"COME ON DOWN TO MY BOAT" every mothers son
New business coming to Downtown Painesville.
Gently Loved Boutique will be celebrating their Grand Opening.
A consignment store specializing in both new and consignment items.
Located at:
222 East Main Street. Ribbon cutting ceremony with owner Denise Pizzi will take place at 11:30 am January 26,2012.
We must do everything possible to bring businesses to our downtown and then support them. I believe it takes a lot of courage and fortitude to invest in the downtown area. If they want to continue to have "Cash Mobs" people will need a place's to spend their money.
Good-Luck Denise.
Attended the Principal Meeting at Harvey this morning Ms. Martin invited former Harvey grad Ricky Coleman who now is a counselor at Family Pride of Northeast Ohio.
Mr. Coleman spoke on the many challenges he faces dealing with mental health issues for Painesville residents and students.
Ms. Martin also brought up a program that I am 100% behind.
WATCH D.O.G.S. [Dads Of Great Students]
[1] to provide an unobtrusive fathering presence, and
[2] to provide a positive and active role-model for students at the schools.
Fathers, stepfathers,grandfathers and uncles are asked to spend at least one day at their student's schools volunteering. They will support the school through:
monitoring the school property,
working one-on-one or in small groups,
sports referees,
listening ears,or
for whatever needs to be done to PLANT SEEDS OF SUCCESS in the lives of the students.
This is a chance for the community to reach out to the students to show them how important they are to us.
A meeting and pizza party will be held at Harvey on February 23,2012 at 6:00 pm. To gauge community involvement and an orientation for prospective volunteers. Who want to be part of this worthwhile program.
I hope the community will support this.
A final rumor to pass on to you.
It seem a certain councilperson wants to have a meeting with the city building department. Seems they believe they are not doing their job on inspections at the Steele Mansion? What not enough road blocks in the way?
Well I guess we can assume at least one No vote against the Steele Mansion for becoming an Inn. I have to wonder who or what the motivation is? I hope they explain their concern or is this a case of a crony politican doing someone bidding?
That councilman must be a dummy?
They better be able to explain themselves.
What is this code red B.S.?
One neighbor has called everyone from the Lake County Health Department to the EPA?
When will the Secret Service along with the CIA gets called in.
News Flash- The School Chief is interviewing in the neighboring town for their Chief job....stay tuned...
The building dept has let a lot of things pass on that job that should not have been, so don't get down on whoever is asking for a report.
6:39 My only concern is motive? With all the problems we have here in town the rebirth of the Mansion seems to be in good hand.
I appreciate things like councilpeople working with the city on projects like planting trees on tree lawns or riding with the snowplow drivers. That said there should be more time spent looking into problems like Oak St. or how rundown Coe Manufacturing property is getting, along with finding the solution Millstone property, the hotel property or what to do with the old hospital property. Getting reasonable response times to the Cobblestone area, fix the flooding in all parts of town. Where to come up with the money to pay off AMP-OHIO?
I have had the opportunity to talk with council members in nearby towns. They WISH the Steele Mansion was in their city. Along with a curiosity of why the push back to the Inn?
Will one powerful local family who has been quite vocal against the Inn have enough "juice" to derail this project?
I only hope a councilperson isn't doing the dirty work for someone else.
I can only hope you are wrong about the mansion. If this council does not see the merits of this project and what it could and will bring to the area.
A no vote on the mansion would make the yes vote on the 50 year power plant look as a reasonable plan.
The community must get behind this project.
AS much as things change nothing changes.
Hada and Hach were the two left from the Amp deal Hach even apologized for his part of the blunder. What does the new council do? Vote for the same failed leadership. Why? Who owes who what.
Within a short time we will be wondering why we voted for Deleone and Jenkins.
We've all read about First Energy closing their coal burning power plants because of needed EPA improvements. Does anyone know the future of Painesville Coal Plant?
Also, weren't we promised 7 windmills in North Perry? What's the status of the "Big Battery"? Federal stimulus money was promised for these projects and now the US government can't seem to pass a budget, is the $ still available?
Last year every city employee recieved a 2% raise except the electric employees, they agreed to a 3 year wage freeze. The Electric fund consist of nearly half the city's budget but very little of council's attention. By the way what happened to the Utility Committee? Should we be concerned?
Now that Council has settled the "chicken issue" perhaps they can focus on more serious issues.
I am already wondering why anyone voted for jenkins!
Just wondering - has the Painesville Power Plant been upgraded to meet the new EPA requirements, or will it soon go the way of the local First Energy plants? Anyone? Anyone?
