Sunday, August 14, 2016



Six council minutes to be approved with only ONE that resident's could have sat in on. All these Executive Meetings are just convenient ways to hide things from residents, oh, and there's another one tonight?

Special Award  EPA & George Ginnis, Water Department Director

Ordinances 2nd reading Repeal and Enacting Design Review District? Basically making sure we have the proper park benches and year round tree lighting in our Business District.

Ordinance 1st Reading Amending Section 167.09 Relating to Classification And Compensation Plan.
This is to change section 167.09 So we can hire more part-time firefighters, Bringing up the question how many of our firefighters work part-time for other Fire Departments?

More time to be spent on sidewalks as well as Channel 12.
Recommendations on Council Procedures (we could talk about that UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING)

More on the Housing Task Force. Maybe it should be called the Hosing Task Force?

Finance Development -Andy Unetic Maybe he can explain how we give free flowing monies to the Senior Center the failed DPO  along with the 'gifting' our former City Manager. Without any Oversight from the Council as well as the administration? Not as much as a balance sheet! Hey, these are good people... And you are spending OPM. other peoples money!

Anyone else notice?
Power Cost Adjustments

03/24/16 to 04/27/16   .060219
04/27/16 to 05/26/16   .061140
05/26/16 to 06/24/16   .062462
06/24/16 to 07/27/16   .063094

Doesn't look like much do the math on the electric part of your utility bill?

And we worry about park benches? Along with that B.S. we haven't raised the price of power since when 1993?

Thanks Judy for passing these number's to me.

Trump now claims he's running against the media? Well everything I've heard has come out of his mouth? Great Entertainment. One point I will agree with quit reporting the GOP is on the verge of dumping him . Let's keep it a surprise.

As far as Hillary the State Department and the Clinton foundation. Please show me ONE meeting that was setup? Make sure you take in the Hillary and the Democrat movie! Not for the value of the movie but the goofs sitting in the audience eating it all up. Michael Moore would be proud!


At August 14, 2016 at 9:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not a goof! You are for falling for the lies that Hillary feeds you. It goes down so easy. Like you are eating baby food. Not me! I can clearly see through her lies.

At August 15, 2016 at 8:01 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:10 Well I guess your half way home. Now can you see clearly through HIS lies?
Enjoy the movie!

At August 15, 2016 at 5:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with you, 9:10.

Term is so afraid that Trump is going to tromp Clinton, that he's hysterical and nasty, showing us that he's just as hysterical and nasty when someone doesn't agree with his political views, as he is when someone doesn't agree with any of his other views. He's as naïve as the rest of the Democrats who refuse to look at all the proof over all the years. Even if you don't want to look at her political skill and honesty, which has been a travesty for our country, to say the least, you can look at her personal life. Just one example of that is her decimation of the women that her husband abused, and then getting back to her political life where she touts her record on helping women.

I, too, resent being called all the names Term is calling us because he's voting Democratic, not to mention all the names he's calling Trump. Trump is the only hope this nation has, and I hope people will do their own research and not listen to what Term is saying on this blog.

At August 15, 2016 at 5:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Term is so afraid of the movie, it must be something everyone needs to see.

At August 16, 2016 at 9:20 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:39/5:40 What you don't understand sarcasm? It's not the movie but the drooling goofs watching it!
It just appears to me you Trumpsters don't have Mental and Physical Stamina to follow Clinton?

See Hillary has to much class to stoop to Trump's and your level. I don't!

At August 16, 2016 at 10:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watched the "Clinton Cash" movie the other night. I remember most of those events. It was interesting to see it all in a handy compendium on a time line. It did line up a few items I didn't realize about who Bill Clinton pardoned and why. The "what they say vs. what they do" hypocrisy is outrageous. I know it's true, because I lived through it. "Friends of Bill" means more to me now.

TERM, I am disappointed that you would call anyone, a drooling goof. Saying that reminds me of people who would engage in marginalization and punishment of alternative opinions, stifle freedom of expression, and free speech. Its name calling TERM. WTF.

Are you saying that people who don't follow Clinton are mentally and physically weak? That sounds like an elitist to me. TERM, your a good guy, but not elite.

At August 16, 2016 at 11:09 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:40 You miss understand the mentally and physically weak was a quote from Trump, Not nice when it's directed at others is it? Look again last night an aide for Trump slammed the Khan family again. Will these people doing this ever grow up? WTF your right.
You know it doesn't matter who wins. I just wish everyone would stay out of the gutter. That movie is trash.
Here's some free advise to Trump go 'Dark' for 5 days unseen unheard. is poll numbers would easily go up 5%.

