"But parked in her rickety old garage sits a brand new shiny red Super Stock Dodge."
All this hubbub about the Clint Eastwood Chrysler Super Bowl ad?
Seems like many conservatives are upset that this was another Chicago style ad for the Obama administration. Carl Rove was disgusted by the commercial….just to name one.
Now, just to keep this in perspective… when Chrysler was going down the road of bankruptcy… who owned it? Bain Capital? Close, but it was another bunch of venture capitalists… Cerberus Capital Management. If I remember correctly, John Snow ("W’s" Treasury Secretary) was one in charge and for investors like Ezra Merkin. Yes, Obama saved a company and God knows how many jobs with his stimulus plan. Now Republicans claim this commercial was a payback for Obama. I guess it just could not be a ‘feel good’ story about America.
Having said the above, this bunch sees conspirators everywhere… even when a right wing Republican like Eastwood does an ad for a company that is struggling to get back on their feet. Really?
Then I propose that in 2010 Chrysler did an ad for the "Tea Party". How?
Anyone recall Chrysler’s ad for the Dodge Challenger of George Washington and some of his commanders coming over a hill attacking the British Army?
What's wrong with you Democrats… didn't you see the subliminal message of Chryslers ad supporting the Tea Party.
Can this get any sillier?
Check for yourself the percentage of workforce actually working.
The American public's dependence on the federal government shot up 23% in just two years under President Obama, with 67 million now relying on some federal program, according to a newly released study by the Heritage Foundation.
The conservative think tank's annual Index of Dependence on Government tracks money spent on housing, health, welfare, education subsidies and other federal programs that were "traditionally provided to needy people by local organizations and families."
The two-year increase under Obama is the biggest two-year jump since Jimmy Carter was president, the data show.
The rise was driven mainly by increases in housing subsidies, an expansion in Medicaid and changes to the welfare system, along with a sharp rise in food stamps, the study found.
"You can't get around the fact that policy decisions made over the past two years, on top of those made over the past several decades, are having a large effect on the pace of growth of the index," said William Beach, who authored the Heritage study.
Government dependence has climbed steadily since 1962, when the index stood at 19. By 1980, the index had risen to 100. It stood at 294 in 2010, the last year for which the data are available. D.C.-based Heritage has produced the index for nine years.
The report also found that spending on "dependence programs" accounts for more than 70% of the federal budget. That, too, is up dramatically. In 1990, for example, the figure stood at 48.5%, and in 1962 just over a quarter of federal spending went to dependence programs.
At the same time, fewer Americans pay income taxes, the report notes. Almost half (49.5%) didn't pay income taxes in 2009, the latest year for which the researchers have data. Back in the late 1960s, only 12% of Americans escaped the income tax burden.
Other findings:
The number of people dependent on the federal government shot up 7.5% in the past two years.
In 2010, for the first time ever, average spending on dependence programs per recipient exceeded the country's per-capita disposable income.
The dependency index has dipped only seven times in the past 49 years, three of which were under President Reagan and two under President Clinton.
Some observers say the rise in dependence under Obama is merely a reflection of the deep and long recession.
But Beach says his team's research shows that economic effects account for only one-fifth of the change in the index.
In addition, the index shot up 8% in 2010, a year when the economy grew by 3%.
Also, in the wake of the 1981-82 recession the dependence index climbed only 6%, then fell the very next year. That early-'80s slump was nearly as long as the so-called Great Recession (16 months vs. 18 months) and saw unemployment rise higher (peaking at 10.8% vs. 10%).
The lingering high jobless rate during the slow economic recovery under Obama could also explain dependency's rise. It's also possible that the growth in federal dependency programs is partly to blame for the ongoing jobs recession, not just the result of it.
As the chart above shows, the time it's taken for employment to reach its pre-recession peak has climbed the past four decades, right along with the growth in federal dependency. The current jobs recession hit a post-World War II record of 48 months in January, with payrolls still 5.6 million below their January 2008 high.
