"LETS GET IT STARTED" black eyed peas
Seems that I have spent a lot of time at Harvey lately. Tuesday evening (March 27th), the Lake County Tea Party held a meeting in Harvey's auditorium concerning "Obamacare", with about 150 in attendance. Now here’s the rub. I would estimate that 80% were at least 60 years old. There were two African-Americans in attendance. I know one was only there to hear what was being proposed.
Very few young people.
The presentation was fairly given. The speaker mentioned that Obamacare is a tax. Now, if you have been following the Supreme Court, that is not the way they seem to see it. If it were, they would not have it in front of them until someone actually paid the tax.
As I stated earlier there were some petty claims I wondered about….one being that most women do not want contraceptives to be in the plan.
Most of what I heard was misinformation coming from the audience in the form of questions.
Here are a few more: The government will have access to my savings account and student loans will be rolled into Obama care. The number of people misinformed was astonishing. The speaker admitted these statements were not true. At least she was honest about it.
The speaker acknowledged that reform was needed, but for some reason, universal coverage seems to be unattainable. Why? Pre-existing conditions... well you are just going to have to deal with it.
Like I mentioned earlier, the majority of the crowd appeared to be old enough to receive Medicare….and yet they were outraged about a government run health care plan. The reason Medicare came up was that elderly Americans apparently could not receive or afford private insurance in their "Golden Years". NO ONE spoke of eliminating that government program.
In conclusion, it seems Mitt Romney will be the Republican candidate for President this November. The Godfather of Obamacare will run against Obama.
Please Mitt; don't tell us your Massachusetts Plan won't work on a Federal level. That is like saying speed limits that work on State highways will not work on the Interstates. On the other hand, I was for it then and I am against it now? Good luck with that one.
Hoping to see more of these T-shirts this summer in Painesville.
Wonder who is waiting for Summer more? You or the Supreme Court?
Can't wait for President "Etch a Shetch"! Maybe he'll tell jokes about his dad closing automobile factories better yet show us plans for the elevator in his garage for his cars!
Can't wait to get it started.
5:51 It's going to be very interesting.
I believe the poles ar missing a large demographic Pet Owners.
Every dog owner I have spoken to the knows the Mitt's dog story has mentioned Mitt putting the family dog in a cage on the roof of the car on a vacation trip to Canada. The dog didn't fair to well.
Seriously pet owners are very loyal to their pets and they treat them as one of the family.
One mentioned to me "if he would do that to his dog what will he do to me?"
Maybe he can just turn it over shake it and it will all go away?
You know, as these old (I'm old, too) Republicans run around screaming that it is Obama who is going to be the ruin of them, I wonder how in the world did they get to be that old with such little sense. (I was going to say common sense, but I'll just leave it at sense.)
Here's the first paragraph of an article in The News-Herald on March 21, 2012: Mixing deep cuts to safety-net programs for the poor with politically risky cost curbs for Medicare, Republicans controlling the House unveiled an election-year budget blueprint yesterday that paints clear campaign differences with President Barack Obama.
The article goes on to say that the Democrats and their allies responded with promises to protect the elderly and the poor from drastic cuts they said would harm the most vulnerable Americans.
This is me now. It was the Republicans that brought us Managed Care and PPO's. How many people have been killed by those two lovely ideas? It was touted by President Bush as what we needed to save our health care system and rein in rising costs. Well, we all saw how that worked. The only people that were helped were the insurance companies, and our premiums are now out of this world.
The Republicans are so good at telling lies and misleading people, that their party followers end up screaming about stuff that isn't true, helping the people who are going to hurt them, hurt them, and fighting agains Obama, who is the only one I have seen since President Clinton that is actually trying to help them.
Honestly, I can't even listen to what the Tea Party and the rest of the Republicans have to say anymore. It's just so stupid, and it hurts America. People really should do their own research before they blindly follow anyone, including radio personalities who don't give a damn about telling the truth, not telling lies, or what happens to America, as long as they get their fat paycheck.
You've got it wrong AGAIN, Republicans. Really, do the research.
