Monday, April 7, 2014


Three housecleaning items on the agenda. ( Maybe step raises?)

Addressing Prairie State Energy Campus

CSX Railroad and Heisley Park

Sandy Point will make a presentation.

One interesting item, a Public Hearing on allowing a commercial building on W. Prospect ( Street  Behind the power plant) to be used as a "Party Center". Well we will at least know where "Sherman" and the rest of the police department can be found on weekend nights?


Speaking of Sandy Point


Tuesday, April 8, 2014  at 6:00 p.m. in the Hanlon Room at Harvey High School located at 200 W. Walnut Street Painesville,OH

Sandy Point Environmenta lwill be presenting a detailed analysis of what is needed to address the stormwater needs of the City. They will also be presenting recommendations on the establishment of a sustainable, viable and cost effective approach to addressing the City's stormwater concerns.


At April 7, 2014 at 1:08 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Well someone left a comment about illegal immigration. in the
New York Times today. The article mentioned Painesville. Hey we're big time.
Go to Immigration Draft 12/03/13 for the link

At April 7, 2014 at 2:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, if you need a good laugh today, go to the press release web site and look who won awards today.
As you have claimed numerous times "you can't make this stuff up"

At April 8, 2014 at 7:43 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:00 What? Our electric plant gets an award? I have to guess efficiency wasn't part of the criteria? This is supposed to make us feel better?
Ask yourself does it?

At April 9, 2014 at 6:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

One interesting note about the party center is that the Planning Commission turned the request down BUT the applicant apparently has the right of appeal to Council.

At April 10, 2014 at 8:37 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:11 You are correct.
Why council would go along with this idea is beyond me?


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