"I'M IN WITH THE INN CROWD" dobie gray
Well, another confusing council meeting… watch it if you have over two and a half hours to kill. Again, we needed to hear an explanation on what an Inn is and what a guest is or is not. Also discussed was if a guest can have another guest over for breakfast and how late a meeting can be held. All of this along with many questions about how to micro-manage a business. Andy Flock had to remind Lori DiNallo that an Inn is a business. I have no idea what she thought an Inn was. Councilperson DiNallo suggested we get rid of three of the requirements by the Planning Commission and implement Mr. Callender’s solution instead. Well geez Mrs. DiNallo… when no one in attendance knows what Mr. Callender proposed (including the Inn's owners) it's nice to see you wanting to clear that up and clue us in. With that said, the way things stand now I only see three "YES" votes for the Inn. There could be more but it seems people do not want to show their cards just yet. I think what the Shamakians should have done when the Planning Commission voted to let it become a B1, they should have made council vote. Instead, they must have believed that being good citizens would produce a unanimous vote. Seems all that has been accomplished is wasting two extra months. I guess it does not make much difference …the attorneys and court reporter were present again. I wonder if the purpose is to intimidate council, the administration or the Shamakians. Right now, all I see is a lawsuit in the future. The city also will have a NEW $90,000 phone system to better serve us. We will replace the truck with 29,000 miles and bad brakes. That truck will replace another vehicle at the light plant. {Hope it gets new brakes first.] The city will ask for $75,000 from the county block grants to be used towards Painesville’s share of $290,000 for Streetscapes for Main Street. This city has no idea what the word priority means. Soon, if nothing is done, South State St. will become the new Bank St. and all we can come up with is spruce up Main St? Go figure! We did receive some good news from the State of Ohio. A grant of over a million dollars to rehabililtate the Coe Manufacturing property and I believe Painesville's only responsibility will be to creat fifty new jobs on that site. Yes and I know that's Ramsey Lewis's tune.
I do not have an ounce of respect for these Callender's or their lawyer-son. Shame on all of them. I think their behavior, and they, are disgusting. It is really shameful what they are doing and who they are. They deserve low-income housing there, and see how they like that instead of the classy inn their unfortunate neighbors are trying to create against all odds. As far as I am concerned, the Callender's are nasty people throwing their nasty weight around just because they can.
They are residents of Painesville and have a right to be heard. That said what's with the outside attorney and court reporter? I do believe this is there to intimidate someone and you have to wonder if council would treat others in town who opposed something with the same respect.
A person sitting close to me wondered if council would have been this diligent over the AMP-OHIO contracts if we would be in the mess we are today?
DiNallo is so far in Callenders #&8 it's not even funny.
Why with her running for another office before finnishing one term on council anyone would even listen to her is beyond me?
There's one No vote.
What knowledge of runing a successful business does this council have? Watching that council meetings happens to be a sad way to run this city.
I'm glad this blog mentioned the grant money seems the News-Herald missed that part of the meeting.
Just wondering, why the Callender attorney doesn't have to identify himself, like everyone else, ThaT happened at the last meeting too.
Why are the robot codes, so hard to figure out. They are not clear and it takes forever to post a comment!
I live in the Cedarbrook area. If the Callenders would like, we could trade houses. I would be proud to live next door to the Steele Mansion Inn.
3:22 The attorney is Bob Meyers and he did identify himself at the last council meeting.
3:26 I don't know I woke up a couple of weeks ago and everything was different? It took me awhile to even put up a new post. I'm in the same boat.
Hey How about the illegal alien arrest, but can't send him or the others back? What can we do to remedy this problem? Council's hands are tied, PVPDpt doesn't have the manpower or the facility to corral, detain and return. ICE can't be bothered (just disban them as they seem to be useless for us here) Border Patrol is supposed to be the one to call but only if a FELON? I've made contact with our govenor and a few politicians but no one wants to be politically incorrect and stop anchor babies, illegals and criminals. What's a citizen to do?
Just don't call the police on them they will stop in and say please stop the noise and then leave,
23 sec was how long the last cop was over there,
I will call every day if I have too, last summer it was every weekend.
Keep up the good work 6:51. Don't give up. And if you don't get satisfaction from the patrolman, go directly to the PPD Chief and let him know what a shoddy job his guys are doing. Next step the CM. By following the chain of command and a lot of complaining someone should eventually take notice.
Who are the three "yes" votes?
3:05 I'm a bit of a card player myself and that I will keep to myself. Just watching the council. Some people who's opinion I respect believe it will pass 7-0 in favor of the Inn?
