Sunday, June 26, 2016


Since we are talking about Painesville City Codes. I heard an interesting story from a little bird today. Many of you have by now seen the display of Cavalier tee shirts in front of Rider's Inn. Well today the city informed the owner of Rider's that that sale area must be shutdown. A Painesville Police officer was sent to write a citation. When asked what they were in violation of the officer didn't know and left leaving pretty much everything up in the air? Maybe city officials should also attend the meeting tonight at 6:00 PM? To at least know what to write the citation for?

But if you try sometime you find
You get what you need

Back to Painesville!

Council people Mike DeLeone and Christine Shoop are holding a Town Hall Meeting at 6:00 pm Monday June 27, 2016 in Courtroom II at City Hall.
About 40 people showed up last month when the subject was 'Roads'

This meeting topic will be Painesville Codes. something many of us deal with quite often. Myself I wonder where the process to decide different  number's are arrived at?

Many people prefer this Town Hall setting rather then a council three minute rule and being official meeting.

This meeting is open to all city resident's and I am sure if another subject comes up it will be addressed.

A good question to ask yourself, do you know the difference between a R1 and a R2?

Do you know the code about fences?

Garage size?

Pool size?

Don't start projects that in the end you will have to spend more money to conform to Code.

To bad the GOP can't find to rid themselves of Trump? Maybe TREXIT?

Seriously you thought you would get me to quit?

PCLS home sales.

Marion Ave.                          $64,260
Rockwood Dr.                       $35,500
Avery Terrace                       $25,000
Rivers Edge Ln.                     $201,000  ( possible not in PCLS district)


At June 26, 2016 at 3:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The low prices of so many of these homes selling in Painesville is shocking. We probably have former councilwoman Abby DelAmotte to thank for that in large part. She wanted our city and schools to be overrun by illegals, and she got it. Sadly, I'm a homeowner here, or I would have left long ago, and now look at what they've done to the prices of our homes and the worth of our city. I'm sure a big shout-out belongs to former councilman Joe Hada and former City Manager, Rita McMahon, too. It's kind of shocking what arrogant, incompetent people can do to a city, but here you have it. And while I'm at it, let me thank them all again for our high electric bills.

At June 27, 2016 at 5:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess it's TOO LATE to reverse the BLUE TOTE distribution...
Man, they are ugly ugly ugly. Would some enforcement of the same day rule ala "agent orange" get them out of sight ASAP. Painesville, be thankful you have lawn waste pickup. In the township they must transport they're leaves to the road department for disposal. They do pick up bundles of sticks occasionally.

At June 27, 2016 at 7:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No indoor furniture on the porch?

At June 27, 2016 at 12:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be glad for the blue, among-st our travels we saw some pretty pink ones. I wished for that color. The totes are smaller than the last ones also.

At June 27, 2016 at 12:25 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:45 Yes I see where your coming from. We must remember the three you mentioned also have property in our city. They have/will also take a hit.
The mistake the city made was letting Painesville become an 'open city' No codes or rules enforced on the many new residents. I did a story about a house on N. State (458) about 8 years ago. How even federal law was broken the house was being divided into numerous apartments and silence from city hall? Yesterday I drove past that house and there were nine cars in the parking lot.
Sorry I lay a lot of this at Ms. McMahon's feet.
5:45 Ugh? Look when I see those blue totes I see 'green' money saved in my pocket from being overcharged by WM for over 5 years!
7:11 I'd turn it in. Then we can look over your property.

At June 27, 2016 at 12:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

there's a house on N. ST. Clair I dont know the address but I've seen it, they turnedm just about the whole backyard into a parking lot and cars are parked diagonal to squeeze them all in. It looks like a store parking lot. I called republic waste to see if I'd automatically get a second can as I have two from waste management,I was told no only 1 per house I have to pay another 13 dollars for a second one per quarter, can't wait to see the messes from those many people households

At June 27, 2016 at 12:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are there no rules about yard sales?

Walnut at Liberty and Walnut at State Street are constant eyesore yard sales.
And whilst I'm at it, why are our utility poles starting to look like India. Un-maintained wire hanging every which way. AT&T and Time Warner charge a boatload for their services. Why can't they maintain their wire.

