Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I guess we will discuss the time council meeting should start? Why they last late into the night.

Along with council adopting the budget? [first reading]

Enacting Chapter 1379 relating to Clandestine Drug Labs.
This one interests me. The Ordinance will if I am to believe make the landlord responsible for clean-up of a meth lab. I know how some of you feel about landlords, but wouldn't they be victims also? Will their homeowners insurance cover this cost? Could they buy a rider to cover this cost? I have been told the cost could be as high as $50,000 for the clean-up. I guess I will have to ask Councilman Paul Hach why this didn't get dicussed at a Housing Task Force Meeting? I only hope some property owners attend and question this legislation before council votes to inact this?
Something to think about. If you rent a house out that in Painesville would have a value of $45,000 and the clean-up cost was $50,000 what happens if the owner just walks away?
The City Manager should have had meetings with the Housing Task Force before this comes to a vote by council. Then maybe it was meant to be railroaded through council?

Another item is sanitary sewers and pumping station for the development of Diamond Business Park? The cost will be paid through the TIFF? I thought that money was for the bridge to connect the road to nowhere? I wonder if council realizes TIFF money could be used in other parts of the city in need of repair.


At February 21, 2012 at 9:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are an idiot
This will keep the landlords on there toes, to keep an eye on there rentals, if a meth lab starts up and a landlord does not know about it, then they are not keeping up with there rentals.

At February 22, 2012 at 4:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's with the dramatic introduction? Council voted to not change the time a meeting starts because of resident feedback - I'd like to know if those residents enjoyed being in chambers until almost 10:30 last night. But there is no longer a discussion.

As for the drug lab cleanup - it wasn't addressed at the Housing Task Force for the same reasons they stated last night. It's new legislation. All legislation starts at Council, then is referred to whatever subcommittee.

When TIF money is raised for a specific project, how can it be used on other projects? That would be like the electric fund paying for water pipes. The TIF was created to pay for all infrastructure for shamrock. Where have you been?

At February 22, 2012 at 7:40 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:28 Do you have any idea the rights tenants have concerning the right to privacy when it concerns their landlord in the State of Ohio? What rights does the landlord have to inspect his property, for what reasons? If he calls the police with a suspected crime won't they ask for proof? Will a Judge grant a warrent?
I believe that the landlords want to be active,they must know their rights. Have a discussion and then vote on it. How many homeowners would have woke up today without proper insurance coverage?

At February 22, 2012 at 8:20 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:12 I really don't care what time the meeting starts. The meetings never went long until Council-President had departmental presentation, as a resident since a resident can't ask a question why are they expected to listen to it?
So am I to believe the time for public input concerning the drug clean-up is AFTER the legislation is passed? Who knew about this legislation before Friday ?
TIF money nowhere does State law say that the infrastructure must be used in a certain part of the city,check state law. Where have you been?
The TIF is a joke the city manager wants to spend over 4.6 million of it on the bridge and another one million on the sanitary sewers for Shamrock Blvd. yet when asked how much money was in the TIF account she metioned a little less then $500,000.00 less then 10%?
The reality of the budget comes down to $150,000 spent on roads and $87,000 spent on sewers.... enjoy Painesville.

At February 22, 2012 at 3:52 PM , Anonymous Mouthpiece said...

Hooray- glad they did what they did regarding the meth situation. You are only boo-hooing because it involves your buddy Tibbits and and because your buddy lost the election. The voters have spoken!!!!

At February 23, 2012 at 1:59 PM , Anonymous Kathy Sak said...

How many drug labs have been discovered within P-Ville City limits within say the past 2 years? Is this then going to be enforced the way an ambulance charge is collected? If your insurance covers it you pay - otherwise no one ever tries to collect it? Just asking, if anyone knows the answer. And another question but for Term - in one of your posts you wrote current budget woes would have no effect on safety forces yet in the local paper it claims 1 police officer and 1 paramedic were laid off. Which is correct?

At February 23, 2012 at 3:17 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Kathy the police chief mention one case in the last year.
Kathy and Nancy maybe I didn't make it clear that in the White Paper the POC was going to complete had no safety force cuts. Rita decided not to fill the vacancys.
Everytime someone asks to change something in thwe budget
Council-President Hada mentions he would rather pay a police officer or firefighter as the excuse why something can't be changed. The white paper will reflect his wishes.
My question to the Couuncil-President would he rather spend the money on an Assistant City Manager or a City Planner then police officers?

At February 23, 2012 at 4:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to believe the Painesville Police Chief that there was only one methlab case in the past year but isn't this the guy who told Council that there were only 16 burglaries in Painesville last year???

At February 23, 2012 at 7:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I personally cannot imagine being a landlord and having to spend 50,000.00 to clean up a meth lab house. Who in the world has that kind of money? If there is insurance for that, they could get insurance for it, but otherwise I think it is an unrealistic expectation. What house is really worth putting 50,000.00 into it just to clean it up? I think it is unrealistic.

At February 27, 2012 at 9:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand this legislation.
We past a Lake County Narcotics Levy that included clean-up costs? Why is tye city manager going someplace that has aready been addressed?


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