Thursday, March 26, 2009


As most of you know Colony Lumber is closing after many years in Painesville. Lowes, Home Depot and the general economy has all played a part in the closing. They are having a liquidation sale and on April 2, will be holding an auction.
The present owner has found possible tenants to move into the building and bring jobs to Painesville, he should be commended for his actions, by not just walk away and hang a for sale sign up. At dinner the other night I heard two other communities were trying to get those tenants into staying in their area.
Doug Lewis of Community Development and Asst. City Manager, along with Cathy Bieterman head of Economic Development, I can only hope you and your departments are doing everything you can from letting this opportunity slip away.


At March 26, 2009 at 1:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The tenants moving there will not need any new people, term you need to check your facts before you post.

At March 26, 2009 at 2:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter if they are new employees or existing employees, if they work in the City of Painesville they will pay into our income tax. Thats the fact. You don't work for the collection dept by any chance?

At March 26, 2009 at 3:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of Painesville's 2% payroll/resident tax, there are way too many people who live in this city that do not contribute at all. You have the payroll tax and the resident tax at 2%. If you live in the city but work in say a township (townships do not have the responsibility to deduct this payroll tax) and if the individual does not request that their employer deduct the 2% - and the worker does not pay it quarterly to CCA - bingo, Painesville receives nothing. Income tax company in town does not fill-out year-end city tax forms for certain resident individuals nor advise them of their tax responsibilities - mmmmm?
Made a suggestion to a council member that this city should think about transferring this tax responsibility from CCA to R.I.T.A. (no pun intended) as it is the Regional Income Tax Authority. Per a Congress vote, Regional Tax Authorities are granted the right to view federal income tax filings and match them to who has or has not paid any communities income/resident tax. CCA, not being classified as Regional, cannot do this. All of this also applies to business entities. R.I.T.A. also has the staff numbers to look at the roster of who pays for utilities in this city and then use this as a cross-reference. With 24 to 25 thousand arrears in utility bills by a former grocery store, I just wonder what may have been owed in these taxes? Anyone have a guess or are willing to check it out?
It has always been a given, from all accountants, that every community that has these taxes is so redundant (work mentor/live painesville credit given for 100% of the tax to the working city)and is a system that is so broken and needs repair like not yesterday but many, many, many and many years ago. Some genious out there come-up with a better way to collect these taxes: be it just on your residing city or residing city and a partial to your work city - no double dipping here. This is a crazy and so out-dated process.
Go to Regional Painesville and reap what you should; because all of the checks and balances are there and have been there! New and innovative, no: just another area that City Hall does not investigate.
Many communities in Lake County,for several years, have switched to R.IT.A. because they receive more "bang for their bucks paid to a contractual collection group - namely more revenue."

What are you waiting for CM Rita??

Oh, and by the way, as two addresses directly on Main Street are now going into foreclosure - has this city looked at what they may still owe (to the city) and put this on their agenda to be added to the foreclosure: whether it is a final settlement no foreclosure or the bid at the county auction??

At March 26, 2009 at 4:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, just what we need, another group catering to the low income.

At March 27, 2009 at 5:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How soon do you think it will be before our CM and her collection dept. realize revenue ie. tax collection is way down? Maybe she will declare an emergency at a council meeting? Only after she has rewarded everyone for following here in lock step. What do you think kindamadpuppy?

At March 27, 2009 at 7:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Office", are you charterlady aka "Painesville Residents" aka "Tax Dept Employee" ??

Not sure what anonymous meant by "another group catering to the low income" but I think you've got at the root of Painesville's problems - too much low income housing, too many low income residents. Too many buildings allowed to fall into disrepair. The perception of Painesville as a high crime city. It's probably not politically correct to point out, but folks who have a little more money and a little more education generally don't want to live next to Section 8 housing or live in poorer neighborhoods, am I right? If you can afford better, you go elsewhere.

Until Painesville does something to clean up its image as the Section 8 capital of Lake County, not much is going to change, because those who could afford condos on the river won't be buying them. They'll be going to Chardon or somewhere else.

The approach to downtown from Richmond Street is ugly and unappealing. It's not inviting. There is little in town to attract visitors or new residents who can afford to live elsewhere. This isn't meant as "Painesville bashing" as I've lived here for some time now and seen quite a bit of improvement, but there are also lots of problems and I really believe that many of those problems can be attributed to the "abundance" of low income rental housing that by its nature attracts a more unsavory element in many cases. I don't even like to say that but I see what I see.

At March 27, 2009 at 8:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Until Painesville cleans up its image. The leadership on council passes ordinances and pssses resolutions and the city administration does nothing to enforce the laws of the city, we don't even go after money owed us. why?
Lazy, Unconcered, why do the same people welcome illegal aliens? Do you think they will raise property values? The landlords don't even check on legal status. transient people come to town leave bills to be paid by Painesville citizens. We ourselves are the worst enemys we have.

At March 27, 2009 at 1:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My daughter who works three part time jobs and goes to Lakeland, was told by the company that did her taxes downtown to not worry about the city ioncome tax owed Painesville from her job at the shopping center. Painesville doesn't go through R.I.T.A. and CCA has no way of checking.

At March 27, 2009 at 6:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Landlords can't check on legal status, just like we can't ask what color there skin is or there age.