Research seems to validate this connection. Various studies have shown that extending unemployment benefits can keep unemployment rates higher than they would otherwise have been.
Obama's own former economic adviser, Larry Summers, noted in the 1999 Concise Encyclopedia of Economics that "government assistance programs contribute to long-term unemployment ... by providing an incentive, and the means, not to work."
Term will of course call this a lie
Before you blast the previous post, think about what it says. Blame is cast at both parties past failures and those in the last few years. Reagan and Clinton both reversed this dependency but it didn't last long. Think about these below.
Just how many people have fallen out of the work force so as not be counted as unemployed any more? How about the under employed? Is it truly becoming better economically to be on government assistance than to be working for the average American or for that matter, illegal immigrant? A Harvey or others school's students don't need a diploma to collect welfare. Does this apply more in Painesville with the high number of rentals and the ever increasing numbers of section 8 housing? How soon will there be more people NOT paying income taxes than those who pay? Unemployment checks don't create jobs. Less total people working doesn't reduce the real unemployment rate. Do your own research before you start yelling lies, all lies.
On a side note, maybe we should have a Mayor in Painesville similar to Cleveland's Mayor Jackson. His latest proposal to have merit base raises for teachers. Where have we heard this before? He is a Democrat to boot.
"Yes, Obama saved a company and God knows how many jobs with his stimulus plan."
Maybe God knows but do we really know. Easy statement for a politician to make when there is no way to verify any numbers. How much will the bailouts cost the taxpayer? Why didn't Ford need a bailout? How many GREEN Chevy Volts have they sold? How many Green companies are going to go bankrupt? How much did it cost for each cash for clunkers car. $24,000, save jobs or postpone layoffs?
At this point Obama's Green policy is only costing us green. Name one country we have better relations with now? Are racial relations better or worse now? How long do we keep adding over a 1.3 trillion dollars a year to our debt? So if we increase the taxes for the rich, will the middle class get this or will more be given to those on government entitlements? So if we increase the tax rate, seems to me we should use the money to create jobs to get people off the entitlement programs and back to work and paying taxes. That's the best way to help the middle class.
Obama saved Chrysler??
Didn't know he knew that much about building cars. Must have learned all that at Harvard Law School. I'll have to check up on the courses he took on the automobile industry.
I always thought it was Lee Iacocca that saved Chrysler. Maybe I just don't give Obama the credit you think he deserves.
The Dems didn't notice because they were smokin' pot and bangin' loose women.
You forgot one more. Obama VS the Catholic and other churches.
Faith VS politics?
God VS the almighty Unions?
Separation of Church and State, Government telling the church what they can’t do and now what they must do.
Mandatory is going to far.
Next thing you know they will send in the drones to all the churches. Maybe just let Holder run the show if he’s not to busy testifying. Or, maybe abolish Christianity all together.
Two arguments you can't win.
Political and Religious. Take a look at the Middle East.
Are we better off than we were 3 years ago? Well, I remember when Obama took office in January of 2009 America was losing 750,000 jobs a month. Now we're adding 250,000 jobs a month.
Although we have a long way to go, it seems to me that America is heading in the right direction and I don't see why we should consider going back to the party of Bush and have them ruin the economy like they did last decade.
5:28 Key word women,What did you forget about bathroom stall Larry Craig[R} Idaho, or Mark Foley {R} Florida?
So if your all saying Obama didn't do anything then why are you complaining about this commercial?
Two things you can't deny. Osama Bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive.
? You bring up a good argument and one I have a hard time defending government. I read in Italy which must be the most Catholic Countries in the word. The Italian government's health care provides contraceptives as well as government funded abortions? All in the shaddow of the Vatican?
I have no explanation for this but it would be interesting to find out how this happened. I can't speak for Catholics I am a poor example, but I am willing to bet a large majority of Catholic women use birth control. This debate I believe will continue through the election and I have no idea why the administration want's to deal with this now? I have a story planned on Rick Santorium about not leaving his faith at the door. Yes it will be about immigration.
