Saturday, March 24, 2012

"HEART OF STONE" rolling stones

No I don't have a heart of stone. I don't want to eliminate workers. I just can't grasp the fact that it costs Painesville residents $299,000 per season to cut grass at two cemeteries. With overall maintenance of the two at $410,000 Sorry.
If you believe these facts as fact I would worry about that.
I agree with another comment that part time employees should not have their hospitalization payed by the city. Don't count on any council people to question this they are either afraid to or to polite too. [It's not their money anyways]
Truth be told if you listen to the city manager and finance director lay-off are inevitable. Maybe this year maybe next, but there coming.If we can save money now we may not have to make as many cuts in the future.
I guess if it came down to outsourcing the grass cutting or laying off police or fire personnel what's the choice?
Someone commented about outsourcing the trash removal. Good point. Now while we talking trash the city no longer has to pay for trash picked up at the recycling center on Latmore St. Where did that savings go? I remember the city manager quoting a price of close to $90,000 to pick-up recycling bins for seven months along with costing the city forty man hours a week to clean the area up. No one on council questions anything.
If the city can do this service cheaper why don't or didn't they?
The present budget in the form it is given in is not a budget the expenses in it must be explained better. Mr. DeLeone did you really get answers for all $24 million "others"?


At March 25, 2012 at 5:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did by any chance you see the new signs posted at Riverside Cemetery?

At March 25, 2012 at 5:11 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Yes I have and it's beyond me what the point of the sign is. Will it make grass cutting easier? I have no idea why you would post this sign?

MAR 1---NOV 1

Can't wait for this explanation?
What's the difference between artificial and real?

At March 27, 2012 at 11:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The difference .......

they don't end up in my yard when a strong wind blows.

They look tacky and fade with the summer.

They don't, in fact, NEVER break down and there is no reason for them.

The stuff we pick up or is lodged under shrubs and bushes is ridiculous.

At March 27, 2012 at 3:38 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Your reasons are valid. I would ask what makes the didfference between November i to March 1?

At March 27, 2012 at 6:26 PM , Anonymous Annette John said...

I would like to bid on that cemetary job and would do it for $100,000 and no benifits. We have about a dozen landscaping companies in the area that would do it for less. Lets bid these jobs out and not pay employees.

At March 28, 2012 at 12:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Annette John: How much are you and all these landscaping companies bonded for? Probably all of your companies combined do not have enough coverage to cover the liabilty of the cemetaries.

At March 28, 2012 at 5:51 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Let's talk about coverage? What about the marble Italian bench that was broken last year? Still no replacement. Proper Landscapers will have the bonds the city needs. OR we can cut grass at $299,000 a year pay four employees $220,000 a year in wages and benefits and when the time comes listen to some on council whin about cutting safety forces?


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