"BACK IN THE U.S.S.R." beatles
You don't know how lucky you are!
Have received my latest edition of the Painesville Pride (Pravda) ...came early this month? Must be due to the election this coming Tuesday.
O.K. you asked... what's your complaint?
Well, over a year ago, I asked if I could write an editorial about Painesville's involvement with different AMP-OHIO deals. I was told they didn't print editorials. Odd, on page three of this month's Painesville Pride, low and behold a Letter to the Editor: A letter by Shirley Oderisin-Fees ( a former city employee) proposing the passage of the three city levies on the ballot Tuesday.... but what happened to the no editorial policy? Look, Mrs. Oderisin -Fee has the right to express her views, God bless her, but only if your views are in line with who's?
Look below the mast on the front page is the logo of the City of Painesville. On the second page in the left-hand bottom is this statement 'The Painesville Pride is a monthly publication serving Painesville, and is distributed to residents in the City of Painesville. Views expressed in the articles of this publication do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Lake Community News. Published by Lake Community News in cooperation with the City of Painesville.
Lake Community News reserves the right to refuse any ad or article'.
Hardly a newspaper.
Does anyone in this town know what a scam this publication is? Well, I mentioned this to Councilman Flock and his answer was 'have you ever seen a comment from me in the Council Corner?' It is what it is.
This is all fine until the day Mrs. Oderisin-Fees wants to print a letter that doesn't agree with who?
Then what?
Does the city provide any financial backing to this paper? If so, how much and with money being so tight right now I wonder if could we spend our money on a better venture.
It would be interesting to view the invoices sent to Citizens for Better Roads for the full back pages two months in a row.
And that is why we refer to it as The Painesville Prvada!
The Soviet Union did a masterful job of propaganda! A few other regimes I can think of too.
So much for freedom of speech and the press!
Not one city dime should go to finance this paper. People wonder where the waste is?
I'm with you regarding how "Painesville Pride" is a scam. Very rarely does it contain any information of value and/or interest; the vast majority of its content are advertisements separated by filler articles that are the intellectual equivalent of Styrofoam. The only "Pride" the paper's publishers probably have is in how much advertisement money they rake in each month. It's a shame that Painesville doesn't have a truly independent newspaper, one that allows debate and dissent with City Hall and its policies; then again, advertisers would probably avoid it, fearing retribution from the Golden Dome.
Seems like we are in agreement. Not one dime from the city coffers should be used it support this paper.
It's excellent crate liner for our puppy!
Council has a schedule for who does the article each month - perhaps Mr. Flock should start submitting an article during the month it is his "turn" to do so? Kind of like the Safety Committee that he didn't know he was a member of.
5:21 He has submitted articles and has told them if you change anyhing don't put my name on it!
Writing a fluff piece to this "paper" is not included in the charter of our city of duties of a council member. You want to blow smoke go ahead. Either is being asigned to a committee. Mr. Flock is kept busy enough with concerns of residents.
My guess, my guess would be to tell you to screw his "turn" I might be wrong.
11:47 The question is how much are you being charged for that liner?
Trust me, Mr. Flock is not spending his time helping the residents. That's not my experience in over 20 years, nor is it anyone else's that I know. And it would be just like him to think that he doesn't need to be on a committee because it's not in the charter. And he never did think it was his duty to write a review on Rita McMahon, our former city manager, either. I certainly hope we are changing things around here now, and that in two years, Flock will be voted out.
8:22 Lets say Andrew was taught as a young child, "if you can't say something nice about someone don't say anything at all?"
How do you write a review on someone if you don't work with them daily?
I haven't recieved a Painesville Pride Newspaper in years. I thought they stop printing. Am I the only one??? Does everyone get the P'ville Pride, my 2 neighbors told me they don't get the paper either. I hope the City isn't paying for delivery to all residents. we're getting ripped off.
I thought that was the purpose of your blog. To inform the people of Painesville the truth as well as oppossing views?
Keep up the good work, The city needs an honest broker.
Term 3:39: OMG! When you are the boss, it is your job to write a review on someone, whether it's a good review or a bad review, so that excuse is absurd.
And he complained about her and her policies, but he wasn't with her during the day, so he couldn't write a review???!!! Give me a break. How about writing a review on her results and lack of them. Like AMP-OHIO, for example. Don't back up his nonsense with more of the same nonsense. It doesn't make sense or fool anyone when HE says it, and it doesn't make sense or fool anyone when YOU say it.
The only time I ever agreed with Hada (Council President), was when he said Flock was derelict in his duties, and he was right. I think he said it in reference to not writing yearly reviews for McMahon, but there are certainly several other reasons that could be pointed out.
