It was announced yesterday the passing of former city manager Lester Nero. Mr. Nero served 25 years as our city manager.
Yes, and how many times can a man turn his head
And pretend he just doesn't see?
So it's been sixteen days since I requested in letter form on the contracts of our former city manager. All I have received is silence.
It appears like on a first date a girl who is told "I'll call you." No nothing just silence. Then again you can't misquote silence can you?
I guess they can wait me out? but I believe other's along with myself will ask this question at every council meeting until we receive an answer. Could it be possible he wrote his own contract?
Does a citizen have a right to view these contracts? I believe through the First Amendment as well as the Freedom of Information Act one does. And if not a courtesy reply from the city should have been sent to me.
What are they hiding that they are not legally allowed to hide?
Does the City of Painesville have a special form for FOIA? If so present me with one. It's a simple PRA request.
This is starting to look like the cover-up is worse than the deed?
Well Paul Hach Jr.to receive the Eber D. Howe Award he personifies the Painesville "Spirit" from the DPO? Please feel free to reach your own conclusion.
The days of this city operating without transparency are over. I believe they don't like it but well that's to bad. It's time residents find out what transpires behind the curtain!
I also will be requesting also the final invoice for the Parking Garage.
So let me understand this, you go to Mexico and the cornerstone of your campaign is the WALL Mexico will pay for and you don't talk about it? Why go in the first place?
I know you can just tell me to not come to this site, etc., etc., But this site was always about Painesville, and dems, repubs, liberals, conservatives, we all have the same concerns about Painesville and come here to talk about it. Your constant mocking of republicans and Trump is starting to convince me this site is no longer about Painesville.
8:41 I'm not anti-Republican but I am anti-Trump that said I don't even believe he is a Republican. Trump is the only one that can save America? Me I'm trying to save America from Trump.
Fault me for being easily provoked but for instant in the post "Isn't Life Strange" the first comment was Thank the Democrat's that's what they do. Sure hope Hillary is not the next President. What did that have to do with that post? I did leave a comment wondering what they were thinking in the Bush, Cruz ect. households. That was a sincere question. Now Hillary is no prize either but Trump in my minds is a sociopath.
he is untruthful and insincere he lacks remorse and shame failure to follow a plan just for starter's thinking about anything he says or writes it's all about him. Superficial charm and good intelligence/ He wants a wall to rid the country of illegals the cost as well as the cost to round up illegals is never mentioned. An intelligent answer to the wall and deportation would be to fine and/or jail employer's as well as subcontractors who use them? You don't need a wall or deportation if you eliminate the reason they come here? But since he himself doesn't practice what he preaches expect not much to change. In his hotels he will skirt this by having sub-contractors and tell us he has nothing to do with that. No I wish I was looking at an election of Biden and Kasich but we chose a different road, and we will pay for our deeds. In the future as in the past I will post anyone's comment on Trump. Not even comments at the end of a post. I will only comment as an answer. I won't bring up the subject first! Let's see how that works? I would like to keep this about Painesville.
Thanks 841 for stirring the %$#@ with him again.
Speaking of that, Mr Term says the days of operating without transparency are over? When are you implying there was transparency? You did nothing but complain about Ms. McMahon and council, minus Flock. You constantly complain and belittle this council. But I dont understand your backing Mr Carson? Beware of a wolf in sheep's clothing. BTW, since you've been around a while, why was Mr Nero's nickname 'Boozy'
4:56 I guess if the shoe fits, wear it?
Backing Mr. Carson? I just want to see his contracts.
Look around you see all the success?
Boozy really?
1:00 That's a two way street.
This comment has been removed by the author.
What would possess a resident like Term to question the spending of the DPO? Well it appears our council needlessly spends city funds on projects the majority of resident's feel as foolish. To hand over $28,000 over to anyone with no questions asked for what and where the money is spent is not how money should be allocated. There isn't even a paper trail. Maybe if more of us questioned what council does with funds we wouldn't have blessed the former city manager with $170,000? Maybe when people come to your door asking for your vote you should question them how and why this happens?
