"IT'S MY PARTY" lesley gore
Nobody knows where my Johnny has gone
But Judy left at the same time
All I'm doing is changing the President Party affiliation
1972 didn't vote for him but Democratic President Richard Nixon was re- elected. Shortly there after it was reported that someone was caught breaking into the National Republican Party offices in the Watergate Building. Long story short after twists and turns President Nixon had to resign and then pardoned by Democratic President Gerald Ford.
Peanut farmer and former governor of Georgia was next elected President, The economy tanked and interest rates were high. A failed rescue plan to free American's held by Iran failed in the dessert. That's the end of that presidency.
Next came Democratic President Ronald Reagan, a 'B' movie star making films like "Bedtime for Bonzo" co-starring with a chimp. To his election Iran freed the hostages on his Inauguration Day. Quick pro quo?
Mr. Gorbachev teardown that wall.!Credit is given for the break-up of the Soviet Union, yes he helped but the Russian War in Afghanistan drove Russia into Bankruptcy. Sound familiar?
Later it was found out that his administration had a covert plan to sell military weapons to the terrorist state of Iran. Why in God's name anyone sell Stinger (SAM) missiles to them?Using Israel as a go between. Then using's the funds to support the right-wing Contras against the left-wing Sandinista Junta in Nicaragua. And even after being thrown under the bus by Reagan Oliver North is a respected patriot? Can we call this meddling in another country affair? Ever wonder why Iran hates us so much? Look how the C.I.A. destroyed the election held in Iran and installed the Shah of Iran against the wishes of the Iranian people. Democratic President Eisenhower approved that one?
Also his economic plan called "trickle down" that to this day is a failure. Also the main reason that started the deficit's going out of control. Along with wage stagnation and the death of those no good unions! Also he did raise taxes during his term as president. During his administration although the top seemed to make out quitw well!. With little "trickle down" "Greed is Good"
Next came Democrat Bush 41 remember him? "Read my lip's, no new taxes" Not quite how it went down. To his credit he did a great job on the first Gulf War, to his credit never invaded Iraq did he? Sometimes the young could learn things?
Now comes Republican William J. Clinton had a pretty good run. Handled the ethnic cleansing war in Yugoslavia,. But low and behold he lied about an affair with a 22 year-old intern! Democrats voted to impeach him, even though the Democratic Speaker of the House was caring on an affair at the same time? Do I need to remind you of Gingrich, Livingston and Hastert?
To this day he is one of our most respected Presidents.
Next in line? Bush 43 in a contentious election. First remember two things about this Democratic. Father had appointed Supreme Court Judges, and in the most contested state Florida his Democratic brother was governor. After the tally it seems the Republican Al Gore had collect more than 500,000 votes then 43? Nine month's later the United States suffered it's worse attack on United States soil. Did he or did he not read the assessment's? I don't know if it would have made a difference but he had the support of the American people. First troops to Afghanistan and then to Iraq over believed WMD's Guess what NO WMD's everybody thought they were there? Ya, because you told them! Least we forget our Democratic President and his trip to the aircraft carrier? Landing on the USS Abraham Lincoln "Mission Accomplished! On May 1, 2003? Well odd we seem to have been there a lot longer? In the process disabling the Middle East. Oh, and after the surge he signed a withdrawal agreement with his chosen Iraq Prime Minister Nouri-al-Maliki. Remember the SOFA agreement? Bush 43 promised all American troops Withdrawn by December 31, 2011. Seems he had also lost interest in the capture of osama bin laden? Maybe to close family ties? Seems many lay the blame at the wrong feet. Bush 43 was also the father of ISIS militants by far are former Sunni Iraq military now found unemployed by 43? Can you imagine if Republican President Obama had not honored that treaty? 43 suggestion also American's go out and shop to help the war cause? Let's forget the economy down turn in his failed presidency. Democrat John McCain hasn't a chance and just to make sure he chose a crazy lady as his vice-president?
