At the POC meeting Wednesday night, members voted to write a "White" paper for council concerning expenditures in the 2012 budget. My personal feeling is that this will fall on deaf ears.
Until the council decides to rein in the city manager and make her present a line item budget this budget process will continue to be a ball of confusion.
We can start by admitting the city is in a financial fluke. So when they mention ‘No raises are foreseen this year’... except for "steps" or seniority…. sorry people… these are raises that cut into city finances. We will sort out "Grant Money" and find out what the cost of these grants are to the city. We will include the need of a $30,000 lawnmower for the WWTD as well as telephone and computer upgrades. The only things not to be touched are those related to the Police or Fire departments. They are to be excluded.
Council members should question the number of days electricity is produced and the amount purchased off the grid. What is the expense to power ratio produced at the light plant?
If any of you see some waste, please send your ideas to the Blog. Recently someone sent pictures and a note to the Blog that was then sent to the administration as well as all council people concerning a little used service road used by the parks and recreation department that was being reconstructed. The question is with the seriously bad condition of some of the streets in Painesville (such as Oak St.) why the money spent on this instead of a public street.
I will soon post the question and pictures.
Aren't you one of the people that started the POC? Then you say what they have written will basiclly be of no use? You are even so negative with your own group and peers. I think you can never and will never be a positive person.
Nice Nancy, maybe I just assume some people will put alot of time and energy into this white paper, and my thinking is that the city manager could write the budget on toliet paper and four members atleast will accept what is on it. I will contribute to the paper as it is being written, Nice Nancy please join us.
Maybe you could be a positive addition?
The apathy by the likes of Nice Nancy is unbelieveable. She complains about you. She should be complaining the likes of a failed budget?
The council is scared of the city manager and there is a role reversal you could drive a dump or tow truck thru!
I have no idea why we elected any of them?
Nancy, not so Smart/Intelligent;
POC was created by many, not just one person.
If you could write intelligent statements it would be a miracle issue.
What is happening in the City of Pain Nancy? Do you have any clue?
I had to censor part of this post because certain things are still under investagation, as well as not wanting to slander someone.
Anon 2/19 1:49 Why would the elected council of the city of Paine be afraid of the CM?
All elected persons of the city are her boss!!! Rita is just an appointed employee and she does not have the right to dictate, without question what she provides her bosses. Again council you are the CEO's of this City/Business and you best get off your [you know what's] and start doing your elected jobs of control and containment.
This city is a tremendous joke,because all of you smooch up to her and never read/digest/question her antics. She was APPOINTED A MANAGER-NEVER THE DECISIVE FACTOR OF THE DIRECTION OF PAINESVILLE.
All of you,as CEO's are the only officals that make the decisions.Do it and do it correctly this is the job you were elected to do. If you cannot do this then resign immediatly!!!
I do "gotta clue" Term was the driving force behind the POC it was his idea to bring it public. Unfortuantly or fortunatly I've seen nothing from this committee.
No, I won't join as I clearly do not have the same visions as you all do.
Nice Nancy Please take the time to tell us your vision.
Maybe that expensive lawnmower flys to the site and operates without an operator?
Hey, thought you said the police and fire were "the only things not to be touched"?
How come I just read today's paper reporting about the budget and that's not what it said. I believe it read that 1 firefighter and 2 from the police department.
Inaccurate news or inaccurate blog? Hmmm You decide.
Nancy's vision is to eliminate the far-from-fact that is spread on this blog so people reading this will be able to know fact from fiction. Remember those that can... DO. Those that can't DON'T.So run for council Term, or don't because you can't.
NN read the post again. When the POC does it's white paper we will exclude the safety departments.
The CITY ADMINISTRATION cut the police and fireman, Please pay attention?
This is false - the police and fire were not "cut" , they were lost due to attrition (ie. retirement). Under direction of Council, they chose to not replace at this time. Decisions like that would be made in executive session, so it may appear as if "administration" is pulling the strings, when indeed they are not.
Per the City budget, they do not plan to cut the budget of police and fire. And i'm sure the schools contribution to the SRO will be helpful. Why isn't that mentioned Term?
Yes, they were lost to attrition and that isn't "supposed" to be considered a cut. It isn't a true budget cut but it is a cut in the budget. Know what I mean? When you are not replacing an already hurting department-that cuts into everyone. Response, morale, etc.
They are very overworked as they are only one station and the per-square footage and population has grown but not the department's budget. Council approved and annexed the developments off Jackson then off Cedarbrook thus increasing everything but another station and help to run it. Ever been on 44 during a traffic jam and wonder who will be there for a fire or rescue heaven forbid something happen to your family. Do Not say the township, Concord- I pay tax to this city not them.
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