You are sooooo concerned what city hall may or not be hiding but where is your concern what is hiding in homes in Painesville? Hundreds of illegals and you dont care about that?
4:37 Let's you and I go round them up! Where do we meet? Or is it your policy for other's to do what you suggest? Maybe don't want to be found out?
Assuming you are correct, what do you suppose Term can do about that little problem? Isn't that the job of INS or ICE or whatever they are called this week?
It wouldn't be that hard to find people. Go out to Townline Rd and the area around it and look into any of the fields. You will see hundreds of workers. I wonder how many are here legally?
That is YOUR job for the week, go round 'em up!
8:28 Haven't heard back from 4:37. Guess they only want to complain about this? Maybe rounding up illegals could be made into a game like Pokémon Go?
Of course the question would be let's say we roundup 60 of them, what do we do with them? Anybody want to donate a bus? Come on Rally Team have a bake sale or something!
Soon if nothing is done there will be A Taco Truck on every corner! (That would bring over 9 million jobs to America.)
4:37 is a comment planted by Term. He just can't stand not shooting his big mouth off, so he made up the comment so he could.
Mr Term cant do a gosh darn thing about it, except show his support for those poor people that have it so bad in Mexico to come here and trash our towns. Geneva finally recovered, will we some day? His support of Obama and Hillary along with his lack of support for Trump speaks volumes. Would he run for an office: council or BOE or even a committee? Nope, he refuses and continues making excuses as to why he Never would be involved with such people.
1:56 You may be right I don't have the temperament. And you somehow believe Geneva has solved their problem, how so?
12:01 Unlike you I sign my posts. That said believe me there are many out there who believe ONE Donald Trump is more dangerous to America then even 12 million Mexicans. We will see November 8, 2016. On another note I could write a comment that would burn your ears!
Sorry 828 I already have a full time job. You are incorrect it's not my job it is the governments. Oh how I wish my job was with the government, who else can be so inept, disobedient, dishonest, untruthful and untrusting to name a few. We deserve way better than the lying politicians we have running this country. This immigration problem is out of hand thanks to the liberal people and politicians that wont do their part to take back this country.We need a real raid (not forewarned then go hide in a church basement) to clean up this mess.
2:14Can't count on you for help not even a butterfly net? Everyone assumes it's someone else's responsibility, You vote for what you got and it's not just a Liberal thing. Many Conservative business owner's like the cheap labor in their businesses as well as domestic help. What are you doing about them? No jobs and everyone goes home that's here illegally? Right.
So when I retire I can walk through the Ville asking residents if they are here legally or illegally? Then I can ask them for proper documentation, their papers? Then someone will hurt me. The proper officials dropped the ball. I remember your opinion when the woman was killed off the Metro Park path regarding the illegal murderer. If only, someone had done their job...
Term 8:41 so trump is not truthful. You think Hillary is truthful?
You write " You are incorrect it's not my job it is the government" but you also seem to think that it is Term's job.
Kind of hypocritical of you, isn't it?
The point is that if YOU want something done, why don't YOU get involved and do it?
Don't blame others because you are too lazy to fix something that bothers YOU.
10:00 Want them gone, but not my job? Come on 2:14 I'm all psyched! Will round them up and put them in your basement until someone comes and gets them!
Let's look at this another way a person was found on private property driving a car? Lying to deputies of his name and then telling them he was here illegally released to his father, A week later one woman is dead and another one wounded so who will we roundup these people and do what with them? Release them?
So, Jim, What are your suggestions to the fine citizens of Painesville to stop this illegal situation? I contact our representatives, ya know, the ones I voted for, the ones on my side but the Sherrod Brown liberals, they didn't want to hear my thoughts on illegal immigration, Syrian refugees, welfare fraud, so on. I vote, for the one I hope to make a difference not lie straight away to my face. I left my home Parrish for another I don't have to understand Spanish. Perhaps a trip to DC to protest? A sign in my yard, Go Home Illegal ALiens? Maybe I can swing by Terms for that butterfly net?