Flock's got a serious passive/aggressive problem for one thing, and he does not belong in charge of anything, in my opinion.
Anyone who is thinking of running for Ward I in two years, please do.
6:39 Flock has a serious passive/aggressive problem? Look in the mirror.
You have a problem with the way councilman Flock does his job. Run against him.
3:56 Consider yourself lucky. You didn't miss anything.
3:59 Yes that is the reason. Look overnight the pageviews on the blog. went over 250,000 someone is looking in.
This is 6:39. Sorry, nothing about me is passive/aggressive. I have never taken a job I did not do 100%. I don't play games within the jobs I have taken, and I have never played sickening passive/aggressive, or any other games, with people in my business or personal life. I'm as straight-up as they come. Trying to throw back Flock's personal problems with his personality and behavior back onto me to take away the spotlight from him isn't going to work. Nor is making the statement that if I don't like him, that I should run against him. I never took the job and then didn't do it properly. Nothing about him not doing his job properly is my fault, and no amount of throwing it back on me is going to work.
1:28 Then my suggestion is to talk to him, if that doesn't work run against him.
I've been a supporter of John Murphy for years and have voted for him when I had the opportunity. I believe he lives in my Ward now, and I would like to be the first to encourage him to run for Ward 1 Councilman in 2015. Mr. Flock has been there too long. We need a change. John would be a hands on Ward Councilman. I believe he would review the City Manager annually. I believe he would participate in City Committees. I believe he would be pro-active. VOTE FOR MURPHY IN 2015 FOR WARD 1 COUNCILMAN
This is 3:56, I don't feel lucky. I feel ignored and disappointed that the City would brag about delivering the Painesville Pride and then not deliver. Is the City paying for door to door delivery? If they are we are getting ripped off!
7:09 I don't think theres a snowball in Hell chance of Murphy running against Flock.
7:14 Call city hall.
This is 1:28 to Term 1:39. Talk to him? I've done that one too many times already. Run against him? Again, it's not my job to run against him because he won't do his job. Also again, don't throw it back on me because Flock is grossly inadequate.
To 7:09: Is Murphy in Ward 1? Boy, I hope so, and if so, I hope he has one more run left in him. He would have been in office already, I am sure, had it not been for Hada and his bunch trying to ruin him in previous elections, and pulling 11th hour lies, etc. This city really needs him, and I am saddened that he did not win.
Thanks for running, Murphy, and please consider another run in two years.
It would be great if John Murphy would run again, watching him loose an election 5 times would be awesome
10:50 I can understand you not liking me, but I must have been out of town the day John Murphy did something to the rest of you? I have a theory but please feel free to comment on what causes all this negativity against him?
9:01 I made a mistake instead of talking to him try listening. O.K.
Something he can doand something he can't. Here's a thought after the first of January bring your problem to Mr. Fitzgerald maybe he can fix it for you?
This is 9:01 to Term 3:11. Okay, you're going to have to finish your "I go insane and act like a baby and say baby things every time someone criticizes Flock" game all by yourself. I'm out. And by the way, I didn't vote for Fitzgerald, but anyone would be better than Flock. With Flock, you might as well talk to a stone. He's a real creep who has every excuse in the book for not doing his job and a friend who gets equally as creepy every time someone points it out. Hopefully these next two years will be the last two years we will have to put up with him. Now let it go. You can be friends with the creepy, game-playing, passive/aggressive, poor-excuse-for-someone-in-charge guy if you want to, we just don't want him as a council person. Let him slither around and act creepy in his personal life; he has no business staying on council when he never has done his job. And you should just learn to let it go when someone criticizes him; you don't do him any favors by disputing the facts, and acting like a baby over him. He's weird. He has a few followers that he has fooled, it's true, but most people feel about him like I do, meaning we want him gone. Want to keep going?...show me all those reviews of McMahon he did. "He doesn't know what she does during the day," and "if you can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything at all"...give me a break.
7:33 Is someone paying you to screw with me? Look I'm not going to change your mind and your not going to change mine. There are other council people you can speak with. although I believe none of them will satisfy you. Get a boyfried or husband and bother them. Me I'm done. I believe I have told you this before?
7:33 Is someone paying you to screw with me? Look I'm not going to change your mind and your not going to change mine. There are other council people you can speak with. although I believe none of them will satisfy you. Get a boyfried or husband and bother them. Me I'm done. I believe I have told you this before?
TERM,7:56am, how do you know this is a woman? You say get a boyfriend or husband, not a girlfriend or wife? So how do you know this is a woman? Just curious. They posted as anonymous. Can you tell by how it comes through to you?