At August 16, 2016 at 12:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I guess that may explain why my utility bill has been going up and up.
Loved Ms Dinallos comment regarding the hiring of the next CM. Respect, honesty, dignity towards your goes a long way towards your staff. This is not how Mr Carson treated his staff. And I didnt understand what Ord. 167.09 has to do with asking how many firemen work part time at other departments? What was the correlation?

At August 16, 2016 at 12:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So trump is slammed about khan. What about how Clinton and the press has slammed Patricia smitH? That's ok to you?

At August 16, 2016 at 12:39 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

12:13 Show me where Mrs. Clinton went after Patricia Smith or for that matter any of her aides. Trump just doesn't understand gold-star families are off limits.
12:02 The firefighter contract limits the number of part-timers as well as 167.09 setting their wage,. We need to be competitive with other departments. Our part-time wage as well as number's are to low. Careful you don't kill the golden goose? As well as moving into the town that pays you?
Maybe CM just expected more from his employee's?

At August 16, 2016 at 1:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm appalled at how Term is standing up for Carson. I had a problem with city employees when he first got here, and I could tell you by how he treated me and my problem just what kind of person he was.

I can't believe that anyone would stand up for someone when all the department heads and employees, and council, are saying he abused people. That kind of behavior is not acceptable, and I don't think it should be dismissed and/or made light of by someone who did not have to put up with it. We've all had horrible bosses, and there is no excuse for it. It means the person is too big of a jerk and lacks the moral code to handle the power they have been given. Quit sticking up for the guy. I'm on the side of apparently the whole city who say he was abusive. They all can't be wrong, and based on my personal experience, they are right.

And how pompous can you be to be talking about Trump the way you are, and calling the people who support him terrible names? Term thinks he's the only one who knows anything, and anyone who doesn't agree with him isn't worthy of their own opinion. If they don't have HIS opinion, then they must be stupid, and he's calling us that. Talk about jerks, Term, you take the cake.

At August 16, 2016 at 1:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

For anyone too young to know what the Republican ad about Bill (and Hillary) Clinton means, where he is looking into the camera and denying something...Bill had sexual contact, to say the least, with an intern, Monica Lewinsky in the oval office. He got found out, and went on national TV and also testified that he did not. He was disbarred and lost his license to practice law, and was impeached from the Presidency of the United States. I'm still not quite sure how he stayed on as president after that, but he did. So that's what they are not saying in the ad. Hillary went on to help him deny it and to horribly attack Lewinsky, whose life was destroyed, and by all practical means, still is all these years later. She was just one of many women that Bill had affairs with and/or abused or attacked. Bill and Hillary went on to be just fine, as usual. I could be wrong, but I think I remember that Lewinsky was around 23 years old at the time. She surfaces every now and then, trying to reclaim her life, but she's got a huge scarlet letter on her, and she'll never live it down. I don't believe there is anyone in the world who does not know her name and all that happened between her and Bill, and all the details were made public. Let's just say she kept her dress that he soiled. Etc.

At August 16, 2016 at 3:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've watched the debates, the conventions, even Fox and CNN. It hasn't been pretty, sometimes ugly. I'm a white, middle age, under educated, independent who plans to vote for Hillary Clinton. God bless America.

At August 16, 2016 at 4:46 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:50 God Bless America
1:28 He wasn't impeached he wasn't found guilty. Lay down with dogs get up with fleas. Also look at the Republicans that was impeaching him? not a high moral bunch!
1:11 Chocolate cake please. The WHOLE city really? This town hasn't looked as well or has ever been this efficiently run. The crybabies just cry their feelings are hurt. Please tell me why it cost $171,500 to get rid of him? Now that's the WHOLE city's money. Vote for whoever you choose just don't bring false statements here.

At August 16, 2016 at 5:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At August 17, 2016 at 5:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, 10:40 here. About your 11:09. How could I know that was a quote from Trump? There was no context, no quotation marks, no bibliography. So I took that it was you calling someone a drooling goof. A person respectful of others finds better way to communicate his feelings, buddy.

At August 17, 2016 at 9:37 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:43 I will admit I am ashamed of calling Trump supporters "drooling goofs" over that movie. I let my anger get the best of me. His quote was "doesn't have the mental and physical stamina" that's all Trump. Again I let myself get carried away and I apologize to you.