Give it up, 2:14. You're talking to Term and Jim -- two people who are so stupid they are saying it is your job to deal with all the illegals in this country. Up until 30 years ago, this country was intelligent enough and worked well enough to have our borders secure. Thanks to people like Term and Jim, we are now too stupid to do so, and the likes of them are saying the stupid things they are saying. Oh, and then there's Sandy, who says there won't be any terrorists coming in with all the millions of Syrian refugees Obama and Clinton are going to let in, so it must be true. (Sarcasm) Term keeps planting posts about all of this so he can keep spouting off his stupid mouth saying the utterly ridiculous things he likes to say. People who have any brains will vote for Trump. Jim and Term will vote for Clinton for not only more of the same, but America will be lost. For anyone not registered, please register and vote for Trump. The Democrats are saying the same horrifying things that Term and Jim are saying, and they WILL lose our country for us.
10:00 and 10:43. Could you really be saying things more stupid than you are saying? Answer: No. I'd suggest nobody listen to such idiotic people saying such idiotic things. And they are certainly not worth trying to argue with or have a reasonable discussion with. Unbelievable. Really.
12:38. I'll bet Term doesn't even have a butterfly net. For anyone who has forgotten, when some of the citizens of Painesville were fighting illegals in our city and in our country, Term was ripping everyone apart because he said he knew what businesses were hiring them, and that everyone else needed to go picket those companies. He ragged on that for years while other people fought. He never helped the people who were/are fighting, and he never held one picket sign in front of one business. But yet he keeps fighting the people who are fighting. We are now a two-language country, but still the likes of Jim and Term are fighting the people who are fighting. Keep fighting the good fight 12:38, while Jim and Term sit by and laugh about losing our country.
I will freely admit that I don't have the answers but I am not in a position of power and, for the most part, I don't get my knickers in a twist over things that I have no control over.
Sounds like you do.
You have to resort to name calling when viewpoints differ? That is the best you have? No where did I say that it is your (or anyones else's) job to deal with illegals. I said that unless you are involved then you have no reason to bitch that someone else doesn't fight your fight.
Regarding my voting, I have tried to make this as clear as I can for people like you. IMO, both candidates are garbage. Neither one deserves to be elected and yet one of them will. The problem is that, at that time, reality will set in and there will be nothing accomplished in the next 4 to 8 years.
BTW, I am about the farthest thing from a Democrat but, contrary to what you apparently think, I am a realist. We have to deal with reality, not what some lame politician promises you every four years.
I will lump you in with the comments above. Since you don't know me I guess that entitles you to label me as stupid and idiotic?
A "reasonable discussion"? Is that one where I agree with you? Does that make it reasonable? Disagreements can't be reasonable?
I know Term fairly well and I will say right up front that we differ on many subjects. We approach things from different angles and viewpoints but I respect him and I think he respects me. Even though we differ, we never resort to name calling. It doesn't help make your point in any way.
Remember to pick your battles. In that way you might win one occasionally.
Peace and out.
Well Jim, sorry you had to get dragged into this. That said that commenter doesn't win many converts here. Plus your assessment of both candidates are spot on. Last night when Trump spoke of Putin it gave me a chill. I guess the solutions for Trump to run in Russia? No Mexicans, No press and if someone disagrees with you just wack them. It's so bad I am voting for the candidate that's going to do the least harm.
See the main difference between you me and and the above commenter's is that even when we disagree we still respect each other.
Right on 3:54 and 7:25 PM. Oh I remember Term mentioning about the businesses employing illegals. I will stand by my belief all illegal aliens need to go, no matter here AZ or TX. Be they Mexican, Chinese or Syrian. Something needs to be done and if Clinton wants to continue running the US into the ground as Obama has done, then I will vote for Trump.
