Monday, October 14, 2013

"RUNNIN' DOWN A DREAM" tom petty

Seems AMP-OHIO / OMEA will be having their annual conference at the Hilton  Columbus at Easton this October 28-31.
Their will be a Prairie State Participants Meeting  at 4:30 on Monday the 28th.

Lets hope some of our council people take the opportunity to spend at least a day in Columbus to see if they can get some answers and at the same time invite someone in authority from AMP-OHIO to address us at a council meeting.

I  am sure participants at this meeting will be greeted with a Rosy picture of  Prairie State Energy Campus. I hope the explanation of levelization is brought up and explained as well as Councilman's Flock energy power cost of $104.04  MW price he explained at the last meeting. Council-President Hada in his rebuttal to Councilman Flocks presentation mentioned the level of performance was higher than the goal of 82% we need to find out the if that number is correct. If it is why is the power costs so high and why the need of 'levelization'?

Council-President never argued with the cost of $104.04 during the presentation, you have to wonder why? A month earlier when I mentioned $104.04 he claimed my facts were wrong. Why the change this month?
Presently I( believe affordable energy from Prairie State is just that a 'DREAM'


At October 15, 2013 at 8:55 AM , Anonymous Gal in Galion said...

Horray! Galion,Ohio was informed by Amp that the stranded, sunk costs for AMPGS will reach 113 million dollars. Money we don't have.

At October 20, 2013 at 12:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Galion is looking forward to how your council deals with this.

At October 21, 2013 at 7:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

THAT,S why JOSEPH is leaving city council ALL his BLUNDER'S ARE catching up to him. JUST ADD THE POWER PLANT TO THE LIST.


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