It is bad enough that those in Congress do the things they do. Did the page scandal take place in the Capital Building or elsewhere? I can't remember.
One thing though is when it is done by the leader of our country and in America's own White House, what example for our future politicians or our youth does that set? Clinton and Kennedy for sex and Nixon was reportedly a drunk. I'm sure there are others but is this the character we want in a president. Congressmen are bad enough but as they say, the buck stops at the top.
You mention the Vatican. Scandal there also over the years. But wasn't one of the causes of the fall of the Roman Empire, moral decadence? Are we headed in that direction now? A true leader brings the country together. FDR during WWII and yes even Bush after 9/11. Both did so after an attack on our country. Both resulted in war and that, evil as it may be, sometimes an action of last resort.
My problem with the current administration is that we are alienating our allies and showing weakness and indecision to our enemies. Are our elected officials at any level working together or just getting farther apart? Doesn't matter if you are a Republican or a Democrat, if the other side is always wrong or at fault then maybe you are part of the problem too.
We need a leader that is willing to accept responsibility and not pass the buck or cast blame. Right now, I don't think we have that.
I also wish they would take the political slant out of the unemployment numbers. Everyone has a different number. Who do we listen to, the Dems, the Reps, the Congressional Budget Office, CNN, Fox, Term or even me. The numbers and opinions are all different.
One thing I know is that things are worse now for me than say 5 years ago. How about the rest of Painesville? Are the empty store fronts offset by the few new Mexican restaurants?
Thinks to think about.
Ask Osama Bin Laden if he's showing weakness? I guess it's all in what you want to see. Obama didn't send all the manufacturing jobs out of this country in the last three years.[ thats where the jobs are] This is a process that started thirty years ago. All politicians are owned by people and corporations that funnel money to them. Trade policies? I know ten year olds that could come up with better policies.
Responsibility? Why should he take responsibility for driving the country into a ditch? How about the policies in place for the eight years in front of his term? Responsibility? How about a political party who's only goal is to drive one man from office? Party or Country first?
You have to wonder how many congressmen have had vasectomys paid by health insurance?
It's just a double standard for women.
So if you commit adultery in the White House it's worse then at a Motel6? This is logical.
In only a man's world.
Please view this as a serious question.
Will some show me where in the Bible it states that using a contraceptive is a sin?
Would the third world be better off without staving children?
Would it be a sin if older people had sex if conception wasn't the reason?
The funniest thing about the George Washington Dodge Challenger ad is that the new Dodge Challengers (as well as the Chrysler 300, and the Dodge Charger) are alllllllllllll built in Brampton, Ontario!
Term, nothing subliminal at CPAC convention. Want to know who hijacked the Republican Party?
Why the candidates are the way they are? See who gets to sit on CPAC panels Bob Vanderwoort, Peter Brimelow. These two will kill the party and I'll not be a part of it.Check them out. True Americans?
12 years ago we learned about a Compassionate Conservative, Now we learn about a Seriously Conservative"? Any bets on how long Santorum can stand-up to Mitt's carpet bombing? Oh, I'm lovin it! Republican logic He with the most money wins.
99% of woman have at one time or another have used birth control. That leaves all Catholic nuns and Rick Santorums wife.
Seriously Conservative? I believe the Mittster call himself Severely
Conservative? What's the difference he can't even get more then 30% of Republicans to believe that?
As far as Santorum, I know atheist's closer to the Catholic Bishops on immigration then he is?
Remember Rush Limbaugh's Operation Chaos almost four years ago? Well it's payback time. I and any friends that I talk to are going to register as Republicans and cast a vote for Santorum.
Vengence is sweet!
Be careful, 2:37. Seems like I heard something about that being illegal now. Better check with the Board of Elections.
Tea Party ad? I aways thought a tea party's were for little girls with imaginary friends?
I will switch and see what happens.
If they ask I will tell them that I don't want a black president. They will understand right?
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