5:41 calmly, Bill Clinton was charged with Impeachment being impeached doesn't guarantee has to leave office. It was just an indictment, and was ultimately found not guilty He was acquitted and remained President. Now you go look up what the word acquitted means? The only lie being told seems to come from you? Nice try though.

At August 17, 2016 at 11:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like you are half way correct.
Bill Clinton was impeached but was not convicted.
Your 4:46 post, where you say "He wasn't impeached" seems to imply otherwise.

At August 17, 2016 at 5:01 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:16 He was charged with articles of Impeachment, He was acquitted meaning not guilty by 56 senators 10 who were Republican. So if it makes you happy as long as the complete story is told. Saying he was Impeached implies he was found guilty, which he wasn't
So? Many who come here believe he was found guilty. Which is a false statement.

At August 17, 2016 at 5:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, you are 100% incorrect on this one.
Here is the definition:

"In Congress or a state legislature, the presentation of formal charges against a public official by the lower house, trial to be before the upper house."

Formal charges were presented therefore he WAS impeached. He was not convicted. There is a difference.

BTW, when used as a verb, here is the definition:

"to bring an accusation against"

Once again, he was impeached. Formal accusations were made.

The numbers of Senators you cite has NO bearing on that fact. Realistically you are trying to point a finger at Republicans who voted not to convict.

BTW, I never said he was guilty (or convicted of the charges). You added that, not me. The fact that people don't know the difference is not the issue to me.

Again, read what you wrote at 4:46. When you stated that he was not impeached, you were wrong.


At August 18, 2016 at 10:46 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:29 He was served with articles of Impeachment where he was acquitted and found innocent. but to put this to rest. I was wrong you were right. He was impeached. Does that work for you?
I am also sorry I put everyone through this.

At August 18, 2016 at 5:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Donald Trump has been sued several times and as a results has been served with papers. He hired lawyers and settled out of court witch to me is an admittion of guilt. IMO he's a bigger criminal than Bill.

At August 18, 2016 at 6:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's also a fact that if you want to be a casino operator in Atlantic City you must produce your tax returns for 10 years. Now if you want to be President you just tell voter's "it's none of your business!"

At August 18, 2016 at 7:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:41 to 10:46: Apology accepted. You did call me a liar, however.

To 6:20: Trump has released all the financial documents to the White House that he is required to file. I'm voting for him, and that's enough for me. Hillary released her tax documents, and it doesn't prove anything. Her documents are clean and she's so crooked it's a wonder she can sit up straight. As far as Bill and Hillary go, maybe someone could ask Monica Lewinsky and the other women they trashed how they feel about it.

At August 19, 2016 at 9:16 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:10 Where did I call you a liar?

Sorry I need tax returns and if Hillary or any Democrat wouldn't produce them sorry can't vote for you. Let's face it the only reason not to make your tax returns public is you figure less harm in not showing them than if people seen them. Causing some to wonder what he's hiding? Bill Clinton Donald Trump? That's like the kettle calling the pot black? Ivana Trump's first wife wonder what she thought of Marla?

At August 19, 2016 at 2:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 7:10.

I say Bill Clinton was impeached at 1:28.

In 4:46, you accused me of using false statements (i.e., lying), and state that it was the Republicans that were responsible, when actually it was the Republicans who stopped the conviction. He clearly could have been convicted, but they chose not to do it for the sake of the Presidency of the United States of America.

In 5:41, I say he was impeached.

In 9:37, you again call me a liar.

If you don't want to vote for Trump, don't. If you want to keep your rose-colored glasses on concerning the Clintons, do. But all you've got on Trump is stupid stuff like tax returns and an ex-wife. That does not add up to assault and rape like Bill Clinton. And Hillary Clinton has killed people, etc. Nobody voting for Trump cares about his damn tax returns; he has turned over all his financial information to the government before beginning his run for the presidency as required by law. We do, however, care about Hillary's e-mails, and also all the lying she has done about them, up to and including this day when she said Colin Powell told her to do it, and he said he did not. If you don't want to vote for him, don't, but stop with all the sickening stuff you are saying about him, and the sickening stuff you are calling his supporters. Calm down and stop the abuse already.

And you called me a liar twice.

At August 19, 2016 at 5:43 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:08 never called you a liar?
The Republicans stopped the conviction? Wow they were the ones that brought it up. And to Impeach a President you need 75% of the Senate to vote yes. They had only 44 all Republicans. Yeah, They cared about the Presidency. get your facts right.

