Seem we are going to attempt to pull Tony's Subway Inn liquor license's. I understand the citys reasons, it just seems like a sad ending.. This establishment has in recent years become a problem for the city as well as the police department. O.K. we close Tony's and all of there clientele A) Stay Home B) Moves out of town or C) moves to a new location?
I and many others will miss Tony's we seem to have lost many of our good times from the past. Tony's Subway Wine Press, Brass Rail, Towne & Campus and the Stables.
My guess it will be C). So who will it be Stadium, Nemeths or even Jackie's? Heard the moneys on McTaggerts at the shopping center, at least that won't be our problem.
As honorable as all this is it's typical Painesville. We don't solve a problem we just move it somewhere else in Painesville. Remember North-End Bar my guess that clientele all moved to Tony's.
Also the city will file an objection with the state concerning transfer of the liquor license from the Storm Cellar to whatever business is operating in Jalapeno Loco at the New Market Mall.
$50,000 windows for just the replacement for the Blower room windows at the Waste Water treatment Plant .Maybe we should park that $30,000 riding lawnmower in that building?
Painesville didn't produce any electric power in April and May of this year? Neither did Prairie State and I expect to hear the same report for June and July. We are told by our finance director that it is cheaper to buy it "off the grid"? Why are we even in the electric generation business in the first place then?
I will have to watch the council meeting but I believe one councilman made a claim our electric costs have not risen in years?
The city manager named the new electric department head who will start working for the Painesville September 1, 2012. I provided council's meerkat moment when I agreed the the city manager has authority to hire department heads but according to Article II Section 4 BUT council sets the wages for department heads that drew attention from council, but as usual the city manager had an answer. Willing to bet you can't find two council members who knew what his wages are ? What do you expect with a city budget that has 19 million dollars listed as "others"?
Marion Ave. residents complained about the flooding last month. Yes! Last month during a drought they showed photos of water over the street curb. flooded basements ect. These are good people who believe the city has a remedy for their problem. Tiber Creek again the culprit. Quick anyone have an idea what all this flooding have in common?
Also found out where the Self-Storage on Chestnut St. wants to expand is in a flood plain? Won't be as easy as a trip to the Zoning Commission.
During the council time Councilman Andrew Flock informed the administration and other council members he will not go to an executive session to be taken to the wood shed for his comments and statements that he makes at a council meeting, or to the press.
Mr. Flock has lost ALL confidence in the City Manager and the President of Council. Due to the rules in these executive sessions they cannot be made public. His simple request was if you disagree with me lets discuss it in the future only here in a public forum. Councilman Fodor explained that's it's not good for the public to not see us not unified. Well if being unified means to go along with the city manager and council president why even have the rest of you there? Councilman DeLeone might have shed more light on what was going on when he mentioned Councilman Flocks interview and participation on Channel 5 Prairie State investigation. The problem seemed to be Flocks mention of 2.7 million dollars which Councilmam DeLeone believes was only 1.9 million. Well Mr. DeLeone I was sitting in the audience when Marc Gerkins CEO of AMP-OHIO mentioned 2.7 million amount. Feel free to call him back to a council meeting with a revised number to be told to a public audience. Truthfully Councilman Flock and many others will be ecstatic if the 1.9 number is the true number or even a less amount. 2.7 vs.1.9 Million. Still pretty expensive for a very bad decision. Sorta like drowning in 19 feet of water instead of 27 feet?
Can't win can we? Close it...complaints. Keep it open...complaints. If they keep it open & someone else is hurt everyone will blame the city still. Why do you think we elect council? They are the people to make that decision not you or me.
Those elected people are there to look out for the best interests of Painesville.
Sounds like they want the city council to operate like the old Soviet Union Politburo ... rubber stamp everything ... how's that working out ?
Flock has some balls .. not as much as Wade in Galion does .. but he's growing a pair
Sure Flock has balls - but not much brains.
I was at the meeting in late winter/early spring when this discussion came up, and it was stated that due to some of the municipalities settling and paying out, Painesville's share decreased. It was also stated that the share could be much less than the 1.9 million because fo the fact that it was in litigation.
Sometimes people only hear what they want to hear....
7:00 Brain's... I was at the meeting where the CEO of AMP-OHIO made the 2.7 million dollar announcement.
At the meeting you attended who made the 1.9 million dollar announcement? If it's in litigation who's paying the attorneys? If it's in litigation who's paying the interest on the loan/note?
You believe these other muncipalities settling and paying out is for our benefit?
And finally I belive as I mentioned before everyone would be happy with it ONLY costing us 1.9 million dollars for a very stupid decision. In my book that's still a large sum of money and the figure could have been "ZERO" if someone else had used their brain and not arrogently and proudly pursued this with the city managers blessing. Some legacy.
Flock has his faults but atleast you have someone looking out for the general public here in town.
Maybe Tonys should be required to hire security and raise the age to enter to 25+? Just an idea.
And you don't think other members of council look out for the "general public"?? Oh, I'm sorry - you must be right. Flock must be the only one on council who does anything worthwhile.
I'm sure each councilperson contributes in a positive way in helping their residents, maybe they just don't showboat the way others do.
Presently he seems to be the only one concerned with the 19 million's in other, ya, I know it was kinda explained. Council people should ask for more clarity. None of them could sit on the board of directors with a budget they approve like the cities.
Cobblestone who else on council showed any concern for EMS response to that area.Who took the time to find out the truth about the deal Mentor proposed?
Who else challeges spending by the city?One firefighter getting all the overtime a couple of years ago?Oddly Why does everybody in town call Andy with a problem?
What purpose do some on council have? I would like to know.
One seems to have their sites on Columbus for their political future.
One seems to be holding on to power.
Another I believe will be looking to ahead to their county political future.
You ask them why their there?
Maybe it's not a matter of Andy being the only one who cares, but Andy being the only one who doesn't get it. I've spoken to another member of council about the "other" and they were very capable of answering that question. Not really sure why the topic continuously comes up if the answers have already been given in a manner that is acceptable.
5:48 Just maybe it's Andy that gets it.
What the city needs with an 80 million dollar budget is a line item budget. Something Painesville had before the latest city manager CHANGED it.
In a corporation you can't run a company with numbers like this. I have to ask why are we operating this way?
The council if it really cared about the finances of the city would ask the state for a forensic audit before a new city manager is hired.
Those council members all blow smoke out their... well they pretend they know whats going on only to be viewed as intelligent.
Acceptable to who? You. Now your spouse if they get a payroll check for $800.00 and they give you $690.00 and you ask where the rest is? They tell you in "other". I willing to bet the farm your going to want an explainationn about this $190.00 'other" went or spent on what. Dolar for dollar and lets assume it's all legitimate why wouldn't it be written down? Just lazy?
To the rest of you I went overboard on the comment about Andy Flock not being the one who informed me of the City Managers retirement. Using my gradchildren was wrong. The problem is I have alot of respect for Andy and he seems to get blamed for enough without divulging inside information to me. I apologize.
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