my understanding that the process in the past of hiring a city manager is to use a national search process, and they will be interviewed by council. It's personnel matters. Our charter is set up to allow council the ability to hire the CM.
And how would they go about just naming someone and being done with it? You think anyone on council knows someone they can just pull out of a hat for the position?? that's doubtful. As you've already said, the replacement has to be a multi-faceted individual. Safety services are just the beginning - they also have to know how to run our unique utilities.
4:53 Great idea, last time the national search went as far as Sandusky, Ohio? Remember she had left Painesville. Unique utilities, that a new way of telling us what? All have able directors right?
To 4:53: No, the new city manager does not need to know how to run a unique utilites department - we have a unique utilities department director that does that. And . .... we don't need the new city manager to also fill the role of safety services director at an additional salary of what - $70,000 to $80,000 a year. We already pay a police chief and fire chief, so let them join together to do that job. For Painesville's size and population it's just a waste of money to also pay an assistant city manager so let's eliminate that job also. If the new city manager does not try to micro-manage everything then there should be no need for an assistant.
Do away with the assistant city manager position, and if needed then use that money to do safety services director hiring.
Have the citizens do a direct vote on a city manager? Because the citizens of a city like Painesville are equipped to evaluate who can best run the operations.
And please folks get over the hiring process around hiring Rita McMahon. That was how many years ago? 15? 20? The crummy city council that was in place then is long gone.
KS...you stated "we don't need the new city manager to also fill the role of safety services director at an additional salary of what - $70,000 to $80,000 a year. I do not believe she is paid an additional 70-80,000. for that job. That job is included in her salary. Which may I remind the audience is considerably less than most superintendents of schools in this county. Why should she have to give "another" reason for leaving, she gave one and that should be more than enough for everybody as the only persons she really has to answer to is council. I'll bet they didn't grill her like you people are.
1:05 I believe the point to be made was that let's not make the same mistake again. Remember two people are still on council that were there at that time Joe Hada and Andy Flock. Hada who affirmed her and Flock who didn't. It wasn't a umanimous decision.
1:37 Check on what the Mayors of Willoughby, or Eastlake are paid. No they don't have assistants either. Painesville's administration is top heavy. PERIOD
Painesvilles a safett services director due to the fact the Police Chief does not know how to do his job ?
The same for the Fire Chief ?
They both have to be told what to do ?
Painesville has multiple stooges when only one stooge is needed
One of those, Eastlake I believe, shouldn't count. The pay cut and what was done to him was wrong.
Any clairification about being paid and Additional $$$ for the added duty of Safety Director. The above mentioned is misinformation.
5:49 I disagree, I trust the two Chiefs abilities more than the Safety Director.
6:29 Eastlake made the cuts do to the fact they are running out of money.
Admininistration cuts should be the first to be made, remember council controls that.
National call in regarding PRAIRIE STATE ... August 29, 2011
Rita makes the lowest salary for CITY MANAGERS in the state. You can't compare the salary of a city manager to the salary of a mayor - they are two totally different species.
And regardless of department directors or not, everyone reports back to Rita. She is the CEO of Painesville. Police and Fire chiefs are accountable to her, not council. This is why she is the "safety director"...and does not get compensated for it.
5:57 Has left us some very important information on Prairie State Energy Campus. This would be very important to all participants.
6:10 Sorry, I believe she is compensated for being the Safety Director.
Painesville City Charter
Article VII. Section 1-4
The duties and salary of the safety director.
Retirenent? Hardly the chickens are coming home to roost. She want'ass no part of the mess!
It's public record - Rita takes home $107k. total. Regardless of her duties. She IS the lowest paid city manager of comparable cities in Ohio.
Ask someone on Council. They'll know what their budget is to replace her.
11:37 Is it also in the records what her benefits package costs? Also my favorite. The "Annuities" council grants her. City Income Tax Free. Is that also public record?
Sometimes theres more there then there.
you're talking about what it costs the city to cover her, not what the city pays her. and if you're including benefits, then she's still well below others - benefits are given to i'd say most if not all city managers.
and what annuities? i believe she gets contributions to retirement, and possibly a car or travel allowance.
I'd be willing to bet whoever replaces her will have a salary of at least 15-25k more per year, not including all these "perks" you seem to think Rita receives.
and the argument about being compensated for security director? she doesn't. and you can't show otherwise. There's no where in there she makes an additional 60-80k above her salary and benefits, regardless of the "perks"
She is also the most worthless city manager in Ohio and has sewn the seeds of destruction in Painesville that will last decades.