6:51 Iam a little confused where did the police stop for 23 seconds, for a noise complaint. There is nothing about this in any of the other responces on this blog, So I don't understand your complaint
To 6:51 - just a thought - the cop who stayed 23 seconds may have received a higher priority call and had to go. not that your call was not important - just saying. I too own a home which is directly behind a college rental so I feel your pain. We have called the police too many times to count, as have other neighbors. But a suggestion - contact on campus security and talk to the chief of that security division. You will get results.
The News-Herald put the grant for Coe Mfg. on the front page today?
I guess Painesville getting another hand out not such a big deal anymore.
The News-Herald put the grant for Coe Mfg. on the front page today?
I guess Painesville getting another hand out not such a big deal anymore.
To May 9, 2012; 5:43 p.m.:
If we want the illegals out of our country, and if we want to stop the automatic-citizen-anchor-baby problem, it is going to be up to the people. If everyone who is scared for this country and upset that all this is going on would get out into the street and gather together for as long and loud as it takes, then the politicians could, and would have to, do something. They could blame it all on the citizenry and get away with it politically.
Until then, nothing is going to change because they are all pandoring for the Hispanic votes. Every time someone tries to do something, the Hispanic organizations remind them that they will pull their votes if they continue. What our dumb politicians don't understand-- locally, federally, etc.-- is that soon all people in power will be Hispanic. Hispanics vote for Hispanics. And the tea party is stupid enough to be voting IN Hispanics.
If we don't do it soon, it will be too late. Soon they will have enough votes to take over the country--they are already taking over a lot of elections. And also, the younger generations of Americans are fighting FOR the illegals, apparantly not knowing enough of the situation to know it will take down our country if all these people are legalized, and that there will never be an end to more of them coming in.
We have a Rally Team here in town that have fought valiantly against the illegals, but most people sit home on their behinds and don't participate. That is just not good enough--this country needs all the people who are against them to stand up. I had hopes for the Tea Party doing something, but sadly they are not. They just keep doing things that shock me and, in my opinion, they are hurting America, and not helping. It has to be the general citizenry, and the general citizenry is not doing it.
We all need to learn to speak Spanish. Even the President is making commercials in Spanish now. Never thought I would see THAT day. It's just one big Trojan horse, and these people know it. It's the Americans who are too stupid to get it. Most people are not like you, and they are sitting back and figuring someone else will fight. It ain't working. There won't be an end to the Hispanics infiltrating Painesville, let alone the United States as a whole. It's nice to know someone is still trying, though, so thanks.
So just after this is coming up on this blog, I turn on the news and see, guess who? Good ol' Veronica Dahlberg, self-proclaimed leader of all the illegals around here. Did anyone see it? I watched it on Channel 5 news (abc). They had about 100 people in Cleveland protesting for immigration reform. The news was covering it when Dahlberg got a call from someone on their way to the rally who had been pulled over, was illegal, and driving without a license. Dahlberg got all up-in-arms, and said OHHHHHHHHHHH, we must go save them. She shows up while the police officer is arresting him, and gets in the way and is telling the officer how the criminal can go now. All the while, she is speaking about his poor six children who will now be without their father. The only thing that that made ME think of is who is feeding and providing health care for those kids? Oh, I'll bet it's the United States of America, that's who.
The guy was arrested, and they let the rest of the people in the car go. Channel 5 news covered it as if it was "the poor, poor people being treated unfairly." They covered Dahlberg going on and on about how we are dividing their families, and how the illegal parents need to stay here with their legal children.
We are stupid people here in America, and we are going to lose our country. If Americans don't at least get out into the streets and demand the end to the anchor baby nonsense, we have no hope at all.
And we need a field-workers program in place so we can get rid of the rest of them.
Can you imagine our fathers and grandfathers letting this go on? I'm 60, and the generations before us would have never let this happen to America, and if it did, they would certainly have put a quick end to it in no uncertain terms.
To 12:48 I agree with part of your commemt but the voting part I don;t Those who vote are citizens and have the right to vote. There is not much can be done about someone who is legal. Those who are not legal can not vote and should not be a worry to us, just that they need to go back home
8:27 One of the biggest problems we have concerning illegal immigration in Painesville is Veronica Dahlberg.
In my mind she should have been charged with obstruction of justice. This along with the 18 year old that was only charged with a misdemeanor after being part of the gang that beat a man on Veterans Paek last December. That man was sent to the hospital in critical condition and other charges do not help the illegals cause.