Remember, You heard it here.
Wonder how the election will turn out?
Think about these items that took place in just the last week.
So, in one week, Mr. Obama got caught whispering promises to our enemy, incited a race war, raised serious questions about his understanding of the Constitution, and then got smacked down over his proposed budget that was so wildly reckless that even Democrats in Congress could not support it.
I would estimate that 80% were at least 60 years old.
Are you describing the POC? Sounds like the ages of your regular attendees and those who always go to council meetings.
We have members younger then 60. The point being the POC members don't believe the city manager is trying to implant something under our skin to keep track of us.
Geez I hope not?
Here's some more information about what the good ol' Republicans have up their sleeves for Medicare (according to articles in The News-Herald on 3/21/12 and 3/30/12):
"To cope with the unsustainable growth of Medicare and the influx of retiring baby boomers, the GOP budget reprises a controversial approach that would switch the program--for those under 55 today--from a traditioinal "fee for service" framework in which the government pays doctor and hospital bills to a voucherlike "premium support" approach in which the government subsidizes purchases of health insurance."
More quotes from The News-Herald:
"House Republicans today banded together to shower millinaires and billionaires with a massive tax cut paid for by ending Medicare as we know it and making extremely deep cuts to critical programs needed to create jobs and strengthen the middle class," White House press secretary Jay Carney said in a written statement.
So, the Republicans will completely dismantle Medicare as we know it, and if anyone thinks they are not going to mess with people over 55, think again. Again, according to The News-Herald, the Democrats say the plan would cut costs too steeply and would provide the elderly with both a shrinking menu of options and higher out-of-pocket costs. The plan also calls for gradually raising the Medicare retirement age from 65 to 67.
So think HMO's and PPO's, which the Republicans started--times 1,000! Anyone who still thinks that the Republicans are for the average Joe, better get rich very quickly, because you are going to need to be to survive them again. And you had better hang onto your dentures and kiss your Medicare, as you know it, GOODBYE!
Just keep having those Tea Parties, and those rallies against the proposed health care changes that President Obama has devised to try to save our health care system. Keep disrespectfully calling it "Obamacare." Really, put your faith in the GOP, and just see where it takes you--it will be nowhere good, I can promise you that.
The new health care law is not a government-run health care plan. The government is trying to regulate it in some areas, so that we can hopefully no longer get screwed (in many instances, this means killed) by health insurance companies who are only out for themselves. They are trying to regulate things like we cannot get cancelled because we get sick. The government also wants us to be able to get coverage even though we have pre-existing conditions. They also are trying to make all these changes to try to rein in the cost of health care so people can actually afford it, and so the government doesn't go broke paying for health care for the uninsured, nor does the private citizen who ends up paying for people who choose not to have coverage.
The government (President Obama) did want a government plan to be available for those who may want to choose that, instead of all the private plans (just like we have today), that will still be available. I'm not 100% sure, but I think they might have given up on that one, seeing as how the Republicans aren't smart enough to understand that people could choose that plan OR NOT.
At any rate, it is not a government-run health care plan like Medicare is. Just the government regulating the private companies so they have to quit hurting us, and making compensations (like everyone needs to have health care coverage) so that these private companies can continue to be in business (and the government and the rest of the people can quit paying for people who just don't feel like having their own coverage).
If the Republicans succeed in stopping this, then insurance companies will continue to hurt people at will, premiums will continue to rise at their present levels, and more and more people will end up without any coverage. The system is broken as it is, and it cannot continue as it is. I personally cannot believe that people are so uninformed and continue to refuse to get INformed.
For the people who cannot afford coverage, there will most likely be help available for them, the level of help depending on their incomes. And be careful, people, because that coverage just might end up saving your life.
For those who are on Medicare and don't care what happens to everyone else, open your eyes--the Republicans are coming after YOUR coverage, too.
So, in one week, Mr. Obama got caught whispering promises to our enemy, incited a race war, raised serious questions about his understanding of the Constitution, and then got smacked down over his proposed budget that was so wildly reckless that even Democrats in Congress could not support it.