She should tarred and feathered, then driven out of town on a rail instead.
To 6:10 - our city manager makes the lowest in the state? Where did you get your figures, and do you have our city manager's salary and benefits package in front of you? I'm not trying to be a smart a** I really don't know. That's why I googled city manager pay. Found a Web site, www.indeed.com and according to that site, the average pay in Ohio for a city manager is $63,000, and the average pay for an assistant manager is $42,000. So I guess I'll research more. When people writing on this blog make statements such as she is the lowest paid city manager for a comparable city in the state - it would be a nice thing if you would tell everyone where you got your figures. Otherwise, it's just something running off Luther's boot.
1:02 What you think I make this stuff up? Ask a council person one or two of them might have a clue what their paying the CM?
Where do you aquire this information?
1:19 Lets keep it civil,please
Kathy I believe your right. Some in this town (1:02) really believe this city runs like a swiss watch, under her leadership. Soon we will find out.
If administration should first take pay cuts, take a look at what just happened in Perry. The poor working staff didn't get raises but the administration did. This should be investigated and some type of legal action should rain down on them and their board. That was way wrong.
I thought 1:19 was being pretty polite.
Also, it was my understanding that the last time she left here, she left on a rail, too. It was of her own accord, but her feet were also pretty hot then, were they not?
Term, I hope your "soon we will find out" means something. Does it? Do you know something that we do not?
Kathy - call your council person. I have.
6:07 Did you understand there reasoning? I didn't either. I guess there in a world of there own making.
6:33 The whole I'm retiring thing makes no sense. First she hires an electric department supervisor the new CM will have to deal with, as the new super will have to deal with the new CM. Retire five days before the election with a road levy? November when will the budget meeting take place and where and when this year? Who will propose the 2013 budget? Why November 1 instead od January 1? Mentioned wanted to want to work for a non-profit? AMP-OHIO, Lake Health are both not for profit businesses. I don't know anything more than you know. "but soon we will find out".
It seems to me no one in city government seen this coming.
4:41 Everything is realative, between the CM, and the Asst.CM wages and benefits cost close to $300,000.
Kathy if you decide to run the numbers run them both.
Another Columbus Dispatch article today ..
Galion and Painesvile contracted for identical amounts.
I too believe you won't find another to do her job on that on that amount if this is the lowest paid CM position. So, now we lose someone familiar with this city, have to retrain this person all at a higher salary. ? This must be Perry schools too.
Big word "IF" 12:55. I believe we can do a whole lot better and alot cheaper. Please justify the Assistant CM salary? Perry also.
12:55!!! Have you noticed the millions and millions of dollars she has lost us over the years in various HUGE mistakes?!!! Not to mention the loss of the hospital, etc., etc., etc. My goodness already. If you are going to miss someone that much who is "familiar with the city" then send her postcards. We could pay twice the salary and save ourselves MILLIONS of dollars. Geez.
Why does everyone keep dredging up the hospital. Lake County/ Lake East/ Tri Point, wanted NOTHING to do with the low-income people in this town. They wanted $$$. That pays the bills not medicare, medacaide or medacab. Focus on getting a new sheriff in town like UH or the Clinic.
The conspiracy theorists who occupy this blog always brighten my day. Grab a cup of Joe and sit down to see what small minded, ill-informed people believe what is taking place around them….Now before I comment, I want to say my only affiliation is with the truth… Rita has decided to leave but not for the reasons the conspiracy theorists believe. It’s very simply, “all you people with your insider contact info” should actually inquire with people at City Hall and they will tell you it’s simply a retirement issue.
See due to the last several years of bad investments and public outcry over government employee retirement funds, new laws and policies have been enacted so the retirement system has been changed. Rita, who is now vested in the PERS retirement, stands to lose her “COLA” if she does not retire prior to anniversary date of this year. COLA refers to the Cost of Living Adjustment that each retiree receives every year. If she decided to retire after her anniversary date she will lose that adjustment and be placed under new provision of the current law, which is much less of an increase. It’s simply a math equation which (hopefully) anyone of you is capable of making… If I were her, it would be a “no-brainer” and I would leave immediately…..But then again, the situation does lend itself for the conspiracy theorists that something more devious and sinister is afoot…………..
8:34 Well your right about one thing it's a "no-brainer"
Enjoy your coffee.
P.S could you seen this reminder to afew other's that it's time to go?
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