Since it is my blog. I will continue to compose what I wish. I wonder if I was a Trump supporter you would make that request?
Seems like you don't want this conversation to end? Well I have apologizes to you for the last time and you can argue with yourself. Everyday it seems more and more people don't buy what he's selling?

At August 20, 2016 at 10:43 AM , Anonymous Tired of racist in the ville said...

As a Black man born and raised in Painesville I have no idea what all of a sudden Trump wants to Amaze us?
What like Hitler amazed the Jews? he's going about this all wrong. but the real reason for all this is to strengthen his base belief, it's all the Democrat's fault! Plus maybe getting some independent's to believe he's not a racist. Doesn't want or need the Black vote. My parent's became Democrat's after MLK was assassinated and Bobby Kennedy showed leadership at that time. Some speech in an all White suburb of Milwaukee won't change my mind. Many Blacks won't be able to vote for him in the first place because of all the voter suppression?
And in ending he really didn't apologize did he? And exactly what does he regret? If this man is elected it will only cause more division with us. He leaned it from his father.

At August 20, 2016 at 2:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill Clinton was not NOT convicted because he was innocent, as I recall. I believe he was impeached for lying to Congress (and to the American people), no? If I recall correctly, they voted along party lines, but everyone knew he was guilty, and he admitted his guilt later. He said he lied because he didn't want it to bring down his presidency. I mean, Monica Lewinsky had the dress with the proof on it. He should have just told the people the truth...that he was screwing around with a young intern in the oval office. It's not like it was treason; he should have just told the truth, and told the citizens what a sleaze ball he was. He clearly needed to try to deny it to Hillary, and he also had so many other accusations against him from other women, that this one would show he had lied about all the others. But lying comes natural to the Clintons, and they just keep getting away with it, so... Monica was a consenting adult, but what he and Hillary did to her, to this day, is horrible. The two of them are still fine, though. But my main point, is that he was guilty, he admitted his guilt, and everyone knew it anyway, so there's no reason to try to prove he was innocent. He was guilty of being a sleaze ball, and then trashing the young woman's life to save his own fate.

At August 20, 2016 at 5:34 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:15 You left out that Bill and Hillary dragged Monica kicking and screaming into the oval office? Sorry he was innocent. Bill is a sleaze ball as much as Don? Anyway shouldn't we leave spouses out of this?
12:15 O.K. you got the last word. Monday I go back after Trump10:43 you should direct your questions to 12:15 I believe you will get some interesting answers?

At August 20, 2016 at 6:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:15 Sounds like a pinhead liberal?

At August 21, 2016 at 1:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:12, did you mean 12:15?

5:34, he was not innocent. Quit saying that. He lied under oath and was impeached and lost his law license. He admitted his own guilt later. He may not have been convicted, but he was not innocent. He was proven guilty, and admitted his guilt. The reason you have no problem with the millions of Clinton lies over the years, and now, is because you are just as big of a liar. I guess you figure it's all part of life, and don't mind it when your politicians do it, nor do you mind when you have to do it, and you clearly do it whenever you feel the need. You're a scary dude, man.

At August 21, 2016 at 5:36 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:10 He was acquitted definition declared not guilty! The didn't prove enough I guess?
Speaking of lies? For the past year I have heard about this wall As well as the deportation of 11.5 million Mexicans'. Four times Trumps campaign manager Kellyanne Conway was asked 4 times if this is still on Trump's agenda. Her answer TBD... To Be Determined? Determined?? Why is he changing now? 80 day's to go and this guy has no clue what he wants to do? Besides giving some of you something to believe in. Follow this guy all you want I have no desire to change your mind only to pity you.
Mrs. Conway as far as last Tuesday suggested Trump release his taxes? Today not so much.
After George H. Bush left office he started the Bush Foundation which also accepted foreign money now when W. became President? did they suspend the foundation? and this Bush family had dealings with the bin laden family!

At August 22, 2016 at 10:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If by any chance Trump reneges on his deportation policy I believe he will loss a lot more votes than he gains.
If January 2019 start without a wall, or deportation and coal miner's still looking for work. It is looking more and more like it doesn't matter who is elected?