Read this book written by a Democrat, then all the republican bashers can look in the mirror and bash all politicians.
7:51 Russia is again our enemy? Let's try to control the nukes in the world is a bad idea? A 17 year old unarmed boy is dead and no arrest is made.why? The Supreme Court? I can't see how they could come up and say health care is not part of the commerce clause in the Constitution?
Then oppose a budget that favors the top 1% over the rest of America. You must propose a budget that has a chance of passing not just your welfare for the rich budget.
If Ryans plan is so great why is it only for people presently 55 and younger? If it's a great idea do it for everyone.
I attended the Tea Party meeting at Harvey Tuesday. All I can add to what has already been printed. I have never viewed a more selfish
group of people. They only cared about themselves and the Hell with everyone else. Yes, Iam presently unemployed and don't have insurance it scares me to think these people will decide on my care.
Russia is our FRIEND? Supreme Court is part of the system of checks and balances. We will see if the MANDATORY part is constitutional. Reform health care, yes, but let's do it legally and without IRS or government mandates. We need to get people back to work and everyone paying their fair share of taxes. Forget just your so called evil 1% and let's talk about the fact that almost 50% don't pay taxes at all. Taking more taxes from half the people and nothing at all from the other half isn't going to solve the problem. Sooner or later everyone will just sit back and want everything handed to them from the government. Remember, the government doesn't have or make any money. It is all our money. So half of the people who don't pay taxes are telling me what to do with my tax money.
Now, about the Florida shooting. Well we had a shooting on Nebraska too. Did the Republicans or racists commit these crimes? In Florida, he was a Hispanic Democrat who did the shooting. Who was involved on Nebraska Street? Should we have the President comment on that shooting too. Seems to me, that from Boston to Florida, the President only comments about civil crimes if they involve a Black or Democrat. Isn't he the President of all the people? Very little was said about the Fort Hood shooting. Why???? Isn't all this killing wrong? His election was suppose to make race relations better. Does the President think his comments help or does it only add fuel to the problem and incite the likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson or Rev. Wright? Are these people trying to make things better or just promoting themselves? Shouldn't the President be bring people closer together rather than driving them further apart? I believe it all goes back to the schools and parent/family involvement. No education and no future only leads to a life of poverty and sometimes crime, violent crime for anyone.
1:56 What you and Romney need to bring back the cold war?
Supreme Court is political. Judge Scalia brought up the "Cornhusker Kickback", that isn't even in the bill,why?
This is supposed to be a case of can Congress regulate Healthcare due to the commerce clause. Period.
The 1% will never put the 99% back to work as long as they can operate with companies like Fox Industries that pay slave wages in China, you know better.
I don't know if Mr. Zimmerman is a Democrat or even Hispanic?
What I do know is that REPUBLICAN legislators pushed the "Stand your Ground" law as a favor to the NRA.
The President was not judgeing anyone in his assestment of the shooting in Florida. Do you not believe someone should have been charged? What did you expect him to say? Oh I forgot he should have called him a whore and a gun totin prostitute? A page from Rushbow?
What would have helped race realtions was everybody doing what should have been done the night of the shooting.
I thought you guys liked the other website? Not much going on over there?
Since we're bad mouthing Republicans.
Now Rep. Ryan has called the Generals liars? What's wrong Pauly you throw them under the bus because they don't agree with your made up numbers? I agree with above comment if it's such a great idea let's put everyone on Medicare on it.
Where is this other blog.
1:56 Since the government doesn't make any money and oil companys are having booming profits. Why must we still give them tax breaks in the billions?
I sgree with Term if everything was done proerly in Florida we wouldn't even be talking about this.
The stand your ground law is just away so shooters don't have to hire a lawyer. Who decides who's ground is who's to stand on?
How could we possibly know if Zimmerman was a Democrat? He IS half white and half Hispanic, but how would we know if he was a Democrat?
