"I SAW IT ON TV" john fogerty
We gather round to hear the sound coming on the little screen
Monday's council meeting highlights.
Councilwoman Jenkins brought up channel 12. After a long discussion where nothing was resolved it became clear that Channel 12 has only a one and a half, two year life left to it. It is no longer supported by the cable company and the equipment is old and with lousy sound ,the big black square is signaling the end. Now if you are coming here you can also go to the city website and view council meetings at your convenience. But what about some of the people without computers? I guess they will be left in the dark?
As someone mentioned on this site. No Tom Fitzgerald or Lorrie DiNallo, both were excused by council.
The council renewed the application for farmland on Oak St.
Maplewood Basin resolution passed.
Also left on first reading Cashen Ready Mix is looking for a variance to build a Cement batching plant on W. Prospect St. sounds very promising.
Thomas V. Rapini who owns the property on Oak St. informed council that his home in Mentor serviced by First Energy has Net Energy Metering. This means he uses the power from his solar panels and any excess flows to FE and he uses it later or receives a credit for it. He wondered where Painesville was on solar energy and net metering? I can't remember when but I remember quite a while ago at AMP-OHIO request that Painesville would pass an ordinance to not allow this net metering? I am presently looking for the paperwork.
Ray Sternot brought up the refuse contract and questioned not only the method but also the information they were receiving from the haulers. Seems a lot of information with very little proof?
Ray also brought up the infamous $96,000 to the delight of everyone at the front table.
I questioned 955.18 where both the city manager as well as the law director believe that leaf pick-up can become the responsibility of city residents at the resident's expense. I asked if we are freeing up workers what new benefit can we expect? City manager Carson said that city workers can now be better utilized to repair streets.
I proceeded to ask where the city presently was with Checkbook Ohio? Finance director claimed he was looking into all the legalities of the program and soon make a presentation to council. It sure would be nice to see the cost of those sidewalks downtown?
I brought up the Painesville Senior Center and I was corrected. The city only provides the Senior Center with $25,000 annually and not $1,400 but only $1,200 a month. They seemed to no little more of the arrangement with the YMCA than the rest of us. Mr. Carson will see if someone on the Senior Board can come to the next meeting and explain what is in the future for the Senior Center. See let me explain in day's long passed the city contributed $18,000 to the Senior Center. The center came before council and asked for $7,000 more to replace windows at the center? Well council approved it and from that day forward it was a $25,000 expense,
There is still some opportunities for qualified residents to receive house painting. The reroofing is full up. Call Community Development for more information.
By now we have all heard about the terror attack in Brussels. For the life of me the Republican candidate's for President want our President to come home? Why, what can he do in the oval office that he can't do by phone or a video conference? If this was Boston I would agree but it's not. What these candidates are telling me is they can't chew gum and walk at the same time? Pure politics nothing else. I am sure Belgium can get any assistance from the U.S. they need no matter where the President happens to be.
If the President needed to be home. Trust me he would be home.
Kasich claims he can run the state while campaigning elsewhere. I don't know why he'd call for Obama to return to DC.
There is only ONE reason any government entity would not want to be on Ohio Checkbook they simply don't want the public to scrutinize their spending period.
Painesville City yearly brings us a plaque on what a wonderful job they do with our finances. Here is an opportunity to prove it.
Put up or shutup
I wonder if 955.18 can pickup the rubbish at city hall? namely the administration?
Best point yet!
We have an absentee Governor.
There isn't much difference at all.
Spot on!!
I don't care what Finance Director Andy Unetic recommends or what the CM favors. I will not vote for a candidate that does not support OhioCheckbook. Council members should stop treading water and vote for transparency.
Maplewood Basin? It's a real shame all of those trees were destroyed to make room for it. All of the nature that's destroyed too. For what? If anyone thinks a bowl in the ground back there is going to help flooded streets and basements; think again. But it is Painesville and all good things are destroyed for the good of the community, right?
1:16 I am as confused as you seem to be? What is the exact size of this basin?. Well with the trees gone we will hear the trains and gun range better? I don't get it?
Yes President Obama should hurry home to settle the dust up between Trumps wife nude picture and Cruz wife breakdown along a highway?
1:07 If you really feel that way you must explain this to the council people. As I have learned from past practice council goes with the administrations recommendation as a rule.
I would like to see a mayor here. I for one have seen and had enough of city manager and councils antics. Lets start by voting a person in then out if the residents are not happy. Once a city manager comes, they stay and cant be gotten rid of. As for council going with city administration recommendations? Why? Aren't they receiving a salary? Don't they have a brain of their own to figure if the manager isn't on board but its what the residents want they should do what the residents ask. If not, kindly remember them next election.
I'm not sure about a Mayor, but I will never vote for a City, County or State candidate who does not support Ohiocheckbook.
Does anyone here have any knowledge of Painesvilles charter? I thought there was a charter committee. I am looking to find out who and how to speak to the committee about charter changes. Any info in the right direction would help. Thanks
6:16 The Charter can be viewed on line at the city website.
You can put Charter changes on the ballot. Best person to contact and to the how's is Arlene Becks.
So you are standing on garbage? Perhaps the best way to fix this may be to change the ordinance. Have you thought of this? As a long time resident, 60 years, I have learned one cant fight city hall. I admire your chutzpah but I am planning my departure from this town within the next few years. I have had enough of the way the new city manager does business and how council blindly kowtows to him. If I am here for another election I will vote any new person running.
4:29 I truly hate to see you or anyone leave Painesville. Since you have been here 60 years you must realize that we didn't find ourselves in this position over the last three or four years?
Changing the ordinance? With this bunch it might be easier to change one of the 10 Commandments.
Don't be sad for me, be happy. The house has sold and I be going now. 4:29
:30 I'm not sad your leaving, I'm sad you seem to have been driven out? Best of luck in the future!
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