"MAMA TOLD ME DON'T GO" three dog night
The city has released the nine members of the Charter Review Committee. Off hand it looks like someone made a pretty good choices on these people.
Rita McMahon
Jan Clair
Tony Gagliardi
Sandy Miller
Stephanie Beres
Carrie Dotson
Josh Hornacek
Joan Powell
Ben Gomez
Some of these people I know some I don't. I would like an explanation of the reasoning of appointing the former city manager?
To get the "correct" perspective and leadership??Isrtalk 2883
Rita McMahon? Are you kidding me? Can we just get rid of this damn woman already -- what in the world is going on here?!
Nobody in this city needs any more of her input on anything.
It could be the former city manager was asked to serve on this commission just in case they came up with something in the charter to change that neither the administration or council wanted to deal with. She will be viewed as the expert on city business. She also could intiminate the rest of the members.
Once in a council meeting she stated that we wouldn't pay for AMPGS until it was built? Again she claimed at a council meeting interest wouldn't rise on the stranded costs.
So you believe the former city manager was put on this committee to intimidate the others?
Nice try.
Maybe your the only one she intimidates?
Ms. McMahon has been a blessing to our city.
What happened to those names? Gagliardi - Carrie - Joan?
Galion news ..
Teacher arrested for having sex with student .. many more females coming forward now. This idiot was buying booze and smoking weed with students and boasting about it on his facebook page and twitter account. Not only was he a teacher, but an award winning golf coach at the HS, president of the local teachers union and former athletic director.
Does anyone know these fine folks within the Painesville schools?Phillip Schar, Sherri Samac,Lisa Shields. Their names have appeared on emails but have never seen them.
Sort of like the former principal they kept in the basement at the boe. Yes, we've cut administration but have they really?
This is getting weird. Galion and Painesville seem to mirror each other I read the story on channel 10 Columbus.
Any news on AMP-OHIO coming to Galion on February 19, 2013?
9:13 Thank-you.
6 year old hostage taken, bus driver killed,standoff.
Midland, Alabama.
Seems you mentioned arm guards on school buses in an older post?
Will the NRA now ask for the government to place armed guards on all school buses?
Where are the resposible gun owners?
Phillip Schar is the new Assistant Principal at Harvey High School. He started under adverse conditions, after the previous Assistant Principal "resigned". I find him and Assistant Principal Wlodyka to be very professional and an asset to HHS Principal McWreath. Trust me, this "new team" is a vast improvement over last year.
I don't know why we are surprised that the retired City Manager was appointed to the Charter Review Board, wasn't Les Nero appointed to the last Review Board?
Why was Mr. Nero appointed to the last Charter Review Board?
What changes did that board make?
AMP is coming to Galion for sure.
They have reconfigured their bills to resemble chinese language, nobody can understand the bill the city gets now, just that it now twice as much as it was last year at the same period, even though less watts are actually being used.
The idiot city manager being tossed out in a few weeks still claims it's a great deal.
I have been told AMP-OHIO will attend a public meeting in Galion with concerns to Prairie State and other concerns. I believe Painesville residents will attend this meeting.
Presently I understand my questions concerning the city annual costs for Prairie State are treated as a state secret?
I do know power purchased off the grid can cost $32.00 and Prairie State power is over %59.00 watch those electric bills.
Actually, power is as cheap as 16 and and the Prairie State bill will rise to 67 soon to all the sucker communities.
Hannibbal, MO losing millions of dollars .. it will bankrupt their city soon ...
Tom Sawyer would be really pissed at the stupidity.
8:33 this Prairie State must be one of the biggest frauds ever.
You can't get any information from anyone.
Peabody and AMP-OHIO don't want the truth to be told.
Now I have heard unit 1 was shutdown in November. Why? has it been restarted?
Hannibal seems to be the city we should worry the most about. If they default we're all going to sink.
Please anything you find and can verify will be appreciated.
More Galion news
The Molester still has not been fired even though he knowingly violated multiple school policies ... and then he had the audacity to lead prayers in the clasroom ..
Columbus TV in town again .. they may as well rent a crib for all the crap going on to save gas money. Teacher claiming he's too poor for an attorney even though he made 78,000 last year.
AMP - Tiny New Bremen having real problems .... they bought 400% more power than they need and they are losing 125,000 a month now.. population is only 2200 citizens.
They will be the first AMP community to go under.
Galion news, If he's still there and the story on Columbus Channel 10 has merit. I believe he is just mocking the community.
Maybe what residents should do is keep all students out of school (K-12) until he's gone.
I almost forgot about New Bremen.New Bremen, and Hannibal Mo.
Will sink this whole operation then the s#*t will hit the fan.
Painesville pays AMP-OHIO $300,000 a month for there share of Prairie State. Almost double if they had never heard of Prairie State.
I keep hearing in 2025 this will be viewed as a great deal. How do they know this and what are we to do for the next 13 years?
Thank you, one down 2 to go. Anyone know these names? Again, are their office in the basement of Jefferson St. collecting a salary while admin says we are cutting upper positions?
YOU want an explaination? Who are you to make such a demand? Besides aren't you the one quick to tell people - "Better yet, go ask them yourself" when someone asks a question you can' answer.
5:58 I live here, pay property and income tax. In my eyes those three things give me the right to get an explaination. Well, atleast I don't tell them a story just to give them an answer. That sound like anyone you might know?
TERM - 2025 it will be viewed as a great deal - LOL
It's a frickin' financial disaster that will get worse every month.
Painesvilles' only luck is that the % you contracted for is less per population than Galion did.
Average electric bill for a Galion home with gas heat, gas hot water, gas dryer is now $ 374 a month.
5:07: Holy Cow! So an average electric bill for a home in Galion that uses mostly GAS is $374.00/month?! My Goodness, where are the Feds already. We were swindled. That is the word for this. And we need the Federal Government or someone to get in here and sort this out, and to save us from these AMP crooks. Are there any investigations going on yet? They need to suspend the raise in rates while this is being investigated, then they need to relieve the citizens of the burden of these costs, and get the participating cities out of these deals. Then they need to put the AMP people in jail where they belong.
8:48 Jail? What would a Judge tell you if you wanted them in jail and he could ask why do you keep doing business with them. Yes some deals your locked in but have you looked for another supplier? Why not?
Something tell me AMP-OHIO have these communities by the b%##s
Term 6:07: Of Course AMP has our communities by the b%##s. That's the point; we're in deals we can't get out of. They are swindling crooks, and the communities are locked into maniac deals, and the Fed needs to show up, give us relief by getting us out of these deals, and put these AMP people in jail, where swindlers belong. This is insanity...where is the government already?
Where is the government? City council is your government and they are the one who signed us into this mess! YOU are the government..........
We did this to ourselves.
No we didn't do this to ourselves. We watched helplessly as our city government signed on with criminals and sold us down the river. This is an unnatural deal with unnatural results. And I didn't even vote for Hada and his friends to be in office, so I personally hold no responsibility. I was also one of the ones who was warning and warning our council not to do these deals.
We need the Feds. Now. (As does Gallion, and every other community who now realizes just how very bad these deals were.) AMP should not be allowed to get away with this, and Painesville citizens, along with all the other citizens of the rest of the swindled communities should not be holding the bag. We need out.
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