Thursday, May 3, 2012

"SWEET DREAMS" eurythmics

I check in on the Steele Mansion Facebook page to find out what's new and to read the comments posted by the Shamakians and others from time to time.

 Mrs. Shamakian mentioned the council meeting coming up this Monday. In her last post, she stated how optimistic she is about the ultimate outcome. I wish I could share her optimism.

Recently I’ve heard many negative reasons for the Steele Mansion not becoming an inn...everything from ‘injured’ neighbors to the renovation not in keeping with the original structure. Along with the restrictions read at the council meeting, I question who will be responsible to make sure there are only 50 people at a wedding or that a meeting breaks up by the deadline. Are we going to have the Inn Police? Some of these restrictions make no sense to me because if a meeting should run late...are the Shamakians to throw the people out? With no personal knowledge of the provisions proposed by Mr. Callendar (I have no idea what they are) I’m willing to guess that they will be much more restrictive than even the city's. I imagine those proposed restrictions will make running a successful inn impossible. An analogy I ‘ll use is: someone wanting to build a railroad and being told ‘OK’… but you can't use the rails.

Then we have the matter of litigation. It seems pretty obvious that something like this could be tied up in the courts for a long time, especially with one of the neighbors of the inn having a relative in the legal profession (that would probably work pro bono). Meaning that the Shamakians will have to bear the cost of their own legal representation on top of all the other expenses they’ve incurred to bring the Inn back to life . I would imagine there would be some kind of restraint on anything being done until it makes its way through the court system. I wonder if the goal here is to have a 15 unit college dormitory for Lake Erie College rather than a first class Inn....if that happens, it would be interesting to see if the ghost of George Steele will leave 10 cases of beer for the residents every Friday evening.

Be careful what you ask just might get it.

Jamie Callendar of Concord Twp, son of the property owners next door to the Steele Mansion, made a statement at the council meeting “I would like to ask for more time. I don’t think there is an emergency for this. We need more time for compromise to be worked out. The building department has mis handled this from the get-go. We were to be informed. We formed the Painesville Historic District to have some control over what happened to the Steele Mansion.” (Lake County Tribune, 4/27/2012, page A3)

What an interesting strategy.

To the people who comment on the Facebook page of the Steele Mansion...truthfully, it’s not enough. What you folks have to do is show up early and often at these council meetings and let your opinions be known. Not just three or four residents… but 25 or more. With that said, the people who oppose the inn should also state their opinions against the Inn in a public forum at the council meeting. Even though I disagree with Mr Smead and Mr Callendar, at least I give them credit for voicing their opinions at council meetings.

The most interesting reason I have heard in the last two weeks is that Painesville has an does not need another one. To that I say Painesville has tons of apartment we need another one?

 Please… whatever your position on this...take the time to let city council know your viewpoint. I’d like to think that in 25 years, after I am gone, I will have played a very small part in something positive and unique for Painesville, rather than just another apartment building.

Mrs Shamakian, if for some reason your current dream does not become a reality….I know a person like you will never stop dreaming. I am sure you will have your dream come true…even if it doesn’t happen in Painesville.


At May 3, 2012 at 11:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then we have the matter of litigation.>>

Wouldn't the legal litigation, be against the city, if they okay the inn? It shouldn't cost the Shamakians anything!

At May 4, 2012 at 7:01 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

The city could avoid litigation by refusing the Inn?
What happens then?

At May 4, 2012 at 7:26 AM , Anonymous REW said...

Aren't government officials protected by a certain amount of immunity in the performance of their duties? And should the city cave on a decision just because they are afraid of a lawsuit? Would they let a few well-heeled residents dictate to them when their job is to represent everyone's best interests? That would set a really bad precedent for the next bunch of residents to just thresten to sue because they don't like a city policy/decision.

At May 4, 2012 at 12:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll agree with one thing, this woman's dream is far to big for a small minded town like ours.
That's the main reason we're not moving forward around here.
That property should have been left vacant like the Harvey, LCMH East, Millstone, and soon the Hotel downtown. We do excel in flat land thinking.

At May 4, 2012 at 7:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

For some of you this might be the reason for a lawsuit. The state of Ohio has laws that govern hotels,motel and bed and breafast no where in Ohio law is anything called an Inn. So the mansion would have to either be a hotel, motel or a B&B.
It's really not up to the city.
our neighborhood should not be subjected to breaking the law.

At May 5, 2012 at 4:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 7:01: Give me a freakin' break.

At May 5, 2012 at 9:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not trying to be negative, but I'm going to bet that the vision for the Steele Mansion will not become reality. It's an amazing building, an amazing idea, in a less than amazing city. I have lived here 2 yrs too long and have concluded that Painesville is self distructing. Hopefully the Steele Mansion plans move forward. On a totally different note- Main Street ... Ugh. Where to begin??

At May 5, 2012 at 10:39 AM , Anonymous CLASS OF 71' said...

Painesville is simply schizophrenic it can't decide from one week to the next what it want's to make of itself. Western Resrve town, college town, business town, 21st century town this along with all the time wasted on Inns, rusty waterline, streets that shouldn't even be called streets even if residents should be allowed to raise chickens. And please 99% of the Pit Bulls in Painesville are raised to be vicious bu their owners. Look around.
The people with the dream for the Steele mansion must believe by now that they are no longer in
Painesville but the Twilight Zone?

At May 5, 2012 at 11:08 AM , Anonymous Sane near Painesville said...

As someone who has lived near Painesville for two decades I can't believe this Inn is even a problem for anyone?
As a graduate of Hiram College maybe some of Painesvilles leadership should spend a day visiting the Hiram Inn and Conference Campus. Check with the local neighbors what this Inn has done to the whole neighborhood.
Located across the street from Lake Erie College the Steele Mansion is a natural fit.

