I thought maybe the blog. could help find Painesville's oldest Municipal Electric user since they are planing some celebration to have this year on the 125th anniversary of this endeavor.
I'm to believe the person has not to be born here but has used the Painesville power the longest.
So if your 90 year old mother who lived in Madison for the first 80 years of her life is not what it appears they are looking for. You might have a family member or a neighbor that you know fits the profile of what they are looking for.
On other electric news a resident called me today and asked what " I" was going to do about the three city electric trucks sitting down at the end of old Rt 86 near St. Mary's Cemetery? Nothing. I informed them if they could either call City Hall or a councilperson. My suggestion to the city is instead of bright red trucks maybe they could paint them in camouflage colors? Maybe it's time to find a new hiding place guys?
Having been in similar positions to you, I am always amazed at the number of people who want someone else to go to bat for them.
I have no idea if the trucks were for a reason or not but, do your own "dirty" work.
LOL ... Galion city employees do the same things .. except they go bowling, bars, shopping on city time. If they are not disconnecting people they are loafing.
New Mayor and incoming city council will install GPS tracking devices on all city vehicles ... the workers are pissed about it. They were told to quit then.
Look I realize there are down times when well there waiting for the next transformer to blow. I know the lady that called me it was not so much that they weren't working but why are they hiding? Out of site out of mind? Look park at the electric plant and no one knows what your doing. Not at RediGo, behind Chestnut Convenient Rec Park or in a secluded place.
My elderly neighbors told me today that the last two council meetings had no sound?
I watched the council meeting on the city site and there was sound? Who's in charge of Ch.12?
Question: Does the Painesville's Municipal Electric Plant, produce any electricity?
1:42 I don't believe they are producing power presently. The plant is on "standby"?
12:53 Have them call Jennifer Bell. The best way to view this is the way they run channel 12 is pretty much how the city is run.
Hiding? Really? They frequent the local RediMarts for their breaks and lunchtime. To think those big red trucks are hiding is foolish.
Why not call electric distribution and find out? You've got us curious for the answer since you brought it up here.
What were those trucks doing at the end of old Rt.86 @2:00pm?
Electric Distribution? Maybe the call should be how many people does it take to run an non-operating plant?
Back in your court PCW.
Look if your smart don't try to rip the scab off of this.
Really......? These electric guys risk their lives everyday so you can sit in your warm house and type negative comments on your computer about them! Wow, have a little respect! I think they do a great job keeping the lights on! Who really cares where they park as long as the lights are on! Not too many people in line to do this type of work! You have NO idea! I think they should get a raise in pay, and be able to park anywhere they want to!
Really....? Do you have any idea the number of people who risk their lives everday? From the frontline troops in Afganistan to the clerk that mans the all night Speedway so you can buy gas at 3:00 in the morning. These professional electric workers chose their jobs. No one drafted them. Let's think about this. The city can't start to make line repairs until the storm has passed and they receive the all clear. If their doing repairs in the middle of an electric storm their breaking the law.
The problem is not the job they do it's just seems deceitful to hide in the middle of the day.
The line for their jobs might be longer than you might believe. Alone with the number of private contractors the city hires to do some of the work? This just doesn't seem like an efficent way to run this department. Now how many people does it take to run a power plant that doesn't produce power?
Professionals don't have to and shouldn't hide on dead end roads.
I would like this conversation to drop. Nothing good will come out of it.
Tony Torre?
No the statue is not Tony Torre. There either Cain or Able. Although I believe Tony went to school with Cain and Able.
You open the can of worms then demand it dropped? Sounds like you got to the bottom and couldn't find a scandal so sweep it under the rug now? Eh? What Gives?
6:04 Do you really want me to go to a council meeting and ask the administration why three city utility trucks were at the new Shell gas station at Liberty and Bank St. for over 15 minutes then proceeded to proceed at 2:00pm to old RT.86 that ends just past St.Marys Cemetery. Do you know how long they were there? I mentioned on Feb.11 to drop this you seem to believe there is nothing wrong with this? Not a scandal but would you really want to proceed? Tell us who you are. If this is not true please tell us the truth.