This summer the United States Supreme Court will rule on how "Legal" Arizonia's 1070 law is and if they agree with Arizonia. I see more states with 1070 laws including Ohio. This is what V.D. is most fearful of. It would end her purpose.
I just viewed the video on channel 5 search immigration rally.
With that said I would like to thank the police officer who told V.D. that you can't drive in the state of Ohio without a drivers license and give false information to the police. V.D. reply was impound the vehicle and let the people go. His reply " You want to tell me how to do my job?" I'd like to thank that officer.
Maybe Painesville PD could learn a lesson?
Well I'm willing to bet there is one Mexican sitting in the hoosegow in Cleveland wondering why he along with the rest of his family listened to V.D.?
I agree with you listening to her can cause bad things to happen. I hope everyone who was there got an idea on all the power V.D. doesn't possess.
Wonder if she would attend these rally's if she was illegal and could face deportation? Or was this man convenient fodder for her and her cause?
Put the blame on John McCain and John Kyle; those are the US Senators from Arizona who have done nothing about immigration in all the years they have been in the Senate. What did the Republicans and George Bush do for eight years? NOTHING!
Ronald Reagan provided amnesty to million of illegal's and he was a hero.
Really, McCain and Kyle? There are so many that could be held responsible and you pick these two? I blame American businesses who wanted to hold down wages of American workers and at the same time have an endless supply of cheap labor. But than again we all know corporations are people? Republican mantra?
Business makes a mess at the Coe property and then the state [who's only money is yours} comes in like the Lone Ranger to clean-up the mess. Same with the Diamond property.
Why is it always the brown Latino's that have to be evicted? What about the white Europeans, the Chinese etc. that enter our country and stay! They are also illegal aliens.
7:05: About the voting: My point is that we have let this go on for so long, that there are enough here legally now that they can probably take over all our elections, and if not--they are close. And if all of them registered that are eligible, that would be the end of America as we know it, because Hispanics vote for Hispanics, and they all know that their goal is to take over America. The group NALEO (National Assoc. of Latino Elected Officials, I think) keeps track of every Hispanic in office all over the United States.
My point is if we are going to stop this, it must be now. And we at the very least need to stop the anchor baby law, and get a field-only work program going so we can get the rest out. There's probably a million legal babies born every day in America from these illegals. It's pure insanity.
Has anyone else noticed what nice vehicles these people are always in (illegals)? It must be nice with no taxes and all those handouts.
I would also like to thank abc news for portraying these criminals as victims of big, bad America.
These people are such blood-suckers that a lot of them don't even take their kids with them when they are deported. But even if they did, each one of those kids will be back when they're old enough, and they will each bring 50 of their closes relatives with them, who will bring 50 of THEIR closest relatives with them, and so on.
There has been amnesty two times in this country--each one was supposed to put an end to the problem--neither one did. If they do it this time, we're finished. There are so many of them here now, we are probably finished WITHOUT amnesty. And they just keep letting them add millions of anchor babies. I think Americans need to break down the problem, and just fight for stopping the anchor baby law, create a fields-only work program, and fight to implement the citizen-checks before anyone can work. That should handle most of the problem, and it will be easy for the politicians to get away relatively unscathed, so we have a chance of accomplishing these things if all Americans who are unhappy fight.
Wow! How did this blog go from the Steele Mansion to once again the illegal immigration issue?
Reading this blog is akin to Nero fiddling while Rome burned. Yes, the illegal problem is part of the problem however you also have an administration that is destroying a city.
Let's list all the companies, businesses and home owners who have shuttered their windows and moved on. Toss in a hospital, AMP Ohio deal and failing school system andnwe are in deep crap folks.
Maybe we should let the illegals have the 'ville. If you had a thriving economy in the 'ville the illegals couldn't afford to live here.
When the house next to me sold for $17,000 and we watched a carpet bagger from Madison buy it and turn it into a rental with shoddy work we wondered where is the building inspector? Oh yeah we are down to one, Noelle. Good luck. Our house has dropped by half in value so we too are looking at turning our house into a rental while we move elsewhere. Check the county auditors record and see how many home Mr Aruta owns, especially on Nebraska, I believe he is up to 17 rentals.
You need to vote in a new administration and a new council! Wake up people!
6:18 Your right this starts on one subject and goes to another. It use to bother me but then I believe the whole purpose of this site is to let people know what their neighbors are thinking. Your right about the city if as many people as I think believe this city manager and administration are doing a great job, well I don't know what to think. I asked as a resident the assistant city manager a very simple question afew days ago. I know he received my question, where's the answer? They can't even be honest with us because they know WE will never force them.
