Friday, October 11, 2013


At Wednesday POC meeting city manager Anthony Carson held up a book. ' Reinventing Government' he claims this is his Bible on running a city. The book is authored by David Osbourne and Ted Gaebler first published in 1993.


Chapters include

Catalytic Government: Steering Rather Than Rowing

Community Owned Government: Empowering Rather Than Serving

Competitive Government: Injecting Competition Into Service Delivery

Mission-Driven Government: Transforming Rule-Driven Organization

Results-Oriented Government: Funding Outcomes, Not Inputs

Customer-Driven Government: Meeting the Needs of the Customer, Not the Bureaucrats

Enterprising Government: Earning Rather Than Spending

Anticipatory Government: Prevention Rather Than Cure

Decentralized Government: From Hierarchy to Participation and Teamwork

Market-Oriented Government: Leveraging Change Through the Market

We will see how well Painesville follows the City Manager's Bible.

I can't get over all the foul mouthed comments about the different signs in the city.

First I am the PERSON with the NO$ but I bet you knew that already.

Arlene Becks well Re-Elect / Return maybe a s-t-r-e-t-c-h

Tom Fitzgerald bragging, showing off, advertising his business

They all did there job, they got your attention

I had numerous mentions of Counilwoman-at-Large Lori DiNallo attending the HOLA rally last week.
I missed this one but two city residents claim that she claimed to have come from behind the Gazebo and was introduced by Verconica Dalhberg. Two people mention she said she will do all in her power as a councilwoman to promote Comprehensive Immigration Reform.  Ms. Dahlburg asked if Painesville Council could pass a resolution? Mrs. DiNallo said she would talk to other Council Members. Look no matter where you stand on this issue at least she has the guts to stand up for something. That's whats needed on council people with conviction. Now if she only would promise to serve on council for the next four years?

DUI charges? If you got them I'll post them.O.K.

Do any of you like to have a candidate night for candidates running for Painesville School Board  before the election?


At October 11, 2013 at 11:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes .. city officials kids from communities that signed up to Prairie State have received college scholarships from AMP.

The mayor of tiny new Bremen Ohio on the western side of the state kid received a scholarship from. NO community anywhere bought a higher percentage of power from AMP than this village did. He was the village council president and village minutes show he pushed the contract through the village with questions brushed aside. Now he is the mayor and refuses to answer questions about the deal and kickback to WEWS and the Columbus Dispatch.

City finance director of Hudson Ohio for the last 15 years his kid received a college scholarship from AMP. Nobody in a city has more influence on decisions like these AMP contracts than a city finance director.

Numerous city official left their communities o go work for AMP " AFTER " their respective communities signed onto these contracts .. quid pro quo deal.

Galion city finance director quit his job, sold his home and went to work for AMP.

This will be the next BOMBSHELL the press will run with about AMP- ENRON.

At October 12, 2013 at 8:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

DUI can lead to killing a person

At October 12, 2013 at 12:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only one CONFUSED in Painesville is you!

At October 12, 2013 at 3:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The current immigration system is broken. If candidate DiNallo pledged to promote Comprehensive Immigration Reform then she has my vote!

At October 13, 2013 at 8:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, are you even able to vote this year? You moved a while ago and are still registered at your old place. Would it be fraud if you try to vote?

At October 13, 2013 at 8:34 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

We need more than I heard, would like to see some proof of city employees children receiving scholarships?
This is a practice AMP-OHIO should change. It should include everyone, but if everyone doesn't know?
The one person you mentioned worked for Painesville but didn't live in the city? How does this work?

At October 14, 2013 at 6:58 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:32 When and where did I move to?
Look for some reason the only people that might think I moved are people working in the utility department in Painesville. some of my mail is being forwarded to my daughters new address. The post office was notified but they still send my utility bill to her?
If your so concerned file a complaint with the election board.

At October 14, 2013 at 7:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone should ask the save our street committee where that sink hole they are now advertising is located in Painesville? Saturday I received a full color photo of it. If this wasn't so chilish it might be funny.

At October 14, 2013 at 7:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They just Wish you would move. Your screwing to many things up for them.
I have to ask why did your boy for council remove your NO$ from his yard?

At October 14, 2013 at 11:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There use to be 2 AMP-Ohio Scholarships, not sure if they are still available. The AMP-Ohio Richard H. Gorsuch Scholarship Program simply required the student to be related to an employee of the Electric Division [or an elected official].
The AMP-Ohio Lyle B. Wright Scholarship program is open to students of any rate payer of the Electric Division. I "heard" that some out of area students took advantage of the Employee/Elected Official Program. I don't believe that the other program was ever promoted.