I was not one of the ones who voted for Deleone and Jenkins. It's a sad commentary on the voters/people in this town when we had good alternatives other than to vote for the Hada/Hach/McMahon/DiNallo/Fodor/Fountain bunch, and people chose to vote for them anyway. We could have had smart, good people in office right now, but instead we have more of the same, and McMahon's job is cemented in for another two years at least. So now the city of Painesville residents got what they voted for. More of the same. Congratulations. I, for one, was on this blog trying to inform people, and at the end begging people not to do vote for Deleone and Jenkins, but enough people did anyway to keep the status quo. Again...congratulations. You got what you voted for. Sadly, I got what you voted for, too.
9:49 The main reason for closing the Eastlake plant was that it was only on line during peak usage. More power then what is needed.
Now I have just found out the AMP-OHIO is presently sending the bills out to communities that were involved with Meigs County AMPGS. Martinville just got there bill Painesville must have received it or will be getting it soon. I will post a link to this information soon.
Wonder if it will be a topic at trhe next council meeting or will who won the Chili Cookoff today will be front and center?
4:47 If nothing else you have to wonder why these new members voted to keep Hada and Hach in a position of power? Maybe they did or maybe they didn't? After hearing the debates and seeing the mistakes made by these two in the past you would think they would want different leadership? I for one thought Jim Fodor would gain a seat of power but maybe Mike and Katie thought Joe and Paul were the best leaders for Painesville?
If you can't wait for term to post the link. Just google Martinsville Bulletin and in the search section type AMP debt.
This makes for interesting news and Martinsburg share was smaller then Painesville's.
I just found out Lori diNallo is now running for another office. What two years to much for Painesville. Another person just using Painesvile to get somewhere else. I wonder if the new candidates have the same idea?
Now I understand. All the conversation about chickens at the counil meetings. Reading the amp ohio story it seems the "chickens have come home to roost"
Term, I don't think Fodor would be any better or different than Hada/Hach. He's just another Hada YES man.
My thought was that Fodor would be a consensus builder. Something the council needs. At the same time not deride someone who doesn't see it his way or vote the way he does. This council will have many important decisions coming up and the present leadership doesn't seem up to the task.
The deadline to apply for a position on the Utility Commission was December 23, 2011. Did anyone apply? Has anyone been appointed by the President of Council? Who are the Councilmen [Women] on this committee?
Now we find out the bill is due from AMP. Coal Plants are being shut down There's a surplus of power. It's cheaper to buy our power than to make it in P'ville. We have 5 Boilers and only one is running, at half capacity!
Term is right, This council will have many important decisions coming up. A true "Utility Commission" may help with those decisions providing it's not a puppet committee. Without third party input, the decisions will be made by the leadership of Hada and Hach. We've been there done that. Unfortunately, this sounds like the movie theme of Ground Hog Day.
While this councilmaqn is questioning the building department. They should ask them about a certain law directors in- ground swimming pool and who payed to move the powerlines? That plus did his building permit fill all regulations?
These people would be wise to quit bothering people who only want better for Painesville and start looking into there own back yards.
What is a Utility Commission? A couple of months ago Lori DiNallo suggested that council establish a utility commission to help council better decide on utility matters concerning the city. First off this commission would have no teeth if the commission suggested that council not get involved in a 50 year coal plant in Southern Ohio council could tell them to go fly a kite.
During the debate over AMPGS many residents acted as a "commission" to warn council of this "take or pay" contract. To say these residents were treated with little respect from some on council would be an understatement. This commission would not be payed and would be expected to donate their time and energy only for the opportunity to be ignored.
PLEASE do not give Kim Martin credit for the WATCH DOG Program. That is being implemented in other buildings in the district also. She is not into making a difference. She enables the students and bullies her staff. Get rid of her.
Kim Martin welcome the WATCH DOG Program? No way. She had FOURTEEN fights at Harvey last week. Yes fourteen fights in ONE week. Do you really thinks she wants anyone to witness that? And there's no documentation 'cause the Harvey staff has been bullied into not calling the school resource officer. Welcome to Painesville City Schools.
5:08/5:13 You make the argument for why Painesville schools must start this program. I guess many men will want to go to the elementary schools. Cute little kids, but I believe some will want to see and know what goes on at Harvey and want to be a positive force in these students lives. Ms. Martin left me with the impression she was 100% supportive of this program. Time will tell.
Of course Kim Martin is 100% supportive of this program. She's always been great at lip service. Notice what she's done with the dress code at Harvey, a district-wide implementation.
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