And Jim B I do not believe I said it was Term's job, heck he cant even get that recliner off his porch let alone take on something of this magnitude. Lazy? again you said you have no solutions and I said I've done the best I can. Maybe I'll take my vacation and volunteer to help build that wall. Anyone else? So lets just all be like an ostrich and one day wonder why we all have to speak Spanish.
And yet Bill Horvath and Abby Delamotte kept getting re-elected and rolling out the welcome wagon. Then instead of Wild Bill we got Hal for 4 years. I think there was plenty on this blog to alert people as what was going on. I got out and worked for Brad Dean who I would have loved to see on council. So where were you guys when the elections were happening back in the day? I've talked to quite a few people who stumped for Hal and said they'd never vote for him again and felt very let down. And Trump hasn't got a clue how to fix any of this but you keep chasing those rainbow pooping unicorns.......
2:23...Rainbow pooping unicorns? Hillary said she's going to legalize all the illegals within her first 100 days in office. She has no idea who is here and how many. To be sure, we have illegals here from every country in the world. The Mexican president said about ten years ago that there were 20 million illegal Mexicans here, and that we had better not think we are going to send them home, because how did we think he was going to house and school them!!! It is my opinion that there could be 40 million illegals here. Who knows. And for those people who don't like the idea of the wall...did you know that Mexico built a wall on one of their borders to keep the Guatemalans out? Do you know how many illegal Americans are allowed to be in Mexico? Answer: NONE. Trump has got to be better than Clinton any day, don't you think? That's where MY hope is going. P.S. Hal promised to help fight against McMahon (former head of city), and the very night he got elected, he wouldn't even talk to the people who got him elected, and he went straight to McMahon and tried to cozy up. She wasn't having any of it, but by that time, every one had turned their back on him for good reason. People backed him for any effort he put forth against the illegals, but that was it.
12:38: You are right. I know many, many Americans, right here in Painesville, too, but also all across America, who were turned down for a job because they could not speak Spanish. They're taking over; they know it, and they think we are jackasses for letting them. And they know if Hillary wins this election, it's over, and they have won. Americans used to be smarter, and I am hoping that enough of them look around now and see that we have to take our country back. In many different ways, we have to take our country back.
Yeah!!! GO HILLARY!! All 28 of my family members are voting Hillary!! Together we can fix America!!
11:25...Go home, illegal. You and your family members can't vote.
1:55 sorry we are Hungarian Irish! Probably been here longer than most 😊
Trump wants to ban Muslims from the country? The goof has got them living in his own house on the 45th floor! Of course he blames Bush for the attack?
Doesn't matter many of his supporters are in 'basket of deplorable' "racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic you name it he has um!
Just read many of the above.
5:13. I stand corrected. In that case, vote any way you wish (of course).
8:36...What comments? The ones where they are talking about America keeping its borders secure and illegals out like Mexico does and the rest of the world? Those comments? That's the laws of the United States of America's Constitution. What bigots our founders must have been. Thanks to them, however, we have a country that we MAY still be able to save. We're out of time, though, and if it's going to be done, it has to be done right now, and the only one who will do it is Trump.
8:36: He doesn't want to ban all Muslims, and especially not Muslims who are citizens of The United States. He said he wants to ban Muslims from countries that are filled with terrorists "until we can figure out what the hell is going on." A reasonable view, in my opinion, and one me and my family would be grateful for. I ALSO think it was the Bush administrations fault for 911. It is my understanding that those men took flying lessons here in the U.S., for one thing. They told the flying schools repeatedly that they didn't have to know how to land. The government received many alerts from different flying schools about those men for various reasons, but never investigated. And if Trump has Saudi's living in one of his buildings, then it must be okay with Obama and all those in charge of our country. If it's their embassy, well they have to have an embassy somewhere, and the Saudi's can afford the best, so that's what they got. P.S. Thank you so much for calling me a racist, sexist, homophobe and Islamaphobe. (sp?) Are you sure about that? I've got a sibling who is gay, for one thing, and we love him very much, as well as all his friends. You should really be careful throwing those words around. Just because the Democrats need you to think that to get your vote doesn't mean that you should, or that it is a fact and I, for one, greatly resent it.
