Saturday, August 18, 2012


This past week in national politics has me wondering  if we are not going to talk about specific issues what are we going to talk about. Paul Ryan first denouncing the President's stimulus bill then lied that he didn't ask for some of the money, then blaming it on a staffer and claiming it's like a constituent asking or inquiring about Social Security problem they might be having. Paul you asked for 21 million dollars! You signed the request. Then on the Democratic side you have the Vice-President claiming "wess gona put youal back in chains!" Really Joe your mouth can't fit your foot. AGAIN !
Romney with a white board that it looks like presentation took place in a prison some where and just when you bring Ryan on board to maybe give the tax issue a rest, you bring it up again?
The President in his wisdom believes that bringing up Romney's dog Shamus on the roof of the car instead of a windmill that Romney claims can't power his car.
This with the announcement that the campaigns have already spent over  500 million dollars and it's not even Labor Day.

People we are all in trouble.

Now lets pretend that Romney/Ryan were Democrats what would the likes of a Rush Limbaugh tell us?

This privileged son of an auto magnate won't release his taxes! What kind of American has secret holdings in a Swiss Bank account in the Cayman Islands. What's he hiding people? Have you noticed he never uses the word income when he mentions taxes.  So brave, he makes his angry wife explain there will be no more tax releases look what happens every time we do? You people have seen enough.

Now we have as a Vice-President candidate a fiscally conservative who while his party was in power voted for everything his Party asked for. Not even asking how any of it will be funded then tells an audience that the present President closed a GM plant in his district, later for all of us to learn the plant closed a year before Obama even became President.
This man believes and follows  the teaching of a Russian Atheists Ayn Rand who was for abortion, not believing in a God and free markets? This is the man you want a heartbeat away,people?

This fl;ip-flop candidate announces his running mate by running down the gangplank of a Historic Battleship while neither serving when they were at the age this country was in a war. Vietnam, Desert Storm.

This campaign has now become about social issues, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and what ever happened about jobs people?

You know what the Democrats need is a Rush Limbaugh. Naw the truth will always prevail.


At August 18, 2012 at 9:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What famous saying Republican icon President Reagan make.
"Trust but verify" Can't verify anything not released?
Do the Romneys see us as this stupid? He wants to be our leader, on who's words.

At August 18, 2012 at 5:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

First we attack Hispanics, You guys lost Afro-Americans long ago then we attacked women, throw in Gays and Lesbians for good measure.
Now let's chase the older voters away.
Please R&R who but a few white guys are going to vote for you?

At August 20, 2012 at 5:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I realize this is your blog Term, however, it was also supposed to be a blog for "what's happening Painesville", not let's beat up on Republicans.

You have your right to print whatever you want in this blog, but if you are going to become nothing more than another political BS machine just say so, then at least all of us who hear, see, and read enough of this crap already can take you off our favorites bar.

At August 20, 2012 at 6:21 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Look your right it's my blog. and anytime you or anyone else wants to disagree you can. I post your comments as long as you keep them clean. [ I would even give you the opportunity to post your own post] It might be hard for you to understand this but in Painesville there are far more D's than R's.

I assume you are a Republican after some of the things I have read about some of your candidates over the weekend. I would believe you would be more worried about your Republican BRAND than anything I care to bring up here.
Seems it looks like you lost Missoui yesterday?
I don't even believe our Congressman resigned, I believe he just escaped.
Please feel free to keep me or take me off your favorite bar?

If you want your own post let me know.

At August 20, 2012 at 10:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 5:57, you missed the point, it has nothing to do with Dem vs Rep, in my book they are all crooks.

It has to do with this site started out about Painesville,which we all DO SHARE in common, not the same kind of political finger pointing I hear all day on TV, read in the papers, see on the internet, etc.

At August 20, 2012 at 1:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Republican or democrat I'm over both parties. After watching what is going on at the national level and state level is it any wonder why the AMP deal is no big deal. In fact I believe Paul Hach has a very bright future at the national level. We are doomed if can't turn this ship around. Not sure what we are leaving for the next generation.

At August 20, 2012 at 2:05 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:57 Don't you think its hard to do a site on Painesville without including things nationally?
We have no child left behind, Grants that would help Painesville.
Along with regulations that have a big impact on all of us.
John Murphy once told me if we can take care of Painesville's problems and every community did the same we might all be better off.
Yes, I can understand you wanting this blog. exclusive Painesville. I will try to stay focused. Sometimes I just can't.

At August 21, 2012 at 10:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do know the Dems just elect their Rush Limbaughs to Congress, Don't you?

At August 22, 2012 at 6:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What? My parents lied to me. They told me the only way you can make a baby is if to people love each other. You mean they were wrong?


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