Pretty quiet meetimg, everyone probably wanted to get home to watch the game.
Selma Hall received a plaque, but from where I was sitting the sound is terrible,have no idea for what? congrats anyway Mrs. Hall.[ Mrs. Hall was given the plaque for here $500.00 donation to help pay for the training of a Painesville police dog. God Bless you Mrs. Hall] added 1/16/09
Mary Jo Miller was named citizen of the year.
La Mexicana was named business of the year.
PCIC was named non-profit of the year.
All presented by The Painesville Area Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Gurley said he would soon present the citys views on making golf carts legal on the streets of Painesville. [I am sure there is a state law about this.]
Also a presentation on conserving electricity. by the electric department.
Applying for the grant from Clean Ohio to demolish Lake East was put on hold until July.
One issue thats seems to be on the drawimg boards for this summer is repaving Mentor Ave. The big change is that it will become a 3-lane road one lane eastbound,one lane westbound, and a center turm lane. I cam only hope this doesn't turns into a bottleneck. No passing lanes and either direction. There are at least 6 laketran bus stops between Wood St, and Fern Dr.I wonder who gave the final O.K. on this?
It wasn't council.
Second meeting in a row Ward 3 councilman Robert Fountaine was excused from a city council meeting?
1. the game was an emotional rollercoaster that eneded at a brick wall
2. Why would we need golf carts? Aren't these a safety hazard? And to a lesser degree a traffic problem? Who actually wants this?
1. No comment about the game
2. Some residents at a meeting wanted it look into, Yes they were serious, and wanted to know what the city thought.
so our law director has time for this golf cart nonsense but has to pan off real legal business to other legal teams? typical Painesville!
I don't know what the city thinks but I would say it is not a good idea.
LHS gets the deed....
Painesville gets the shaft.
Why not try to sell it as a functioning hospital?
You think Morton and Cargill salt companys are running a monolopy? Your hospital wants ZERO competition in Lake County.
Someone ask the city manager who's going to want to build a home on "brownfield" property.
If Mr. Gurley is Painesvilles part-time Law Director, along with other communities Law Director, why are we saddled with his total health care benefit costs?
Good question. I just googled Gurley and it looks like he is assistant law director for MOL, law director for North Perry as well as Painesville. Will keep looking. No wonder we have to send so much of our legal business to outside firms. He has no time for them with his other jobs. But he finds time for the fun stuff like golf carts. What a scam this guy has going.
Turning Mentor Ave into a 3 lane road would cause some serious conjestion and delays. The paper stated that its really only a 2 lane road but people treat it as a 4 lane road. If its only a 2 lane road then why is there 2 lights in each direction in front of Lake Erie College and other parts of the road?
A note; This comment also stated a city resident was a racist. If you or anyone else can prove this I would print that persons name, as of know its only a thought in your head, with no proof. TERM>> [the censor]
People have proved their own racism on this site but you don't post their real names...
Sounds like someone is out there trying to waste Mr. Gurley's time. So you complain about him spending time on it. Lord knows that if he didn't look into it, you'd be ripping him for not doing his job. I am firmly convinced there was no right course of action for him to satisfy this biased site.
After watching council meeting, Why do they make a big deal out of excusing Mr. Fountaine? How many meetimg has he missed?
As far as Mr. Gurley. I believe he is hired by the administration and approved by council. He is the city's legal advisor if a resident comes to council and wants to drive golf carts on the streets its a good idea the city gets legal advise on the matter. That's his job. As far as other issues [his pay package]take it up with a councilperson, they must have approved it.
This is what I don't get. Just because someone feels that our laws should be obeyed and protected, then we are labeled racist. That is a word that lawbreakers like to hide behind. They use it to continue their illegal activity.
To 2 lanes,please give me the dates of the editorials your talking about.
Also a person isn't a racist if they don't think Federal laws are being followed and people look the other way, or someone is living in this country illegally and wants them out.
Mentor Ave. is a "dedicated" two lane road, "used" as a four lane. The double lights are for safety. But the State of Ohio recognizes 20 as a two lane. While re-formatting it to a three lane would cause some issues as far as the buses and so forth, like another reader posted, I think tat the general flow might get better. Of course they could widen it and make it a proper four lane with a center turn lane, but that would fire up a totally different controversy now wouldn't it? JT
No but people are racist when they assume all hispanics are illegal. People should not try and act all noble like they are enforcing the law and then post to the effect that all hispanics are illegal. I will never call you a racist unless you give me reason to believe you are and post in such a manner. Some of you have already destroyed your own name here and once you post like that I'll never look at you as anything but racist.
Here we go off to the races! This is your idea of a racist?
Tell me what is a legal hispanic that knowingly harbors a illegal hispanic? Is he a law breaker? A just person? When you usually go along with something it sometimes paints you with the same brush.
Race was not an issue until this person brought it up:
"Anonymous said...
This is what I don't get. Just because someone feels that our laws should be obeyed and protected, then we are labeled racist. That is a word that lawbreakers like to hide behind. They use it to continue their illegal activity."
This was the first post of its kind in this topic and totally out of the blue.
So I then responded about whom I consider to actually be a racist in contradiction of his statement.
But Term doesn't decide to accuse someone of bringing up the race issue until I make a statement he doesn't agree with.
"This is your idea of a racist?"
Someone who makes judgments based on race and attributes the actions of a few people of that race to all people of that race? Someone who assumes ALL hispanics are illegal? Yes that is my idea of a racist. Please tell me how I am wrong.