And speaking of Democrats--I'm a Democrat and I, too, did not like what Obama said about the shooting of that child. I thought he purposefully brought race into it, when race is what seemed to be what brought Zimmerman to do it. I don't think we needed the President's comments. I, too, felt like he was stirring "whites against blacks" at a time that that didn't even fit. The guy that did the shooting is only half white, anyway. I definitely think it was racially motivated, but I, too, thought it was bad what the President said.
On another topic: If the Republicans like their proposals so much, why don't THEY get on it. They can try it out, and then let us know how it goes with no Medicare as we know it. As far as President Obama goes, I distinctly remember him telling Congress that he wanted to enact a plan that they could all be under also, including himself and his family. He wants it to be something that is good enough for everyone--from the richest to the poorest and from the privileged to the average guy/girl.
And the main reason there is mandatory coverage in the Obama plan for all people is so the insurance companies can stay in business, so we can have an independent insurance system just like we do now. The government cannot regulate them and tell them they must cover everyone--including those with pre-existing conditions--without giving them a means to stay in business. They cannot take on that expense without having the healthy people in the system, too. Otherwise, the only thing we will be left with IS a government-run health care system, and those always turn out badly--at least the ones that I have looked into have, and President Obama does not want a government-run health insurance system for the general public. He wants people to have their own choices as to which company they chose to go with. He did want a government OPTION, but I think they may have dropped that because the Republicans were insane over it.
Lots of judges and juries here. The case in Florida has already been tried in this blog and most of the media. As usual by Term and his followers. Does everyone here know all the facts? Sure sounds like it. Guilty or Innocent? Hate or Fear crime? Attacked or Defending? Republican or Democrat doesn't apply to this crime. Politics shouldn't enter into this case. It was two minorities, so does that still make it a race or hate crime? Are people blaming Hispanics or Republicans more? Who came out with his own campaign Hoodie? Who wore a hoodie on the House floor? Poor taste in my opinion.
I have another question. Why did this neighborhood need a block watch in the first place. A block watch in a gated community? If he called as many times as stated, wouldn't the police suspect he was a vigilante? Don't block watches register or talk to the police before they start? Who provides the block watch signs? Lots of questions, very few facts so far. I'm waiting for more answers before passing final judgement.
I have one question. Who is Russia supporting in the world now? I believe North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, Iran, Cuba among others. Who are they selling their arms to? Are their nuclear weapons safe or secure? Do you honestly think the cold war is over completely? Or are other countries jockeying for position or power because they perceive a weak President? We must be careful about the inches or we will end up giving up miles.
Why are average people fighting Obama's attempt to put them in a position to have health insurance? I am continually amazed how stupid the right wing scum are in the public. About 14,000 people each DAY are losing their private health insurance benefits. These idiots must think they are exempt from that figure.
Just maybe Judge Scalia remembers what the President said in the State of the Union.
President Obama took the extraordinary step in Wednesday's State of the Union address of slamming the Supreme Court for last week's decision striking down limits on corporate spending on political advertisements, ruling that the Court had "opened the floodgates" to special interests and foreign corporations in elections.
And it appears that one of the Justices in the audience didn't agree.
As Obama spoke, Justice Samuel Alito shook his head and appears to mouth the words, "not true."
Pretty amazing--both for Obama and for Alito.
Obama's frontal assault on the Supreme Court in a State of the Union is almost unheard of for a President. Typically, Presidents who get bad Supreme Court rulings (and they've all gotten their share) grimace and bear it, taking the position that the "court has spoken." I don't ever remember a Democratic president, in a State of the Union address, take on the Supreme Court for a recent decision and dare Congress to overturn it.
For a night that is the essence of staged theater, this year's State of the Union actually delivered something real. Surprise. There was the fiery attack on the Court from the cool intellectual President, and the subdued defense from the reserved and mild-mannered Justice.
1:44 It seems most American as well as most politicans agree with President Obama? They did open the floodgates.This election it affected the GOP. Corporations are not people. Show me a voter registration with a corporate name on it.
10:07 I can't explain it either unless its "class envy of the wealthy"?
