"ISN'T LIFE STRANGE moody blues
Can read like before
Can we ask for more
This morning I was sitting on a park bench next to a homeless man. I started a conversation by asking him how he ended up this way.
He said "Up until last week, I still had it all. I had plenty to eat, my clothes were washed and pressed. I had a roof over my head, I had TV and internet, I went to the gym, the pool as well as the library. I was working on my MBA on-line. I had no bills as well as no debt. I even had full medical coverage.
I felt sorry for him, so I asked, "What happened? Drugs? Alcohol? Gambling? Divorce?"
"Oh no, nothing like that." he said "No, no. I got out of prison."
Anyone want to take a stab at what the mood is like today in the Cruz, Rubio, Kasich and Bush households?
Thank the Democrats, that's what they do. Sure hope Hilary is NOT the next president. It will be even worse.
you take a stab at it. What would their mood be today? I have no idea what you're talking about.
Well I guess if I'd spent a year running around the country from Iowa to New Hampshire Ohio and to hear your plan to deal with the illegals was just Amnesty! And your plan was a fraud. 70 days before the election Trump makes your plan his. In the primary this might have made a difference but now your stuck with the candidate, Where are you going to go? Hillary, not a chance your stuck with Trump. So if you were a Republican who believed in the truth you were taught the lesson lying works! (remember that N.Y. Times interview?) So much for having a well informed base just tell them what they want to hear. The Wall is next! Trump plated them all. 11 million deportations really anyone believe that?
Trump is not saying amnesty, and he will do 1000 times better than the Democrats. The statistics of all the illegals that Obama has let it, and let stay is staggering. If they are not made to leave, they will crush us in every way possible. ICE had many thousands of illegal criminals in custody awaiting processing, and not long ago, Obama demanded they be let back into America, free and clear, and they were; ICE had no choice. These were murderers, rapists, etc. You tell me what Obama's and Hillary's agendas are, because it certainly is not following the laws of our country and to do everything in their power to keep America and Americans safe. And now it appears he's sneaking in many thousands more Syrian refuges than he's telling the American people. Hillary says she will let in over 600,000 more. I don't even know who the Democrats think is going to repopulate Syria when the war is over, because there will be nobody left. They'll live free here and in all the other countries, so I doubt they'll want to go back anywhere. Just with that alone, we will have lost our country like many other countries already have because of open borders and immigration. Read the posts on Trump's Facebook page - many people from other countries tell Americans what has happened to their countries, and beg Americans to vote for Trump. Trump was, and is, the best one on this issue, certainly above Clinton, and also above all the other Republicans. We wouldn't even be talking about this issue if it wasn't for him. He will start at the beginning and do everything he can. I don't know anyone who is sorry for their Trump vote, including myself.
Trump is the only person who has a chance at saving America. You're not saying that Clinton is an alternative I hope, or any other of the Republicans, because clearly that is not the case. And Clinton is going to follow Obama and throw it away with both hands, just as fast as she can, and we're all but gone already, thanks to Obama. And, yes, Trump's base is very well-informed, and I haven't heard anyone say they have changed their minds.
6:06 The description of AMNESTY didn't come from me This is Trumps called other Republican candidates AMNESTY. Where do you get your information? Show me where President Obama told ICE to release murders, rapist ect. 600,000 where did you pull that number out of your A##? Show me where. Don't come to this site and expect your claims not to be verified.
Yeah, go to Trump's facebook page it must be full of truthful information. This guy changes his mind more often than you change socks. No one knows where he stands, including him.
ISSI Katrina(the shoplifter/ surrogate) claims he just changed the WORDS? Boris the Ruskie(another surrogate)has no clue what's going on either.
6:58 I'm more worried about who's going to save America from Trump? Great you keep those 20 million problem is you need over 60 million to win the election. Getting to realize why he's changing his deportation stance?
Maybe it's just SARCASM?
11:44, here's a quick little back up to 6:06.
Do a 5 minute search on Google. It's shocking. Put in "Obama released illegal criminals from detention centers." He's been doing it for years. ICE picks them up, and Obama demands that they be released into America's neighborhoods. These include murderers, rapists, etc. He also doesn't want people held in detention centers very long, so he has the newly-arrived illegals packed up onto buses, and has them transported and released into American neighborhoods all over the U.S. He also did this with many of the children who keep coming over by themselves by the thousands and thousands. He had them packed onto buses and delivered them to cities without the permission of the cities all over America, and just said "here you go; deal with it."
As far as Clinton and Syrian refugees go, I'll have to do more research when I have time, but I have heard her say that she is going to immensely increase the number that Obama lets in. In a CBS interview on 9/20/16, for example, she says at least 65,000. Other articles say she wants to do that every year. Then after one year, they can request family members to come. That will be a whole lot more than 600,000, I would imagine, in a very short time. I didn't do lengthy research, so I'm sure more information is out there. The Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest said that if she brings in 65,000 for just 4 years, it could cost 403 billion, and that's just the beginning. There are a lot of costs left out of there. And that's just talking about money. A fact-checking site (PolitiFacts?) says that Donald Trump is saying that she wants a 500% increase in Syrian refugees over what Obama is doing, and the report said she actually wants a 550% increase. In total, Obama is planning on 85,000, which is less than the 100,000 he originally wanted, but I've just seen reports that the numbers don't add up to what he is telling the government, and it looks like he's sneaking more in than he reported. A search on government sites would probably scare the freakin' crap out of Americans when they see how many criminal illegals are not picked up in the first place, and then how many are let go into our neighborhoods, and just what their crimes are. Many have been deported many times, but not this time. As far as comments on Trumps Facebook page, these are by citizens of other countries who have lost the culture and safety of their countries, like Sweden, Germany, etc., and they are urging Americans to vote for Trump so the same thing won't happen to us, and they are also worried what will happen to the world if the United States loses her safety also. Then those other countries will have no hope either, and they know it.
You should probably take those rose-colored glasses off and not shoot off your mouth until you check things out. And it's a million times worse than it actually sounds like in this post. If Clinton wins, the United States of America will go down. Obama almost has it done-in now, and we will not survive four years of Clinton. There will be no way to come back. Just ask the people posting on Facebook if there is any future hope to bring their countries back. The answer is no; it is not possible anymore.
2:16 Take 5 minutes and Goggle Obama is an Alien from Mars while your at it.
You said 600,000 false info 65,000 is along way from 600,000 if it in money it would be $535,000.
Facebook? I'm worried about a draft dodging,arrogant, spoiled man baby with a silver-spoon in his mouth destroying America. Just the fact he can't stay on subject for two days proves that. Have you always lived in such fear?
Hope you find those other 40 million votes! Oh, I forgot it's all rigged unless he wins.
This is 2:16. Just what I thought, 5:39...you got nothin'... except for a horrible and abusive mouth, that is.
6:07 All you got is a Horrible Abusive candidate that can't make up his mind. Live with it!
TERM 6:07, you better learn to live with it!
What the Hell do you got to lose? Ask resident's of Flint Michigan what happens when a predominantly Black city gets run by a Republican? You get poisoned! Quit making it harder to vote and maybe some will switch.
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