The only solution this administration has is give us more money. I for one will never vote for any increase as long as the present administration is in power.
TERM, you said "I don't believe there is a hidden agenda to take over the country.". Have you forgotten the mexican national who shouted from our gazebo during one of the illegals demonstration that they would "take back their land?" Do not underestimate their plan for a second. And they have been keeping no secret about it. I thought you were at that rally and heard this man.
Yes and Black Pamthers are a small group of Blacks. and the same can be said for the White Supremacists. Yor assumption is that the only reason the Hispanics are here is to take over the country? They are mostly here because they want to be able to feed their children as well as themselves.
This is why Verinica Dahlberg is poision to this community. She brings in speakers who make these stupid claims and now we all must live with their message. I remember the clapping and shouting when that person made that statement. What has he and his ilk done for them in the last four years?
Dahlberg atleast gets a few people incarcerated now and then.
my goodness! You are so naive!
When I was a kid, the Mexicans came in the summers to harvest the fields, then went back home. Over the last couple of decades, or so, they started to stay. Their numbers grew and grew--by the millions--all the while with naive Americans thinking, oh, they're just sweet, nice people looking for a better life.
Meanwhile their numbers have continued to climb, and they figured out the weaknesses of our laws and just how stupid the American government and Americans are. Oh, they said, we can get a P.O. Box right across the border, and we can get welfare benefits delivered there? Okay, we'll do that. Oh, we can go live in America and get our life handed to us on a silver platter, with every free handout you can imagine? Okay, we'll do that. Then they realized that they could be here illegally, or crawl across the border into the U.S., drop a kid or ten, and they would be American citizens with America taking care of their health care, food, schooling, etc. Okay, they thought, we'll do that. Or they can make a day of it anytime they need health care and cross the border into our country and get it for free. And we let them do that, too.
Americans to this day, are still saying they are just nice people looking to better themselves and their families. We're stupid, and they know it.
Are they here to better their lives? Yes, of course. But are they here to steal our country? Yes, they are. And it doesn't even MATTER what their INTENTIONS are any more, because they ARE stealing our country. Meanwhile, Americans sit on their behinds and let it all happen.
The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) is probably the largest and most prominent organization for Latinos. It keeps track of every Latino in every office in the land...OUR land. They calculate which elections they can take over when. Right now, Arturo Vargas, the head of this group, is threatening both political parties to watch their step or they will not get the Latino vote. They hold their meetings on national TV often.
Next time there is a Mexican election, listen to the promises the contenders are giving the people. Open borders between our country. American citizenship for all Mexicans.
THEY know their goal is to take over America. They know they ARE taking over America. It is only America and Americans who are too stupid to know it.
Oh, yeah, just nice people here to better the lives of themselves and their families. Right. There are probably at least 20 million illegal Mexicans here alone, not to mention the rest of the illegals. They are dropping babies like they are grains of sand.
If we do nothing else, we need to make our government put a stop to the anchor baby nonsense immediately. It's our only hope. The anchor babies are all starting to come of legal age to vote, and we are in big trouble, my friends. And we seem to be the only ones who don't know it. They think we are stupid, but that is surely an understatement. They are almost "there", and we are the only ones who don't know it.
Americans just keep sittin' on those couches as the entire Mexican country empties out into ours, thinking they're just nice people here to better themselves, and if not, oh well, they'll let everyone else do the fighting for them. Smart.
Do a little research on how many ghost towns there are in Mexico because they are all HERE. And why wouldn't they be? We let every blood-sucker who wants to bleed us dry, do it. Welcome, we tell them. Come take our country.
Let's say you are right. It seems no one is willing to go the extra mile neither political party as well as everyday citizens. Yes some have gone the extra mile and what has it got them? Lip service? Let's see what the Supreme Court rules and go from there?
Now lets assume all illegals must self deport or be deported when they are stopped for any reason? Simple? What would happen if every illegal in this country had a legal American son or daughter and on the way out of town in every state they would drop these American citizens at every Health and Human service office in every county? How many million children could this country possible take care of? 1 million 4 million we have no idea how many there are. They are legal citizens and the country has an obligation to take care of them. If you have a solution tell us.Don't tell me that they won't do this if enough of their leaders tell them this action might stop the parents deportation?
Look I can agree with you on principle but the solution of "throw them all out" might not be as simple as you think. Think they haven't thought of this already? Where do you think I got the idea from?
