Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Why deal with something today that you can put off until tomorrow, then hope tomorrow never comes? Hope the outcome won't be another BeeGee hit "Tragedy"
Last night council meeting was a good example of how sad that council really is.
First let's bring in a court reporter the only thing missing was a number "3" on her equipment, and throw in a lawyer or two, watch a few council members squirm as a local politico does what they do best. With the end result. A unanimous decision to put this Steele Mansion on 1st reading?
Where has this council been the last couple of years let alone the last couple of months?
We were subjected to hearing about a possibility of litigation, winners and losers. This whole process being tabled. How the city's building department mishandled this. The lose of a "residential feel" to the neighborhood as well as neighbors being viewed as injured parties.
I guess there was no injured parties as the mansion sat in disrepair for the last 10 years? With it looking somewhat like the Adam's family mansion? That must have done wonders for your property value.
Failure to launch, can't pull the trigger worried about personnel friendships, maybe the threats against the city.
Let's put enough obstacles in the Shamakian's way so that no way can this venture ever have a positive outcome?
I believe that the Shamakian's believe if this Inn can not be used by all in the community only visiting guests maybe a college dorm will enhance the "neighborhood feel" more. Sad very Sad.
I believe Painesville just can't grasp the idea that something good can happen here anymore? We lose businesses even the hospital and view this as a very complicated ,suspicious venture.

In other news council voted down the city purchasing a new truck, Andy Flock asked how many miles were on the vehicle being replaced. A little over 29,000 miles. It needs brakes and a front end alignment?

We also approved spending 2.9 million dollars on the new sub-station being built east of the city. That was done with very little discussion, unlike the Inn that involved someone else's money? Go figure.

The city made a presentation on finances for the first quarter of the year, as well as the shooting that took place on Liberty St. this past weekend.

Many residents had issues and complaints about trash and other issues concerning Argonne Arms.

Will be watching for a moderate school levy, and a road levy for Painesville resident's this fall.


At April 17, 2012 at 8:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was there and it was not unanimous- Mrs. Jenkins attempted to suspend at least the first one. I'm sure she would have supported moving forward with the others, but several members made it clear they had no intentions of voting last night.

At April 17, 2012 at 9:28 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Yes Mrs. Jenkins did try to get a vote. It seemed that no one knew for sure what the vote was for?

Mrs. Jenkins did make an attempt to move forward as most things that go on in council council couldn't decide if the vote was to suspend or put it on first reading.
When a member wants to move forward with legislation it's a good idea to arrange that someone second it when you bring up legislation.

At April 17, 2012 at 10:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Callender's are just pissed because their "Mentor Avenue Historic District Association" does not have any control over what the Shamakian's are doing at the Steele Mansion.
I find it humorous that the two sketches that they have on their website are of the Steele Mansion(pre-fire) and the Fitzgerald's Bed and Breakfast (which has caused all kinds of trouble in this historic residential neighborhood (wink, wink). http://m-a-h-d-a.org/aboutus.htm

I think Mr. Shamakian made a great point when he said he could have torn the building down and put up low income housing and been finished a long time ago. That sure would have preserved the historic district.
I live down near the YMCA and I'm thrilled to see the preservation of this mansion. I really hope Council doesn't screw this up. If so, they might end up with a half finished, empty mansion sitting there. If this thing doesn't pass I couldn't blame the family if they just cut their losses and walked away.
What a sad state if affairs.

At April 17, 2012 at 10:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term maybe JaHada doesn't have the JUICE you seem to think he has?
What leadership NOT!

At April 17, 2012 at 11:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

For what its worth. Kip Smead has Paul Hach in his pocket.
Paul believes friendship is more important then something for the city.
Remember those signs last election Paul.

At April 17, 2012 at 4:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term why so negative? I thought you wanted things to go 3 readings with public involvement? Except when its your buddies the Shamakians. I liked the idea of the steele mansion but the Shamakians involvement with you has changed my mind, unless it goes for 3 readings and everyone gets a chance to be heard! Why do you and the Shamakians fear public comment?

At April 17, 2012 at 6:03 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:05 Enough is enough they have been put through enough paces from the city. planning back to planning, to council back to planning now back to council that seems then pretend this is the first they have heard of this?
Whats negative is council's actions or inaction for what? fear of a few movers and shakers?
This is really a no brainer pass the resolutions and be done with it.
Worried about a frivolous lawsuit?
What will warrant this? We enjoyed the collapse of this mansion over the past 10 years? Only to watch it receive it's second life.
The only time I see my "buddies" is at these hearings and I feel sorry for what they have to put up with from our city.
It willgo for three hearings come to council and ask your questions.
This is a good example why so few businesses locate in town.

At April 17, 2012 at 6:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kip Smead owns a business directly across from the mansion?
He isn't even a Painesville resident. Where was the Kipster when Painesville started to decline, moving out of town?
Viewing the council meeting on TV is to hard to watch. What is Lori DiNallo talking about?
I agree with the one visitor, if I had to do it over again I'd have moved to ythe township too.