7:47 Tell me if a white 17 year old was walking unarmed in a neighborhood and a black man shot and killed him tell me they would have given him his gun back and sent him home? All I'm saying is Zimmerman should have been charged and the outcome decided in court.{ Thats the main reason for the uproar}
This idiotic Stand you ground law is a farce.
You have the right to bear arms. Agreed but you must have more of a reason to use it rather then I FELT threatened? Who was stalking who?
Term, this is 7:47. I didn't say I liked what happened--it is horrible, and an innocent child is dead because he was black, in my opinion. I just said I didn't like what the President said. I agree with you that this guy should be charged.
7:47 It shouldn't be left to opinions. The facts must go infront of a court. I believe that's the whole problem. Don't send the guy home and let it appear he acted properly.
Term, this is 7:47. I agree with you. There apparantly needs to be a huge review of this "Stand Your Ground" law that lead to this happening in the first place. And they had the guy on tape saying that he was following the kid who was running away, didn't they? Then the guy was told to stop following the kid. There just wasn't any part of that that sounded like self defense right from the very beginning, so clearly it needed to be investigated.
7:47 Now before I get attacked by every gun owner in Painesville. I believe the whole "Stand your ground" law is to protect someone who uses a firearm in self-defense to be able to avoid a court trial and the cost of one that goes along with it. I might be wrong but how an anyone decide the threat that might be coming against them? Some dogs have a hell of a bark and no bark. Shoot first question second?If this young man had been sneaking into Mr. Zimmerman's home it would be a whole different story. This young man was plain and simply being stalked.
The reason America is in an uproar is according to the Sanford police no crime was committed? If you can believe that go to court.
If you want to know how some of these things become law,check out the [ALEC]
In around about way your paying for it.
NBC totally manipulated the news when they chose to edit the 911 tape of Zimmerman calling in. They chose to portray him as a racist but the real tape does not indicte that at all.
The heck with NBC news was there a crime commited?
If not why not. Zimmermans father a Judge? Sand your ground law?
Lets just let the courts decide.
TERM, you don't want to hear criticismof NBC news. "Let just let the courts decide." But you have already convicted Zimmerman in this blog. No waiting for facts to come out. Zimmerman is guilty. This is typical of you. You are doing just what NBC did. Incite unrest.
7:51 Not a rush to judgement but how about a speedy rush to justice?
That man deserves his day in court when will someone decide he needs one?
Term 7:51 doesn't seem to believe in the least bit that Mr. Zimmerman is guilty of anything. You and NBC must have pulled the trigger?
I'm willing to bet 7:51 has never served in the armed services of our country and somehow having a CC license makes him equal with everyone. A paranoid clown who will either end up hurting some innocent person or themselves. Thank the NRA for the mess Mr. Zimmerman is in not someone else.
Over the Easter Holiday I happened to watch a priest on FOXNEWS talking about a "war on religion"
This company FOX owns the cartoon the Family Guy. They constantly make fun of our Savior Jesus?
Now FOX is coming out with a new 3 Stooges and wait until people see Kate Upton playing a nun in a nun's bikini? Talk about sacrilegious. FOX has a war every month on something, Christmas, Easter you name it. As a corporation how can they complain when they seem to be doing most of it?
7:51 If you really intersted George Zimmerman has lauched a web. site to collect donations for his defense. I will predict that an arrest will be made this week, by the Florida Attorney General's office on this case. He will need people like you for his defense.
Maybe ALEC and the NRA will chip in?
TERM, are you selling these t-shirts? How can I order a couple?
No, this t-shirt was sent to me as agift. I was told it can be purchased off the internet.
Maybe we should come up with an orginal We ar the 99% Painesville t-shirt?
Then again in Painesville we are all in 99%? Is there a 1% among us?
I don't believe there is.
I think a fundraiser is needed to help out Painesville. These brilliant people who constantly bash, belittle and berate can't come up with any "plans" to help so why not sell the shirts and donate all the proceeds back to the city. It would be such a nice gesture and a good start.
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