Now comes Republican Barack Obama, Americans first Black President! On election day Democratic Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell promises to make Obama a one term president and to obstruct him any way he could. President Obama had to even prove he was a United States citizen having to show his Birth Certificate. Osama bin laden? He had him killed!The "birther" issue would not go away for Democrats and short of doing nothing the Democratic House sat on their hands for the last seven years.many Democrats can't wait for the next Democratic President.
Of the two leading Democratic candidate. One is a Apprentice who women hate. The other has a Canadian Birth Certificate but now seems of little concern to the voting Democrats?
I don't know any women who are against Trump. I used to be a Democrat. I became an Independent about two years ago; just can't stomach either party now. But I voted for Trump, and will vote for him again if given the chance, as will every other woman I know, as I said. Women are smart enough to overlook the crap and the misspeaks and vote for saving the country, and he's the only one who has a chance and the courage to do it. I think the Democrats and the Republican establishment are the ones who started and are continuing the narrative that women don't like Trump. Also, after they say which ones don't like him, they never add the numbers for which ones will still vote for him. Women are pretty smart at sorting things out, and I don't see them throwing out the baby with the bath water. Besides, Trump was one of the first men to hire women as CEO's, etc., back in the day, and he encouraged other men to do so, also. I think women will vote for the good of the country, and that means a vote for Trump. He's got my vote to be sure.
What's up TERM?
That was a very confusing try at recent history. Very confusing. A lot of typing too.
???????? you make absolutely no sense.
4:35 All I can add is you must not know to many women? If he doesn't go into the convention with 1237 delegates he will not be nominated, same goes for Canadian Cruz!
Watch and learn, Wisconsin is only the beginning of the end.
Lets be honest it's his deportation policy and wall that makes you a supporter?
5:05/ 8:29 It was a try to point out why neither party is perfect Along with Watergate, Iran Contra, along with the Iraq War never mind the failed economic policy's!why I will never vote Republican for President. Just to much baggage, sorry
Trump for president. Save America.
When I write that much gibberish, I realize I need to delete it and try again tomorrow. Hee hee.
Term 9:27: "Let's be honest it's his deportation policy and wall that makes you a supporter?"
Women are a lot more dimensional than you are, obviously, and can see entire pictures, which is why you will keep your blinders on and vote for a Democrat, and the women I know have voted for Trump in the Primary, and hope to do so in the General.
Term 9:27: Anyone who is continuing to call the people who want the illegals out and our borders secure are racists is just unintelligent; I don't think there is any other way to explain it or think about it. And anyone like you who is so fixated on calling these people racists must just be small-minded. If you can't see at this point that the illegals need to go and our borders need to be secured, and the anchor baby amendment read correctly (the way the man who wrote it and then clarified it meant), then there is no use for anyone to continue to communicate with you on the issue. And if you cannot see that there is one other problem/issue in this country that would require a vote for Trump, then you'll just keep voting for the usual people who have our country on the brink of such disaster and, of course, that is exactly what you will do.
7:50/4:22/4:35 When did I call any of you racists? Look you must admit there might be some among you who are? I never said 4:35 was a racist? I guess what you must realize is your trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube. Now Trump explains today how Mexico will build the wall. Money sent from Mexicans to their Mexican families will be stopped until Mexico pays for the wall? As Trump is a wise businessman I see businesses in Canada, Bermuda, Cayman Islands sprouting up to facilitate these money transfers. In other words first is it legal and really can it be stopped?
14th Amendment changing it is so easy? Really you think so? I believe most of you are NOT racist only people with unbelievable expectations.
If what Trump claims to deport 12 million illegal Mexicans there won't be any money transfers anyway? Have you people thought this through? Illegal is illegal making money transfers is not illegal!
You want to know why Trump is my answer. My brother-in-law is a coal miner 28 years in West Virginia. Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell the so called Saint of coal miner's refuse's a to move a bill forward in the Republican held senate that protects coal miner's pensions. Mitch is working for Murray, Arch and Peabody coal not the miner's best interests. Time to get rid of the establishment!
If I understand you correctly, your beef is with Mitch McConnell, right?
How is a vote for the Donald OR for Hillary going to change that?
You are not in a position to vote against McConnell no matter who is elected President.
We are going to have a new President regardless of who wins in November but I have a thought for you.