At March 28, 2009 at 5:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last time I rented I filled out a form with my finances, Drivers Licence, Social Security Number, Employment record ect. The landlords just play dumb as to not have to be responsible for anyone. Last night a report om CNN stated the Mexican drug cartel were operational in over 200 American cities. Watch and learn.

At March 28, 2009 at 7:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes and most illegal aliens have ss cards, but landloards can't ask if you are legal or illegal or you age.

At March 28, 2009 at 6:16 PM , Anonymous charterlady said...

To the post regarding your daughter. Does your daughter reside in the City of Painesville? If she does, she is responsible to pay the 2% resident tax. What shopping center is she employed by and where are her other two jobs?
If the shopping center is the (old name) Painesville Shopping Center, from all indications that area is Painesville Twp. The key here would be her resident address, and the other places that she works.And yes, CCA cannot cross-check but R.I.T.A can and will if Painesville hires them.

As for "landlords" if they have any type of corporate status (S Corp., C Corp, Inc, non-profit etc) they have the avenue through the federal gov't to sign-up for a program that will allow them to verify every SS#, TIN# (TIN being only a number attached to an individual for IRS tax filing purposes which does not influence nor change their legal US status) and so on.This program is on Takes a little searching to find it. Once you have found it, you enter your EIN and the bottom line $$$ for the tax year. This program is so encripted and stock-full of every security issue imaginable. Very safe - safe. Enter the number the employee has given you (also their full name) and this program will come back at you and verify if it is real or fake. Individuals that are self-employed and only have an SS# to be self-employed can do this also. This process can be a tad tangled, but it works the same way as any Corp: request.
Few examples from Lake County Area that are listed on R.I.T.A.
Fairport Harbor, Mentor, Perry Village, Perry JEDD, Willoughy, Willoughby Hills, Willowick. Wish there was the space to enter all of the communities under RITA and then those under CCA. RITA's lists dwarf CCA's membership. Gee, I wonder why? Most likely better service and a much higher collection percentage.
Just trying to provide a little insight into the world of local payroll taxes and how this system definitely needs an immediate adjustment. Question?
Where is Painesville's CM and Council on this Issue?
Choose a better collection agency, or forfeit what should be sent to your coffers, which already seems to be sent to all of us who do pay.
This is not a nit-pick issue, this is a super real issue. Sure, start a JEDD to try and recoup some small portion of what CM states will be lost in Payroll Taxes from the Hospital move. How about being a good Manager and collect what is owed now and has not been paid for several years due to resident status and advice from tax services that skirt the prime issue?
As for the comment from someone who has lived here a very long time and sees what they see. Perception of any problem used to be just One Fifth, it is now 100%
Shop downtown, for what - Hairspray and Shampoo as are shown all of the time in P'villes's ads? No more Furniture store, no more Antique store selections as they are in foreclosure, cute store (only open a limited time) for whatever it is that might entice you, Copy Center that was always busy went away a long time ago, Storm Cellar to attract Lake
Erie College and others - never ever were others asked what would make this Pub a success (your pricing M.J. turns the rest of us away).
So, what is really missing to
fill-out the Great tab that Painesville states will be the shopping experience of your life?
Great plans by Council for many tomorrows, what about today right now? There is absolutely nothing stated for today, right now - which should have been their priorties 6 years ago to address today. Cognizent and collective planning is what makes a City Vibrant.
Look and read what the City of Willoughby has accomplished: they are right on the money for revitalizing their downtown area - no housing there.
Yes I am C.L. and no one else

At March 29, 2009 at 5:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

the city does realize it's income tax is down. it will reduce farther in october of 09 when the hospital leaves and has made plans to compensate for this.

i know this because i attended the business meeting sponsored by the city in feb of 09. rita mcmahon addressed this and many other issues that i see on this blog.

i also attended the chamber of commerce luncheon last friday. i noted all the businesses were upbeat on this economy and looking forward to doing business this year. the realtors claim that they are moving houses in this area and this area has no been hit as hard as others.


At March 29, 2009 at 7:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A very wise Policeman will tell you don't believe anything your told and only half the things you see?

At March 29, 2009 at 8:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Almost All houses sold in Painesville are going to banks and lending Co. thru Sheriff sales, there moving houses ?

At March 29, 2009 at 11:04 AM , Anonymous For C.L. said...

Excuse me if I'm being stupid, but what on earth are you trying to say with this statement? I quote:

"As for the comment from someone who has lived here a very long time and sees what they see. Perception of any problem used to be just One Fifth, it is now 100%"

Sorry, I've read that over about ten times and it makes no sense to me. Can you explain what you mean?

At March 29, 2009 at 11:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

to grow one has to have good food and room.
the food is the bussiness and the room is the city. well our food in p'ville is poor so is the area to grow. what we have seens to be used in new housing development.
this leaves the owners to work and shop out of the area.
ever notice how many cars are on main street during the day. (9-4pm)
how about in the evening?
do the meters collect enough to pay the metermaid or is it the fees collected from parking tickets? some one should check in to this area. are we getting our moneys worth being so few parking areas used?..

At March 31, 2009 at 12:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of the meters, can someone explain why the meters in front of the county courthouse give you 30 minutes for a dime, but only 60 minutes for a quarter? Usually it is cheaper to buy in bulk.

At April 1, 2009 at 5:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At April 5, 2009 at 7:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

KAREN may be Rose?


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