You are the one reporting their where-abouts here, in public. Either you or your possee friends are tracking them and still reporting it.
If you want it to go away you & company would get a life and stop tailing city workers.
I will tell people to quit tripping over them. I wonder how many share your views?
I will tell people to quit tripping over them. I wonder how many share your views?
I don't! For many years I've watched public service employee's take advantage of their employer's,US. Now most of us have a phone on us that can even tape. the next time I see this I will send it to the administration and ask for action.
We need public employee's just not the unionized lazy ones.
Hey, 3:13 Instead of hiding the brave electrical workers could work on the street lights on N.State St. they haven't worked in months. Don't look now but the poles in front of your plant are about to fall over.
TO: February 20, 2013 8:10
SO, have you called the city, your council person and electric distribution to tell them?
Why complain here? Do what you need to do. Honestly, how do you people function.
The street lights on Elm Street close to North State go out a lot. I've called a couple of times over the last years, but it still happens. I'm assuming people are caling about the lights on North State, which I did not realize had a problem, too. Wonder why it has never been fixed.
12:02 At last nights council meeting the administration admitted of being aware of the street light problem for months. (there looking for a short)
Residents do call and nothing is done.
The question isn't how the residents function it's how the electric department does?
So they are aware and there is a short. Problem Solved
Problem solved? Still no streetlights how is the problem solved?
12:25: People like you are the reason this city is in such a mess. Quit defending the undefensible. This problem with the street lights on Elm Street has been going on for years. I have called several times, and I'd bet that others on the street have, too. For one thing, we have no sidewalks here, so street lights are an extra important issue. If they have 30 employees working in a plant that is producing no electricity, then why in the world is this not fixed...especially if they KNOW there is a short. Find it already. Fix it. THEN there will be an end to the problem. I mean, are you seriously saying the problem is solved, because here on Elm Street, and apparantly on North State also, we would beg to differ with you.
Quit belly aching here and do something about it. Problem solved because it is caused by a short, they know whats wrong. Only you know why its not fixed, not me. Only you have the knowledge and power to fix it, not me. Problem Solved - fix it & stop airing it here-do what you need to do instead of airing it through this mouthpiece.
Man 9:55, you don't even make sense. It's the electric departments job, and the electric department needs to fix it. Who in the world are you telling to fix it, and why would you keep saying it is fixed when it is not. You're just on a mission to be a negative mouthpiece against everything on this site, whether you make sense or not; and you are not making sense. If YOU don't like what's being said here, then why don't YOU call the electric department and tell them to fix the street lights? Peace, brother.
Peace brother? Peaceful people dont yell in capitals. And it's sister anyway. Maybe Term has met his match when it comes to a negative mouthpiece. I did not say the problem is fixed it is solved by way of everyone knowing what is wrong and can now be fixed. If it isnt then its your problem to keep after the ones who can.
If the lights are still out the problem isn't solved.
Maybe to city electric worker but not to someone sitting in the dark.
I dont believe any resident is sitting in the dark at this time. Maybe after storms, but the electricity still flows into their homes so they are not sitting in the dark. Their street lamps may be out but they can still see their big screen TV. Just another over-dramitization.
5:22 Look just fix the streetlights. If you can't hire a private contractor to do the job our people are unable to do. ( that's how it's done right?)
Screw those people who want to walk of jog, walk a pet. You for some reason don't care. Why? You probably don't even live here.
The good times might be coming to an end.
12:20, this is 6:07. You can't even tell an emphasis from yelling. The "peace brother" was just attempt to let you know I WASN'T yelling but, of course, you didn't get that. I think you just waste space here, and waste everyone's time. By the way, I'm a "sister," too. You are so unreasonable, that I feel you must be someone who works for the city; and if not, you'd fit right in. You don't even know when something is fixed, or not, and will argue the point that something is fixed when it is not. The streets get dark with no light -- translation: street lights not fixed...as in NOT WORKING. (Now, THAT was yelling.)
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