"HOW LONG" ace

....has this been going on?
Seems there is a salesperson from a well know security system showing residents the number of burglarys and break-ins in Painesville since last July. The numbers he is showing in the sales pitch are astronomical. Two residents approached by this salesman have asked me if a list exists? A POC member went to the Police station and asked for a burglary report since September... here is the list he received. I have erased the house numbers but not the street names. Do we or don't we have a problem? The police can't be everywhere and a security system or making sure all doors and windows are secured may save you from being violated in a robbery.
How many we're caught or resolved?
Locked and loaded....... Pass the ammo. Take care of yourself and family, god help you if your waiting for the city.
What company is selling these security systems?
Did they get approval to canvass the city.
Well a Bear once told me you could find alot of Honey in a Well.
I don't know if they did or didn't
Seems someone has there facts wrong? The police chief at the last council meeting claimed there was only 16 burglaries all last year in Painesville? Which facts are true? He also claimed that close to 25% of them were solved. Begs to ask,who's numbers was he using?
Went to the city's web page, clicked on city departments, then police, ended up on the police department page and it's not bad. There is a listing for crime reports and given in totals is the month of Jan. 2012. Has the police department always done this or is this new? First time I have been on their page so I don't know. Also clicked on Recent Scams and this page gave good info too. I clicked on a couple other pages and thought they could be better but overall I think the police department pages are decent. Just wonder how many people know - maybe I'm the only mushroom here. I'd like to see more block watch info, like how to join or set one up but I didn't see that info. Maybe I just missed it. Press releases are a good way to communicate situations when you want the public's eyes. The Sheriff's Office has issued several and has been out-front when it comes to asking the public to be watchful due to a high number of break-ins in the townships. P-Ville is not the only community with this problem. But everyone needs to know about it so everyone can be more watchful. I have called the police a few times myself to report strange going-ons. They probably think I'm a crazy old lady. That's fine. Maybe I am.
Thank you Kathy Sak. Now can anyone explain why the web data and the data Term posted is so different than the Police Chief's data?????
I also watched the SchoolBoard meeting on CH 96. Mr Cimallio asked a legitimate question "it appears that things have gotten worst at HHS since the SRO has been off...is the Board comfortable with that?" President Kalb said "no he was not comfortable" and then continued with a verbal dance around without solutions or weather or not they plan to [temporarily] replace the SRO.
I just wish the Chief and Bd President would man up and tell us the truth. we can handle it.
7 fights at harvey in one day.
Term where were you to help save the day since the SRO wasnt there?
Have you not been patroling the halls anymore?
7 fights? The Question should be if you know about this why aren't you at Harvey? Maybe once this DOGS program gets started there will be more fathers in the building.
You have no idea what an asset to Harvey that SRO officers is.
6:21 What you have to remember it's not Term's rearend on the line if something bad happens.
Then watch the blame get passed around.
I never said the SRO is not an asset, but if he is so needed why didn't they put someone else there while he is out? I have a full-time job that would not allow me to go there like yours did so therefore I cannot be in 2 places at one time. DOGS what a ridiculous idea. If a kid won't listen to their parent, teacher, principal, police why on earth would they listen to some stranger?
It isn't going to work. The kids don't care because no one can touch them and they know it. Bring back a paddle and parents who will back the school discipline then you might begin to see a turn around. Heck, I saw a group of elementary hispanic boys fighting after school on Jackson St. they will be the same ones that continue on to the high school with that same mentality.
Ridiculous idea? Many times young people will listen to an outsider in their lives. I also suggested to Ms. Martin that Painesville has 23 churchs in the city invite Reverends,Ministers,and Priests from the diffent churchs not to preach but just seeing them in the school hallways might change some behavior. Do you think two Hispanic boys would fight in front of Father Steve at Harvey? Or two blacks using the "N" word infront of Reverend Coffee? Or two White youths showing "Passion" in the hallway in front of Reverend Kalb? We all must contribute to fixing whats wrong at Harvey not just a few people.
The D.O.G.S. meeting is coming up the 23rd of February, check it out.
NO I won't check it out... I said it is a farce. So what if they behave for a moment in school, what next invite everyone home for dinner? Next invite them for a pajama party, then a vacation? Those kids need their family at all times not a stranger one time.Just like the time you visited the school, all was well. They (staff and admin) know how to put on a show for the audience. What is needed are unannounced visits, quietly and under the radar to see the real deal.
Did you hear, that Georgio Pizza
on Richmond Street
Got robbed at gun point today at 1pm, the police chased them in to Cleveland where they crashed and both guys got away.
Separation of church and state?
Next you will have Republicans patrolling your POC.
Georgio's was robbed but two were captured. One is still at large.
I really have a problem with priests, reverends and holy men patrolling the halls of public education! Parents fine but please leave the holy rollers in their place of worship. If I wanted my child to find religion I wouldn't be sending them to a public school system. And there have been days I prayed my kid got home in one piece from school.
9:32am They would not be there to preach. I have noticed that just the presence of these people in the schools would make them think twice of what they might be contemplating?
I know that young people have a habit of respecting these people even if they are from a different faith.
I as well as you don't believe religion should be taught in public schools.
Separation of church and state
They need to keep it that way
and that Obama has got to stop saying god bless the us, it is wrong
Amen to that 9:32. How many instant churches are in PVille? With crash course reverends? Those kids get religion all day Sunday. I do not believe walking the halls between classes with anyone is going to make one bit of difference.
I love how Term throws out names, and suddenly everyone latches on to the fact that men of the church would be in the halls.
First of all, he was just picking names. No one is saying it will be church representatives. Second, separation of church and state?? No one noticed that the School Board President is a reverend? Suddenly he's not allowed in the school because he's a minister? Strange...
This is only February and there have been far too many fights at HHS.
I understand they had 14 last week.
The SRO is off because he was injured breaking up a fight as well as a hall monitor was injured.
ENOUGH someone needs to call for community action from EVERYONE! Who is involved and why is this happening. Where's administration?Where are the city fathers that should be asking questions of the schools in their city?
The gal that got 30 days out- is she receiving home tutoring. What about the others that were bullying her? How can that child ever go back to Heritage? If the gal isn't able to complete her homework then she will have failed the nine weeks. This only adds to the problems of the girl and the family. Did she go to the principal as stated in the newspaper? If so then this school system has failed. I am deeply saddened and scared to see all this going on and NO one stopping or correcting the situation! Everyone is covering for the other.Someone is going to- no people have already been hurt when does it end!
It will end when the people of Painesville demand it ends. I only hope it will end before we all claim "we could have prevented this".
Again those schools belong to all of us. I can state the two new members are on the right track.
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