If they could hassle a judge about her lawn mowing, why can’t they enforce that on the tree lawns I see everywhere 1 foot high and more. Liberty at Walnut comes to mind.

At June 27, 2016 at 1:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding your posting in red, I have a question.
Would this not be a civil issue and not a criminal issue?
I mean, was there some sort of law broken where a police officer would be the "in charge" person?
Alternately, was it a City Ordinance that should be handled by the City Inspectors?
Doesn't seem like it is something the Police should be dealing with at all. This makes it look like the City is using them to give themselves some "muscle".

At June 27, 2016 at 7:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:48. I think what is happening with some of these houses, is that the people who live there charge rent for the vehicles of illegals who go back home for a while. So they have a car-storage business on their properties. It doesn't matter; they're illegal, so the city won't touch them, because we all know that the illegals can do anything in this's the legals who get screwed continuously.

12:25. We weren't technically being overcharged by Waste Management, we were being gouged by the city so they could get a kickback. It wasn't Waste Management's fault; it was probably a deal the city made them take if they wanted the contract. Then when the deal got found out, the city blamed it on WM and cancelled their contract. I feel sorry for WM, to be honest. And this seems a good time to thank City Manager Tony Carson (is that his name?) for screwing me on bag service from the new people. 5 bags are what...21.00? You have to buy them at City Hall, because he doesn't have the decency to care about the convenience of the citizens. I bought bags there, and they put it on your account so they can keep track of you. Is this Russia? Really, I must have missed something. This city sucks in so many ways. I bought a house here years ago, or I would have been long gone by now. The city made me regret the purchase before the ink was dry on the papers. And here we go again. Not having bags available elsewhere so everyone can get them that wants to is unacceptable, and the price is ridiculous. Carson, you do realize that you are here for the citizens, right?

At June 28, 2016 at 5:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You pay for extra cans elsewhere too.

At June 28, 2016 at 5:57 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:40 Don't know the why's but a $25.00 vendor permit solved the issue. Or does Painesville just have Judge issues?
7:39 I believe Republic wants to get rid of bags. Again leave me a note here and I will come get the money and buy you the bags.
5:27 As you should be. Most people in town get along fine with one tote if you need more pay for them, as you would for anything. You don't expect the city to charge everyone the same monthly on utilities? Use more pay more. If I mess or litter becomes an issue then Painesville inspectors should cite those in violation.

At June 28, 2016 at 6:50 AM , Blogger Jim said...

"And whilst I'm at it, why are our utility poles starting to look like India. Un-maintained wire hanging every which way. AT&T and Time Warner charge a boatload for their services. Why can't they maintain their wire."

Having been an employee of one of the mentioned companies, I am going to ask a very simple question.

How do YOU know who owns the wire/cable in question?

After all, it might be Painesville Muny or, depending on where it is, it could be a completely different vendor. Best to be sure before you throw stones.

If you are sure who's facilities they are, call them and make a formal request to get it taken care of. Note the date, time, and the person you speak with. Virtually all the poles in the City are Muny owned and if the problem is that of another company, Muny can make sure the work is completed.

Complaining on Term blog won't get it done.

At June 28, 2016 at 7:14 AM , Anonymous TERM>>? said...

6:50 As well as all Painesville Power poles are numbered. My favorite 'pole' is the first one on the corner of High and Liberty Street, that's got a real bend to it. I see more and more crooked poles?

At June 29, 2016 at 5:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 6:50.
(Pssst! Don't tell TERM his blog doesn't get results.)

Lemmie explain. As you said, muny owns most poles. I know the city cares about image. If the city got after the other utilities to clean up their act, things would look better. I would need to make, and follow up on, a hundred phone calls at least. Not happening. Oh, yes I do know what every wire and piece of hardware on a pole is, and who owns it, as I was also an employee of one of those utilities, driving a truck, climbing with gaffs and standing on ladders. All due respect to you, buddy.

At June 29, 2016 at 5:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That pole has character!

At June 29, 2016 at 7:52 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:28 In that case our whole town is loaded with 'character'

A note I have lost three or four comments somehow? If you don't see yours please resend.

At July 1, 2016 at 10:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That pole has a name 19673 show some respect!


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