This is 3:04 to Term's 4:33:
One thing we can no longer do is to throw our hands up and say it's too far gone, and now we can't do anything. That is what has been going on for many years now, and year after year it gets worse. That is what has gotten us into this mess.
First they said they couldn't make them all leave because we wouldn't have anyone to work the fields. Instead of making a new field-work program (even though we have had work programs in the past), everyone just said we couldn't do anything.
Then when they started coming in by the country, instead of by the thousands, we said well, there's too many, we can't do anything now.
When they started giving birth to millions of children who were now American citizens, even though they were the children of people who were illegally here, everybody threw their hands up and said we can't do anything NOW.
First of all, if I had had any say over this, this stupidity would never have been allowed to happen in the first place. But since our government is so foolish, and our citizenry so passive, I say the first step is to stop the anchor baby nonsense. But that would take Americans to actually band together and do something, which I doubt will happen.
Obama is working hard on the e-verify program. If that passes the court challenge, then a huge part of the problem is over. If these people want to try to leave their children here, then they should be forced to give up their parental rights. This has happened to some people who have left their children here. The children were put in foster care and then adopted out.
I did actually hear of one guy whose plight was sad, but it was a done deal. He left the country after being deported without his children. I don't think they gave him a chance to get them. They were adopted out. On the other hand, he put himself and his family in that position.
I think they'll think twice. I think they'll threaten it, but I think they'll be afraid to do it based on similar stories of people who lost their children to adoption. If they DO start doing it, I think Americans will notice it, and I think they will lose the sympathies of Americans pretty quickly. Maybe that is what is needed to wake up the legal citizens to fight for the anchor baby stupidity to stop.
We have people in this country illegally who have the damn nerve to get out in our streets and demand rights. It's time America sets the rules that are in America's best interest.
I say if people want to leave their children, let them. It will be at their own risk.
The steps are pretty clear to me. Americans need to demand the end of the anchor baby nonsense. Hopefully e-verify will will get an okay in court, and people will self-deport. For those who leave their children, they must sign over their rights, which I think will put a pretty quick end to it, IF they dare to do it in the first place. And we need a fields-only worker program in place.
The last thing we need to do is to let them push up around some more, and to throw up our hands and say nothing can be done. We've already tried that--it didn't work.
This is 1:25, adding to my post.
No matter what else is, or is not, done, the anchor baby nonsense needs to stop. That is what the citizens should be working on RIGHT NOW. If we can accomplish nothing else right now, that should be the current goal.
That amendment was created for the children of the slaves as a necessary protection, as I understand it. Quite a big difference in the two situations, in spite of what Veronica Dahlberg likes to say. You have a group of people years ago, brought here against their will, and made to stay (not that they would have been able to get back home if they tried). They and their children were given that protection because it was necessary at the time.
It is now falsely being used (in many peoples opinion) for the children of people WHO DO NOT BELONG HERE! And it's not just the poor people stealing our country this way. Many women who can afford it, fly in from countries all over the world to give birth here, and then fly home after the delivery. And why not? Now their child has dual citizenship and all the benefits thereof.
It's insanity.
So...whatever else is happening, or not, American citizens should be honing in on the anchor baby problem and stay on it until it is stopped.
I also know some of the anti-illegal groups are telling the politicians that they do not want a field work-program. This is a backward tactic. The politicians are not going to get all the illegals out if the farmers are not going to have enough people to help them with their crops. That is such an unwise situation, that it goes without saying. There is some kind of field work-program now, but it does not work for the farmers. It needs to be redone, and it needs to be redone quickly, so that the farmers crops are covered, and we can get the rest out. It will never happen without that, so unless the anti-illegal groups are going to pick all the crops in the United States of America until the end of time, we need a new program, and we need it now, so the rest can go. It needs to be limited to the areas where Americans will not take all the jobs available, and ONLY in those jobs.
This stuff is doable, but the American people need to demand it, so that the politicians can be off the hook for it. It's the only way it will get done. Obama is pushing the e-verify. The other two issues are apparantly up to us.
Doable? I assume you realize how hard it is to change a Constitutional Amendment. Its harder then you might think.
Term 7:02, this is 8:14.
It is my understanding that the amendment does not need to be changed, it just needs to stop being interpreted incorrectly.
This is 8:14 again--
And if it IS going to take years to fix the amendment problem, which it could because of all the illegals and their sympathizers, then that is all the more reason that everyone needs to start working on it right now. There is no room for saying that nothing can be done. If we want to save America, people need to dig in and just do it until it IS done.
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