At August 22, 2016 at 12:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trump visited Louisiana for a photo op. See he unloaded that semi for 49 seconds. Play doo Just what everybody needed. What a fraud oh he did donate $100,000 that would be like me donating a dime. He is worth more than 8 billion. Fraud and he's about to leave his followers at the station

At August 22, 2016 at 3:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That truck was also loaded with blankets, etc. This Trump supporter is still firmly in his corner, and his poll numbers are going back up. And the kids did need toys; they lost all theirs, and they are sitting in shelters. It was a nice idea, and one that I probably wouldn't have thought of.

At August 22, 2016 at 3:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because you only saw a 49 second clip on the news, 12:44, doesn't mean he was on there for 49 seconds, you nincompoop!!! LOL They were there for quite some time, and everyone there was very happy to have their situation in the spotlight; more than Clinton and Obama did. "He was only there for 49 seconds..." Too funny.

At August 22, 2016 at 4:48 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:15/3:47 I watched the same news story the photo was correct. He unloaded the truck for 49 seconds then he told them he was done. The nincompoop is someone who thought he stayed there and emptied the truck! Trump's visit only took resources away from people doing real recovery work. The President will be there Tuesday as well as FEMA being there from day 1. Presently I am trying to figure out where he is on deportation? Asking now if he flip flops on deportation what will that mean to some of you? Aren't the Wall and deportation the backbone of his campaign? Seriously how do you view TBD?

At August 22, 2016 at 5:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know one Trump supporter who is not firmly in his corner, knowing he will do everything he can on illegal immigration, and he will do it as quickly as possible, and for everything else in America. You don't really think anyone is going to change their mind and vote for Clinton, do you? Just for beginners, she wants open borders; she's going to legalize all illegals within the first 100 days of her presidency (her words), no matter who they are, and including the fact we don't know who they are; she wants more immigration in general, and she's going to bring in many thousands more of Syrian refugees instead of building safe camps where they can be cared for until they can have their country back. And she sells favors from the government for money, etc. Yes, we're all voting Trump.

At August 22, 2016 at 6:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd be worried if I were a Clinton supporter, too, and I would also continue to try to deflect back to Trump to try to get the attention off of her horrendous mistakes and lack of a good moral code. As in the murder of Americans because of her inability to do her important job of protecting Americans in other countries (as in the Benghazi murders where she ignored 600 requests for protection), and her inability to protect all Americans because of her careless use of national security e-mails, which she is now trying to blame on Colin Powell. She says he told her to do it; he says he most certainly did not. Trump's not losing any supporters, but I don't blame you for being afraid that Clinton is. You can say all the junk you want to on here about Trump. Nothing compares to what Clinton did/is doing. You're just making yourself look bad.

At August 24, 2016 at 2:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Donald Trump will do the best he can do with this mess of immigration in this country. People who are voting for him know that. Anyone following Clinton on this issue or any other, seriously need to think again. In Germany, Merkel, who let all the refugees in, and where they have virtually open borders, is now calling for her people to stockpile emergency supplies to prepare for any possible huge terrorist attacks. The people of Germany begged for her to listen to them, and this is why countries are starting to leave the EU agreement of open borders. They are losing their countries, and their safety is now lost. With everything that has happened in our own country already, a vote for Trump is a must, not to mention all the other issues, like jobs, etc., that he will help with. But just based on immigration alone, a vote for Clinton is a vote for losing America. It's too late for Germany, etc., but it's not too late here...not quite. I would urge all to vote for America and vote for Trump.

At August 24, 2016 at 11:53 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I've watched Trump court Black and Hispanic voter's the last couple of weeks. Hispanics will remember being called not the best, as well as rapist's drug dealers and a few good ones? Really does he think he can get into double digits? Blacks? They take this a little more personal. They take pride in the first American Black President. They remember Trump's birther issue. "oh, what my people have found in Hawaii!".... Nothing George Wallace will have more Black votes than Trump.
When he speaks with a teli-a-prompter he looks like he's in a hostage situation. Have to wonder if there are 60 million that think like you?

At August 24, 2016 at 1:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trump voter's now realize they have been played! So rather than make their candidate be held responsible they make excuses. Wonder how the other 15 candidates feel knowing you can lie to the base Without repercussion?
Trump voter's were lead astray and now not a murmur or complaint. Sheep Bhah!

At August 25, 2016 at 6:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Sombrero! Trump just adopted Jeb Bush's amnesty program. The gang of 8 is now the gang of 9!
What's Ann Coulter going to do with all those books.

At September 6, 2016 at 8:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me thinks your comment was a little premature.


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