At May 5, 2012 at 12:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think I'd use schizophrenic as a way to describe PVL, but I do see a lot of problems. Main St is pathetic to say the least. The Steele Mansion... Maybe the neighbors liked it vacant... Change is a hard thing to deal with a lot of times. For the neighbors of the Steele Mansion... Do you REALLY think your property value can be lowered because of this? If the value lowers it won't be because of the Inn... Oh no no no, it will devalue because of a failed city. Go to therapy if you are having a hard time moving forward from your past. Embrace change and thank God someone wants to bring business INTO Painesville...

At May 5, 2012 at 3:25 PM , Anonymous HiramGradToBe said...

Hiram grad, I agree. I'll be graduating from Hiram myself next weekend, at age 51 - better late than never. Yes, the Steele Mansion could be a huge asset. It would certainly be better than more low income housing or a house crammed with more people than code allows . . . unfortunately, Painesville's demographic is quite different from Hiram's, and there isn't much to be done about that.

At May 5, 2012 at 6:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so confused. Didn't these people HAVE permission to make it an inn BEFORE they started to make it into an inn? And now that they have all this money and time into it, they are having all these problems with this stupid city and asinine neighbors.

And I'll tell you something else--I will never have any respect for the Callendars and their behavior over this. Please. Bring in a relative lawyer to harrass and threaten in every way possible. I think it's absolutely disgusting what is happening to these poor people who made the mistake of trying to do something nice in this stupid town.

As an aside: I was in a car accident a couple years ago. The woman who hit me herniated three discs, etc., etc. Do you think I can get ONE decent lawyer to help me get money from the horrifying insurance company of this woman(State Farm)? NO. Because it's not a million dollar case, and the whole system is so corrupt that it has nothing to do with the victims anymore. Now here you have a lawyer (Callendar), who instead of being out helping victims, is just throwing his weight around and hurting people.

I am sad to know that all the horrible things that I have heard people say about lawyers all these years is true, and I am very sad for the poor people who have invested so much in this project.

At May 5, 2012 at 7:13 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

HiramGradToBe Painesville's dempgraphic's are different from Hiram's but Steele Mansion not only would attract people with dealings in Painesville but the mansion could cover the demographics of all of Lake County.

At May 5, 2012 at 7:22 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:52 I believe EVERYONE including myself thought this family would never in a lifetime be able to save that building.
The question the neighbors should concern themselves as well as the city will this Inn be better for the city then an empty lot? low-income apartments that could have been constructed or college dorms?
Sometimes people can't stand change but how a first-class Inn could do anyway cause injury to the neighborhood with some of the other uses that could go there.

At May 6, 2012 at 9:41 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Who knows maybe Mr. Callender and you can trade stories? Like I mention be careful what you wish for?
This might have even been the reason for our city manager to get behind the Inn idea. Seems the neighbors were always complaining about residents in the Steele Apartments she believed this would resolve the problem.

At May 6, 2012 at 10:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes we have an Inn in Painesville that I no longer frequent. The food is over-priced the service is poor. I have been there at times when people complained about a sewer smell.
Plus the fact that the Inn is filthy and dogs and cats roam the establishment. The owner dress as a bag lady and if given the choice between there and Perkins I choose Perkins. Please can somehow people realize what a little competition could do?

At May 6, 2012 at 12:37 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:16 Sorry can't agree I have had some pleasent times at that Inn,.

At May 6, 2012 at 4:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who has spent the night in a historic inn knows that they are not loud party places. Many quiet towns in New England are thrilled to some investor restore a historic building to the beauty that the Steele Mansion has achieved. As a former Painesville resident, I am happy to see the improvement this property has made to Mentor Avenue.

At May 6, 2012 at 6:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You must be a cat man.....

At May 7, 2012 at 11:38 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:16 Lets also add that that Inn owner has always put Painesville first. When that Inn's owner's mother passed away the inheritance tax was shared with Painesville and another community.[ A very large sum of money] She could have left Painesville out of the picture. I don't even know if she got a Thank-You from the city. None of us are perfect and this blog.proves that fact.
Did you ever make your complaint to the owner or someone on staff?

At May 8, 2012 at 5:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never been a big fan of Harvey High School Principal Kim Martin, but I was very impressed with her response to the HHS students who showed up 2 hours late at the Senior Prom. She doesn't deserve the critical comments directed at her by some parents and students. Good job, Principal Martin.

At May 8, 2012 at 7:04 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Will be posting about last nights council meeting. Let's just say if our Savior would have been born in Painesville instead of Bethlehem chances are not even a stabe but probably he would have been born on Mentor Ave. What is an Inn? What is a Guest? Can you have Breakfast with someone registered at the Inn even though your not?

At May 8, 2012 at 7:07 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:22 What did Ms. Martin do or say?
How was she critized and by whom?

At May 8, 2012 at 8:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At May 9, 2012 at 7:11 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Well if Ms. Martin refused to let someone into the prom who was two hours late without a good reason or a phone call I applaude Ms. Martin.

At May 9, 2012 at 5:27 PM , Anonymous Big Whoop said...

Big Deal. Talk about priorities? Late to prom and it's a problem but cell phones, IPods, electronic devices in plain site, bookbags in classrooms, dress code violations out the wazoo and yet the prom is a problem? How stupid.

At May 10, 2012 at 7:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only wonder why a Cleveland TV station such as 19NEWS would think this is a news story? search Harvey Prom on there web site.

At May 12, 2012 at 9:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bye Bye
Ms.Kim Martin

Rocky Mountain High


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