4:13 Seems that we are having a problem with the ones born here? You always have an excuse for Trump, if elected you will be doing it 24/7.
Gay Rights? You and Portman have something in common. If it happens in your family you learn to love and cope.
Go to Liberty University or Bob Jones University see how your thought fly there? These are Republican bastion
3:16 Trump isn't going to deport anymore than are being deported presently. Pay attention to what he says!
11:49 That's big of you.
Just for the record, 8:46, this is 4:13, and the example I gave of a gay sibling is but one example. As a matter of fact, I have had gay friends all my life. Knowing that, my brother came to me easily when he was ready, knowing it wouldn't change a thing. Knock of your Democratic screams of racism, bigotry, homophobe, etc. crap. I know that's how you Democrats win elections, but it's disgusting. Stop it. Clinton is going down, so her and Bill are stepping up their race/bigotry-baiting immoral rhetoric. It figures you'd be right in there with them.
Whatever Trump does about illegal immigration and our open borders will be better than Hillary Clinton and Obama. She has vowed to legalize every illegal within 100 days of her taking office. She will have no freakin' idea who she is legalizing and how many. We've seen what Obama is doing to our country. And on top of everything else, he just commanded, not long ago, for ICE to release thousands of the bad illegal criminals they had painstakingly rounded up, out into America and American neighborhoods. These are murderers, kidnappers, rapists, etc. And they both think sanctuary cities are just fine, and that's where a lot of these illegal criminals go to not only be safe, but to get their drivers licenses, etc. My Independent vote goes to Trump. Our Constitution dictates that national security be the President's highest priority. Someone needs to explain that to Obama and Clinton.
3:12 You do realize that a good third of Trump supporters would not allow your brother or his friends to immigrate into this country? No screams just a fact. You know their is a part of me that feels very strongly about Trump winning in November. Just the comments here make me believe that. I haven't felt so bad since the United States invaded Iraq. It appears my country now has a lynch mob mentality?
Who's leader also promises to
Rebuilding the military, education, infrastructure you name it all with the gift of a big tax cut for the top 1%.
You all will regret not seeing those tax returns. In a very short time you will wish you had. But like you said you could care not.
11:24 Sorry that's from Trump polls. Do you believe your brother and his friends should be allowed same-sex marriage? Look it up in this years Republican platform. Same sex marriage 'CONDEMNED' can't be any clearer can it. What is truly disgusting are those blinder's you look at life through. That is unless you don't believe they should be married?
11:47: You got nothin'.
11:47. Never going to happen. They haven't stopped any tide of gay marriage yet, and it certainly won't happen with Trump, who has shown his support, before he was running and after, for the rights of all gays, trans, etc. Also, if Trump is elected, it will be because the Republican party now has many millions of Democrats and Independents that have joined them, and that crap will be out the window. You need to give it up already.
By the way, taxpayers, Obama had already authorized 19 million dollars to get all the recent immigrants that he's letting in registered to vote, being quite sure that they'll vote Democratic. Now he has authorized another 10 million to be spent immediately on registering more of them to vote quickly, before this election. They'll stoop at nothing, him and Hillary and Bill. Nothing. If you want to save your country, please be sure you are registered, and please vote for Trump. Reports are out of many, many votes being fraudulent in the Primaries, with California being a huge hot spot for it. Many people voted many times, and in two or more counties, and states, and it looks like illegals are voting, so who knows how many of these fraudulent votes are from them. Trump will need every voter who wants him to win to vote. Please remember that.
3:50 Well what about Supreme Court Justices? Could change things?