I don't condone either illegal immigration or harboring illegals. Don't try to change the issue. I call criminals exactly that: criminals. But I refuse to judge a person based on the language they speak, the color of their skin, or their race. I don't assume based upon these factors that a person is a criminal.
So as your statement reads, all hispanics are either illegal themselves or harbor other illegals. You are making a judgment based on race. You are saying that if a person is hispanic they are committing one of the two above crimes. I know personally many hispanics whom are perfectly law abiding citizens. You are saying that if you see my friends out about town, that you are going to assume that they are either illegal or harbor illegals based on the color of their skin or their race. I take offense to that. What if I am walking next to a hispanic person? Am I assumed to be a criminal even though I am not hispanic myself? I would take offense to that as well. How is that not a racist statement?
This view may surprise some but here I go. A few years back ICE thwarted a nationwide human smuggling ring that ran from AZ to OH. They arrested many people in relation to that case and most were "legal", and "legalized citizens". Why did they get arrested? Because they broke the law. I have always maintained that if the people here would just obey the law there would be far fewer problems. I would be willing to bet that if there were no easy way to get people into the country illegally they would find legal means to do so. There are many good people out there that come here for the "pursuit of happiness" and get deemed criminals simply because they could not follow the rules and laws here.
The term racist only comes out of the mouths of those that feel that they are being persecuted. I have never heard a racist say they were one. So, don't jump to the conclusion that people are racist simply because they want you to follow the laws. Better term for them is "law-obi ding citizen". JT
Wow TERM, from City Hall meeting to racism...big stretch. JT
Readers can decide for themselves. Again, I didn't bring up race, someone else did. Term was the one who indicated legal hispanics are law breakers. I was only clarfying that not all actually do those things as was implied by his post.
"A lot of legal hispanics are helping their illegal relatives get over here and then helping them once they are here."
This is not a racist statement. I have no argument with it. It is your opinion and "a lot" is a relative term, but I would even call it a fact if you could prove it in some manner. If there were an implication that All or most hispanics partake in illegal behavior then I would not let it slide. This discussion goes farther back than this topic. Again I was not the one to bring it up but if you would like I am sure I could go back and pull up previous posted statements that are racist.
That post you mention was not brining racism up for the first time "out of the blue". You accused them when you said "people have proved their own racism on this site but you don't post their names." You brought it up. You brought it up. So someone tried to defend against that.
One more time, A person who watched the city council meeting made a comment that Mentor Ave. turning into 3 lanes was a bad idea. In the same post they mentioned that someone seen on the council meeting was a "Racist" I asked them to prove it. As of now I have not received any proof. Yes JT. the segway at this site can go in any direction. You can't question anything or your profileing, you are not to ask, you can't guess. Everything is fine.
If this community showed as much concern for the people who are supposed to be here, as they do the ones that have no business here this community would be a better place to live. I think the fear of name calling is overwhelming to some. I guess I'm just a hateful person for caring about this United States being a sovereign nation.
In 5-years the United States, Mexico, and Canada will be one unified nation so we will not have to question anyone.
Were luckey there are more sane people in Painesville than dilutional idiots like Term who show us all there hate.
It's not hate. It's love for our country. Not hate. Get that straight you moron. And no way, no how will we be one state with Mexico and Canada. Too many of us have brains and our eyes have been opened and we will put a stop to it.
Anonymous said...
That post you mention was not brining racism up for the first time "out of the blue". You accused them when you said "people have proved their own racism on this site but you don't post their names." You brought it up. You brought it up. So someone tried to defend against that.
Just go up to the top and scroll down and see who brought up race first. It wasn't me. Sure I responded and its ok for people to respond to me. I would not post if I didn't want people to respond. I never called anyone at a council meeting a racist. Maybe it was someone else. If I had I would provide a basis. Any statement I make on here has a basis. I point out racist statements. I don't mean it as a personal attack, I mean it to denounce their arguments as racially motivated and biased. Again for those of you who don't read too well it is to discredit their arguments. Some people don't realize their comments read that way, maybe my comments help them notice.
You come down so hard on name-calling of "racist" but if you would like, feel free to try and call me a racist. Your accusations will be baseless and I won't get excited about it because I know it to be false. Some people don't seem to have that security.
Can you picture Gurley driving to city hall in a golf cart?
There are at least 6 laketran bus stops between Wood St, and Fern Dr.
Yeah, stops for almost empty buses. Why don't they use the smaller buses?
There another one of those Not for prfit businesses that depend on you to keep them around with tax dollars
Mary Poppins
HOW ABOUT THIS LET,S MAKE MENTOR AVE INTO TOWN ONE LANE IN AND ONE LANE OUT TO MONITER THE TRAFFIC FLOW. let,s see how it will work temporary this would give us a better view... CITY HALL EMPLOYEE 2..
we are having a public meeting MONDAY 11.00 AM LAKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. about the lake east hospital future plan on the hospital building. [COMMISSIONERS MEETING PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND we can help our community .. J. R. [MON 1/12/09.]
How about a golf cart lane on?
Wonder what its going to be like the first time a fire truck has to navigates Mentor Ave. at 4:00p.m. Will the city manager take responsibility then?
Mary Poppins
Will Mary pop,
I would guess that all of the cars would pull off to the right just like they do now, you need to think up some better things to crab about.
Would love to attend the 11am meeting Monday, but I am a working citizen. Someone needs to keep working to pay for all the entitlements. Why don't they have these meetings in the evening like the City Council meetings to more people can attend if they want to.
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