Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Well Sandy Point made an honest appraisal of our stormwater situation last night. Believing we should join the Tier II county program, adding $1.25 a month to our stormwater fee. One interesting note they made that at every ward meeting residents claimed they didn't trust the city with any more of their money. The city must  rebuild these bridges of trust. Tonight's meeting a Harvey will explain in detail the things we must do as a city to regain control of this stormwater situation.

The Party Center was not addressed, the owner did not attend the meeting.

During the visitor time I brought up something that's been bothering me for about a month. We passed an ordinance that Painesville will not turn on utilities to an address until the former bill is payed in full. Meaning that if Joe Blow signs up for utilities and leaves a deposit  and then skips out on a bill the new owner or tenant will have to pay that bill before utilities can be turned back on. Now I understand the city's desire to collect money owed to them but why and how is it the responsibility of a third party who had nothing to do with the contract between the city and the former resident? The city claim that the county auditor will not put a lien for utilities on the property makes no sense to me.
The city can't use the utility businesses in this manner in my way of thinking, I along with another person in the audience agreed this seemed illegal and had found herself  caught in this situation.
This along with the fact that look at the can of worms this opens up for property owners, new renters real estate agents. Also what about a business that locates in a former business location and is faced with a huge utility bill not of their making?
The city must operate the three city business as businesses and not make rules up as they go along.
Those three departments should not be used as weapons to get something they seem to be responsible for losing.

Another resident claims of the drug trafficking in his neighborhood along with growing certain plants right out in the open? He claimed that Painesville has enough black-eyes without turning a blind eye to this situation.

Oh, and I brought up the renegotiation between Painesville City and Concord Township with concerns to the JEDD. Seems it's secret in Painesville but everyone knows about it in Concord.
Now when I asked who was handling the negotiations for Painesville I was told former city manager Ms. Rita McMahon. When I asked if anyone from the administration or council were on the negotiating committee I was told no? Now as I know some of you believe Ms. McMahon is the greatest thing since sliced bread, I explained to council I for one questioned her negotiating skills. The hospital site remember Zaremba?. The old hotel? The $500,000 Ashlawn Battery Box building? Out promised Urgent Care Center? Along with the numerous AMP-OHIO projects she endorsed. Sorry she not the person I would want sitting on my side of the table.  Wonder if she's doing this out of the goodness of her heart or will the city be sending her a check, or Aislinn Consulting LLC a firm she owns? Why is this being done in this manner no paid administrator or council member? I have been told this agreement might include Painesville spending as much as 5 million dollars to run electricity out to the JEDD now how long will it take to recoup those costs if this is true?
Maybe all this is a misunderstanding?


At April 8, 2014 at 10:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree about the city charging new residents of a home/apartment/business for the electric bill of the previous occupant being wrong. When I heard that, I could hardly believe it. Who in the world thought of that, and who in the world ever heard of that before? I can't imagine that it is legal, and it certainly isn't moral.

For one thing, I have heard over and over that the Hispanics run up bills, then leave the location, change their names, and run up another bill elsewhere. This problem, in particular, is a problem that the city brought upon itself by inviting all the illegals here.

The problems with the illegals and any other tenants that do not pay their bills is certainly not the problem of the next occupant. I have just never heard of such a thing. Whose idea was this, anyway? It's unacceptable in my book.

At April 8, 2014 at 7:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quite a legacy was left wasn't it?
I have to wonder who made the decision to have her involved at all? Did Council make the decision or were they told that this is how it will be?
Why can't she just enjoy her retirement and just go away?
Don't we elect Council so they can represent us?
At the very least it should be the City attorney but, on second thought, that would be a bad idea too.
I think we are screwed!

At April 9, 2014 at 7:56 AM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

Oh no, I don't think there is any misunderstanding..... McMahon/Hada regime is far from gone. If a chart was presented to council will all the "deals" her administration signed this city up for maybe it would make an impact. I'm learning lip service and letter writing hold little sway but they do seem to love a good colorful pie chart or graph.

No questions asked and not one objection..... Amazing!

At April 10, 2014 at 8:52 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:56 couldn't agree more. now someone must have figured out how to get more cash out of the city?
What exactly is being renegotiated anyway? Maybe the promise to run power out to the JEDD with Painesville absorbing all costs? Remembers Mr. McHugh claim of 20 million still in the electric fund? I am sure First Energy will appreciate Painesville pirate actions? You wonder what FE thinks of Painesville Power between AMPGS Meigs Co. and Prairie State and operating a power plant that doesn't operate? Sure steal some of our business. Can't wait for the rollout on this mess.

At April 11, 2014 at 6:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's decision was it to appoint Rita as our JEDD negotiator? Was this an act of Council?

At April 11, 2014 at 11:39 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:27 The answer from council-president Hach " She's been there sine the beginning"

At April 11, 2014 at 12:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So am I to believe that council nor the adminstration hired her?
Can't wait for the deal she comes back with.
This never should never have happened. She quit us we didn't quit her anyway.

At April 11, 2014 at 12:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And that matters how???
That is about the lamest reason I have heard for keeping someone.
The Peter Principal at work.
Now that she is no longer "in charge", she could easily sell the citizens down the river and have no consequences to suffer for it.

At April 13, 2014 at 10:23 AM , Anonymous Info man said...

Alright. Just so all of you can really get something right here goes..... Rita was on the JEDD board when she was city manager , she retired but had to finish her term on the board. When her term expires a new person will need to be put in that position. In short she is finishing her term.

At April 14, 2014 at 3:42 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:23 So she resigned from, being Painesville's city manager but couldn't resign from the JEED Boad?
So I can assume she's not getting payed? What exactly are Painesville and Concord Twp. renegociating? Plus why isn't a city council member in on the talks? You would think one might be.

At April 14, 2014 at 4:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Info Man,

"had to finish her term"?
Why would that be? She could easily retire/resign from the Board.
After all, she no longer represents the City in any official capacity. Why would the Council want her there?
Since you are apparently in the know, when does her "term" expire?

"a new person will be put in that position"
How confident are you about that?
Who will appoint them?
What makes you so sure that this Council, that doesn't know why she is there, will appoint someone else?

At April 15, 2014 at 6:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rita is serving as a liaison to the City - she is not making final decisions without direction from administration and council. She attends the meetings and comes back to the current administration with information. Should decisions have to be made at these meetings, another representative would be sent.

At April 16, 2014 at 6:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Should decisions have to be made at these meetings, another representative would be sent".

Again, I have to ask, if she can't make any decisions, why is she the City representative?? Why not just send the person who does make the decisions?
She has such a great track record as a negotiator doesn't she?
What a waste of time, space, and air. This is the "good 'ol boy" network through and through.

At April 18, 2014 at 7:30 PM , Anonymous DUH said...

TERM>> said...
10:23 So she resigned from, being Painesville's city manager but couldn't resign from the JEED Boad?
She RETIRED NOT RESIGNED. You know that, just stirring the stuff again aren't you? Tell the truth, duh.

At April 19, 2014 at 9:18 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Retired fine, I'm corrected. Now is she getting paid for Concord negotiations? If so why? No competent people on the city payroll?

At April 19, 2014 at 1:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No she is not paid position

At April 21, 2014 at 8:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is not being paid is a non paid position

At April 21, 2014 at 2:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What difference does the fact that she isn't "paid" make?
Does a position like this steer contracts to her consulting company?
Does it steer business to any company that she does business with, did business with, is owned by friends of hers?
Bottom line is that she didn't do a good job before and there is no reason to expect anything to change or improve.
Council should have a better handle on this.


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