Obamacare as well as Planned Parenthood are on the ropes, many things can change. Including Gay Rights!
All these people wanting you to vote for Trump? And not one proud enough to but an their name on it. Hillary was right a basket of deplorables afraid to share their names!
Obama Care is going down on it's own. It is self-imploding, unfortunately, and will have to be replaced or drastically changed; somebody needs to come up with something better, no matter who gets into office. It was a good try, but it is not working, and it is ending of its own accord. Insurers are pulling out quickly, as they are going under, so it needs major help any way you look at it. Planned Parenthood isn't going anywhere; they just tried it and failed, and Trump has said more than once that he has heard from many women who are greatly helped by the health care they receive at Planned Parenthood, and he understands the need for low income women to have adequate health care. He also says he understands that Planned Parenthood does many things for women's health, and that abortions are just one thing that they do. They also do yearly exams, birth control, etc., so that's not going any where.
Clinton and Obama have the whole damn Middle East on fire, and the whole world being attacked by radical Islamic terrorists, and several countries, including Syria in unimaginable, horrific shape, and they won't even say radical Islamic terrorists. She has promised to legalize every illegal in this country now, and anyone who can sneak in before then, within 100 days of her taking office. And by the way, nobody needs to sneak in; they just walk in and surrender, and we take them in. Obama is letting in many thousands of Syrian refugees, and Hillary promises to let in many more than Obama's numbers.
The Constitution makes national security the president's highest priority. Someone needs to tell Clinton and Obama that. Trump understands that and will start acting upon it immediately.
And now here you are calling Trump supporters horrible names again. You've got nothin'. A failed, lying political leader, who can't even tell the truth about pneumonia until she's found out.
And you sound like a taunting kindergarten baby.
You just keep on believing that. New Obamacare? What we had in 2008 nothing more nothing less. No cut's in Planned Parenthood? Congress tried to shut it down this week? No change in Social Security, or Medicare? This man lives in a reality show?
This seems an odd forum to me, one in which right-wingers duke it out with even more right-wing people. Where's the social benefit from that? Does anyone come away enlightened from such an echo chamber?
Here are some facts you might consider: (1) "Indigenous peoples" mean what we used to call "Indians." Everybody else in the Americas is descended from immigrants. Granted, some came here earlier (my first ancestor here immigrated in the 1630s) but the indigenous peoples were there to meet the boat. (2) Our national constitution was a product of the liberal Enlightenment, so the next time you go bashing "liberals" remember whose graves you're spitting on -- Jefferson, Madison, Washington, Franklin, Paine, and so on. Repeating propaganda-mill internet slanders about their modern-day intellectual heirs is not the way to keep America great. (3) Your new neighbors from Latin America may speak Spanish but they pay their taxes, teach their kids to be polite to old people, go to church, and work hard. You should be proud to welcome model citizens of this sort and try to emulate them, not simply parrot bigoted lies about them. (4) The "elite" do not necessarily coincide with those who have what we call "old money" (as distinct from the "new money" of corporate raiders and other social parasites who are working folks' worst enemies.) What they do value is education and the ability to reason. That is a meritocracy worth emulating, not dismissing out of hand. (5) "Obamacare" may not be the most successful universal health care system on teh face of teh planet but it is a thundering lot better at covering the ordinary working family than the bogus scams Mr. Trump and his cabal would like you to have. (6) If the will of teh people in a democracy determines who really wins a national election, Donald Trump lost to Hillary Clinton by nearly three million votes, and a boondoggle investigatory committee is not going to find that this whopping majority didn't really exist. Deal with it -- by which I mean, accept the fact that despite the people's will, your man is in the White House and your party has two years to show it can govern. So far it isn't doing a very good job at it, or indeed at anything except showing that it was played for a pack of idiots by the Russia puppetmasters. Unless you want to see the House go back to being a Democratic institution in 2018, let's see some results that will pass constitutional muster so the nation can try them out and see if they actually work to the people's benefit.
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