WORKIN' MY WAY BACK TO YOU" four seasons
Well Painesville council had a work session yesterday. I am happy to report that the "newbee's" Fodor and DiNallo had more than their fair share to contribute.
Both had excellent points about their concerns on many of the problems the residents face living here.
The main concern they seem to have heard the most about were streets. "When will my street get repaired, repaved?". Fodor would like a timeline of different goals the city wants to achieve....priorities set.
DiNallo seems truly concerned about how different homeowners have to deal with certain city ordinances along with some employees. I can't help but wonder when the city manager mentioned that the city is under some financial strain and projects and goals have to be scaled back for the time being, and yet takes people to court who are unemployed and expects them to pull money out of God knows where to appease a building inspector's complaint.
Let's face present times are tough on just about everyone.
Council was united that safety was and should be the city's number one priority.
Until it comes to Cobblestone and Regionalization. First off, yes we have some issues all over the city concerning EMS coverage. I stress Cobblestone is unique. What other Painesville community requires that you must get on the freeway, drive through another town, and then drive back into your town just to service a neighborhood? Sorry bridge either. If we would spend the money and join with Painesville Township, and Grand River in a joint station for $100,000 a year, that area would be covered; and if one EMS unit is at Tri-Point and they get a call from Bank St. that unit is in the station and not out somewhere on Rt.2. Seems everyones a winner. Councilman Werner is concerned that maybe with regionalization Painesville will end up on the short end. Hal, where's your head? All I see is shoulders? Safety forces care about serving people and are not (or should not be) concerned about someone else's political turf war. I would be willing to bet that Painesville would come out a winner along with all surrounding communities.
To Andy Flock this idea will never see the light of day until, God-forbid, something really bad happens. You should be the only one on council that should sleep easy at night. Some walk the walk and some don't.
I showed the pictures that were on the blog to council. The City Manager stated that the area was staked out... funny, I walked the property and only noticed stakes for the walkway. The word everyone seems to remember was small. I will promise you that it will be safe even if it has to be fenced in with wildflowers around it. In the end it must be a plus to the area.
The city Manager also proposed the one lane traffic starting in front of McDonalds thru the town square with traffic signals at Erie St, Mentor Ave. and Washington St. along with a stop sign at Sterling Ave. When I mentioned between the one lane traffic, three traffic signals and the four way stop, did she realize how that would slow down traffic? Her answer "thats why we're doing it". Sorry its Miller Time.
Driving home my only thought was, I hope those people who moved into Condon Ct. aren't looking for some of us in six months.
Werner doesn't want regionalization because Rita doesn't want it, and we know how busy he is kissing her ... feet.
Talk about NOT learning from history...why would she want to mess with downtown AGAIN? I am a pedestrian and walk or ride my bike thru downtown often. I have absolutely no problems getting across the street to the park and people have a clue how it all works there now. Could this just be an attempt at a new revenue stream by ticketing all those unfortunate people that would break a few traffic laws until they figured it out? Never mind the mess it would make by bringing traffic to an almost standstill. Why doesn't she just annex a small section of Rt 2 like Linndale and ticket the heck out of it....and leave downtown alone.
If one of our fearless leaders almost got run over downtown, please don't jump to blaming it on the traffic patterns., Maybe you should look at your voting record. Seriously, just leave it alone. Or has she secretly given up on downtown revitalization and figures to reduce it down to one lane since that's all we'll need anyway? If she insists on going forward with this...then how about a fair trial run first...a real-time experiment. Assign a few policemen to direct traffic...put up some cones and re-time the lights. Do it on a Friday to get the full impact.
One lane of traffic moving in either direction, with a turning lane in the middle, on Route 20 at the Pizza Hut border of town is a nightmare during rush-hour. I've sat in traffic backed-up all the way to the intersection of Pizza Hut! Now, condier doing the same at the other entrance to town - why? What's the reason why? To slow down traffic? Why? How much slower does it need to be? Oh I know - AT A DEAD STOP! Why are we wasting our energy on traffic patterns when there are so many other issues to address? What ever happened to the Safety Levy? You know, more money for police and fire/paramedics? Why isn't this issue going to the voters? Because the powers that be don't want to compete with the schools when asking for more money - is that why? No more money for failing grades! We need to support the police and fire departments! And while I'm ranting, we need a REAL SAFETY DIRECTOR! The city manager needs to take a huge step out of most of the stuff she's meddling in and stop micromanaging. Where's our city council? What the heck are they doing? The city manager is their EMPLOYEE! I blame council for all of it. Everthing wrong with this city lands right in their collective laps. Several years ago I was a member of the Painesville Safety Committee; a volunteer position with no pay. But that's the way in should be - I was looking to give back to my community. I tried to participate, to ask questions, and ended up feeling like a toad on a log so I quit. Now I wish I had stayed. I'd have plenty to publically say now! Sorry this is so long but geez, this town needs a change!
