This past Thursday Councilman Flock held his town hall meeting at city hall the subject of the meetings what were the administrations solutions to the flooding in the Hine Ave. North Ave. area. The city engineer was present along with the city assistant manager to present ideas and possible solutions to the problems.
Living in Painesville for almost my whole life I never realized what a problem we have with rain water in many parts of the city. Some residents have claimed these issues have been around for over thirty years? Old neighborhoods as Hine Ave, Cedarbrook and even new ones such as Heisley Parks. Its getting so we should change our name to Venice.
Some residents even left at the start of the city's presentation because the solutions didn't seem to be the ones they wanted to hear.
During the presentation the city presented a recommendation to put a 150ft by 250ft water retention pond in the city's newly acquired Huntington School property. This was not met with much approval by the people in attendance.
I was left wondering who designed this sewer system and does the city know how it all connects? The city engineer mentioned a twelve inch pipe but had no idea where the exact location water entered it?
I went to the inside Lake County blog. There was mention of a immenent pending lawsuit? over the Diamond Center property. Could this affect our plans for that area?
Was anything mentioned at Andy's meeting about any meetings that may have been arranged about the Closest Responders issue? Did he mention this, or did anyone ask?
The meeting lasted for our an hour and water problems took up all of the meeting.
The new blog in town" inside lake county" reported that they asked to see the minutes to the meeting the city manager and or the fire chief attended. She was informed this week there weren't any. Maybe they were all informal? You be the judge.
On her site she lists the number of EMS runs the city provided in 2009 and the reason for all the calls.
As far as her blog. reporting on a pending lawsuit? If she posted it it probably true, and yes I believe it would affect the bridge or an interchange.
The easy way to view kathysak.com site is to GOOGLE it
Funny you mentioned rain here. Did you realize the new middle school needs its roof replaced. My 7th grade son came home with the news Friday.
I remember talking to someone at worked construction on that building and he predicted to would need to be replaced. He made the comment at one of Hal Werners town hall meeting. I only hope the cost is covered.
Great news people of Painesville, It wasn't enough trouble caused by Term? Angelo Cimaglio now someone else has picked up the torch Kathy Sak wonder what joy this lady will bring to our town? We will have the bs in stereo.
another hater of Mexicans in Painesville comes out of the closet.
Will try again, as last post went into thin air.
"Closest Unit Response Study" was with Emergency Services Consulting, Inc. It was prepared by Phil Kouwe (project mgr.) Joe Parrott, and Robert McNally. If you google the name it does appear but also appears that they might have merged with others.
The study involved Concord, Grand River, Madison, Painesville City, Faiport Harbor, Leroy, Painesville Twp., and Perry. The date on this study was 2006 with a Copyright and all rights reserved. When prepared, all representatives from the above mentioned communities were at the presentation meeting. You will also find on google that the Madison Fire District invited Mr. Kouwe to their 9/16/09 meeting at Station #1.
I really want to Quote their Executive Summary but no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise without the expressed written permission of Emergency Services Consulting, Inc.
So, how in the heck do we get this out to all of the people to read and digest? Sure do not want to be accused of Copyright infringement!!
Again, this must come to all of the public tables and forced to be placed in every city and town hall and in every library.
Any suggestions?
Anonymous to some but not to all.
Oh my, anonymous 10:47, you really don't know me. But you know my name, as I stand behind it with each comment I make, and everything I write. Unlike you anonymous.
To 10:47:
Haters of Mexicans? I wouldn't put it that way. What if the tables were turned? What if America was filled with ghost towns (like Mexico is) because over 20 million Americans were illegally in Mexico (like Mexicans are occupying America)? How would Mexicans feel about that?
Well, I'll tell you. Not only would they not like it, it would never happen. Know why? The Mexican government understands what an invasion is. The Mexican government also does not allow people to stay there illegally. If they found them there, they would be in jail. Period.
We have the right not to like the illegal Mexicans in our city and in our country. I don't recall anyone saying anything about hate, let alone hate of all Mexicans. Really, who would blame us, though? How would you feel about Americans if they were invading Mexico?
To Anonymous 6:06 pm, The Closest Unit Response Study - Thank you for the information. I will begin looking for it. I don't know who paid for this study by if it was paid for by taxpayer dollars then it belongs to the people who paid for it - us taxpayers. As for copy rights, as with so many laws, confusing but generally speaking Fair Use Rights come into play for educational use, news use or commentary uses. So example, writing a commentary about the summary would fall into the Fair Use provision, as would writing a news story about the study.
To K.S. 2/2 @ 5:01 am
The Closest Unit Response, that is in print, is classified as Phase I.
Each community mentioned, paid their portion for this study: who made the decision as to how much each would pay is not known.
Phase II of this study will involve another assessment of the locations of all fire stations. If at that point a new fire station or stations are to be built; this new assessment along with the original study will be used to advise where this station or stations should be built so that all communities benefit - not just one or two.
Heads-up, eyes open, and ears fined tuned: the buzz is that, under the radar, Painesville and Concord Twp are looking to build some stations. Suggestion Painesville et al, don't try your smoke screen trick that you pulled in 2005 with the Charter Levy.
Thank you K.S.
Anonymous to some, but not to all
at the meeting we were pushed into signing a form to permit them to dig up our properties as they see fit with no final plans as to the dimensions of their ditches etc.. and they also stated some of the work will be done as they see fit with no regard as to the homeowners wishes....I thing we should all go and take back those forms we signed until we see a final plan knowing exactly what they are going to do and not let them just wing it as they go along....what we signed lets them do just that...any thoughts?...
To 7:58:
I'm no expert on your problem, but if I were you, I'd be worried about what I signed, too. I would call the city and get the paper back. I know even if you sign a "Do Not Resuscitate" health directive, you can change your mind, so hopefully this will not be a problem. It does sound unsafe to have given them that much leeway -- especially with THIS city. Who is your council person? Maybe that would be a good place to start.
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