Term 7:56. YOU tell ME that YOU'RE done? That's funny. I agree with a blogger concerning a post about Flock, and you go into 20 entries with me about it, and start to attack me personally, as you always do. YOU should have never started to begin with.
And me?...been with the same man well over 20 years now, since you seem so concerned about it. And you?...been with the same woman all that time?...didn't think so.
To the very adamant poster against Mr. Flock; I liked just about all you said with the exception of putting Murphy in. No Way. I think he's just about as bad as Flock. I am curious though I've witnessed his behavior but what are these personal life situations you speak of?
As for not writing a review for the former CM, your answer "How do you write a review on someone if you don't work with them daily?" Very Lame. It was and is part of his job and if he can't or won't do his job then he should be GONE. He worked with and knew Rita for many years and he made it very clear he did not like her. That was his only reason. Also lame that if he wrote an article and something had to be changed they couldn't attach his name to it? What was he afraid of bad spelling or grammar? Those would have to be changed and you'd be hosed here with all of your spelling and grammar errors.
10:19 After you do this awhile you can spot certain styles. Got lucky with this one. No secret.
11:51 that man your are married to is a Saint!
I would have lasted about 20 minutes with you. Are we finally over?
2:22 Well what if his reviewed said as far as I can tell she sucks at her job. Would that have made you happy?
The spelling and grammar isn't the problem I believe would be the content. Think they would want him to inform residents about the fiasco with AMP-OHIO?
along with some other items?
Term 3:35. This is 11:51. Yes, he's a good guy, and you're a slug. You have to get personal and disgusting every time I say I am unhappy with Flock. There are a lot of other people who say they are unhappy with him here, too, so I'm not the only one who is waiting for him to get his butt out of that chair. As for that 20 minutes...I don't associate with slugs -- not even for 20 minutes.
4:10 I'm going to regret this, but a Slugette would be the first to know a Slug? GUESS IT AIN'T OVER UNTIL THE FAT LADY SINGS?
Term 4:23: You're too sickening for ME. You win. Careful. You're character is showing.
Flock could be a good guy, however, as far as the city he will do anything to put it down He has lied over the years to us as his constituents and delayed things getting fixed to show boat at council meetings. It might be nice, since his main angst is gone or going, to grow up and when we do call him with a concern he actually brings it to the city admin asap and not wait for to cry at the next council meeting. Time to grow up
4:03 Is it showboating to make the people here aware of how badthe problems are?
Ask someone else to bring it up?
So again I ask, what are Mr. Flocks "personal" woes? It's been brought up please finish it for the rest of the audiance.
This is 7:09, I'm going to repeat what I said before. VOTE JOHN MURPHY FOR COUNCILMAN IN WARD 1 IN 2015. Lets encourage John to run one more time. We need a hands on, pro-active Councilman. It would be a class act if Mr Flock stepped aside and endorsed John Murphy.
6:31 The only personal woes are in your mind.
7:09 A class act would be for you to identify yourself and ask him yourself to step aside. Checked with John and under no circumstance would he ask Flock to step aside. My goal was to serve on the same council as Andy not to replace him was his comment. Again you are a piece of work.
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How anyone would think that 10:19 wasn't s woman, what man whines like that? A piece of cheese please.
Now she claims that she has been with the same man for twenty years? Well I have been married to the same woman for almost twenty-five, Is she married? Look she wants more of a commitment from a councilman then the main man in her life. Better yet she should just get a life and quit with the stupid ideas she bring to your blog.
4:46 You said we were done? I'm holding you to your word. Sorry
interesting comments here. Interesting too, the timing of the comments. Small town politics is extremely dirty. But one good thing, even anonymous voices become known.
The timing of the slamming of Flock is interesting for many reasons. Why not call him out on this forum prior in such fashion?
I am suspicious the Passive Aggressive rant against Flock is actually spewed by a derivative of Hada.
With such vehement comments the only rational course of action is to do as term suggests, call him (Flock) out on his behavior in a public forum. The Next Council meeting would be a great opportunity. To the anonymous P/A Flock hater take your frustration and go to the next council meeting and use your 3 minutes to let it all out. I am sure Hada would love to witness this on his last meeting. Isn't this what democracy is all about anyway. Just get up there and have your say! (meanwhile the voter turn out in Painesville....wow.. that really was poor)
9:52 Great idea! Won't happen do to the fact whispers are what work in this town.
As far as the voter turnout it's called apathy that or everyone is satisfied?
Apathy.... Here is what I don't understand. Does your basement flood, does car suspension need fixed, do you pay taxes, do your kids go to public schools, do you pay utility bills?
If you answered YES to any of the above then you have a dog in this fight.
Oh then you must be giddy with excitement to get home every night!
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