Don't any of you have anything better to do then complain about the city manager? We are lucky to have a person like her at the helm, at a bargin price. Its not easy with certain clown's looking over her shoulder's all the time. GEE! Term get a life.
Watched a small video on council at the News-Herald on line site. I agree the "newbies" seem to be taking over and the council president Joe Hada just talks to hear himself talk, he doesn't even make sense most times. Just yada.yada,yada.
To 4:55....May I borrow your rose-colored glasses...mine seem to be missing.
Make the city more business friendly and people will stay longer than it take to stop at a sign. Speaking of stop signs in the square, no one stops at the East end of the square anyway. If they wanted to make money on tickets, we could fund the whole department. Must be in a hurry to get out of town.
I drove South on Richmond/Liberty street and I have to wonder what happens if the fire trucks need to go South. If there is a stop sign at Sterling and there are 4 or 5 cars waiting at stop sign when the fire trucks round the corner with sirens and lights, what's going to happen? Most people will just stop where they are and with so little room to pull over, those three lanes could block the fire trucks. I doubt many people will run the stop sign to get out of the way.
So, slowing traffic could cause a problem in this case.
Been informed that in our surrounding neighborhood..the township..the former Topps store is being transformed into a new Marc's with more full service. I don't know what this will mean for the Paiensville Commons Shopping Center but it is an investment in a surrounding community.
Both shopping centers are owend by the same co. What are you trying to say by "but it is an investment in a SURROUNDING COMMUNITY ?"
To's an investment in Painesville Township...which surrounds Painesville City. And since Marc's is enlarging and improving a site that has very few other uses and has been empty for so is an investment of money by Marc's in Painesville Township. I imagine it will mean a few more jobs too, which is always a welcome thing. Since Marc's outgrew that location (good for them, they're doing well) and they chose to stay in the immediate area rather than move on down the avenue, that is also a good thing. Hope that answers your question.
An interesting observation at around 5:45 pm this afternoon . A Painesville ambulance was held up on S,State St. due to what else a train. I said a prayer and hoped whoever was in the ambulance or to where they were going would be alright.
Then I thought this city knew about this long before the hospital moved and what did they do about it?
A city manager who makes $125,000 and a fire chief who makes $85,000 and plus change never had a solution to this mess. of course this problem has existed for decades but why a bridge to no mans land when we need on on the southend of town?
If they change Libety, it will be a nightmere, just think how hard it will be to pull out of BP or Arbys, or when 2 or 3 semi trucks are stopping at the stop sign and they are blocking Mentor Ave and cars are coming around the park, or when the light changes green going north at the park there will be one solid line of cars in the thru lane and when the light is red at RT 20 the line will be back to Chase bank someone has not thought this out.
Gee, does anyone remember one way streets, THINK PEOPLE
Hal, get off your butt and put a stop to this, you drive a bus, just think about that.
TO:September 19, 2010 3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
The South end of PVille?
Are you aware the fire chief and family live on the South end and there is NOTHING he can do about this but make recommendations to council. If council doesn't want to budge on this, they won't. The city has a master plan in place and is moving along on it. The FD also has/had a master plan. A committee put it together several years ago.
I question why the FD plan has never progressed but the school/hospital site will be up and running a lot quicker than a fire station on the south end?
Why? Because anytime there was talk of a levy it was never a good time -meaning; someone on council was up for re-election or the schools had a levy on. So, no time was a good time for a levy and now that the economy tanked, no one will vote for one now.
What do you suggest? Someone? Anyone?
How about a fire chief that stands up to the city manager? Oh Sorry,they quit and work next door now.
Cobblestone,train crossings this should have never got out of hand, but who is he really protecting
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