At October 14, 2013 at 1:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares if a council person is for immigration reform. Entire States can't do anything about because the Feds block them. What is a city rep. going to accomplish? They need to worry about city business. That seems to be more than they can handle as it is!

At October 14, 2013 at 6:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think DiNallo needs to be watched carefully to make sure she isn't promoting legalizing people who are breaking our laws, let alone if she is going to promote, in any way, the illegals already in OUR city, or condone bringing in more. I don't know that she is doing any of these things, I wasn't there, but I'd be really curious about what she actually said, or what she thinks her and Dahlberg are going to cook up together.

Having said that, I will still vote for her (and keep an eye on her), since the only alternative is Arlene Becks and DiNallo has done some good things for Painesville. I am against all Hada-backed people on council, but still feel she is the best choice considering who is running against her.

But what we don't need is another politician trying to give away our city or country for the votes (or for friends). If she wants to do any work on the illegals, then let her uphold our laws, and get them out of this country and back into their own -- they found their way in, and they can certainly find their way out. She can start with Painesville.

At October 15, 2013 at 11:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:28 sorry there is nothing she can do about people who don't belong here ... That is the job of the Feds and they are closed right now. You need go be talking to those inDC sitting in the big white buildings, they have the power that's if they can reopen the fed gov. . Best luck on that

At October 16, 2013 at 4:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 6:28. The only reason I mentioned DiNallo in connection with the illegals is because it sounds like she and Dahlberg are going to try to do something to help the illegals, which would be illegal, and I want to make sure she is not going to attempt that. Our city is filled with illegals because of past council members (most notably Abby DelaMotte and Bill Horvath)that worked in conjunction with Dahlberg, so I want to make very sure that there are no more of THOSE shenanigans going on in this town. Nobody in our city, state or federal government should be promoting anything illegal. You are right, and we do not seem to be able to control the federal government fools, but we can watch our local government to make sure no more harm is done to our city (or country) by people like Dahlberg, who is an American, but seems to be hell-bent on giving our country away to people of other countries -- most notably Mexico. I would again urge Dahlberg to go to Mexico to help the people THERE fix their OWN country and march on their OWN government. Or perhaps she could sell out her own home or belongings to the illegals, and leave our city and country out of it. If DiNallo wants to help the illegals break more American laws, then I suggest instead of selling out our city or America, that she accompany Dahlberg on that mission to Mexico to help them fix their own country so that they can stay there, albeit they won't have all the free handouts they have here at OUR country's expense. But again, if Dahlberg or DiNallo want to give the illegals all of THEIR belongings, I think that would be a very kind gesture...just leave the rest of us out of it.

At October 17, 2013 at 12:31 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:18 If they didn't mention Asian Carp chances of Mrs. DiNallo getting council to do anything is a stretch.
That said both of these woman have a right to their own opinion and we can agree or not with them.
Dahlberg for one is not an honest broker.

At October 18, 2013 at 6:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It says a lot about DiNallo if she is willing to associate/help/promote Dahlberg who in your own term is "not an honest broker". I don't think it will be an issue. DiNallo will never get in again running against Arlene. She is loved. I don't think she is a good councilperson, but she is loved.

At October 18, 2013 at 9:53 AM , Anonymous I have to choose? said...

Look it seems many people have told me they will leave that voting choice blank.
How is Arlene loved?
I don't know if Lori knows who she's dealing with. V.D. will throw her under the bus.

At October 18, 2013 at 1:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 4:18. As worried as I am about DiNallo's association with Veronica Dahlberg, I still hope she gets in. We'll just have to keep an eye on her. At least DiNallo has done some positive things for Painesville, like stop the crazy city inspection lady from trespassing all over people's properties and looking in their windows, etc. Until then, it didn't matter how many citizens had their rights violated, because council not only wouldn't budge on the issue, they promoted it. On the other hand, I hope the citizens will remember just how useless Arlene Becks was in office; how she just like to hear herself talk at council meetings, never really accomplishing anything; how the job went to her head, and how she never did do anything to help anyone or anything, and I do believe she voted yes for these horrific AMP deals. I wouldn't let her balance my checkbook, so I hope she doesn't get another term in office.

At October 19, 2013 at 3:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 8:25,
why the statement DUI could kill someone. Did something happen I didn't read in the no news?

At October 19, 2013 at 8:31 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:14 Someone keeps making allegations of someone running for council having DUI's?

At October 21, 2013 at 5:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone running for council have a DUI and killed someone? If so they should be in prison for life!!!!

At October 21, 2013 at 7:50 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:07 No, just an allegation of a DUI.


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