At April 18, 2012 at 8:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This story is being told in local papers and people are watching. The Shimakins have done their homework and registered the Steele Mansion on the state and national levels. What message does it send to national and state agency's that this city cannot see it's way to approve this? Other cities are taking notes on what not to do when a business comes to town. This is an embarrassment to this town. Who in their right mind would open a business here after watching this play out.

After watching council over the last few months I have lost all respect for Lori Dinallo. Truly, if she expects to work her way up through the republican party she needs to get her head in the game; please go quickly and let someone who cares about this city take your seat on council.

Instead of spending hours over the Steele Mansion shouldn't we be dealing with dropping propery values and how to turn the Titanic around? We have much bigger problems than a family trying to spend several millions of dollars to save an historic building...... Like pit bulls and chickens which also takes months and months to decide.

This last council meeting also speaks loudly to Joe Hada; he has no control or power and is impotent over council and yet he remains president of council. How and why does this man keep getting re-elected?

If you're not outraged you're not paying attention!

At April 18, 2012 at 9:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the Inn.. but do they really need a bar and party center to be a successful Inn?..maybe trying to compete with LaMalfa?.. hope not with Liberty st. Party center!

At April 18, 2012 at 9:50 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

You do need to be able to serve alcholic beverages at a first-class establishment, great wine selection? you don't need a bar to do that.
Hardly a "party center"
Everything I have heard leads me in the direction that this will not be what some have suggested.Ask at a council meeting if you have concerns.

What would be a better use? What if its turned into college dorms?

At April 18, 2012 at 10:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

IF KIP SMEAD AND THE NEXT DOOE NEIGHBOR ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE INN, DON'T LIKE THERE PROPERTY VALUES GOING DOWN WITH THE INN. wait till the college builds dorm's on the old harvey high school property on washington st. HELLO COUNCIL WAKE UP.

At April 18, 2012 at 12:56 PM , Anonymous ENOUGH!!! said...

Enough already. This family has provided the city with everything that the city asked, along with total co-operation. They deserve to know will it happen or not.
Council can not play possum over this issue. Vote it up or vote it down.
I agree with the comment above Painesville has so many major problems what purpose is served by making us the laughing stock of Lake County?

At April 18, 2012 at 7:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At April 19, 2012 at 3:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so ridiculous! Let these people finish restoring the building. I still don't understand what is wrong with an Inn? It is a perfect solution to that neighborhood being that it is across the street from the college and visiting professors/lecturers can stay there.

Term-give us more information on the shooting. Also, was there a shooting last night at the corner of Mentor ave & Chestnut? Lots of police cars and yellow crime scene tape.

Side note-Painesville's superintendent did NOT get the job next door.....That district was not happy with the people they interviewed and are still looking for the right person.

At April 19, 2012 at 7:51 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I have no more information then you do. I believe Painesville is for a long hot summer. [I pray I'm wrong]
Seems outside forces are putting Painesville in play.

Felt very uncomfortable driving in Painesville this past weekend during the evening.

At April 19, 2012 at 9:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just spoke with Mrs. Jenkins. She told me the landlord evicted the idiots where the shooting occurred last Friday on Liberty Street. That's great news! Maybe they'll stay in Cleveland where they belong.

At April 19, 2012 at 11:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Presently I believe this stall of leaving the Steele Mansion by council is part of a ploy by Jamie Callender to find a friendly judge to issue a court injuction to not only stop the use of the Inn but to include a work stoppage until this litigation is resolved. Providing cover for JaHada&Co.

At April 19, 2012 at 12:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many times has Hada told people to address him and not the audience? Yet Mr. Callender spoke directly to you and not Joe when he addressed council. With not a sound from Joe?

At April 19, 2012 at 1:17 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:29 You must have been reading my mind? This would explain alot about Monday's council meeting.
All ther same I hope we are both wrong.
12:48 I let thoses things stop bothering me along time ago.
Let's not read to much into it.

At April 19, 2012 at 6:08 PM , Anonymous 12:48 said...

12:48 You missed my point JaHada let Mr. Callender allow it to happen. Begs to ask WHY?

At April 20, 2012 at 3:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe I am losing all respect for the Callender family. I think what they are doing--throwing their weight around like thugs--is shameful.

At April 20, 2012 at 5:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 7:25 - Where do you live? I'll be over this weekend!

At April 20, 2012 at 10:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just spoke with Mrs. Jenkins. She told me the landlord evicted the idiots where the shooting occurred last Friday on Liberty Street. That's great news! Maybe they'll stay in Cleveland where they belong.


At April 20, 2012 at 11:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aren't the courts getting tired of handling the messes Painesville council can't handle? Millstone and gristmill are still tied up in the courts and now we are going to send the Steele Mansion mess to them as well?

Please council get a backbone and vote!

At April 20, 2012 at 11:56 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Let's hope it doesn't get that far. You forgot the AMP-OHio deal is in court also.


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