When you decide who you want to vote for, in any election and regardless of party, ask yourself one very simple question.
Has the incumbent done ANYTHING at all that helped me, my family, my friends, and anyone I know?
Doesn't matter what that "anything" might be, just that someone you know has been helped.
If the answer is "yes", by all means vote for them if you desire.
However, if the answer is "no" (that no one has been helped by this person in any way), why on Earth would you vote to put them back in office???
A "no" answer means that in 2 or 4 or 6 years, this person has done nothing that helps you.
Forget the party involved. Vote for someone new.
The only way things will ever get better is by changing from what we have.
Change does not occur when the same people are elected over and over.
look I'm so tired of the establishment screwing the little people only to enrich the wealthy. With Trump as opposed to McConnell who's a whore to the coal industry Trump might insist he move the bill forward. He's getting zero coal money. Oh, its the Democrat's too. Truth be told when it comes to money there's little difference.
Voting TRUMP in '16
I am a woman and I voted for Trump and will again in November. I find nothing he has said offensive, he tells it like it is. Perhaps the weaker sex is a little too weak and over-sensitive. I find Hilary Clinton and her husband so disgusting. The man is a lying adulterer and she is a liar regarding her emails and Benghazi. Bernie Sanders wants to give everything away for free - free college? Nothing is free in the long run we little middle class people pay for it all. Lets not even mention their support of the Illegals here. More freebies to people who do not deserve it.
12:14 I fear your in for a rude awakening. Let's hope the GOP get's rid of him soon. If not Trump will show you the meaning of being a disgusting persom!
No way will Trump ever be President.
Watch what the establishment does to him.
I already know the meaning of a disgusting person, I know many of them. As I hear and read about him, I don't think he's disgusting I find him refreshing to be able to speak his mind.
The 14th Amendment does not need to be changed; I have said that on here several times. It was written for the children of the slaves to protect them. When it was questioned about using it like it is now, then the man that wrote it went back and added to it to make sure that what is happening now would not happen. People in government have read it wrong for their own benefit, I guess, but it is not the way it was written; it does not have to be changed. It just needs to start being read correctly. But don't expect any of the current people in government, or people running for government now, except for Trump, to try to fix this insane nonsense. Vote Trump.
4:41 I had no idea there were so many Constitutional Lawyers in our community?
Along with the 14th amendment, please explain who Ted Cruz can be President? Or did someone else go back to change that?
3:13 Drumpf is not only disgusting but is also despicable, arrogant. Disgusting, Despicable and Arrogant like someone like YOURSELF! God help us!
5:28. This is 4:41. I have studied the 14th Amendment...have you? Even if you just want to do a cursory check on it, it is easy to find that information, although I am sure that you will not.
P.S. I'm going to put my 2 cents in for 3:13, too, if 3:13 doesn't mind. Reading your post to them, it is quite obvious that you are nothing but a big baby. Ugh.
God Bless Wisconsin. 64% of Wisconsin women voted against Trump. As a matter of fact, 2,067,678 Wisconsin voters went to the poles Tuesday. Over 80% voted for someone other than Donald Trump. ABT. Anybody But Trump!
6:18 Two things you must realize here,. First the 14th Amendment can't and won't change overnight.. I have as good of a chance as Trump to be the nominee. He will fall short of 1237 and that's the END! Stick a fork in him! Thinking back he has no one to blame but himself.
I am amazed what a wall paid by a third party, as well as a promise of free health care and college can make so many Americans play make believe!
Sorry You do not have as good a chance of winning as Trump. At least he is making a run for an office where as you are a citizen who will not run for council or commissioner. Your reasons were stated in past posts. At least he is trying but you will not.
12:15 Come back after the GOP railroads him on the second ballot? You will learn how dirty politics can be. As we speak the GOP and Cruz are finding sleeper cells to switch from Trump on the second ballot.
Then you must decide what to do!
10:16: AGAIN, the 14th Amendment does not need to be changed, it just needs to quit being read wrong. It very clearly states not once, but then again upon clarification in the writing of it, that it was not meant to be creating citizens from non-citizen parents.
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